I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, April 22, 2016
The stand.
Such vivid sleeping dreams. So many now I cannot recall. I woke up a hundred times more fatigued than when I went to sleep.
Starting at a stream that had to be crossed and I looked at the heavily weeded surroundings that almost engulfed the entire stream and there was just no way I was walking through that because I knew there was alligators in there because I had seen them in there at that location before. Then within the sleeping dream I seemed to imagine the submerged alligator clamping onto one of my legs.
Then the real part of the sleeping dream began again and I am running through the countryside and the man and woman with me are ahead of me.
Indeed, there was an alligator there and it is chasing us. I had my back turned to the man and woman and I was looking back in the direction the alligator chasing us was coming from.
I think a lot during the sleeping dream abut the weapons I am carrying. I am also heavily clothed with a coat and several layers of clothing. The rifle is on a sling but it also has a clip to something else I am wearing and bringing to ready the rifle is a complicated task. I also have a semiautomatic pistol and I am pondering keeping it ready to fire in case the alligator catches up to us.
The next scenes make me think again about all I wrote about Stampede Pass. I have no real memory from real life about camping up there but that is what I wonder about.
I saw us crossing a small stream on a dirt road as we walked. We seem to have climbed a great deal of elevation and I can still visualize the scene at a point where we could see the river below but I cannot articulate certain notions I want to. As we stand at that location I am still contemplating the rifle on my left shoulder and my concerns about bringing it to ready in time.
The next part I recall is in a house and is the reason I decided to note here this sleeping dream.
I have proved here my sleeping dreams are sometimes prescient of observations I will make and usually later that same day. Because if there is some kind of process to convince me that I can sense the future and if these sleeping dreams are examples of that capability then occurrences during the same day are the best examples.
I read back through the blog posts I made here before going to sleep and one part reminds me of sleeping dream details and a lot has already dissipated from my conscious mind.
But what I remember well is that I was in a house and I had a shotgun. I also had a rifle and a handgun.
The location was no place I recognize from real life.
There were wild animals roaming around outside the house.
I decided I was going to kill those wild animals.
Several times I tried but the damn shotgun would not fire.
I decided to write about that sleeping dream because of how vivid are the details in my mind. I don't see how I could visualize such detail. I compare it with details I try to visualize while awake and I don't understand why I would see such details in my sleeping mind.
I could see myself dismantling the shotgun and trying to figure out what was wrong with it. In the sleeping dream though that was not realistic in terms of the mechanics of a real life shotgun. I don't know what was that device I was working on.
And that is a recurring element I think I have written about before here in my blog. I was pulling the trigger but the gun would not fire. Over and over I tried that and was frustrated. I saw myself, again as recurs, deliberately pulling back the trigger to the full extent of its range of motion and I could feel its motion but still the round does not fire in the chamber.
The last time I tried was at one of the large wild animals that was albino. The thing came all the way onto the porch where I had the glass door partially opened and with the shotgun extended outward and pointed at it as it jumped onto the porch after running towards me at the door.
And then it just stopped. I'm trying to blast its head into a bloody pulp and it just stops there a few feet from me and then just crouches down on the porch floor as though it is waiting for me to give it some food.
The next part I recall is when I was trying to disassemble the weapon and I didn't really know what I was doing. I reassembled the weapon and I decided to make a phone call. There was a woman there in the house and as I recall she took my handgun and rifle and hid them somewhere. I thought extensively during the sleeping dream about the danger of that shotgun. I could not extract the chambered shell and I was worried that round would unexpectedly fire. I crafted a warning note and attached to the weapon and I was still worried about it.
I was making a telephone call to someone and I think those were the man and woman I remember from the dream details I wrote about above. I wanted to tell someone about the shotgun misfire.
Many of those details have faded now from my mind.
But I can still visualize a few details about it. They were doing something that as I recall was about defusing a bomb. They weren't immediately successful though and their future success was doubtful.
I could visualize some details that I think are of them with a group of other people. The other people were the antagonists. There was something about them negotiating and reaching an agreement but that part is really unclear now in terms of the sleeping dream.
I decided to write about this because of how I have proved here that my sleeping dreams are sometimes prescient of observations I will make later and usually later that same day.
I don't know what observations I will make later today. There's nothing I know of on television I will watch. I don't plan on going outside today. I will probably watch some television later tonight but I do not know what that will be. I cannot recall an instance of CNN ever matching my prescient sleeping dreams. Any observations I make later today on live television will not be convincingly prescient because they could have read this note and this note caused their behavior.
Some possible observations I could make tonight would be rebroadcasts of "The Simpsons" which I assume will be available on television later this evening. I will probably check Amazon.com for something interesting on Amazon Prime.
Oh, right. The next episode of "Dead Like Me". The next episode pending for me to watch for the first time is the "Ashes to Ashes" episode, which originally premiered 03 October 2004 and which I have never watched before. So I might watch that one tonight and I know nothing about the content. Whether that content matches my sleeping dream I do not yet know. But something I see in the next day or so will probably match the details in my prescient sleeping dreams from earlier this morning.
Rainbow Six (1998)
Tom Clancy
But he wasn't quite ready for that life yet, and until he was, the fact that he didn't know the nature of his missions' purpose was troublesome. In not knowing, he couldn't evaluate all the dangers to himself. But for all his skill, experience, and professional training, he hadn't a clue as to why his employer wanted him to let the tigers from their cages, out in the open where the hunters were waiting. What a pity, Popov thought, that he couldn't just ask. The answer might even be amusing.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:37 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 22 April 2016