I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Mind's Eye
From 9/5/1990 to 7/16/2004 is 5063 days
From 5/5/1977 to 3/16/1991 is 5063 days
From 12/17/1980 to 10/28/1994 is 5063 days
From 1/24/1986 to 12/5/1999 is 5063 days
From 6/8/1984 to 4/19/1998 is 5063 days
From 12/27/1995 to 11/6/2009 is 5063 days
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
SUMNER: Why have you taken my people prisoner?
WRAITH: You trespassed upon our feeding ground.
SUMNER: Feeding ground?
WRAITH: All living things must eat. In this I'm sure we are similar.
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Wyoming Trooper: Son, you are a walking violation of the laws of nature, but we don't enforce them laws.
Stargate Atlantis Season 1 Episode 1
Rising (1)
AIRED: 7/16/04
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
BECKETT: They think the gene was used as a sort of genetic key, if you will, so that only their kind could operate certain dangerous and powerful technologies.
(He turns away from the Chair. Behind him, Sheppard pokes at the arm control panels tentatively.)
fSHEPPARD: So some people have the same genes as these Ancients. (He walks around the Chair.)
BECKETT: The specific gene is very rare, but on the whole they look very much like we do. In fact they were first. We're the second evolution of this form, the Ancients having explored this galaxy for millions of years before ... Major, please don't.
(Sheppard has started to sit down in the Chair.)
SHEPPARD: Come on -- what are the odds of me having the same genes as these guys?
Commercial Space Launch Policy
NSPD-2, September 5, 1990
The President has approved a new National Space Policy Directive providing important guidance which will further encourage the growth of U.S. private sector space activities. This policy, developed by the Vice President and the National Space Council, is completely consistent with, and provided the policy framework for, the President's August 22, 1990, decision regarding participation by a U.S. firm in Australia's Cape York space launch project. The policy supplements the National Space Policy which the President approved on November 2, 1989.
The commercial space launch policy recognizes the many benefits which a commercial space launch industry provides to the United States. It balances launch industry needs with those of other industries and with important national security interests, and establishes the long-term goal of a free and fair market in which U.S. industry can compete. The policy specifies a coordinated set of actions for the next ten years aimed at achieving this goal.
A commercial space launch industry can provide many benefits to the U.S. including indirect benefits to U.S. national security.
The long-term goal of the United States is a free and fair market in which U.S. industry can compete. To achieve this, a set of coordinated actions is needed for dealing with international competition in launch goods and services in a manner that is consistent with our nonproliferation and technology transfer objectives. These actions must address both the short-term (actions which will affect competitiveness over approximately the next ten years) and those which will have their principal effect in the longer term (i.e. after approximately the year 2000).
In the near term, this includes trade agreements and enforcement of those agreements to limit unfair competition. It also includes the continued use of U.S.-manufactured launch vehicles for launching U.S. Government satellites.
For the longer term, the United States should take actions to encourage technical improvements to reduce the cost and increase the reliability of U.S. space launch vehicles.
U.S. government satellites will be launched on U.S.-manufactured launch vehicles unless specifically exempted by the President.
Consistent with guidelines to be developed by the National Space Council, U.S. Government Agencies will actively consider commercial space launch needs and factor them into their decisions on improvements in launch infrastructure and launch vehicles aimed at reducing cost, and increasing responsiveness and reliability of space launch vehicles.
The U.S. Government will enter into negotiations to achieve agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA), ESA member states, and others as appropriate, which defines principles of free and fair trade.
Nonmarket launch providers of space launch goods and services create a special case because of the absence of marketoriented pricing and cost structures. To deal with their entry into the market there needs to be a transition period during which special conditions may be required.
There also must be an effective means of enforcing international agreements related to space launch goods and services.
The United States seeks a free and fair international commercial space launch market to further the use of outer space for the betterment of mankind. At the same time, because space launch technologies have significant military applications, important U.S. national security considerations must be addressed by our commercial space launch policy.
Over the past several weeks, the President has had detailed discussions with the Vice President and other senior advisors on U.S. commercial space launch policy developed by the National Space Council, the President has authorized the Secretary of State to approve a license application for participation by a U.S. firm in Australia's Cape York space launch project, provided certain agreements necessary to ensure U.S. national security interests are reached.
Specifically, the U.S. will seek agreements to ensure that:
(l) The USSR will provide launch services (boosters, equipment, technology, or training) only from Cape York or any other single location;
(2) The USSR end Australia will observe the Missile Technology Control Regime; and
(3) U.S. regulations on technology transfer to the Soviet Union will be observed.
The United States hopes and expects that these agreements can be concluded quickly so that the license can be granted.
To permit continued U.S. participation, the United States in the coming months will also be seeking agreements to ensure free and fair trade in the international commercial space launch market.
Details of the U.S. commercial space launch policy will be announced in the near future.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:02 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Saturday 28 December 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/12/see-its-this-kind-of-stuff-that-really.html
DVD DISC - Season 5, Disc 2
WRAITH LEADER: I'm sorry to disturb you, my Queen. We've received an urgent report.
(It holds out a computer tablet to her.)
Todd (disparagingly): You intend to make her read it?
(The Leader glares at it, then turns to Teyla.)
WRAITH LEADER: A Hive belonging to another alliance has been detected above one of our feeding grounds not far from here.
Twelve Monkeys
- You don't understand.
- No, I don't have to understand.
Stephen King
The Mist
That was old Bill Giosti's theory about the so-called Black Spring: the Arrowhead Project. In the western part of Shaymore, not far from where the town borders on Stoneham, there was a small government preserve surrounded with wire. There were sentries and closedcircuit television cameras and God knew what else. Or so I had heard; I'd never actually seen it, although the Old Shaymore Road runs along the eastern side of the government land for a mile or so.
No one knew for sure where the name Arrowhead Project came from and no one could tell you for one hundred percent sure that that really was the name of the project-if there was a project. Bill Giosti said there was, but when you asked him how and where he came by his information, he got vague. His niece, he said, worked for the Continental Phone Company, and she had heard things. It got like that.
«Atomic things,» Bill said that day, leaning in the Scout's window and blowing a healthy draught of Pabst into my face. «That's what they're fooling around with up there. Shooting atoms into the air and all that.»
«Mr. Giosti, the air's full of atoms,» Billy had said. «That's what Mrs. Neary says. Mrs. Neary says everything's full of atoms.»
Bill Giosti gave my son Bill a long, bloodshot glance that finally deflated him. «These are different atoms, Son.»
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 December 2013 excerpt ends]
So that was actually the day before Christmas Eve when "uncharacteristically I went to the supermarket".
Makes more sense anyway; I doubt that store was even open for business that time of day on Christmas Eve. I wrote before in my blog I was there late in the day Christmas Eve and then I referenced that again several times without stopping to really consider what I had written.
I wonder if that was the day I switched back to my old-time favorite brand of Coors beer. Can't recall. But that is certainly a detail my vast trove of register receipts would reveal.
I try to avoid supermarkets around holidays so I do not recall their business hours on Christmas which I vaguely recall the notices they post but I ignore those because as a habit I avoid shopping around those times.
I have also noted from my receipts that I was over there again on the 28th so as I have written here my symptoms must not have been too overwhelmingly bad. I mean, I haven't owned an automobile since the year 2005 so I have to walk there, especially considering the lousy metro bus routes for me personally which wouldn't make sense for that store but I miss Safeway and that is too far to walk while I always preferred QFC, specific stores, but they don't even have those out here. But I don't know. That Safeway might not be any better. I've been in there but only once. This town can't seem to decide if it is commercially prospering or if it is dying.
I don't recall specifically if the day was the 24th or the 25th when I started feeling bad. I remember that at least a full day passed before the idea even occurred to my conscious awareness that I was getting sick. I mean, that was only the 3rd time in over a decade. Looking at my notes I guess I was feeling better and walked over there on the 28th but then I started feeling worse and was out of it again for a few days.
And yeah, since I wrote this here I thought more about that topic. I wrote somewhere in my journal about the year 2003. I was working at Microsoft in the Seattle suburbs and I specifically remember being sick in June 2003. I remember that because I took two weeks vacation and traveled to Coeur d'Alene for that first Ironman triathlon. I was staying for the first week at the Comfort Inn on Northwest Blvd just on the northern edge of downtown Coeur d'Alene and I can still visualize myself in that motel room and I was in the final stages of what I guess was the flu and I was still feeling pretty bad just a few days before the event would start. That was June 2003. The next time I got sick was a mild cold just after they kicked me out of the homeless shelter for veteran's and sent me to a general homeless shelter in downtown Seattle. I was keeping track of that in my mind because I suspected I was being poisoned somehow. So that was September 2005. Then I remember being sick after going to see that West Point apartment as I have written in my journal and then the next time was late December 2013, just three months after I moved away from the Seattle suburbs and to the other side of the state.
I am wracking my brain to develop another test case but this is the best I can think up so far. And that is really a very good test case.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:06 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 10 October 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/10/patient-zero.html
Patient Zero
Only the third time in the past 11 years I have been sick with some kind of respiratory illness. I thought I changed my earlier blog post to indicate 11 years instead of 8 years but I didn't seem to.
I have only been sick only three times since at least the year 2003. Might have been the year 2002 the last time. Definitely not after 2003 except for the three occurrences I have tracked the dates for. The second time was just after I considered moving into an apartment named West Point and traveled there to view it. For this third time I think of it as just a cold. I don't really know the difference between a cold and the flu. I just think the flu has stronger symptoms than a cold. I didn't measure my body temperature. I was out of it for a few days. At one point I seemed to have to get up every hour to go to the bathroom because I had drank so much bottled water thinking that would help.
I remember that incident very well. I remember because I have been especially aware of sickness since I worked at Microsoft and so I was keeping track of it after I was in the VA hospital.
And so in December 2014 I remember especially well because of a comment a woman made to me when uncharacteristically I went to the supermarket late in the day on Christmas Eve. I remember thinking about it when I started feeling bad the next day. At first I thought the air quality was just bad. I was coughing and I thought the reason was the so-called ridiculously resilient ridge of High Pressure causing stagnant air and wood smoke pollution.
I haven't written about it because something just seems wrong. Something about my so-called time-traveler effect I cannot figure out. I also can't remember what the hell the light fixtures are supposed to be about. Sometimes rarely my cryptic method of recording my observations backfires and I can't remember what the hell it was I was noting.
Doesn't matter. I have established that just because I document something here in this theoretical time-traveler journal that doesn't cause anything to happen in the future.
Look at how their supposed facts are changing. Supposedly that infant in Africa got sick and died at precisely the same time I got sick for only the third time in at least 11 years.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 10 October 2014 excerpt ends]
DVD DISC - Season 5, Disc 3
JACKSON: That's odd. Each of these three lights made a different tone when I plugged them in. Does that usually happen around here?
McKAY (thoughtfully): Not usually, no.
(Daniel taps the light and it chimes again. He walks along and taps the other two lights and each one chimes a different note.)
McKAY: Well, they've been banged around a lot, under water for a few days. Maybe they're just broken.
JACKSON: No, it's a puzzle. I think we need to activate these in a specific order.
McKAY: You mean, like a three digit code? D'you know how easy that'd be to break?! There's only six variations!
JACKSON: Well, maybe we need to activate them a number of times in a specific order. I don't suppose you recognise any of these three notes?
McKAY: What, do you mean, like, does it remind me of Janus' favourite Brian Eno track?! No -- no such luck.
JACKSON: Well, Janus' assistant said he disappeared pretty quickly down the hallway, so it can't be a long code. Maybe it's just as simple as three tones in a row.
McKAY (bored): Go for it.
(Sighing, he turns to the right and walks to the end of the corridor. Daniel taps the lights in the reverse order to what he did previously. Rodney, with his back to him, pats the end wall. Daniel taps the middle light, then the right and then the left. Putting his hand against the wall again, Rodney frowns. Daniel tries middle, left, right.)
McKAY: Hold on for a second.
JACKSON: What is it?
McKAY: Come here and push against this wall.
McKAY: Please, just humour me. I think I'm on to something.
(They change positions.)
McKAY: OK. On the count of three, I want you to push against the wall as hard as you can, OK?
(He puts his hands against the wall.)
McKAY: OK, one, two, three.
(Daniel leans hard against the wall as Rodney walks along and taps the lights left to right in quick succession. The wall doesn't move but Daniel plunges forward and disappears straight through it. Rodney stares in surprise.)
McKAY: Son of a bitch!
(He trots back to the left light and taps the three of them again, then walks briskly towards the wall -- and straight through it, appearing in a darkened room on the other side.)
(Rodney looks down, then squats down to Daniel lying on his face on the floor.)
McKAY: Controlled magnetic harmonic resonance.
JACKSON (sitting up and looking at him blearily): What?
McKAY: Apparently, Tessla was close to something like this before Edison trashed his lab!
JACKSON (rubbing the back of his neck): What are you talking about?
McKAY: That wall was specially designed to destabilise when bombarded with a very specific harmonic resonance. That's what the tones were! And the strong magnetic property of the particles is what keeps the door from just crumbling into dust! It's a great way to hide a door because, you know, if you're looking for a door to open, it's never gonna be found! It's like a hologram, only better, because it's solid mass until the tones are played.
JACKSON: Right, so you could've just told me to walk through the door when you did.
McKAY: I could've, yes.
JACKSON: Yes, yes.
(Sighing, he stands up.)
JACKSON: Where the hell are we?
(They step forward and the lights begin to come on. All around the room wallscreens and consoles light up.)
McKAY: Janus' secret lab!
(They walk around and start to investigate. Unseen on a table behind them, a red light begins to flash on a device.)
DVD DISC - Season 5, Disc 3
TODD: This was your plan all along. Somehow you found the Attero device.
DVD DISC - Season 5, Disc 3
McKAY: Ooh, like the Batcave!
JACKSON: Yes, just like the Batcave(!)
McKAY (looking at a small scanner): Well, I'm not picking up anything unusual.
(Daniel stops as he sees a small recess in a column on the wall.)
JACKSON: Something used to be attached here.
(Rodney turns and looks, then sees a similar recess two columns along.)
McKAY: Hmm. And here.
JACKSON (going to the column in between the other two): And another one. Any idea what they are?
McKAY: Looks like a run of the mill sconce interface.
JACKSON: Right! Well ... (he shines his torch around the corridor) ... where are the sconces?
Stargate: The Movie (1994)
These markings are different. They don't match the symbols on our 'gate.
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 9/1/2005 is 5283 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/20/1980 ( premiere US TV series episode "Galactica 1980"::"The Night the Cylons Landed - Part 2" ) is 5283 days
From 3/2/1997 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Simpsons"::"My Sister, My Sitter" ) To 9/1/2005 is 3105 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/4/1974 ( premiere US film "Ancient America Speaks" ) is 3105 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/06/ancient-america-speaks_12.html ]
The Spokesman-Review
The Rotary Fountain in Spokane’s Riverfront Park was sculpted by Harold Balazs and dedicated Sept. 1, 2005. Its 150 jets spray water 35 feet high during the warmer months.
The Love Boat (TV Series)
The New Love Boat - The Newlyweds/The Exchange/Cleo's First Voyage (1977)
Release Info
USA 5 May 1977
The Love Boat: Season 1, Episode 0
The New Love Boat - The Newlyweds/The Exchange/Cleo's First Voyage (5 May 1977)
TV Episode
Gavin MacLeod ... Captain Merrill Stubing
Release Date: 5 May 1977 (USA)
Stargate (1994)
Release Info
USA 28 October 1994
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Release Info
USA 17 December 1980
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Full Cast & Crew
Clint Eastwood ... Philo Beddoe
Encyclopædia Britannica
L. Ron Hubbard
American writer
L. Ron Hubbard, in full Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (born March 13, 1911, Tilden, Nebraska, U.S.—died January 24, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California), American novelist and founder of the Church of Scientology. Hubbard grew up in Helena, Montana, and studied at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. In the 1930s and ’40s he published short stories and novels in a variety of genres, including horror and science fiction. After serving in the navy in World War II, he published Dianetics (1950), which detailed his theories of the human mind. He eventually moved away from Dianetics’ focus on the mind to a more religious approach to the human condition, which he called Scientology. After founding the Church of Scientology in 1954, Hubbard struggled to gain recognition of it as a legitimate religion and was often at odds with tax authorities and former members who accused the church of fraud and harassment. He lived many years on a yacht and remained in seclusion for his last six years.
A Christmas Carol (1999 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 5 December 1999
Christmas Carol A (1999)
For on his forehead I see that written which is doom...
...unless the writing is erased.
If you deny him...
...slander those who tell others about him...
...admit he exists, but do nothing about it...
Christmas Carol A (1999)
Spirit, are they yours?
No, they are Man's.
Christmas Carol A (1999)
Tell me, Spirit.
Will Tiny Tim live?
The X-Files Season 5 Episode 16
Mind's Eye
Aired Sunday 9:00 PM Apr 19, 1998 on FOX
Mulder: She passed on every question except one - 'Did she see the murder'.
Scully: Would you like me to remind you why polygraphs are inadmissible in court?
Mulder: No... she cracked, Scully. She was lying, I'm sure of it.
Scully: Well maybe she was, Mulder, but don't make me state the obvious - she didn't see anything.
Mulder: Not with her eyes . . .
Scully: Well how else did she see? Bat-vision?
The X-Files Season 5 Episode 16
Mind's Eye
Aired Sunday 9:00 PM Apr 19, 1998 on FOX
Pennock: I think she's got some kind of sixth sense.
(At the cell)
Marty: Oh. It's you.
Pennock: See what I mean?
Marty: It's not magic. It's your crappy cologne.
The Simpsons Season 9 Episode 21
Girly Edition
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Apr 19, 1998 on FOX
Bart becomes a star on the new kids' news segment on Krusty's show by modeling himself after Kent Brockman and sticking to human interest stories. However, Lisa sees through Bart's phoniness and sets out to expose him.
AIRED: 4/19/98
Gremlins (1984)
Release Info
USA 8 June 1984
Gremlins (1984)
Full Cast & Crew
Phoebe Cates ... Kate Beringer
Brave New World (1998 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 19 April 1998
Brave New World (1998 TV Movie)
Plot Summary
In a futuristic totalitarian society, people have no control of their lives and/or destiny.
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Release Info
USA 27 December 1995 (premiere)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Full Cast & Crew
Bruce Willis ... James Cole
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/06/09 7:11 PM
Stargate Universe (New)
676 SYFYHD: Friday, November 6 6:00 PM
Science fiction
A high-risk operation may be able to return everyone who is trapped aboard the Destiny to Earth; Eli and Chloe are allowed to use the communication stones to visit Earth.
Cast: Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, David Blue, Brian J. Smith, Jamil Walker Smith, Elyse Levesque, Alaina Huffman, Ming-Na, Lou Diamond Phillips Executive Producer(s): Robert C. Cooper, Brad Wright
Original Air Date: Nov 06, 2009
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 November 2009 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/06/09 9:01 PM
Smallville (New)
111 KSTWDT: Friday, November 6 8:00 PM
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Jor-El comes to the Kent farm looking for his son but finds Chloe instead; Zod asks Tess for help finding the Blur; Clark tries to find Jor-El before Zod does.
Cast: Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, Callum Blue Director(s): Jeannot Szwarc Executive Producer(s): Kelly Souders, Brian Peterson, James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins, Joe Davola
Original Air Date: Nov 06, 2009
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 06 November 2009 excerpt ends]
Smallville (TV Series)
Kandor (2009)
Jor-El: Why are you involved in our affairs?
Tess Mercer: Well, your Kryptonian instincts must be on the fritz because I am not the enemy here. Major Zod has been turning this planet upside-down looking for a man who we call "The Blur." Now, Because I see. I see what mankind is doing to this planet. The Earth is doomed. And your race is the only answer to saving it. That's why I released you all from that Orb.
Jor-El: You shouldn't have done that! We are abominations that should have never been created. If the Kandorians get their powers, then what you've done will not save this planet. It may, in fact, destroy it.
Tess Mercer: Not if they turn out like your son.
A Christmas Carol (1999 TV Movie)
Bob Cratchit: I was wondering if you'd like Mr. Marley's name removed from the sign outside.
Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge: No; time will erase it at no cost to us.
DESTINY. The ship is still in normal space as Camille Wray walks into the Observation Deck to join Doctor Rush who is leaning on the front balcony.
WRAY: A lot of people are behind this.
RUSH: Well, a lot of people play the lottery. What's surprising is they'd do it with their lives.
WRAY: I know you're opposed. I have serious concerns myself. I'm just wondering how much safer it might be if you were involved.
(Ahead of them out of the window, Destiny's weapons begin to fire randomly out into space. Camille and Rush watch as more and more blasts head out into the darkness. In the newly designated holding cell, Greer also watches as the weapons continue to discharge. Scott is also in the room, having come to visit.)
GREER: They can't keep me locked up in here forever.
SCOTT: But you know he will, long as he can.
(He chuckles.)
SCOTT: What you did ...!
GREER (also chuckling): He had it coming to him.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 09:01 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 28 August 2015