I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Paradise Syndrome
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole Toward a Second Great Dying? World Ocean Shows Signs of Coming Extinction.
The last time Earth experienced a Great Dying was during a dangerous transition from glaciation and to hothouse. We’re doing the same thing by burning fossil fuels today. And if we are sensitive to the lessons of our geological past, we’ll put a stop to it soon. Or else doesn’t even begin to characterize this necessary, moral choice.
* * * * *
The Great Dying of 252 million years ago began, as it does today, with a great burning and release of ancient crabon. The Siberian flood basalts erupted. Spilling lava over ancient coal beds, they dumped carbon into the air at a rate of around 1-2 billion tons per year. Greenhouse gasses built in the atmosphere and the world warmed. Glacier melt and episodes of increasingly violent rainfall over the single land mass — Pangaea — generated an ocean in which large volumes of fresh water pooled at the top. Because fresh water is less dense than salt water, it floats at the surface — creating a layer that is resistant to mixing with water at other levels.
Algae Blooms and Red Tides in the Stratified Ocean
This stratified ocean state began to cut the life-giving thread of the world’s great waters. Reduced mixing meant the great ocean currents slowed. Oxygen transport into the depths declined. Moreover, a constant rain of debris in the form of particulate matter from burning forests and nitrogen oxides from the smoldering coal beds fertilized the ocean surface. Food for algae also came from increasing continental run-off. And a spike in iron loading due to glacial melt added yet more fertilizer. Great microbial blooms covered the world ocean, painting its face neon green, blue, or blood red.
(Stratified Ocean waters hosting massive algae blooms. It’s a combination that can quickly rob ocean waters of oxygen. During the Permian, a transition to stratified and then Canfield Ocean conditions led to the worst mass extinction event in the history of life on Earth. Today, the Southern Ocean’s waters are increasingly stratified due to glacial melt run-off of fresh water. In addition, these waters also host very large algae blooms like the ones seen above in a NASA satellite shot from 2012. Image source: NASA and Live Science.)
Rising CO2 levels increased ocean acidification even as the blooms spread toxins through the waters. When the blooms finally exhausted all the available food in their given region, they died off en masse. And by decay they further robbed the waters of life-giving oxygen. At this point the strains to ocean life became extreme and the first mass deaths began to occur. The stress opened pathways for disease. And the warming, de-oxygenating waters forced migrations to different Latitudinal zones and ocean depths. What life there was that couldn’t move, or couldn’t move fast enough died in place.
Transitioning to a Canfield Ocean
At first, ocean deaths appeared prominently in the bottom regions that saw the most rapid declines in oxygen levels and the swiftest increases in temperatures. For not only did the fresh water at the surface of the world’s oceans prevent mixing — it also prevented the oceans from ventilating heat into the air. Instead, the ocean heat was increasingly trapped at depth. Aiding this process of heat transport into the world’s deeps was a bottom water formation that issued from the hot Equator. There, evaporation at the surface increased saltiness. The heavier, hotter, saltier waters sank — carrying with them the Equatorial surface heat which they then delivered to the ocean bottom.
The hot, low oxygen bottom water became increasingly loaded with methane as the heat activated frozen stores. It created an environment where a nasty little set of primordial, hydrogen sulfide producing, creatures could thrive. These little microbes cannot live in oxygen rich environments. But warm, anoxic bottom waters are more like the ancient environments from which they emerged. Times long past when the world was ruled by microbes in conditions that were simply deadly to the more complex and cold-loving life forms of later times. To most life, the hydrogen sulfide gas produced by these little monsters is a deadly toxin.
Replicator (Stargate)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the military science fiction series Stargate SG-1, the Replicators are antagonistic self-replicating machines that are driven to replicate by consuming both alloys and technologies of the most nearby most advanced civilization and constructing themselves and their progeny accordingly. They were first mentioned indirectly in the season 3 episode "Fair Game", and first seen onscreen in "Nemesis". In the show, the Replicators are primarily the enemies of the Asgard race, however, they act like a plague against all life thus, in the series, Earth must also contend with them on several occasions. The Asurans in the spin-off series Stargate Atlantis might be related to those in Stargate SG-1 as they are essentially human-form "Replicators".
Show history
The Replicators first appear in the season 3 finale "Nemesis"
In the show, Standard Replicators are composed of modular blocks, comparable to individual computers, that come together to perform tasks. According to Thor, the blocks generate a "reactive modulating monopolar energy field" that allows them to self-assemble into various configurations. Each Replicator block contains two million "isolated keron pathways". All Replicators are interconnected via a subspace network. Replicator blocks can assemble into any form needed; the most commonly encountered shape is a small "bug" with four limbs and "wings" on its back. The bug can upgrade itself into a larger "queen" to facilitate replication. Large numbers of Replicators can form into starships, which are first seen in "New Order". In "Enemies", many Replicator bugs assemble into a larger structure to enhance the hyperdrive of a Goa'uld mothership. In Stargate: The Ark of Truth, the Replicators form a skeletal structure that implants into Marrick's body, to gain access to his mind. The Replicator structure continues to function even after Marrick's body is destroyed.
Human-form Replicators
In the Stargate SG-1 episode "Unnatural Selection", SG-1 encounters the human-form Replicators on the former Asgard world of Halla, who capture them and probe their minds to learn about Earth and the SGC. The human-form Replicators are claytronic in nature, derived from the technology of the android Reese's self-repair nanites. They are physically indistinguishable from humans and possess immense strength and resilience, lacking the traditional Replicators' vulnerability to firearms. They are capable of interfacing with the mind of a human by extending their hand into the victim's forehead. Human-form Replicators can restructure parts of themselves to form implements such as stabbing weapons, or disconnect portions from the whole. Neutronium is a crucial element in the construction of human-form Replicators.
Replicator (Stargate)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the military science fiction series Stargate SG-1, the Replicators are antagonistic self-replicating machines that are driven to replicate by consuming both alloys and technologies of the most nearby most advanced civilization and constructing themselves and their progeny accordingly. They were first mentioned indirectly in the season 3 episode "Fair Game", and first seen onscreen in "Nemesis".
The main Replicator directives in the show are to multiply and to assimilate new technologies. Replicators utilize whatever materials are available; in "Small Victories", the Replicators created from a Russian submarine are made of steel and susceptible to rusting. Multiple blocks are required for replication, and the process requires a large amount of energy. Replicators are attracted to the most advanced technologies available, thus they ignore the relatively crude technology of the Earth ship Prometheus in "Unnatural Selection". Replicators adapt very quickly to new technologies and they are capable of enhancing technology they encounter beyond its original specifications. Replicators are impervious to all known handheld energy weapons, including zat'nik'tels and staff weapons. They can be shattered by projectile firearms, though given time and relative proximity to each other, the blocks will re-assemble. Replicator bugs produce a corrosive liquid ("Replicator spray") capable of dissolving through any known material
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole Toward a Second Great Dying? World Ocean Shows Signs of Coming Extinction.
Ancient ocean conditions
(Oxygen, iron and hydrogen sulfide content of the world’s oceans over the past 4 billion years. Ancient oceans were hotter than today. They were rich in iron and densely populated with hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria. They were also anoxic. During hothouse events, oceans can again lapse into these ancient ocean states. Called Canfield Ocean environments and named after Dr. Donald Canfield who discovered them, these states are extremely deadly to ocean life. If they become too deeply entrenched, Canfield Oceans can also transform the global atmosphere, resulting in extinctions of land animals as well. Such an event was thought to be the primary killing mechanism during the Permian Extinction. Image source: Nature.)
Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole Toward a Second Great Dying? World Ocean Shows Signs of Coming Extinction.
The rotten-eggs stinking, hydrogen sulfide filled waters at first did their dirty work in silence at the bottom of the warming world ocean. But, steadily, anoxia progressed upward, providing pathways for the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria to fill up the oceans. Death expanded from the bottom toward the surface.
In all the great mass extinction events but, possibly, one, this heat-driven filling up of the world ocean with deadly hydrogen sulfide gas during hothouse periods represents the major killing mechanism. The other impacts of hothouse waters — ocean acidification and habitat displacement — do provide killing stresses. But the combined zero oxygen environment filled with a deadly gas generates zones of near absolute death in which few things but microbes and jellyfish can live. In rock strata, the anoxic, zones are marked by regions of black as the hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria-filled waters eventually take on the color of tar. In the lesser extinctions, these black zones are confined to the lower ocean levels. In the greater ones, they rise higher and higher.
During the Great Dying, the oceans brimmed full of the stuff. Black, purple and neon green waters bubbled to the surface to belch their lethal loads of hydrogen sulfide gas into the airs. The gas was deadly toxic to land plants and animals alike. And it eventually wafted into the skies, turning it from blue to green and eating away at the protective ozone layer.
In this terrible way, more than 99 percent of all living things were killed off. Of species, about 95 percent of ocean forms were lost with around 80 percent of the land forms being wiped out.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 10:55 PM Friday, September 23, 2011
I guess it finally broke up and reentered the atmosphere sometime after 10:30 PM 23 September 2011 local time Seattle Washington. The last I saw it on the graphic display was that it was approaching or very close to Australia. After that I can't get the graphic display and the status is listed as 'Decayed.'
NORAD ID: 21701
Int'l Code: 1991-063B
Perigee: 152.1 km
Apogee: 157.1 km
Inclination: 56.9°
Period: 87.4 min
Semi major axis: 6,525.6 km
Launch date: September 12, 1991
Source: United States (US)
Decay date: 2011-09-24
Comments: The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS)
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 23 September 2011 except ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 11:00 PM Tuesday, August 02, 2011
The tide is high.
A very short while ago, I wanted to do something else, but I was strongly compelled to read through the section in "Red Storm Rising" about when the hostilities actually begin. I record this observation now because of how compelling certain details seem to my conscious mind.
One compelling detail is about a dream I had that must have been two nights ago. I have thought about it quite a few times, or was it this morning? I can't recall for certain. I haven't been sleeping well. I think it might have been less than two days ago. Maybe during a sleep period this time last night. The dream started with someone who was very agitated walking into a room and confronting Nancy Pelosi about why nothing has been done regarding the information I have reported. At first I thought that person who confronted her was me but then today I read something in a news article that was consistent with another notion that was somebody else and was something that had happened that day and somehow I was aware of all because of some kind of method of remote communication. Maybe it could be similar to how those kids could sense when other people were talking about them in the 1975 film "Escape to Witch Mountain." So anyway, Nancy Pelosi, who seemed to have two US Navy people in the room, as I think they were wearing khaki uniforms, and I think the person confronting her and that was angry was also US Navy. She told him that there were two people working on my United States military service record that has not yet become public knowledge but that she is fully aware of.
That dream has faded beyond that point but the reason I decided to write about it is what I read a short while ago in "Red Storm Rising." That angry person, who I thought was me as a United States military officer, was then leaving the office and another officer, a woman, asked him, who seemed to be me, if I had yet emptied that "red clip." I have thought about that dialog most off all since then. At first, I thought about how there was also the sense of going to a firing range and the "clip" refers to a firearm magazine. I thought several times about what a "red clip" could mean. I also thought several times, before picking up the book again and I have not read through that section in years, so why would I have vague but highly specific and relevant thoughts about it today?, about that dialog from that 1986 film "Top Gun" about checking for trailers. I thought maybe that could also be a reference to a "red clip" in that "clip" meant "trailer" and that was something to do with the hostile forces.
So the second reason I decided to make this report is because of something I was thinking about earlier this afternoon as I walked back from the grocery store. I was imagining standing there on that hill overlooking Seattle, and I was describing how the people were now zombies, and then I saw the first United States of America federal military atomic bomb explode in front of me and over downtown Seattle Washington and the fireball engulfed me a few seconds later and then, to make a long story short, I was standing there and my radio circuit started working again and the person asked me if I could see their satellite above me in outer space and I looked up and I focused my eyesight in on a tiny spot in the sky and I could see that satellite that would be impossible for anyone to see with normal vision. Then the person on the radio circuit asked me if I could touch the satellite so I flew up and out and I hovered in front of the satellite and its cameras and I still had radio contact and there was some dialog. There was the sense in my mind as I walked back along the sidewalk this afternoon with all that going through my mind about me destroying another satellite while I was up there but then that sense was also that I should not do that and all they wanted me to do was to grab hold of their satellite and move it into a higher altitude above the planet so that would save them some fuel in the satellite and I did that. The person on the radio told me I was done and I had a few other thoughts about what would happen next but that doesn't really seem relevant to this current observation.
Tom Clancy
G.P. Putnam's Sons hardcover edition / August 1986
Berkley mass-market edition / August 1987
Page 182
What was holding Washington up? the colonel asked himself. All he needed was a simple yes or no. He checked his boards. Three KH-type photoreconnaissance satellites were currently in orbit, plus nine electronic surveillance birds. That was his low-level "constellation." He didn't fear for his higher-flying navigation and communications satellites, but the twelve in low earth orbit, especially the KHs, were valuable and vulnerable. Two of them had Russian killersats in close proximity, and one of his birds was now approaching Soviet territory, with another only forty minutes behind. The third Key-Hole bird didn't have a satellite assigned yet, but the last pass over Leninsk showed another F-type booster being fueled on the pad.
"Take another look at the trailer," he ordered.
A technician made the requisite commands, and half a world away, the satellite fired its altitude control thrusters and pivoted in space to allow its cameras to search for the Russian killer satellite. It had held position fifty miles behind, and nine miles below the American satellite, but now was ... gone.
"They moved it. They moved it in the last half hour." He lifted the phone to tell CINC-NORAD that he was moving the satellite on his own authority. Too late. As the satellite turned again to point its cameras at the ground, a cylindrical mass covered a sizable percentage of the earth's face - there was a flash and the TV screen went blank. Just like that.
"Chris, you have those maneuver commands set up?"
"Yes, sir," the captain answered, still staring at the screen.
"Execute them right now!"
The captain called up the command sequence on his computer console and punched Enter. The colonel's phone rang as the satellites' onboard rocket motors made subtle changes in their orbital paths.
"Argus Control," the colonel answered.
"This is CINC-NORAD. What the hell happened?"
"That Russian killersat closed and detonated. We have no signal from the KH-11, sir. I must assume they have successfully negated the bird. I've just ordered the other two Key-Holes to make a hundred-foot-per-second delta-V. Tell Washington they waited too long, sir."
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2011 except ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 5:17 PM Friday, September 16, 2011
seattle pi
Dead NASA satellite will soon plummet to Earth
Updated 02:04 p.m., Thursday, September 8, 2011
WASHINGTON (AP) — A dead NASA satellite will soon fall to Earth
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) is an orbital observatory whose mission was to study the Earth’s atmosphere, particularly the protective ozone layer.
End of Mission and Re-Entry
Orbit Lowering Burn
UARS was decommissioned in 2005 and a final orbit lowering burn, followed by the passivation of the satellite's systems was performed in early December. Final re-entry into the atmosphere is expected near 24 September. Some debris may survive to reach the surface.
On September 7, 2011, NASA announced the impending uncontrolled re-entry of UARS and noted that there is a small risk to the public. As of September 15, 2011, the orbit of UARS was 235 km (146 mi) by 265 km (165 mi). Re-entry is expected to take place around the 24th of September.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 16 September 2011 except ends]
4.01 "Small Victories Part 2" [ Stargate SG-1 ]
This new block is corroded.
And the significance of that is…?
Ok, look. The way Sam explained this to me, the bugs use whatever raw materials are around them to replicate, right? Now these ones are eating the Russian submarine which means that they are basically made out of steel or whatever the sub is made of.
That is why they are a different color.
And it may also explain why they haven't tried to get off the sub yet.
It does?
They can't. You see they're only as resilient as the raw materials they are made of. These ones aren't like the ones on Thor's ship. They'll rust or short circuit in the water. They're less sophisticated and they're vulnerable.
I'm sorry, it sounds like you're now saying that blowing up the sub will easily destroy them. If that's the case, why don't we do it right now?
Because there is still one bug that could survive.
The one that survived Thor's ship.
4.01 "Small Victories Part 2" [ Stargate SG-1 ]
So, how long before the replicators reach your planet?
Two hours.
Your ships can go much faster than light speed. I've seen you fly clear across the galaxy in no time.
So why are the bug's ships traveling so slow?
In order to generate the subspace field required to travel at hyperspeed, full power of the generators is required. Presently they are using that power to replicate.
Is mysterious ‘blob’ causing West Coast drought?
The blob is a huge area of warmer-than-normal water in the Pacific Ocean
Lisa Balick and KOIN 6 News Staff
Published: July 6, 2015, 10:44 pm Updated: July 7, 2015, 10:20 am
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Scientists are looking into something they’ve deemed ‘the blob’ as a reason behind the heat and dry weather in our area.
The blob is a huge area of warmer-than-normal water in the Pacific Ocean that was first noticed 18 months ago. How it got there, however, is still a mystery.
“It’s now about the size of Alaska, so it’s a very big patch and it extends down through the top layer of the ocean which is about 300 feet deep,” Phil Mote, head of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at OSU, explained. “So that whole layer is exceptionally warm.”
Scientists are speculating the enormous blob — 1,000 miles in each direction from Alaska to Mexico — could be causing the drought in Oregon, Washington and California.
According to Mote, the problem with the blob is that it’s 5 degrees warmer than the rest of the ocean. Scientists believe air moving over the blob is bringing warmer air to the coast, resulting in a warmer winter and drier spring and summer.
“Last summer was record warm for Oregon, we’re kicking off with another record warm summer. Last winter was the warmest ever in western Oregon and Washington, the spring was quite dry,” Mote said. “So we’ve had a sequence of unusual climate events since the blob appeared.”
Mote and other scientists are now running hundreds of computer simulations in an attempt to see if the blob truly affects the climate, or whether it’s more greenhouse gases — like auto emissions — that are causing this hot, dry pattern.
From 9/12/1958 ( premiere US film "The Blob" ) To 2/15/2013 is 19880 days
19880 = 9940 + 9940
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) is 9940 days
From 4/12/2010 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ) To 2/15/2013 is 1040 days
1040 = 520 + 520
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/6/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "Star Trek"::"The City on the Edge of Forever" ) is 520 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-take-out-window-for-microsofties-is.html ]
Asteroid and Comet Watch
Russia Meteor Not Linked to Asteroid Flyby 02.15.13
Update: March 21, 2013
The large fireball (technically, called a "superbolide") observed on the morning of Feb. 15, 2013, in the skies near Chelyabinsk, Russia, was caused by a relatively small asteroid approximately 17 to 20 meters in size (about 18.6 to 21.9 yards) that entered Earth's atmosphere at high speed and at a shallow angle. In doing so, it released a tremendous amount of energy, fragmented at high altitude, and produced a shower of pieces of various sizes that fell to the ground as meteorites.
The fireball was observed not only by video cameras and low-frequency infrasound detectors, but also by U.S. government sensors. Information on the composition of the meteor was also derived from meteorite fragments found in the Chelyabinsk area. With this new data incorporated, the details of the impact have become clearer.
At 9:20:20 a.m. local time (3:20:20 UTC) the meteor entered Earth's atmosphere over the Kazakhstan/Russia border. As it descended through the upper atmosphere, it traveled northwest into Russia. The impactor's trajectory approached Earth along a direction that remained within 15 degrees of the direction of the sun. Asteroid detection telescopes cannot scan regions of the sky this close to the sun. During the atmospheric entry phase, an impacting object is both slowed and heated by atmospheric friction. In front of it, a bow shock develops where atmospheric gases are compressed and heated. Some of this energy is radiated to the object, causing it to ablate, and in most cases, break apart. Fragmentation increases the amount of atmosphere intercepted and so enhances ablation and atmospheric braking. The object disintegrates when the force from the unequal pressures on the front and back sides exceeds its tensile strength. This disruption, or disintegration, usually occurs around the time of maximum brightness.
Thirteen seconds after atmospheric entry, at 9:20:33 a.m. local time (03:20:33 UTC), the fireball, traveling at a velocity of 11.6 miles per second (18.6 kilometers per second), achieved its maximum brightness just south of Chelyabinsk, Russia, at an altitude of 14.5 miles (23.3 kilometers). The approximate effective diameter of the asteroid is estimated to be about 18 meters (about 19.7 yards), and its mass about 11,000 tons. Approximate total impact energy of the Chelyabinsk Fireball, in kilotons of TNT explosives (the energy parameter usually quoted for a fireball), is 440 kilotons. Note that these estimates of total energy, diameter and mass are very approximate. The Chelyabinsk event was an extraordinarily large fireball, the most energetic impact event recognized since the 1908 Tunguska blast in Russian Siberia.
The U.S. government sensor data also provides an approximate path for the Chelyabinsk impactor. A similar calculation can be made from analysis of video records of the event; both methods yield similar results. This path through the atmosphere reinforces that the fireball was not associated with asteroid 2012 DA14, which made a very close flyby of Earth just over 16 hours later. This is known because the two objects approached the Earth from completely different directions and had entirely different orbits around the sun.
Brake (disambiguation)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A brake is a device which inhibits motion
The Blob (1958)
Lieutenant Dave: Just because some kid smacks into your wife on the turnpike doesn't make it a crime to be 17 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gravity (also called gravitation) is a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects employing a downward force to keep them grounded.
The Blob (1958)
Man: If we're in trouble, where're the police?
Sgt. Jim Bert: [sees Steve] You, boy, this time you really hanged yourself.
Steve Andrews: Now, look, Sarge. Just give me a chance to talk to them, that's all.
Sgt. Jim Bert: I don't know what kind of stunt it is you're pulling here, but whatever it is, it's going to stop right now!
Officer Ritchie: Here comes Dave!
Lieutenant Dave: What's going on here, Jim? Steve!
Steve Andrews: Dave, make them listen to me. There IS a monster! We saw it again at dad's store, and it's bigger now!
Sgt. Jim Bert: Your story's gotten bigger now, kid.
3.22 "Nemesis Part 1" [ Stargate SG-1 ]
[Teal'c, Carter and O'Neill are looking at Thor.]
They were discovered on an isolated planet in our home galaxy some years ago. The creators were not present.
Most likely destroyed by their own creation.
The replicators were brought aboard an Asgard ship for study before the danger could be fully comprehended.
We do that all the time. I kinda expected more from you guys.
Overconfidence in our technologies has been out undoing. The entities learned from the very means that were employed to stop them. They have become a plague on our galaxy that is annihilating everything in its path.
Mysterious Warm Blob in Pacific Wreaking Havoc
JUN 17, 2015 11:37 AM ET // BY PATRICK J. KIGER
In an article for Earth and Sky in April, Bond wrote that the blob is related to an unusual weather pattern that developed over a huge region of the Earth, extending from the northern Pacific across North America, in the fall of 2013 and early 2014.
The Paradise Syndrome [ Star Trek: The Original Series ]
Stardate: 4842.6
Original Airdate: Oct 4, 1968
MIRAMANEE: If we don't go now, it will be too late. You must go inside the temple and make the blue flame come out.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 5:36 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 13 August 2015