Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is a part I did not remember until watched it just now tonight.

I am tonight at the 1 hour 33 minute point and that is some time after the point I stopped watching the DVD when I got it in the mail a long time ago. The point I had watched it up to now was when the chiropractor was talking about Meister Eckhart. 'Eckhart' makes me wonder about John Presper Eckert Jr.

Anyway, poor Bill Gates. Poor Bill Gates the transvestite and 100% female gender as born and the Soviet Union prostitute is first of all the biological product of sexual relations between the siblings - the brother and sister - Mary Gates and her biological brother Bill Gates Sr of which then that sexual production created the retarded Microsoft's Bill Gates.

Now Microsoft's Bill Gates is out to murder as many people inside the United States of America as possible because Microsoft's Bill Gates has been busted by people with the United States of America military who were also with the United States of America space program.

The literal Nazi's of Microsoft's Bill Gates are up to some kind of scheme of trying to make people think that aliens are going to murder them all. The reason for the aliens is because law enforcement people, including me Kerry Wayne Burgess the known official deputy director of the United States Marshal Service and the active duty United States Marine Corps officer, also known before as Wayne Newman the Chief Deputy United States Marshal, are going to confine permanently to United States of America federal prison the known international terrorist Microsoft's Bill Gates and her accomplices.

There is no coincidence that there are actors who are there deliberately because of their physical resemblance to the actor Will Smith "The Fresh Pansy" who was already known in 1990. Recent news items about actor Will Smith the known active accomplice of Al Qaida makes me think that he and his accomplices are actively moving forward with their next murdering rampage inside the United States of America and that involves their weapons of mass destruction.

Jacobs ladder

Hi, I'm Dr. Stewart.
Can you tell me what happened?
My back.
I--I can't move.
Get my chiropractor.
Your back?
Did you fall?
He said he slipped on the pavement.
He may have hit his head.
Does he have any identification?
No wallet, nothing.
He stole it.
Who did?
Santa Claus.
I got to get the bastard.

Jacobs ladder

What's wrong?
It's me.
Are you ok?
Jesus Christ, where have you been?
I've been worried sick.
I mean, it's two days, and you don't call me?
I was in the hospital.
Oh, Jesus. In the hospital?
Jake, honey, what hospital?
I called every hospital in the city.

No, don't.

What's going on?
I'm not here. You haven't seen me.

Is Jacob Singer there?
No. I haven't seen him all night.
When do you expect him?
I don't know.
Could you tell him something?
Tell him I was in Vietnam--
There was a secret experiment--
What experiment?
I need to see him as soon as possible.
Hello. This is Jacob Singer.
I was in-country in '68.
I was in a chemical warfare unit in Saigon.
We conducted secret government experiments.
My God.
Are you there?
Do you want to know more?
Where can I meet you?
On 128th and westside highway
in front of a coffee truck.
How will I know you?
You already know me.
I do?
Yes. Make sure you're not followed, ok?
All right. Bye.
I knew it.
Who was that?
A chemist.
Part of a chemical warfare unit out of Saigon.
I knew something was going on.
Jake... please don't go.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Hi. I'm Michael Newman.
I told you you'd know me.
I've been tracking you for a long time.
I wish I'd spoken to you before tonight.
Why are you following me?
You're one of the survivors, Jacob.

1990 film "Jacob's Ladder" DVD video:


Louis: Well, you've done it to yourself this time, haven't you?

Jacob Singer: Am I dying, Louie?

Louis: From a slipped disc? That would be a first.

Jacob Singer: I was in Hell. I don't want to die, Louie.

Louis: Well, I'll see what I can do about it.

Jacob Singer: It's all pain.

Louis: Straighten out your head. Relax. You ever read Meister Eckhart?

Jacob Singer: No.

Louis: How did you get your doctorate without reading Eckhart? Relax. Okay, good. Now turn over gently. Right side. The other right, okay? You're a regular basketcase, you know that? Eckhart saw Hell, too. You know what he said? He said the only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life. Your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul.

Jacobs ladder

Jacob Singer!
Sir, keep your voice down.
Where's Jacob Singer?
Louie, I'm in here!
Jake? Where are you, Jake?
You can't go in there.
Can I help you?
Good god, Jake, what have they done?
Can I help you?
You can't go in there.
What is this, the Middle Ages?
Don't touch him!
They call this modern medicine?
This is barbaric. Barbaric!
All right, just calm down.
Why don't you just burn him at the stake?
You'll have to leave!
Stay back! Don't come near me!
Stay back!
Take one step
And I'll wrap this around your neck.
Calm down.
Back! Back!
Calm down.
Come on, Jake.
Come on.
You can't do that.
Make sure that security's alerted.
You can't do this!
Out of the way!
I'm upset.
I'm really upset.