I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
United Perverts of America
The Americans Season 4 Episode 7
Travel Agents
Aired Wednesday 10:00 PM Apr 27, 2016 on FX
AIRED: 4/27/16
F.D. » Transcripts » 0-9&A » The Americans
04x07 - Travel Agents
Agent Beeman.
Your contact in the Rezidentura, get in touch with him, play him the tape, see if the KGB's got her.
Blackmail is not gonna work with him, sir.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:41 PM Pacific Time near Seattle Washington State USA Tuesday 09 July 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/07/fbi-for-sale-james-comey-is-phantom.html
FBI For Sale: James Comey *is* the Phantom Shitter.
I mean, come on. Just look at him.
James Comey just looks like a seriously deviant pervert.
James Comey is the poster boy of the FBI pervert.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 09 July 2013 excerpt ends]
F.D. » Transcripts » 0-9&A » The Americans
04x07 - Travel Agents
Well, maybe it'll work, maybe it won't work, but, uh, if there's any chance of getting Martha back, you got to try it.
I understand that. I do.
But... this guy, he's not cut like that.
We have to play the long game with him.
There's no long game, Agent Beeman.
Use the goddamn tape.
All that would do is wreck the operation, sir.
I'm not gonna do it.
F.D. » Transcripts » 0-9&A » The Americans
04x07 - Travel Agents
Deputy Attorney General went to the Director, told him I can't control you.
What'd you say?
I said the Deputy Attorney General needs to get the hell out of my department.
Boehner Torches Cruz as "Lucifer in the Flesh"; Sanders Laying Off Campaign Workers; Is GOP Warming Up to Trump. Aired 11-11:30a ET
Aired April 28, 2016 - 11:00 ET
Hello there. I'm John Berman.
BOLDUAN: I'm Kate Bolduan.
Just moments from now, Ted Cruz and his brand new running mate, Carly Fiorina, will be hitting the stage for their first full day of campaigning together. We're going to take you to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where they will be making their pitch to Indiana voters as soon as they begin their freshly minted message aimed at stopping Donald Trump's march to the Republican nomination. The front runner this morning mocking that new alliance.
BERMAN: Their freshly minted message. It still has that new car smell, the message does. But the mocking Donald Trump gave the announcement, nothing compared
to the tongue-lashing Cruz just received from another front. The former speaker of the House. John Boehner, raining down political hellfire almost literally. He reportedly described Ted Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh."
Let's bring in CNN's political director, David Chalian.
David, I don't think the former speaker meant that in a nice way.
DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: I don't think so either. In fact, it's not the first time that he has referred to Ted Cruz as Lucifer. This is sort of -- has become Boehner's nickname for him perhaps. Let's take a look at what else he said in Stanford when he was out there for an interview in Palo Alto, guys. "He said I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a "blank" in my life."
That -- there's no equivocating right? John Boehner's views on Ted Cruz are pretty darn clear, don't you think?
BOLDUAN: Yes, I think so. I think we could take it that way.
And also, David, Ted Cruz responded, I believe. We can get to that, but that also gets -- this comes at a very critical time for Ted Cruz. The make-or-break, the Hail Mary, the "everything being thrown at it" moment in Indiana for Ted Cruz.
CHALIAN: That is true, and you're right, Ted Cruz did respond in a tweet, which is how modern day campaigning responses work. He said, quote, "Tell me again who will stand up to Washington? Trump, who's Boehner's", quote, "texting and golfing buddy," a reference to something Boehner said in that reference, "or Carly and me."
Listen, guys, I don't know if you will remember but back last September Ted Cruz went to address a social conservative gathering in Washington, the value voters, on the very day that Boehner announced his resignation and he praised those grassroots conservatives for coming to town and driving Boehner out of town. This has not been a friendly duo for quite some time. But I think Ted Cruz has a point in his response. I don't know many Republican primary voters this season taking their cues from John Boehner, the former speaker of the House. You know, it is exactly the energy that has fueled Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to the top of the field after this very crowded nomination season that is the same energy that ousted John Boehner. So I don't know how much impact John Boehner's comments are going to have on Ted Cruz.
BOLDUAN: Oh, we will see though. That's for sure
By CBSNEWS AP January 16, 2008, 11:46 AM
ACLU: Sex In Restroom Stalls Is Private
In an effort to help Sen. Larry Craig, the American Civil Liberties Union is arguing that people who have sex in public bathrooms have an expectation of privacy.
Craig, of Idaho, is asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to let him withdraw his guilty plea to disorderly conduct stemming from a bathroom sex sting at the Minneapolis airport.
The ACLU filed a brief Tuesday supporting Craig. It cited a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling 38 years ago that found that people who have sex in closed stalls in public restrooms "have a reasonable expectation of privacy."
That means the state cannot prove Craig was inviting an undercover officer to have sex in public, the ACLU wrote.
The Republican senator was arrested June 11 by an undercover officer who said Craig tapped his feet and swiped his hand under a stall divider in a way that signaled he wanted sex. Craig has denied that, saying his actions were misconstrued.
People's Pope: Francis Comes to America; Awaiting Papal Address to Congress. Aired 9-9:30a ET
Aired September 24, 2015 - 09:00 ET
The pope will address that kind of thing. We understand that the pope will say that he's not come to the United States capitol to lecture American lawmakers. He has come to talk to share and there you see Speaker Boehner.
BLITZER: The speaker is waiting for the pope.
KESICKI: Often for Catholics, it is appropriate to kiss the pope's ring. We know this pope though, he sort of favors an embrace. He likes to make eye contact with the person he's greeting. There are various ways in which people embrace the pope. This is a familiar pope, a pastor. So, I think he's going toe want to look into the eyes of the speaker and welcome him.
BLITZER: Jake Tapper, the speaker of the House clearly excited about this moment. Understandably so.
TAPPER: He's not the first Catholic to serve as U.S. speaker of the House. That was just John McCormick in 1962. But he is certainly a very visible and observant Catholic.
And John King, we at the table here were just talking about the fact that he looks literally as nervous as the choir boy, waiting to meet the pope, his religious leader.
Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson
Carl: Is it a little weird how much he cries?
Lenny: No way! When a guy who loves America cries it makes him super-straight.
The Simpsons Season 23 Episode 10
Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Jan 08, 2012 on FOX
Homer: This is going so great. I'm already a Halloween mask!
(Homer slips on a latex mask that vaguely resembles himself; Maggie lurches back, obviously scared)
Bart: That's not you! They just painted Shrek yellow.
Homer: (tugs on Shrek's ears, then peels off the Homer/Shrek mask) It's still a great honor.
The Simpsons Season 23 Episode 10
Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Jan 08, 2012 on FOX
Blackboard Gag: Tintin did not sucksuck.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 4:52 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Thursday 28 April 2016