I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Heroes Reborn
Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 1
Brave New World
Aired Thursday Sep 24, 2015 on NBC
AIRED: 9/24/15
Springfield! Springfield!
Heroes Reborn
Brave New World - Odessa
Coach Lewis?
Aw, jeez. You got to be kidding me.
People's Pope: Francis Comes to America; Awaiting Papal Address to Congress. Aired 9-9:30a ET
Aired September 24, 2015 - 09:00 ET
JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, I can tell you, we're on the east side of the capitol, so basically between the capitol and the Supreme Court. You can see behind me there are hundreds of people who have gather gathered. Capitol Hill staffers as well as just other onlookers here for the Pope's arrival. He'll be coming in within the next 10, 15 minutes or so. Probably less than that.
Will be driving through here and then will be entering the U.S. capitol through the carriage entrance. That is where most dignitaries come in. And then he will be going to have a private meeting with the Speaker John Boehner.
Of course Speaker Boehner, a Republican of Ohio, who went to Catholic mass every day as a young boy
People's Pope: Francis Comes to America; Awaiting Papal Address to Congress. Aired 9-9:30a ET
Aired September 24, 2015 - 09:00 ET
BLITZER: Jake Tapper, the speaker of the House clearly excited about this moment. Understandably so.
TAPPER: He's not the first Catholic to serve as U.S. speaker of the House. That was just John McCormick in 1962. But he is certainly a very visible and observant Catholic.
And John King, we at the table here were just talking about the fact that he looks literally as nervous as the choir boy, waiting to meet the pope, his religious leader.
Pope Francis Addresses U.N. General Assembly; House Speaker John Boehner Resigns. Aired 10:30-11a ET
Aired September 25, 2015 - 10:30 ET
AMANPOUR: Just in the spirit of what's been going on today, and we've seen the resignation of the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and you knew him very, very well. You know him very well. I believe he appointed you to your current position. Give us your reflections on his announcement of resignation today and also linking it to this amazing event that he choreographed at Congress.
The Pope came. You could see that Speaker Boehner was amazingly moved by that, weeping and, apparently, chose at the very last moment, just overnight, after that day, to announce his resignation.
GEORGE: Yes, it's quite remarkable, Christiane. I have to say, I'm as surprised as anyone else. I was appointed to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom by Speaker Boehner and then I was elected to the chairmanship by my colleagues. We've worked very closely with Speaker Boehner's office. He's been a great champion himself of religious freedom.
So, I'm saddened by the news that he'll be leaving because the important work he has done there. Of course, it's a very difficult orchestra to be the conductor of, of the majority caucus in any house of to legislature. And so I can understand the challenges that the Speaker was up against. But it's really quite a surprising thing.
And you're right, he's a person who was, of course, educated in the Catholic faith, a devout Catholic. He was clearly very moved by the Pope's statements yesterday.
I note that he read the Prayer of St. Francis to those of his colleagues, to whom he announced his resignation. That's a prayer that requests among other things, peace of mind. So I think he was signaling that he's making this decision with peace of mind, having examined his own conscious.
BLITZER: Robert George -- thank you very, very much. This is a huge development.
The American Presidency Project
George W. Bush
XLIII President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters in Greenville, South Carolina
March 27, 2002
The President. I'm not going to lay down my arms. I'm going to participate in the rules of the system. The Senate races are very important for me. I want the Republicans to take control of the Senate, and I want Denny Hastert to be the Speaker of the House. And these are the rules. And that's why I'm going to campaign for like-minded people.
The Simpsons (TV Series)
Marge vs. the Monorail (1993)
Mayor Quimby: All right, I'm in charge here.
Chief Wiggum: Oh, run along, Quimby. I think they're dedicating a phone booth somewhere.
Mayor Quimby: Watch it, you talking tub of donut batter.
Chief Wiggum: Hey, I got pictures of you, Quimby.
Mayor Quimby: You don't scare me, that could be anyone's ass. Now beat it! I'm calling the shots.
Book: A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemingway
“No,” said the priest. The other officers were amused at the baiting.
“Priest not with girls,” went on the captain. “Priest never with girls,” he explained to me. He took my glass and filled it, looking at my eyes all the time, but not losing sight of the priest.
“Priest every night five against one.” Every one at the table laughed. “You understand? Priest every night five against one.” He made a gesture and laughed loudly. The priest accepted it as a joke.
“The Pope wants the Austrians to win the war,” the major said. “He loves Franz Joseph. That’s where the money comes from.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:37 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 25 September 2015