I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, August 17, 2015
The Replicators
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses. Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process. A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative), in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds". It is a whole cycle of image formation or any sensation which may be described as "hidden" as it takes place without anyone else's knowledge.[citation needed] A person may imagine according to his mood, it may be good or bad depending on the situation. Some people imagine in a state of tension or gloominess in order to calm themselves. It is accepted as the innate ability and process of inventing partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brain activation
A study using fMRI while subjects were asked to imagine precise visual figures, to mentally disassemble them, or mentally blend them, showed activity in the occipital, frontoparietal, posterior parietal, precuneus, and dorsolateral prefrontal regions of the subject's brains.
Imagination as a reality
The world as experienced is an interpretation of data arriving from the senses; as such, it is perceived as real by contrast to most thoughts and imaginings. Users of hallucinogenic drugs are said to have a heightened imagination. This difference is only one of degree and can be altered by several historic causes, namely changes to brain chemistry, hypnosis or other altered states of consciousness, meditation, many hallucinogenic drugs, and electricity applied directly to specific parts of the brain. The difference between imagined and perceived reality can be proven by psychosis. Many mental illnesses can be attributed to this inability to distinguish between the sensed and the internally created worlds. Some cultures and traditions even view the apparently shared world as an illusion of the mind as with the Buddhist maya, or go to the opposite extreme and accept the imagined and dreamed realms as of equal validity to the apparently shared world as the Australian Aborigines do with their concept of dreamtime.
Imagination, because of having freedom from external limitations, can often become a source of real pleasure and unnecessary suffering. Consistent with this idea, imagining pleasurable and fearful events is found to engage emotional circuits involved in emotional perception and experience. A person of vivid imagination often suffers acutely from the imagined perils besetting friends, relatives, or even strangers such as celebrities. Also crippling fear can result from taking an imagined painful future too seriously.
Imagination can also produce some symptoms of real illnesses. In some cases, they can seem so "real" that specific physical manifestations occur such as rashes and bruises appearing on the skin, as though imagination had passed into belief or the events imagined were actually in progress. See, for example, psychosomatic illness and folie a deux.
It has also been proposed that the whole of human cognition is based upon imagination. That is, nothing that is perceived is purely observation but all is a blend between sense and imagination.
Mind's eye
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The phrase "mind's eye" refers to the human ability to visualize, i.e., to experience visual mental imagery; in other words, one's ability to "see" things with the mind.
Physical basis
The biological foundation of the mind's eye is not fully understood. Studies using fMRI have shown that the lateral geniculate nucleus and the V1 area of the visual cortex are activated during mental imagery tasks. Ratey writes:
The visual pathway is not a one-way street. Higher areas of the brain can also send visual input back to neurons in lower areas of the visual cortex. [...] As humans, we have the ability to see with the mind's eye – to have a perceptual experience in the absence of visual input. For example, PET scans have shown that when subjects, seated in a room, imagine they are at their front door starting to walk either to the left or right, activation begins in the visual association cortex, the parietal cortex, and the prefrontal cortex - all higher cognitive processing centers of the brain.
The rudiments of a biological basis for the mind's eye is found in the deeper portions of the brain below the neocortex, or where the center of perception exists. The thalamus has been found to be discrete to other components in that it processes all forms of perceptional data relayed from both lower and higher components of the brain. Damage to this component can produce permanent perceptual damage, however when damage is inflicted upon the cerebral cortex, the brain adapts to neuroplasticity to amend any occlusions for perception. It can be thought that the neocortex is a sophisticated memory storage warehouse in which data received as an input from sensory systems are compartmentalized via the cerebral cortex. This would essentially allow for shapes to be identified, although given the lack of filtering input produced internally, one may as a consequence, hallucinate - essentially seeing something that isn't received as an input externally but rather internal (i.e. an error in the filtering of segmented sensory data from the cerebral cortex may result in one seeing, feeling, hearing or experiencing something that is inconsistent with reality).
Not all people have the same internal perceptual ability. For many, when the eyes are closed, the perception of darkness prevails. However, some people are able to perceive colorful, dynamic imagery. The use of hallucinogenic drugs increases the subject's ability to consciously access visual (and auditory, and other sense) percepts. The Mental Imagery article goes into more detail.
Furthermore, the pineal gland is a hypothetical candidate for producing a mind's eye; Rick Strassman and others have postulated that during near-death experiences (NDE's) and dreaming, the gland might secrete a hallucinogenic chemical N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) to produce internal visuals when external sensory data is occluded. However, this hypothesis has yet to be fully supported with neurochemical evidence and plausible mechanism for DMT production.
Pineal gland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pinoline is a methoxylated tryptoline (5-methoxytryptoline) long claimed to be produced in the pineal gland during the metabolism of melatonin, however its pineal occurrence remains controversial. Its IUPAC name is 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-ß-carboline, usually abbreviated as 6-MeO-THBC, and its more common name is a combination of "pineal beta-carboline". The biological activity of this molecule is of interest as a potential free radical scavenger, also known as an antioxidant, and as a monoamine oxidase A inhibitor.
Bausch & Lomb filed a patent for this molecule as a potential drug delivery device to treat various ophthalmic disorders in 2006.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/08/07 4:15 PM
That time Tracie's father, Joseph, was helping cut down trees in my yard at Country Club Estates. I "remember" Tracie, Amanda, and Betty, were in the house and something about Amanda's observations from the sound and feel of the tall trees hitting the ground. There was one time I yelled to Joseph to watch out because the rope snapped on the winch I was using and it jumped away towards him. I had a winch connected to one tree and was pulling over the tree he was using the chainsaw on so we could get the tree to fall away from the house. I was standing there with the winch handle in my hand as I watched the winch jump away from me and it seemed to happening in slow motion. I later puzzled over, based on what Tracie told me, about how Joseph got angry because I had to go to the doctor for treatment for one of my eyes. He and I was standing next to one of the pine trees as we were cutting it down and when I looked up at one point, a piece of falling bark hit me on the eye leaving a minor cut on the eyeball. I puzzled over why that made him so angry, as he was always a calm fellow. I can still "remember" going to that doctor in Greer and various other details associated with those events. I "remember" the doctor told me something about how the dye or whatever it was that he was putting into my eye was the same chemical used in those dye packs that pilots have for when they go in the water. As it was when the doctor first mentioned it to me, I can't remember the name of that chemical. Some kind of word similar to flourescent. It produces that bright, green color in the water around the pilot that helps rescue helos find the pilot.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 October 2007 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:26 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Monday 25 March 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-prescient-sleeping-dream-about.html
A prescient sleeping dream about a rebroadcast.
Last night I was trying to think about what purpose that would serve in the first place.
If I was going to use some kind of super-power to predict what I would see on television later that day then what is the point of that?
But that makes perfect sense. That perfect sense becomes even more perfect when I consider that was a rebroadcast of an episode I had never watched before. I wasn't even aware of it. I think they had a new episode last week but I didn't watch that one either.
So I found myself thinking about how much effort I put into trying to prove my dreams about NCIS episodes are prescient and then yesterday it strikes me that there was no way they could have adapted that episode to the posting I made earlier in the day.
I mean, come on. If they had changed it then thousands and thousands of puerile "The Simpsons" dongles would be burning up the internet with "The Worst Rebroadcast Ever" blog postings today. The internet would have crashed from their infantile rants.
So Fox could have scheduled predictably the date for that rebroadcast but that doesn't explain that powerful sleeping dream I had.
I looked it up. That sap-bearing tree in my sleeping dream was the bald cypress. I recognized the base of the tree. I don't recall ever before in real life cutting the wood of the Taxodium distichum but presumably that bald cypress tree is similar to the conifer pine tree in terms of the sap from its wood. You cut branches off and sticky sap oozes from the surface.
I can time-travel forward in time all I want to, I started thinking last night. My current state does not preclude forward time-travel. I just can't go backwards yet in time until certain conditions have been met. But I can go forward. I can go forward all I want to. Then I come back and I tell certain people what I saw. That causes me to know what I know. The people who I tell what I know about the future are *not* the same people who are telling me now what I will tell them in the past which is my future.
excite tv
The Simpsons (Repeat)
13 KCPQ: Sunday, March 24 8:00 PM [ Sunday 24 March 2013 ]
Sitcom, Animated
A Tree Grows in Springfield
To cheer Homer up, Lisa tries to win a MyPad for him; Ned finds a tree in the Simpsons' backyard with the word ``hope'' spelled out in the bark.
Original Air Date: Nov 25, 2012
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 25 March 2013 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:53 PM Pacific Time Seattle USA Sunday 24 March 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/03/this-morning-while-sleeping-i-had-what.html
Float on.
This morning while sleeping I had what must have been the most vivid dream yet while sleeping.
After it was over I was thinking about how I felt robbed after it was over.
I felt robbed because that sense of realism had disappeared.
I tell you, if any person has ever experienced reality artificial then I did have that experience this morning while sleeping.
The reason I was feeling robbed was because the sense of realism dissipated so quickly.
I wasn't going to write about it but I thought to check some numbers and the only one I checked was with 2/6/2004. Seems trivial but yet the power of that sleeping dream was beyond comprehension.
As with all the other vivid dreams I have had that I can recall the dream ended and I was scared.
I found myself looking around in the dream and when I began to understand that I was marveling about the level of realism and the realistic details in the sleeping dream then I started to understand that I was dreaming. That was when I woke up.
I have thought about it all day today but it hasn't really left me feeling any kind of new sense of profound about my life or about anything in general. The dream was very realistic and I was astounded by it and then I woke up and that has been about the extent of it. I haven't gained some new insight about anything since then.
I have been trying to recall details that happened in the sleeping dream from the earliest point I can recall. Some of it has faded now. But I thought about it just after waking up and several times since then.
The only part I can recall fairly well now is that I was wearing a US Navy uniform that I remember wearing in the 1980s. I was a watchstander and I seemed to be on some kind of ship. There are details that I can almost remember about events before that part but now I cannot recall those details. The part I remember now is that I was standing watch and then I was relieved because my shift was over.
So my shift was over and I jumped into the water because I had to swim back to where ever it was I was going now that my duty shift was over.
But as soon as I got in the water I noted that my destination was a very long ways off in the distance. I could see a US Navy aircraft carrier off in the distance and it looked very small and that was where I was going to have to swim to.
So I got back on the craft I had been on and I started to make my way forward because I needed to tell the captain of the ship I was still onboard his craft.
That was when the craft seemed to get underway. I was having a hard time traveling forward because there was a few inches of water covering the deck now and I couldn't keep very good footing. Only after waking up did I think about how that craft resembled the semi-submersible heavy-lifting ships that transported the USS Samuel B. Roberts FFG 58 and the USS Cole DDG 67 back to the United States after they had been damaged.
So I am almost to the front of the ship where the captain is and then I feel it. The craft starts to submerge and that is when I get scared.
I hear myself "Oh God Oh God" over and over and the craft is then gone and I am treading water and I have nothing to float with and I am really scared by now and the dream is realistic beyond any level of realism that is even close to any regular sleeping dreams I've had before.
The craft seems to have been traveling towards a river and I see trees lining the river path and those trees have submerged bases and none of that is going to help me it seems. The thought of trying to climb the trees never occurs to me in the dream and that might not have been possible anyway.
So I am still floating along and I seem to be floating along carried by the inertia of the craft I was on and I am really scared now about drowning.
I am floating along and I am looking up at the foliage of the trees above me, which I think were cypress trees, some kind of swamp conifer I guess, and I can see lights in the trees. The only one I recall was bright enough it could have been a streetlight.
That was the point where the notion dawned on me that I was asleep and dreaming.
With no kind of sense of alarm or other sense of distress I opened my eyes and saw the familiar sight of my bedroom in the dark. I think I went back to sleep for a while after that. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did sleep for a while more. But after waking up from the dream is when I started thinking the only way to describe that experience was that I had been robbed of that sense of realism I had while sleeping. The sense of realism faded away so fast that I felt it had been stolen from me.
I also find myself wondering "Why now?"
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 March 2013 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 03:25 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Sunday 20 July 2014 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2014/07/veradale.html
Springfield! Springfield!
The Simpsons
A Tree Grows in Springfield
But come outside and see the miracle.
Has the myPad risen? No, it's still where you buried it.
(Flanders humming) Here it is, the Holy Ooze.
This is your miracle
The Simpsons (TV Series)
A Tree Grows in Springfield (2012)
Kent Brockman: This is Kent Brockman vowing to debunk this so-called miracle. The idiotic things people believe in. Up next, stay tuned for your winning lottery numbers! It's your turn for sure!
Taxodium distichum
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taxodium distichum (bald cypress, baldcypress, bald-cypress, cypress, southern-cypress, white-cypress, tidewater red-cypress, Gulf-cypress, red-cypress, or swamp cypress) is a deciduous conifer that grows on saturated and seasonally inundated soils of the Southeastern and Gulf Coastal Plains of the United States.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 July 2014 excerpt ends]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cedrus (common name Cedar) is a genus of coniferous trees in the plant family Pinaceae.
Cedrus is a tree up to 30–40 m (occasionally 60 m) tall with spicy-resinous scented wood
Cedars are very popular ornamental trees, widely used in horticulture in temperate climates where winter temperatures do not fall below about -25 °C. The Turkish Cedar is slightly hardier, to -30 °C or just below. Extensive mortality of planted specimens can occur in severe winters where temperatures do drop lower. Areas with successful long-term cultivation include the entire Mediterranean region, western Europe north to the British Isles, southern Australia and New Zealand, and southern and western North America.
Cedar wood and cedar oil are known to be a natural repellent to moths, hence cedar is a popular lining for modern-day cedar chests and closets in which woolens are stored. This specific use of cedar is mentioned in The Iliad (Book 24), referring to the cedar-roofed or lined storage chamber where Priam goes to fetch treasures to be used as ransom.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resin in the most specific use of the term is a hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees. Resins are valued for their chemical properties and associated uses, such as the production of varnishes, adhesives and food glazing agents. They are also prized as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis, and as constituents of incense and perfume. Plant resins have a very long history that was documented in ancient Greece by Theophrastus, in ancient Rome by Pliny the Elder, and especially in the resins known as frankincense and myrrh, prized in ancient Egypt. These were highly prized substances, and required as incense in some religious rites. Amber is a hard fossilized resin from ancient trees.
More broadly, the term "resin" also encompasses a great many synthetic substances of similar mechanical properties (thick liquids that harden into transparent solids), as well as shellacs of insects of the superfamily Coccoidea.
Other liquid compounds found in plants or exuded by plants, such as sap, latex, or mucilage, are sometimes confused with resin, but are not chemically the same. Saps, in particular, serve a nutritive function that resins do not. There is no consensus on why plants secrete resins. However, resins consist primarily of secondary metabolites or compounds that apparently play no role in the primary physiology of a plant. While some scientists view resins only as waste products, their protective benefits to the plant are widely documented. The toxic resinous compounds may confound a wide range of herbivores, insects, and pathogens; while the volatile phenolic compounds may attract benefactors such as parasitoids or predators of the herbivores that attack the plant.
6.12 "Unnatural Selection" [ Stargate SG-1 ]
That will be your punishment each time you attempt to conceal something from me on our journey.
[An event horizon appears without the gate being dialed.]
Where are we going?
Every place you have ever been.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:55 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 17 August 2015