I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Richard, do I have|a best friend around here?
It isn't me.|Maybe Gordon.
Gordon is a putz. I can tell you|who my best friend was...
in school, in the marines,|when I was a cop.
Gordon doesn't fit.|I'm not saying you do...
but since I'd like to see McComb take a|fall, you get the benefit of the doubt.
- Whoa! Where you goin'?|- We've got to vent the fuel shunts.
Oh, is that right? You'll have|to wait while I get authori...
Was I your only friend?
A launch is not|a one-man operation.
Yeah, I know.
If I'm off on velocity or trajectory,|you're gonna be an omelette.
- You trying to scare me?|- Yeah.
- Just hit the right year.|- I'll see ya.
I've had your wife's goulash|a hundred times; always too much salt.
Springfield! Springfield!
The Simpsons
Skinner's Sense of Snow
My horoscope was right!
always too much salt.
Here goes the pension.
Emergency launch system|on-line warning.
Emergency launch system|on-line warning.
Manual launch|initiation alert.
Manual launch|initiation alert.
Shut it down! Now!
Telemetry on-line.|Ignition firing on-line.
And you do look like|the Vollmer twins.
Who are the Vollmer twins?
Launch personnel only in the bay.
T minus one minute 30 seconds|and counting.
Magnetic field polarity|initiation in ten seconds.
Telemetry check is initiated.
Are we gonna blast to the past!
Green for launch!
I've run dozens|of simulated launches...
but I-I never noticed|that wall before.
The Man Trap
Stardate: 1513.1
Original Airdate: Sep 8, 1966
SULU: Ready to leave orbit, Captain.
SPOCK: Something wrong, Captain?
KIRK: I was thinking about the buffalo, Mister Spock. Warp one, Mister Sulu.
SULU: Warp one, sir. Leaving orbit.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 06:41 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 31 December 2014