Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Before Time or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Then Fell In Love With a Zombie



Novacek's base is somewhere in the delta.
She's got her people spotted in local defence industries...
even the military.
More good news.
Near as we can tell, she bribed a full colonel...
into stealing the last batch of C-22 canisters.
He got spooked and used one getting away.
Blew up half of Oklahoma. Be careful, guys.
Novacek's more dangerous than she looks.
How happy I am to see you.
You're limping. Did you have some problems?
-Nothing I couldn't handle. -What happened?
There was a last-minute change in checkpoint security.
-What? -There's one missing.
-Missing? -That's what I'm saying.
They were bringing in tanks and artillery.
You used 1/5 of our shipment...
just to--Oh, God-- to blast yourself out?
It was the only way out. I know they're valuable.
Big, strong, colonel man.
I know you're the only one I can trust.
Don't ma'am me. Just call me Paulina.
Paulina, ma'am.
You just call me--Oops.
-I'll get that. -Unforgettable.
The colonel will no longer be working with us.



The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Heat (1995)

Lillian: I met the manager. Is that the boss?

Breedan: I did time for what that motherfucker does every day!

Lillian: Baby - can you just handle it till we find you something new? Can you do that?

Breedan: Ain't a hard time been invented that I cannot handle

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

"I'm afraid I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about."

"Sit down on the curb a minute and I'll tell you."

She sat. A ghost of a breeze riffled up the street, shuffling scraps of paper and making the old elms move on the courthouse lawn three blocks farther down.

"I've got some stuff for Harold Lauder," Larry said. "But it's supposed to be a surprise, so if you see him before I do, mum's the word and all that."

"Okay, sure," Frannie said. She was more mystified than ever.

He held up the long-barreled gun and it wasn't a gun at all; it was a wine bottle with a long neck. She titled the label to the starlight and could just barely read the large print - BORDEAUX at the top, and at the bottom, the date: 1947.

"The best vintage Bordeaux in this century," he said. "At least that's what an old friend of mine used to say. His name was Rudy. God love and rest his soul."

"But 1947 ... that's forty-three years ago. Won't it be ... well, gone over?

"Rudy used to say a good Bordeaux never went over. Anyway, I've carried it all the way from Ohio. If it's bad wine, it'll be well-traveled bad wine.

"And that's for Harold?"

"That and a bunch of these." He took something out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her. She didn't have to turn up to the starlight to read the print. She burst out laughing. "A Payday candybar!" she exclaimed. "Harold's favorite ... but how could you know that?"

"That's the story."

"Then tell me!"

"Well, then. Once upon a time there was a fellow named Larry Underwood who came from California to New York to see his dear old mother. That wasn't the only reason he came, and the other reasons were a little less pleasant, but let's stick to the nice-guy reason, shall we?"

"Why not?" Fran agreed.

"And behold, the Wicked Witch of the West, or some Pentagon assholes, visited the country with a great plague, and before you could say, 'Here comes Captain Trips,' just about everyone in New York was dead. Including Larry's mother."

"I'm sorry. My mom and dad, too."

"Yeah - everybody's mom and dad. If we all sent each other sympathy cards, there wouldn't be any left. But Larry was one of the lucky ones. He made it out of the city with a lady named Rita who wasn't very well equipped to deal with what had happened. And unfortunately, Larry wasn't very well equipped to help her deal with it."

"No one had the equipment."

"But some developed it quicker than others.