In the past day I looked back through my journal and I noted that on 16 June 2010 I ordered from the complete series on DVD of the recent "Battlestar Galactica" television series and my notes indicate I started watching the DVDs on 23 June 2010. I did not review my notes closer for all the details but I think I watched a few episodes every day until I watched the complete series over the span of the next few weeks, which was tough because I really got tired of watching the episodes.
Several days ago I watched again a few episodes that I noted in my blog and in the past few hours I have watched several following episodes and again I am tired of watching this Nazi propaganda crap.
Edward James Olmos is the "Krusty the Clown" of the Adolf Hitler clowns that are under the control of the Bill Gates-Al Qaeda-Al Qaida propaganda machine and that includes "The Simpsons" as well as "Krusty the Clown."
I remember when the television series for "Battlestar Galactica" premiered in the United States because I remember I was living in that apartment in Kent Washington and that was after I had moved back to the Seattle area from Spokane Valley Washington, which was my destination after I quit my job at Microsoft and my lease expired on my apartment in Redmond Washington at the end of February 2004.
A couple days ago I noted that just about the time I moved to Kent Washington was when the "Battlestar Galactica" television series was premiering in the United Kingdom.
The "Battlestar Galactica" television series premiered first in the UK on 18 October 2005 and then on 14 January 2005 in the United States. For some reason, which I only gave serious consideration a couple days ago, I moved to Kent Washington just about the time the television series was premiering in the UK. I remember when it premiered in the United States because I was already living in Kent Washington and I was surprised to see it had become a regular television series after that miniseries on television that had premiered on 8 December 2003 in the United States.
This severely treasonous activity as a premeditated international criminal event is clearly the product of Will Smith and his crew of murderous pirates who have actively conspired with the Bill Gates-Al Qaeda-Al Qaida-George Bush alliance to violently overthrow the constitutional government of the United States of America.
What happened was that my journal was not released in its entirety. A scientific approach was undertaken to determine if the data in my journal was indeed information from the future. As I mentioned before, none of the people that met - meet - me on 3 March 2003 knew - know - for certain that I am a time traveler.
Conversely, I do take this DVD collection back with me to that past so I don't know what that proves. I think about how I am also under the influence of whatever force is compelling us all to contribute negatively or positively in this effort to discredit Tom Reagan and Kerry Burgess, of which I am the same as Tom Reagan and Kerry Burgess but I am also a distinctly different person. I have assumed the identity of Kerry Burgess, who is a clone of Tom Reagan, but in my current form, I am based on a version of Kerry Burgess, as best I can tell, that is before before Kerry Burgess survived the crash of Flight 232 on 19 July 1989, which is an important distinction, although I wish I was at least the post Flight 232 version of Kerry Burgess, at the least. Instead, I am at best described as the normal life that Tom Reagan would have lived.
1-07 - Six Degrees Of... 11/29/04
Original Airdate: February 18, 2005 (USA)
Adama - Thank you. Baltar's correct... about the convenience of it all. Amarak just happens to bring you the key piece of evidence just before he dies...
Godfrey - Something was going on. He was almost paranoid. Kept saying that the olympic carrier had been infiltrated by the Cylons. He wanted me to take some things off the ship for safekeeping.
Adama - Why did he give it to you ?
Godfrey - We were friends. Friends. ( Crying ) I loved him. I loved him very much.
1-07 - Six Degrees Of... 11/29/04
Original Airdate: February 18, 2005 (USA)
Godfrey - Dr. Amarak gave the disk to me before he died.
Baltar - What, as opposed to after he died ?
Godfrey - Amarak gave the disc to me for safekeeping. on the disc is a photo. It was captured from the security camera in the defense mainframe on Caprica. It shows the doctor entering the mainframe without permission the day before the attack.
Baltar - Nothing criminal about that.
Godfrey - As you can see, the man in the photo is carrying an explosive device.
Baltar - Sorry, he's what ? He's... I definitely never did that.
Godfrey - Just before the Cylon attack, the entire defense mainframe was destroyed by this device.
1-07 - Six Degrees Of... 11/29/04
Original Airdate: February 18, 2005 (USA)
Apollo - Hey.
Starbuck - Shut up... all of you. Not one single word from any of you, okay ? What seems to be the problem ?
Tyrol - Well, your new boyfriend's a bit of a jerk, sir.
Starbuck - It's a girl.
Tyrol - Well, if you don't mind her goo on your face, she's all yours, sir.
Starbuck - Okay...
Tyrol - She likes the warm light.
Starbuck - Makes the touch easier, right ? Maybe... okay. Mmmm... this is stupid this is stupid... this is stupid !
Tyrol - It's worth a try, sir. And it did fly for you once. Hasn't made so much as a grunt since. Maybe... uh, take her for a ride.
Starbuck - Ride it ?
Tyrol - Treat it like a horse.
Starbuck - Okay... a horse, a horse, a horse. Why not a goat ? I mean, that's good, right ? Think of it as a goat. Okay, whatever... come on, boy, giddyup. Come on, come on. Okay, come on-- ( engine revving ) oh-oh, okay, you're kidding.
Chief... Chief !
Tyrol - Don't shoot anything.