Monday, October 31, 2011

Your choices.


Choice or Chance - Part 2

Sunday 26 November 1995

Episode 9 Season 1 DVD video:


US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: Not enough power left to transmit.

US Marine Corps first lieutenant Cooper Hawkes: I'll bet they heard it.

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: Not even an A.I. would take that bet, Cooper.

US Marine Corps first lieutenant Cooper Hawkes: We got to find the others.

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: A.I.'s are networked through their modems. So when you re-initialize them, they give up their home location. Near the end of the A.I. War I was a P.O.W.

US Marine Corps first lieutenant Cooper Hawkes: They do, uh, stuff to you?

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: It's frightening how much pain an InVitro - a human body can stand. You'd like to believe the body would break before the will. I held out three days. Then - once when they were - doing stuff to me - I heard screaming. Sounded far off, down the hall. I remember thinking "That poor bastard. What must he be going through?" Then when I came to I realized the screams had come from me. Save your last bullet, Hawkes.

US Marine Corps first lieutenant Cooper Hawkes: Why'd you come on this mission? How come - how come you're willing to die for humans?

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: I could ask you the same question. You're an InVitro too.

US Marine Corps first lieutenant Cooper Hawkes: This ain't my idea. Damn judge decided I ought to be a grunt. That's not your story. I mean, most Tanks just sat out the A.I. War. Why would you give your life for a human?

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: I did it - I do it for every InVitro who's ever been called a Tank or a Nippleneck. I do it so no one - human or InVitro - will ever be able to say that all InVitros are lazy, or cowards or don't stand for anything.

A.I. modem transmission: Transmission received. 140219. Kazbek Penal Colony, GPS grid number 9, Baker, 3.

US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel T.C. McQueen: Found them.