Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How are you leaving!

2003 television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Kellan Brody - television newscaster: We don't have any further information yet.

Channel 7 television news field reporter: There are no remaining ships able to leave Caprica.

Kellan Brody - Channel 5 studio television newscaster: Uh, but no actual enemy has been sighted yet.

Channel 7 television news field reporter: - out in the open countryside -

Kellan Brody - Channel 5 studio television newscaster: Officials are saying there doesn't seem any doubt -

Channel 7 television news field reporter: - lesser populated areas of the city -

Gaius Baltar: What have I done? What am I going to do? There's no way out.

Caprica Number Six: I know.

Gaius Baltar: I'm sure you know. That's your doing, isn't it? Wait. Wait. There has to be another way out of here. I mean - I mean, you must have an escape plan. You're not about to be destroyed by your own bombs, are you? How are you leaving?

Minority Report

Sir, you have an emergency call|on your private line.
Yes, this is Burgess.
{y:i}Hello, Lamar. I just wanted|{y:i}to congratulate you. You did it.
{y:i}You created a world without murder.
Everyone wants your name on a hat.|Can you sign these?
{y:i}All you had to do was kill someone|{y:i}to do it.
A-room. Jad.
Jad, it's Lara. John needs a favor.
- What are you talking about?|{y:i}Agatha's mother, Anne Lively.
{y:i}Just a junkie who had a kid once|{y:i}and had to give her up, but surprise!
{y:i}She cleaned herself up,|{y:i}and she wanted her daughter back.
{y:i}She wanted Agatha.
Jad, you getting this? It's from the|female only. No time or incident data.
It isn't the future.|It already happened.
{y:i}The problem was, without|{y:i}Agatha, there was no Precrime.
{y:i}She's the strongest of the three.|{y:i}Without Agatha, you had nothing.
{y:i}You wouldn't be where you are now,|{y:i}standing there, signing autographs.
What are you doing?|- What are you doing with that?
What you up to, big man?|- Think before you send that.
Slow down.
{y:i}You had to get rid of Anne|{y:i}Lively, which presented a problem:
{y:i}How can you kill her|{y:i}without the Pre-Cogs seeing it?
{y:i}Simple. Use a system|{y:i}you control against her.
{y:i}You hired someone to kill her, knowing|{y:i}the Pre-Cogs would see that murder.
{y:i}You lured Anne Lively|{y:i}out to the lake...
{y:i}... with the promise of reuniting her|{y:i}with her daughter.
{y:i}Where's my daughter?
{y:i}When you were all alone,|{y:i}you killed her yourself...
{y:i}... in the same way the Pre-Cogs|{y:i}predicted your John Doe would kill her.
{y:i}You made the real murder|{y:i}look like an echo...
{y:i}... knowing the tech would do what|{y:i}he was trained to do: Disregard it.
{y:i}Anne Lively became|{y:i}just another missing person.
{y:i}So, what are you gonna do, Lamar?
{y:i}What are you gonna do?
We got a Red Ball!