I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, April 27, 2015
The Man in the High Castle
I watched this last night sometime after midnight today as I put away my 14th can of Coors beer sitting on the sofa. I was hoping to feel sleepier. I sat there thinking the production value of that episode was surprisingly high and the acting was mainstream television series quality or better.
The part that seemed most profound to my Joe Coors inspired brain was the notion of how the war was lost by America in that alternate timeline history.
Also, I thought the storyline was neat because of certain variations of historical details I was aware of.
But the most interesting part was about that bomb.
So the story goes that the United States won the war in 1945 as we all recall now. But the Axis forces subvert the knowledge of the population in the alternate timeline of the year 1962 and most of population of the United States does not seem to be aware of that fact.
I thought that part was neat, how they are erasing the truth of the past.
And then there is the part about the bomb that destroyed Washington DC and that apparently is why the United States lost control to Nazi Germany and its ally Japan.
So as I recall in reality the United States didn't test detonate its first hydrogen bomb until November 1, 1952.
I can't recall if the episode describes when the Nazi's destroyed Washington DC with an H-bomb but that must have happened in that story sometime after the events of the year 1945 as described and well before the year 1962 in the episode.
So the real interesting part I was thinking over was about the fact that nothing similar actually happened to the United States in real life back in the 1960s.
I imagine that such activity by rogue factions can be stopped now today because of neutron flux detectors, something that is just a wild guess on my part.
I can imagine that a satellite in orbit in space over the United States that detects neutron flux on the surface of the United States requires a great deal less technical expertise to manufacture than to make a satellite that can from space orbit image the details on automobile license plates.
So in the modern age, I guess wildly, anyone trying to transport an atomic bomb secretly around the United States on any highway is going to be detected instantly because of the bomb's neutron flux.
Back in the 1950s and 1960s I just cannot believe that such detection capability existed so I watched this episode and I wondered how it was possible no one thought to drive up the Potomac River in a transport ship with an atom bomb in the cargo hold and set it off somewhere nearby Washington DC.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle
1 [inspiring music] It's a new day.
The sun rises in the east.
Across our land, men and women go to work in factories and farms Providing for their families.
Everyone has a job.
Everyone knows the part they play keeping our country strong and safe.
So today, we give thanks to our brave leaders, knowing we are stronger and prouder, and better.
[Cheerful music] Yes, it's a new day in our proud land.
But our greatest days, they lie ahead.
Seig heil.
The Man in the High Castle Season 1 Episode 1
Pilot Episode
Aired Thursday Jan 15, 2015 on Amazon Prime
The series premiere of a drama about an alternate version of life in the U.S. in the 1960s—if Nazi Germany and Japan had won WWII.
AIRED: 1/15/15
Springfield! Springfield!
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle
Then Goebbels or Himmler takes over, only this time, they won't just flatten D.C. with the H-bomb.
They wipe out the whole west coast.
Take this.
- What is it? - Quick, get inside.
- What is this? - A way out.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle
Do you know where the manager is? [Indistinct under machinery sounds] Are you the manager, Mr.
Warren? Yeah.
- I'm Joe Blake.
- So? I was told you have a job.
And who told you that, Joe Blake? I didn't get his name.
Just this.
So this is what they're sending me now.
- How old are you, 28? - 27.
What the hell you doing here, Joe Blake? I want my country back, sir.
You want it back? You never had it.
Sir? You were still sucking your thumb when they dropped the bomb.
This shit hole's the only country you've ever known.
Well, my father told me what it was like, before the war.
- Your father, huh? - He said every man was free.
How do I know you're not a spy? - A spy? - The resistance what's left of it is shot through with them.
Half my friends are dead.
Guess that's why they're down to kids like you.
I'm not a spy.
You know what those brownshirts out there would do if they caught you? I'm not afraid to die.
Me, either.
Might be a relief, actually.
But how you feel about pain? - Pain? - Yeah.
When they're plucking your fingernails out one by one, or they're cracking your balls open like walnuts.
That's when maybe you stop caring about what your old man said and tell Johnny Jackboot out there my name, or just about anything else he wants.
You're so afraid, why are you here? I fought in the war, kid.
I saw my buddies' brains get blown out on Virginia Beach.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Man in the High Castle
The Man in the High Castle
Where is this man's minder? I'll find him, Obergruppenfuhrer.
[Sighs] [Footsteps approach] - Heil Hitler.
- Why was this man - left unattended? - The Subject is unconsciousness, Obergruppenfuhrer.
Yes, I can see that.
Your orders were to flog this man until he answered your questions.
Obergruppenfuhrer, the subject cannot wake up.
Has he answered your questions? No, Obergruppenfuhrer.
Then your orders are keep flogging him.
You torture men.
You have a problem with beating a man to death? - No, Obergruppenfuhrer.
- Good.
Then do as you're told.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:32 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 27 April 2015