I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, September 14, 2015
"The Reverse Peephole"
SCOTT: Doctor Rush?
RUSH: Faster than light, yet not through hyperspace.
SCOTT: What are you doing?
RUSH: Who knows how far it's travelled?
SCOTT: Doctor Rush, I've got a lot of wounded. We need to get home.
(In the Gateroom, Lieutenant Johansen and others are assisting the injured. A scientist, Jeremy Franklin, while not badly injured, sits with his back against the wall struggling a little to breathe. He opens the top button of his shirt. Nearby, people look up as something electronic groans and shuts down. Johansen reports over her radio.)
JOHANSEN: Lieutenant Scott, come in?
SCOTT (into radio): Go ahead.
JOHANSEN: We've got a problem. One of the air vents just shut down in here.
SCOTT: Copy that.
WALLACE: Yeah, the air's gettin' pretty thin in here too.
SCOTT: What does that mean?
RUSH: That the life support system is failing ... (he turns away from the window and heads toward the door) ... and we should probably do something about that.
From 1/15/1998 to 10/9/2009 is 4285 days
From 5/8/1994 to 1/30/2006 is 4285 days
From 3/16/1991 to 12/8/2002 is 4285 days
From 11/18/1996 to 8/12/2008 is 4285 days
From 4/1/1992 to 12/25/2003 is 4285 days
RUSH: The ship detected a Stargate on a planet within range that may have what we need.
YOUNG: What? Why the hell are there even Stargates out here?
RUSH: The Ancients sent out a number of unmanned ships ahead of this one. They're programmed to gather data, resources, then manufacture Stargates and deposit them on habitable worlds. Any relevant information is relayed back here to help plot the course.
YOUNG: You're telling me that the ship knows we're in trouble?
RUSH: Yes. Because I told it we were. Essentially we're flying on autopilot. This ship may have stopped when it was within range of a Stargate regardless of our need, but I have reason to believe ...
(He turns to face the Gate just as it kawhooshes.)
YOUNG: So, what we need is on the other side of that wormhole.
RUSH: An educated guess? Yes.
(Out in the desert, Scott is dragging the large sack of sand along as fast as he is able. Some distance away, Greer is heading towards him at a weary but consistent trot.)
(On board Destiny, the scientists have taken the goo-encrusted scrubbers out of the walls and are cleaning them as best they can. Standing nearby, Rush shakes his head with a total lack of confidence.)
Paycheck (2003)
Release Info
USA 25 December 2003
Paycheck (2003)
Full Cast & Crew
Ben Affleck ... Jennings
The American Presidency Project
George Bush
XLI President of the United States: 1989 - 1993
The President's News Conference on Aid to the States of the Former Soviet Union
April 1, 1992
The President. I have a statement that is a little longer than the normal, but let me just say that I have just met with the congressional leadership to request their bipartisan backing for a new, comprehensive, and integrated program to support the struggle of freedom underway in Russia, Ukraine, and the other new States that have replaced the Soviet Union.
The revolution in these States is a defining moment in history with profound consequences for America's own national interests. The stakes are as high for us now as any that we have faced in this century. And our adversary for 45 years, the one nation that posed a worldwide threat to freedom and peace, is now seeking to join the community of democratic nations. A victory for democracy and freedom in the former U.S.S.R. creates the possibility of a new world of peace for our children and grandchildren. But if this democratic revolution is defeated, it could plunge us into a world more dangerous in some respects than the dark years of the cold war.
America must meet this challenge, joining with those who stood beside us in the battle against imperial communism: Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Canada, Italy, and other allies. Together we won the cold war, and today we must win the peace.
This effort will require new resources from the industrial democracies, but nothing like the price we would pay if democracy and reform failed in Russia and Ukraine and Byelarus and Armenia and the States of Central Asia. It will require the commitment of a united America, strengthened by a consensus that transcends even the heated partisanship of a Presidential election campaign. And today I call upon Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, and the American people to stand behind this united effort.
Our national effort must be part of a global effort. I've been in contact with Chancellor Kohl, Prime Minister Major, President Mitterrand, other key allies to discuss our plans and to assure them of the high priority I place on the success of this endeavor. To this end, I would like to announce today a plan to support democracy in the States of the former Soviet Union.
This is a complex set of issues which took months to sort out, working within the administration, working with our major allies and with the leaders of the new independent States of the former Soviet Union. A number of things had to come together to make sure we got it right.
Let me give you a little bit of the history. I asked Secretary Baker to outline our fundamental approach in his December 12th speech at Princeton. I spoke again on the need to embrace Russia and the other new States of the former Soviet Union in my January 22d speech at the Washington conference to coordinate the humanitarian assistance. On February 1st, Boris Yeltsin and I discussed these issues at Camp David. And that same day, Secretary Brady met with Boris Yeltsin's key economic adviser, Yegor Gaydar, to discuss how we could support Russian reforms. A week later, Jim Baker followed up during his meeting with Kozyrev, Foreign Minister Kozyrev, and Boris Yeltsin in Moscow. And just yesterday, the IMF reached tentative agreement with Russia on its market reform program. After weeks of intensive consultations in the G - 7, Chancellor Kohl, currently serving as Chairman of the G - 7, has announced today G - 7 support for an IMF program for Russia.
The program that I'm announcing today builds on this progress and includes three major components. First, the United States has been working with its Western allies and the international financial institutions on an unprecedented multilateral program to support reform in the newly independent States. The success of this program will depend upon their commitment to reform and their willingness to work with the international community.
Russia is exhibiting that commitment. And I'm announcing today that the U.S. is prepared to join in a substantial multilateral financial assistance package in support of Russia's reforms. We're working to develop, with our allies and the IMF, a $6 billion currency stabilization fund to help maintain confidence in the Russian ruble. The U.S. will also join in a multilateral effort to marshal roughly $18 billion in financial support in 1992 to assist Russian efforts to stabilize and restructure their economy. We've been working with the Russian Government for 3 months to help it develop an economic reform plan to permit the major industrialized countries to provide support. We will work to complete action on this approximately $24 billion package by the end of April. And I pledge the full cooperation of the United States in this effort.
Secondly, the United States will also act to broaden its own capacity to extend assistance to the new States. I'm transmitting to Congress a comprehensive bill, the "FREEDOM Support Act," to mobilize the executive branch, the Congress, and indeed, our private sector around a comprehensive and integrated package of support for the new States. Now, this package will:
Authorize a U.S. quota increase of $12 billion for the IMF, which is critical to supporting Russia and the other new States. The IMF and World Bank will be the primary source of funding for the major financial assistance needs of the new governments. The U.S. quota increase for the IMF was specifically assumed in the budget agreement and does not require a budget outlay;
Support my existing authority to work with the G - 7 and the IMF to put together the stabilization program for Russia and support possible subsequent programs for other States of the former Soviet Union as they embarked on landmark reforms, including up to $3 billion for stabilization funds.
It would also repeal restrictive cold war legislation so that American business can compete on an even footing in these new markets. And I'm determined that American business be given the chance to invest and trade with the new States. And to that end, I've also directed that the United States negotiate trade and bilateral investment and tax treaties with these countries just as soon as possible. Significant new trade relationships can create jobs right here in this country.
The package will broaden the use of $500 million appropriated by Congress last year to encompass not only the safe dismantling and destruction of nuclear weapons but also the broader goals of nuclear plant safety, demilitarization, and defense conversion.
It will also establish a major people-to-people program between the United States and the States of the former Soviet Union to create the type of lasting personal bonds among our peoples and Russian understanding of democratic institutions so critical to long-term peace. This effort will complement our existing programs to bring hundreds of businessmen to the United States from the Commonwealth and then send hundreds of Peace Corps volunteers to the new States.
In sending this authorization legislation to Congress, I call upon the Congress to act concurrently to provide the appropriations necessary to make these authorizations a reality.
Third, in addition to the 3.75 billion already extended by the U.S. since January 1991, I'm announcing today 1.1 billion in new Commodity Credit Corporation credit guarantees for the purchase of American agricultural products. Six hundred million of that will go for U.S. sales to Russia and an additional 500 million for U.S. sales to the Ukraine and other States.
Now, let me close on a personal note. I think every day about the challenge of securing a peaceful future for the American people. And I believe very strongly that President Yeltsin's reform program holds the greatest hope for the future of the Russian people and for the security of the American people as we define a new relationship with that great country. President Yeltsin has taken some very courageous steps for democracy and free markets. And I am convinced that it is in our own national interest to support him strongly.
For more than 45 years, the highest responsibility of nine American Presidents, Democrats and Republicans, was to wage and win the cold war. It was my privilege to work with Ronald Reagan on these broad programs and now to lead the American people in winning the peace by embracing the people so recently freed from tyranny to welcome them into the community of democratic nations.
I know there are those who say we should pull back, concentrate our energies, our interests, and our resources on our pressing domestic problems. And they are very important. But I ask them to think of the consequences here at home of peace in the world. We've got to act now. And if we turn away, if we do not do what we can to help democracy succeed in the lands of the old Soviet Union, our failure to act will carry a far higher price. And if we face up to the challenge, matching the courage of President Yeltsin, of Ukrainian President Kravchuk, of Armenian President Ter-Petrosyan, many other future generations of Americans will thank us for having had the foresight and the conviction to stand up for democracy and work for peace in this decade and into the next century.
That's the end of this statement. I'll be glad to take just a handful of questions, and then Jim Baker and Secretary Brady -- I think Secretary Baker will go into more detail on the legislation, and Secretary Brady and others will be available. I think Ed Madigan will talk to you about the agricultural sect of it.
Terry [Terence Hunt, Associated Press]?
Q. Mr. President, you mentioned several figures in your statement. Overall, what's the cost of this to taxpayers, and where's the money going to come from?
The President. Most of it will come from the IFI's, from the international financial institutions. About a fifth of the total is assigned to the -- about a fifth of it, 20 percent of it, is our share. And there's not a lot of new money. It's our feeling and the feeling of the partners that we ought to go use these international financial organizations who were set up to do this very job. Now, we have a significant commitment to these organizations. But that's the fact as to how this breaks out.
Q. Was there any kind of figure that you could provide? You say there's not much new money. What -- --
The President. I'll let Jim Baker give you the details on it, but yes, we can. There is some new money in it. There's some new credits in it, you know, agricultural credits. But let him give you the details on what's going to be in the bill. It's not a tremendous amount of money. Our commitment is very, very substantial.
Yes, Helen [Helen Thomas, United Press International].
Q. Mr. President, not in the either-or sense, you've acknowledged the pressing domestic problems. What are you going to do to help the American people, the financially strapped States, the decaying cities? Is there a post-cold-war Marshall plan for America in view of its problems? And why do we have to have 150,000 troops in Europe when the enemy has disappeared from the screen?
The President. We are working on programs that will help the cities, including trying to get through a significant block grant that would help, including a crime bill, including a brand-new revolutionary approach to education that, longer run, is terribly significant. And yes, it is very important we do these things.
But my point to the American people is we have a major stake in the success of democracy in Russia and in these other States. And the cost of risking doing nothing, the cost of doing nothing could be exorbitant, could far transcend the money that we have spent in the past. And I just don't want to risk that.
In terms of the troops, it is important that the United States stay involved in guaranteeing against any unforeseen action. We saw the need to be involved a year ago in Desert Storm. And if we had listened to the critics that would have suggested that we disarm and unilaterally pull back, we would be in terrible shape today. And we're not in terrible shape today. We have a vital stake in European security. Our allies and ourselves agree that the United States should remain there with troops, and we will stay there with troops.
Q. Mr. President, if the risks are so great, the stakes so high, why did you wait until 3 months into an election year to outline this program and begin the push for it, especially when, as you say, there's little new money involved?
The President. Because -- we haven't waited. If you listen to what I said earlier, we spelled out our determination to do this in December. We have been working with our allies constructively to bring about agreement on this international financial institution approach. That was hammered out this weekend by Secretary Brady's people overseas. The formulation of the bill has just been completed. And we've just gotten agreement from -- this morning I talked to Kravchuk and to Yeltsin, once again, both of them on this. I might say that they both sounded quite enthusiastic about it.
A lot of work has been going into it. And rather than kind of posturing out there, we wanted to have a sound program that will have strong international support. And that is exactly, thanks to the cooperation of the allies, what we have. So this isn't any Johnny-come-lately thing, and this isn't driven by election year pressures. It's what's right for the United States.
And I must say, without committing anybody to anything, that the reception from the joint leadership seemed quite positive, Brit [Brit Hume, ABC News]. I was very pleased, but we'll let them speak for themselves, but most of them saying we should be doing this.
Q. Well, sir, whether you are posturing or not, have you not waited a while before beginning this sales pitch -- --
The President. I don't know that -- --
Q. -- -- in the knowledge that you were going to have to do something along these lines?
The President. I said something about it in January. Jim Baker mentioned it in December. I've been talking about it. The question, though, is not a lot of political rhetoric; the question is getting something done that's positive. And when you're dealing with a whole bunch of allies and you're dealing with many new countries, you want to be sure that you do it in a sensible way. And the fact that it's coming out now is because we now have, with great cooperation from the allies, working with them, come up with this approach that we think makes sense. And it's not something that's new.
Q. Sir, the reason there is this skepticism is, back when Pat Buchanan was beating you about the head in New Hampshire, you weren't out there in New Hampshire, you weren't in New Hampshire saying, "We've got to help Boris Yeltsin. We've got to help Kravchuk." You weren't talking about that at all. You weren't preparing American public opinion. Today Bill Clinton's out there talking about his plan for Russia and the republics. That's why it looks a little weird.
The President. Well, that I've explained to you, John [John Cochran, NBC News], that there's a great deal of diplomacy. I remember when one of the people that used to sit proudly in this room accused me of not being emotional about Germany, about trying to get a reunited Germany when the wall came down. I said -- what I was saying to myself: Much less interested in emotion, much more interested in getting something positively done; use the power of the Presidency of the United States to see if you can't have that be accomplished in a very peaceful way.
And we have been doing the diplomacy that is necessary to come forward with a program that I hope will have the support of the American people, that I am proud to take to the American people, even though some people are going to be saying, "Well, you shouldn't be doing this in an election year." You've got to be, you know -- along the lines of Helen's question, people will be suggesting that. But I'm going to fight for this because I believe in it.
Yeah, and then I'm getting out of here.
Q. Our recent poll showed that 55 percent of the public thinks that foreign aid should, in fact, be cut, and another 40 percent thinks that it shouldn't be increased at all. How are you going to persuade the public that this, in fact, is worthwhile when they look around and see roads deteriorating and schools in trouble and so forth?
The President. Simply make the case that to do nothing would be irresponsible, that the United States must continue to lead, and that we have an enormous stake, personal stake, for every American in the success of these democracies, and to risk their failure by doing nothing is very short-sighted. And so that's the case I'm going to make.
And I will also be saying we have a lot of blessings in this country, and one of them today is peace. Your kids and mine don't go to sleep at night as worried about nuclear weapons as some of the preceding generations here. And I want to be sure that I can certify to the American people I've done everything I can as President to see that that continues, that democracies are strengthened, that freedom is on the march and continues to stay on the march. And this approach we're taking is the way to do what we can to guarantee that.
Q. Well, then to flip the question around a little bit, what do you say to those who are also going to say that this really isn't that much, that in fact Germany has already contributed $45 billion to this effort, and that compared to what we could do we aren't doing enough, if so much in fact is at stake?
The President. I will say that I think it is enough and that it's what we ought to do right now and fight like heck for what we believe in here. And I think it is. And I must say I was very pleased with the response by President Yeltsin, the response by President Kravchuk this morning. And I would cite that as evidence of their enthusiasm for what we're doing.
But I guess you're right, some people will attack you for doing too much, and some for not doing enough. I think this is right. I believe Congress will give it the proper support. And I want the American people to support it because I know that it is in the best interest of world peace. And the failure of world peace has a staggering price tag on it that I don't want to even contemplate. So I'll continue to work for this.
Now, let me turn it over to Jim.
Note: The President's 125th news conference began at 11:04 a.m. in the Briefing Room at the White House.
Dear John Season 4 Episode 13
The Big Payday
Aired Thursday 9:30 PM Apr 01, 1992 on NBC
AIRED: 4/1/92
From 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) To 12/17/2004 is 4741 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/26/1978 ( the United States Ethics in Government Act of 1978 ) is 4741 days
From 12/3/1951 ( Harry Truman - Statement by the President on Establishing the Committee on Government Contract Compliance ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 14290 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/17/2004 is 14290 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/05/none-of-them-along-line-know-what-any.html ]
The American Presidency Project
George W. Bush
XLIII President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Statement on Signing the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
December 17, 2004
Today, I have signed into law S. 2845, the ''Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004'' (the ''Act''). The Act strengthens the intelligence and counterterrorism capabilities of the United States, including by appropriate implementation of the recommendations in the Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, often called the 9/11 Commission.
Many provisions of the Act deal with the conduct of United States intelligence activities
Date: SAT 12/18/2004
Obama lands hefty sum for 3-book deal / For $1.9 million, senator-elect will write 2 for adults and 1 for children
Associated Press
CHICAGO - U.S. Sen.-elect Barack Obama, whose 1995 book jumped onto best-seller lists after his keynote address to the Democratic National Convention, has landed a three-book deal worth $1.9 million.
Crown Publishing Group and Random House Children's Books, divisions of Random House, announced Friday that Obama will write two books for adults and one for children.
He'll be paid an $850,000 advance for each adult book and $200,000 for the children's book, said Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs.
Paycheck (2003)
Michael Jennings: [quoting from a fortune cookie strip] If you only look where you can't go, you will miss the riches below.
Seinfeld Season 9 Episode 12
The Reverse Peephole
Aired Thursday 9:00 PM Jan 15, 1998 on NBC
Kramer: Newman and I are reversing the peepholes on our door. So you can see in.
Elaine: Why?
Newman: To prevent an ambush.
Kramer: Yeah, so now I can peek to see if anyone is waiting to jack me with a sock full of pennies.
Seinfeld Season 9 Episode 12
The Reverse Peephole
Aired Thursday 9:00 PM Jan 15, 1998 on NBC
AIRED: 1/15/98
Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 3
Air (3)
Aired Monday 9:00 PM Oct 09, 2009 on Syfy
AIRED: Oct 09, 2009
SCOTT: Make sure we can dial back to the ship.
FRANKLIN: Already on it.
(As Jeremy Franklin turns back to the Gate, Andrea Palmer is on her knees feeling the sand. Rush kneels down beside her.)
PALMER: Looks like gypsum.
RUSH: That would be good.
PALMER: We're looking for calcium carbonate.
RUSH: Calcite.
PALMER: Gypsum is calcium sulphate, which is thirty-six percent calcium carbonate.
(She has taken out a glass flask from her pack and shovels some sand into it. Rush pours some water from his canteen into it.)
(Apparently clueless, Eli turns away and looks at the surrounding vista. Palmer swills the water and sand around the flask, then smiles in satisfaction.)
PALMER: Huh! It dissolves!
SCOTT: Are you saying we can use this sand to fix the scrubbers?
WALLACE: That would be convenient!
RUSH: Well, it's a fair indication that the components may exist nearby.
PALMER: For the sake of portability and efficiency, I'm hoping to find high concentration granular limestone.
(As she holds the flask up, Rush holds a small torch underneath to heat up the water.)
PALMER: We are looking for the dried lake bed or salt water body all this sand came from.
WALLACE: It's a desert!
PALMER: Lime is formed mostly from the remains of marine organisms.
SCOTT: Are you saying there was life here?
RUSH: Not likely anything we've seen before.
(Back at the Gate, Franklin is typing onto a hand-held device from the ship. The Stargate lights up and begins to spin.)
PALMER: Yeah, the water may be gone now but this desert was formed by H2O evaporating on a playa floor causing gypsum to be deposited in a fine crystalline form called cellanite ...
(Bored, Scott starts to walk away. Eli calls after him.)
WALLACE: Where you goin'?
SCOTT: Higher ground.
(Sergeant Ronald Greer follows after him. Palmer drips some red liquid into the flask.)
WALLACE: What's supposed to happen?
PALMER: If this sand is high enough in calcite concentration, the solution will absorb the acid.
WALLACE: Right(!)
RUSH (translating): The liquid will turn clear.
(Eli looks at the liquid, which is staying red.)
WALLACE: It's not.
(Behind them, the Stargate finishes its cycle and kawhooshes.)
FRANKLIN: We're good!
(Up on the top of the nearest dune, Scott activates his radio.)
SCOTT: This is Scott. Unfortunately there's nothing useful in the immediate vicinity of the Gate.
YOUNG (over radio): You have twelve hours, Lieutenant. Make ‘em count.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 44
He dreamed he was in a field of corn, lost there. But there was music, guitar music. Joe playing the guitar. If he found Joe he would be all right. So he followed the sound, breaking through one row of corn to the next when he had to, at last coming out in a ragged clearing. There was a small house there, more of a shack really, the porch held up with rusty old jacklifters. It wasn’t Joe playing the guitar, how could it have been? Joe was holding his left hand and Nadine his right. They were with him. An old woman was playing the guitar, a jazzy sort of spiritual that had Joe smiling. The old woman was black, and she was sitting on the porch, and Larry guessed she was just about the oldest woman he had ever seen in his life. But there was something about her that made him feel good… good in the way his mother had once made him feel good when he was very little and she would suddenly hug him and say, Here’s the best boy, here’s Alice Underwood’s all-time best boy.
The old woman stopped playing and looked up at them.
Well say, I got me comp’ny. Step on out where I can see you, my peepers ain’t what they once was.
From 1/21/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut bound for deep space in his privately financed nuclear-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the planet Mars and his documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of the planet Mars ) To 1/30/2006 is 10967 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/12/1995 ( premiere US film "Money Train" ) is 10967 days
[ See also: Posted by H.V.O.M at 12:28 PM Saturday, December 31, 2011 ]
Personnel Announcement
January 30, 2006
The President intends to appoint Mark Sullivan, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the United States Secret Service at the Department of Homeland Security.
Stephen King's The Stand Season 1 Episode 1
The Plague
Aired Sunday 12:00 AM May 08, 1994 on ABC
AIRED: 5/8/94
United States Secret Service
About the United States Secret Service
What types of crimes does the Secret Service investigate?
The Secret Service has primary jurisdiction to investigate threats against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes, which include counterfeiting of U.S. currency or other U.S. Government obligations
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 12, 2008
President Bush Meets with Coalition for Affordable American Energy
Room 350
Eisenhower Executive Office Building
1:57 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank members of the Coalition for Affordable American Energy for joining me today. We just had a very interesting and informative discussion. I heard from businesses, large and small. They -- these folks are representing a lot of workers, people who are really concerned about the energy situation here in America, a lot of people wondering why their government is not doing something about the supply of crude oil.
One of the things that came out in this discussion was there's a lot of folks in our country who understand we could be doing something about the high price of gasoline and we're not.
091415_a_svwlf_ (950).jpg
The American Presidency Project
George W. Bush
XLIII President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Remarks to the Coalition for Affordable American Energy
August 12, 2008
I want to thank members of the Coalition for Affordable American Energy for joining me today. We just had a very interesting and informative discussion. I heard from businesses, large and small. They--these folks are representing a lot of workers, people who are really concerned about the energy situation here in America, a lot of people wondering why their Government is not doing something about the supply of crude oil.
One of the things that came out in this discussion was, there's a lot of folks in our country who understand we could be doing something about the high price of gasoline, and we're not. Obviously, we need to be wise about conservation, but we've got to be wise about increasing the supply of oil here in America. If you're concerned about the price of gasoline, one way to affect that price of gasoline is to increase oil supplies.
And one of these things these workers know that I fully understand as well, I'd rather our consumers be buying gasoline made from oil here in America than gasoline from oil being made overseas. We want our dollars, to the extent possible, to be here at home, staying here at home.
And so, we discussed a variety of strategies about how to affect the supply of oil, and one way that we can affect the supply of oil is to increase access to offshore exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Congress has restricted access to key parts of the Outer Continental Shelf since the early 1980s. Experts believe that these restricted areas could eventually produce nearly 10 years worth of America's current oil production. People have analyzed what's possible there, and they believe that it's--we can find a lot of oil, American-produced oil, oil that will mean our dollars are staying here and not going overseas. Advances in technology have made it possible to conduct oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf that is out of sight, that protects coral reefs, and protects against oil spills.
Last month, I acted and I lifted an executive branch restriction on offshore oil exploration. And then I called on Congress to join me and to lift the legislative ban--to end the legislative ban. Unfortunately, the Democratic leadership in Congress decided to go on a 5-week vacation, a recess, rather than act on behalf of the American consumer, the American small-business owner.
Members have now had an opportunity to hear from their constituents, and if they listen carefully, I think they'll hear what I heard today, and that is a lot of Americans from all walks of life wonder why we can't come together and get legislation necessary to end the ban on offshore drilling. And so, today I join House Republicans in urging the Speaker of the House to schedule a vote on offshore oil exploration as soon as possible.
Now, the way ahead is this: The moratorium on offshore drilling is included in the provisions of the Interior appropriations bill. When Congress returns, they should immediately bring this bill to the House floor and schedule an up-or-down vote on whether to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling. Our goal should be to enact a law that reflects the will of the overwhelming majority of Americans who want to open up oil resources on the Outer Continental Shelf.
And so, the Democratic leadership should bring up a clean bill, give the Members a chance to vote up or down on whether or not we should proceed with offshore drilling, and not insert any legislative poison pills. Those would be provisions that they know will never be enacted and are added only for the purpose of killing the effort to open up the off--the Outer Continental Shelf to drilling.
Congress can do some more. Once they solve this problem, they can allow us to drill in northern Alaska, which we can do in environmentally friendly ways. They should allow us to tap into the extraordinary potential of oil shale. And we need to expand our refining capacity here in America. These are all steps that the Congress can take to show the American people that we can move forward in a positive way to affect the price of gasoline. And there's a lot of Members of Congress who want a up-or-down vote. And the Democratic leadership has got to listen to the people on this issue.
Now, this is part of a comprehensive strategy. Everybody in this room understands that expanding oil and gas production is a part of a comprehensive strategy. Obviously, we need to expand conservation measures. We need to develop alternative energy technologies such as advanced batteries, plug-in hybrids, hydrogen fuel cells. We need to expand clean, safe, nuclear power, clean coal technology, solar, and wind power. There's not a single answer to our energy problems. But a part of solving the dilemma that our consumers are facing, that the hard-working Americans face, and that is high price of gasoline, we need to get after exploration here in America. And we can do it in a way that protects the environment.
So, when Congress comes back, they need to act. And they don't need to gimmick up the legislation; they need to allow there to be an up-or-down vote, and let the Members express the will of their constituents.
I appreciate the--your work on this issue. I appreciate you represent a lot of hard-working people, people who simply want to put food on the table and be able to make it to work; people who are concerned about the price of gasoline; people who have told you to tell me that they want to see more oil drilled, more exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf; people who told you to tell me they want to see us drilling in Alaska; people who told you to tell me they want a commonsense energy policy right here in Washington, DC. And I agree with them.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for our conversation. Appreciate it. Thank you all.
Note: The President spoke at 1:57 p.m. in Room 350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Release Info
USA 18 November 1996 (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Full Cast & Crew
James Cromwell ... Zefram Cochran
Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 3
The Dog
Aired Sunday Sep 13, 2015 on AMC
AIRED: 9/13/15
Springfield! Springfield!
Fear the Walking Dead
The Dog
- Dad! What do you see out there? I told you to stop looking.
Some guy, he was-- he was messed up, Dad.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 26
Beneath: “Special to the Call-Clarion by James D. Hogliss.”
Below that: It has been revealed to this reporter by a reliable source that the flu epidemic (sometimes called Choking Sickness or Tube Neck here in West Virginia) is in reality a deadly mutation of the ordinary flu virus created by this government, for purposes of war—and in direct disregard of the revised Geneva accords concerning germ and chemical warfare, accords which representatives of the United States signed seven years ago. The source, who is an army official now stationed in Wheeling, also said that promises of a soon-forthcoming vaccine are ‘a baldfaced lie.’ No vaccine, according to this source, has yet been developed.
“Citizens, this is more than a disaster or a tragedy; it is the end of all hope in our government. If we have indeed done such a thing to ourselves, then…”
Hogliss was sick, and very weak. He seemed to have used the last of his strength composing the editorial. It had gone from him into the words and had not been replaced. His chest was full of phlegm, and even normal breathing was like running uphill. Yet he went methodically from house to house, leaving his broadsides, not even knowing if the houses were still occupied, or if they were, if anyone inside had enough strength left to go out and pick up what he had left.
Finally he was on the west end of town, Poverty Row, with its shacks and trailers and its rank septic-tank smell. Only the papers in the trunk remained and he left it open, its lid flopping slowly up and down as he went over the washboards in the road. He was trying to cope with a fearsome headache, and his vision kept doubling on him.
When the last house, a tumbledown shack near the Rack’s Crossing town line, was taken care of, he still had a bundle of perhaps twenty-five papers. He slit the string which bound them with his old pocketknife and then let the wind take them where the wind would, thinking of his source, a major with dark, haunted eyes who had been transferred from something top secret in California called Project Blue only three months before. The major had been charged with outside security there, and he kept fingering the pistol on his hip as he told Hogliss everything he knew. Hogliss thought it would not be long before the major used the gun, if he hadn’t used it already.
He climbed back behind the wheel of the Cadillac, the only car he had owned since his twenty-seventh birthday, and discovered he was too tired to drive back to town. So he leaned back sleepily, listened to the drowning sounds coming from his chest, and watched the wind blow his extra editions lazily up the road toward Rack’s Crossing. Some of them had caught in the overhanging trees, where they hung like strange fruit. Nearby, he could hear the bubbling, racing sound of Durbin Stream, where he had fished as a boy. There were no fish in it now, of course—the coal companies had seen to that—but the sound was still soothing. He closed his eyes, slept, and died an hour and a half later.
The Los Angeles Times ran only 26,000 copies of their one-page extra before the officers in charge discovered that they were not printing an advertising circular, as they had been told. The reprisal was swift and bloody. The official FBI story was that “radical revolutionaries,” that old bugaboo, had dynamited the L.A. Times ’ presses, causing the death of twenty-eight workers. The FBI didn’t have to explain how the explosion had put bullets in each of the twenty-eight heads, because the bodies were mingled with those of thousands of others, epidemic victims who were being buried at sea.
Yet 10,000 copies got out, and that was enough. The headline, in 36-point-type, screamed:
Thousands Flee Deadly Superflu
Government Coverup Certain
LOS ANGELES—Some of the soldiers purporting to be National Guardsmen helping out during the current ongoing tragedy are career soldiers with as many as four ten-year pips on their sleeves. Part of their job is to assure terrified Los Angeles residents that the superflu, known as Captain Trips by the young in most areas, is “only slightly more virulent” than the London or Hong Kong strains… but these assurances are made through portable respirators. The President is scheduled to speak tonight at 6:00 PST and his press secretary, Hubert Ross, has branded reports that the President will speak from a set mocked up to look like the Oval Office but actually deep in the White House bunker “hysterical, vicious, and totally unfounded.” Advance copies of the President’s speech indicate that he will “spank” the American people for overreacting, and compare the current panic to that which followed Orson Welles’s “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast in the early 30s.
The Times has five questions it wishes the President would answer in his speech.
1. Why has the Times been enjoined from printing the news by thugs in army uniforms, in direct violation of its Constitutional right to do so?
2. Why have the following highways—US 5, US 10, and US 15—been blocked off by armored cars and troop carriers?
3. If this is a “minor outbreak of flu,” why has martial law been declared for Los Angeles and surrounding areas?
4. If this is a “minor outbreak of flu,” then why are barge-trains being towed out into the Pacific and dumped? And do these barges contain what we are afraid they contain and what informed sources have assured us they do contain—the dead bodies of plague victims?
5. Finally, if a vaccine really is to be distributed to doctors and area hospitals early next week, why has not one of the forty-six physicians that this newspaper contacted for further details heard of any delivery plans? Why has not one clinic been set up to administer flu shots? Why has not one of the ten pharmaceutical houses we called gotten freight invoices or government fliers on this vaccine?
We call upon the President to answer these questions in his speech, and above all we call upon him to end these police-state tactics and this insane effort to cover up the truth…
In Duluth a man in khaki shorts and sandals walked up and down Piedmont Avenue with a large smear of ash on his forehead and a hand-lettered sandwich board hanging over his scrawny shoulders.
The front read:
The back read:
Four young men in motorcycle jackets, all of them with bad coughs and runny noses, set upon the man in the khaki shorts and beat him unconscious with his own sandwich board. Then they fled, one of them calling back hysterically over his shoulder: “Teach you to scare people! Teach you to scare people, you half-baked freak!”
Futurama (TV Series)
The Route of All Evil (2002)
Hermes Conrad: Sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg!
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 9:26 AM
To: 'Chad Trammell'
Subject: FW: Winnipeg
Our office had been in a downtown mid-rise office tower next to the Bellevue mall and I lived in a really nice apartment about two blocks north. That apartment was quite possibly the nicest place I had ever lived before then. It was appointed better than the house I used to own in Greer South Carolina but that house was much larger and it was still very nice for a hundred thousand dollars. That won't buy you anything out here that I know of. Maybe that park bench I was sleeping on for a while back in the summer of 2005.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 05 December 2012 except ends]
RUSH: You think just because you were born poor, that gives you the right to be angry at the world! How pathetic!
GREER: Ooh, yeah, yeah. You think that's why I'm angry?
RUSH: If it wasn't for the army, you'd be in jail, or worse.
GREER (laughing ironically): Oh, that's what all you rich people think.
RUSH: Rich?! (He turns on Greer angrily.) My father worked in the shipyards in Glasgow. I earned a scholarship to Oxford while I was working two jobs. I have earned the right to make decisions without explaining myself to you or anyone else!
From 1/3/1917 ( Woodrow Wilson - Executive Order - Relating to Indians on Public Domain ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 27100 days
27100 = 13550 + 13550
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/8/2002 is 13550 days
From 8/9/1965 ( the Titan II underground missile silo fire in Searcy Arkansas ) To 9/14/2002 ( at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and Microsoft Bill Gates the 100% female gender as born and Microsoft Bill Gates the Soviet Union prostitute ) is 13550 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/8/2002 is 13550 days
From 10/14/1959 ( Errol Flynn dead ) To 11/18/1996 ( premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 13550 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/8/2002 is 13550 days
From 7/9/1952 ( premiere US film "She's Working Her Way Through College" ) To 12/8/2002 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 9207 days
From 7/9/1952 ( premiere US film "She's Working Her Way Through College" ) To 12/8/2002 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
Futurama Season 5 Episode 3
The Route of All Evil
Aired Wednesday 10:00 PM Dec 08, 2002 on Comedy Central
Due to inappropriate behavior, Cubert Farnsworth and Dwight Conrad are suspended from school. They start hanging around Planet Express all day and generally annoying everyone, and their fathers tell them to get jobs.
The boys get a paper route, and when Cubert spots an ad for a make-your-own-spaceship, he and Dwight order it and use it for their rounds. They soon start up Awesome Express Delivery Company, which competes with Planet Express and starts taking their customers away. Cubert and Dwight take over Planet Express, offering Fry, Leela and Bender jobs with Awesome Express and acquiring the Planet Express ship. But when things start to go wrong, only Hermes and Farnsworth can help their sons.
AIRED: 12/8/02
She's Working Her Way Through College (1952)
Release Dates
USA 9 July 1952 (New York City, New York)
She's Working Her Way Through College (1952)
Full Cast & Crew
Ronald Reagan ... Professor John Palmer
She's Working Her Way Through College (1952)
Prof. John Palmer: Mr. Copeland, he has ordered me to read this speech or else. It is a speech which announces the removal of Angela Gardner from the cast of tonight's play and her expulsion from Midwest State. Angela has broken no rules at this university. Her grades are better than average. Her conduct above reproach. Apparently the only reason she is unacceptable, is because she worked in show business. There have always been those people who believe, evidently some in our Board of Trustees, that the people of show business are different than the rest of us. In a way, I guess they are. Which is probably why we pay admission to see them. I doubt if the rest of us would buy tickets to see each other. We are asked to believe that her previous occupation is sufficient reason to risk the establishment here and now of a precedent which may lead tomorrow to the barring of students because they go to the wrong church, come from the wrong side of the tracks, or were born in the wrong country. I have a definite premonition that I will not be your Associate Professor for very much longer. But, while I am, I cannot participate in this injustice. If Fred Copeland wants this speech read, he'll have to come before you and do it himself. As far as I am concerned, the annual play of the theater arts class will go on tonight as scheduled. Angela Gardner will be in the cast. Goodbye.
Futurama Season 5 Episode 3
The Route of All Evil
Aired Wednesday 10:00 PM Dec 08, 2002 on Comedy Central
Bender: Hey, chumps, I heard you were on the ass-end of an ass-kicking so I figured you could use a couple these little babies.
(hands everyone a beer)
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 35
He fumbled out his Bic, held it up, and spun the wheel. The light it provided was pitifully small, feeding his unease rather than assuaging it. Even with the flame turned up all the way it only gave him a circle of visibility about six feet in diameter.
He put it back in his pocket and kept walking, trailing his hand lightly along the railing. There was an echo in here, too, one he liked even less than the one outside. The echo made it sound like someone was behind him… stalking him. He stopped several times, head cocked, eyes wide (but blind), listening until the echo had died off. After a bit he began to shuffle along, not lifting his heels from the concrete, so the echo wouldn’t recur.
Sometime after that he stopped again and flicked the lighter close to his wristwatch. It was four-twenty, but he wasn’t sure what to make of that. In this blackness time seemed to have no objective meaning. Neither did distance, for that matter; how long was the Lincoln Tunnel, anyway? A mile? Two? Surely it couldn’t be two miles under the Hudson River. Let’s say a mile. But if a mile was all it was, he should have been at the other end already. If the average man walks four miles an hour, he can walk one mile in fifteen minutes and he’d already been in this stinking hole five minutes longer than that.
“I’m walking a lot slower,” he said, and jumped at the sound of his own voice. The lighter dropped from his hand and clicked onto the catwalk. The echo spoke back, changed into the dangerously jocular voice of an approaching lunatic:
“… lot slower… lower… lower… ”
“Jesus,” Larry muttered, and the echo whispered back: “zuss… zuss… zuss… ”
He wiped a hand across his face, fighting panic and the urge to give up thought and just run blindly forward. Instead he knelt (his knees popped like pistol shots, frightening him again) and walked his fingers over the miniature topography of the pedestrian catwalk—the chipped valleys in the cement, the ridge of an old cigarette butt, the hill of a tiny tinfoil ball—until at last he happened on his Bic. With an inner sigh he squeezed it tightly in his hand, stood up, and walked on.
Larry was beginning to get himself under control again when his foot struck something stiff and barely yielding. He uttered an inhalatory sort of scream and took two staggering steps backward. He made himself hold steady as he pulled the Bic lighter from his pocket and flicked it. The flame wavered crazily in his trembling grasp.
He had stepped on a soldier’s hand. He was sitting with his back against the tunnel wall, his legs splayed across the walkway, a horrible sentinel left here to bar passage. His glazed eyes stared up at Larry. His lips had fallen away from his teeth and he seemed to be grinning. A switchblade knife jutted jauntily from his throat.
The lighter was growing warm in his hand. Larry let it go out. Licking his lips, holding the railing in a deathgrip, he forced himself forward until the toe of his shoe struck the soldier’s hand again. Then he stepped over, making a comically large stride, and a kind of nightmarish certainty came over him. He would hear the scrape of the soldier’s boots as he shifted, and then the soldier would reach out and clasp his leg in a loose cold grip.
In a shuffling sort of run, Larry went another ten paces and then made himself stop, knowing that if he didn’t stop, the panic would win and he would bolt blindly, chased by a terrible regiment of echoes.
When he felt he had himself under some sort of control, he began to walk again. But now it was worse; his toes shrank inside his shoes, afraid that at any second they might come in contact with another body sprawled on the catwalk… and soon enough, it happened.
He groaned and fumbled the lighter out again. This time it was much worse. The body his foot had struck was that of an old man in a blue suit. A black silk skullcap had fallen from his balding head into his lap. There was a six-pointed star of beaten silver in his lapel. Beyond him were another half a dozen corpses: two woman, a man of middle age, a woman who might have been in her late seventies, two teenage boys.
The lighter was growing too hot to hold any longer. He snapped it off and slipped it back into his pants pocket, where it glowed like a warm coal against his leg. Captain Trips hadn’t taken this group off any more than it had taken the soldier back there. He had seen the blood, the torn clothes, the chipped tiles, the bullet holes. They had been gunned down. Larry remembered the rumors that soldiers had blocked off the points of exit from Island Manhattan. He hadn’t known whether to believe them or not; he had heard so many rumors last week as things were breaking down.
The situation here was easy enough to reconstruct. They had been caught in the tunnel, but they hadn’t been too sick to walk. They got out of their car and began to make their way toward the Jersey side, using the catwalk just as he was doing. There had been a command post, machine-gun emplacement, something.
Had been? Or was now?
Larry stood sweating, trying to make up his mind. The solid darkness provided the perfect theater screen on which the mind could play out its fantasies. He saw: grim-eyed soldiers in germproof suits crouched behind a machine gun equipped with an infrared peeper-scope, their job to cut down any stragglers who tried to come through the tunnel; one single soldier left behind, a suicide volunteer, wearing infrared goggles and creeping toward him with a knife in his teeth; two soldiers quietly loading a mortar with a single poison gas canister.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 62
Her mind turned back to the Judge. Who would have figured that? In its own way, it was a damned brilliant idea. Who would have suspected an old man? Well, Flagg had, it seemed. Somehow he had known when and approximately where. A picket line had been set up all the way along the Idaho-Oregon border, with orders to kill him.
But the job had been botched somehow. Since suppertime last night, the upper echelon here in Las Vegas had been walking around with pasty faces and downcast eyes. Whitney Horgan, who was one damned fine cook, had served something that looked like dog food and was too burned to taste like much of anything. The Judge was dead, but something had gone wrong.
She got up and walked to the window and looked out over the desert. She saw two big Las Vegas High School buses trundling west on US 95 in the hot sunshine, headed out toward the Indian Springs airbase, where, she knew, a daily seminar in the art and craft of jet planes went on. There were over a dozen people in the West who knew how to fly, but by great good luck—for the Free Zone—none of them were checked out for the National Guard jets at Indian Springs.
But they were learning. Oh my, yes.
What was most important for her right now about the Judge’s demise was that they had known when they had no business knowing. Was there a spy of their own back in the Free Zone? That was possible, she supposed; spying was a game two could play at. But Sue Stern had told her that the decision to send spies into the West had been strictly a committee thing, and she doubted very much if any of those seven were in the Flagg bag. Mother Abagail would have known if one of the committee had turned rotten, for one thing. Dayna was sure of it.
That left a very unappetizing alternative. Flagg himself had just known.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 6:00 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Monday 14 September 2015