I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Mission To Mars
Prometheus (2012)
Charlie Holloway: There.
[points at what looks like a landing strip in the valley for the Prometheus to land]
Janek: Dr. Holloway, why don't you take a seat.
Charlie Holloway: Right there. God does not build in straight lines.
Springfield! Springfield!
Prometheus (2012)
God does not
build in straight lines.
Starboard side, this valley! Captain,
do you think you can put us down there?
I wouldn't be any good if I couldn't do
Prometheus (2012)
Chance: Well, come on. Pay up.
Ravel: Pay what?
Chance: What do you mean, "Pay what"? Something is manufacturing breathable air down there. That, mate, is terraforming.
Ravel: No, no. The bet was why we came here. If you said that dead old man wanted to talk to Martians, then I'd pay.
Mission to Mars (2000)
Woody Blake: You're just not man enough to wear jewelry.
Mission to Mars (2000)
Jim McConnell: There's pressure in here.
Terri Fisher: Above Mars atmospheric? That's impossible.
Jim McConnell: We're millions of miles from Earth inside a giant white face. What's impossible?
Mission to Mars (2000)
Jim McConnell: They're us. We're them.
2000 film "Mission To Mars" DVD video:
Luke Graham: We fired the radar, and it - it came and... they all died. They all - They all died.
Jim McConnell: Wh- What do you mean? What came?
Luke Graham: The force came out of the top of the mountain and - and - and... everybody died, but I was spared. Why? Why? It had to be for a reason. And then all of a sudden, I knew the reason why. It's so someone would be left to figure out the secret.
Mission to Mars (2000)
Woody Blake: Some couples dance, others go to Mars.
Prometheus (2012)
Janek: Hey, uh, Vickers. Hey, Vickers. I was wondering... Are you a robot?
Prometheus (2012)
Ravel: If you said that dead old man wanted to talk to Martians, then I'd pay.
Chance: Oh, come on. A hundred credits. Put it towards a lap dance with Miss Vickers.
Prometheus (2012)
Peter Weyland: There's nothing.
David: I know. Have a good journey, Mr. Weyland.
Springfield! Springfield!
Prometheus (2012)
Where's my cross?
The pouch in my utility belt.
Even after all this, you
still believe, don't you?
You said you could
understand the navigation.
Use their maps.
Yes of course.
Once we get to one of their other ships,
finding a path to Earth should
be relatively straightforward.
I don't want to go back
to where we came from.
I want to go where they came from.
You think you can do that David?
Yes, I believe I can.
May I ask what you hope
to achieve by going there?
They created us, then
they tried to kill us.
They changed their minds.
I deserve to know why.
The answer is irrelevant.
Does it matter why they
changed their minds?
Yes, yes it does.
I don't understand.
- Well...
I guess that's because I am human being.
And you are a robot.
I'm sorry.
- It's quite alright.
Final report of the vessel Prometheus.
The ship and her entire crew are gone.
If you're receiving this transmission, make
no attempt to come to its point of origin.
There's only death here now,
and I'm leaving it behind.
It is new year's day, a
year of our Lord, 2094.
My name is Elizabeth Shaw,
last survivor of the Prometheus.
And I am still searching.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:33 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 10 December 2014