I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, January 22, 2016
I can't see myself as an "I told you so" guy.
So what's my motivation?
Why does this blog mean so much to me?
I don't need your approval.
What should I care what you think?
There is absolutely *no doubt* in my mind something extraordinary is happening.
Google Maps
Charlotte, North Carolina
Village of the Damned (1960)
[first lines]
Prof. Gordon Zellaby: [on telephone] Good morning. Uh, would you get me Major Bernard at his Whitehall number? Thank you.
Village of the Damned (1960)
Alan Bernard: People, especially children, aren't measured by their IQ. What's important about them is whether they're good or bad, and these children are bad.
Village of the Damned (1995)
Dr. Alan Chaffee: [walks into the barn where the children are] Another man is dead. Why do you hate us so much, Mara?
Mara Chaffee: It isn't a matter of hate. It is a biological obligation.
[short pause]
Mara Chaffee: You are thinking of what happened to the others. Then our actions shouldn't surprise you. We have to survive no matter what the cost; we are the only ones left now.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: I don't see why we can't reach an understanding. Why can't we just live together?
Mara Chaffee: If we coexist, we shall dominate you. That is inevitable. Eventually you will try to eliminate us. We are all creatures of the life force. Now it was set us at one another to see who will survive.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: That's a cruel sport.
Mara Chaffee: Life is cruelty. We all feed on each other, exploit each other in some way to survive.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: [shakes his head] I don't agree with you.
[walks over to where Mara is sitting]
Dr. Alan Chaffee: I think that adaptation is the key to survival. Cooperation and symbiosis...
[kneels by Mara's desk]
Dr. Alan Chaffee: and compassion.
Mara Chaffee: Why do you think your own survival depends upon emotion from us? Shoul we pity you? Empathize with your plight?
Dr. Alan Chaffee: [bangs his fist on Mara's desk]
Dr. Alan Chaffee: You should feel! You should feel something!
[stands up]
Dr. Alan Chaffee: Without feelings, you're nothing. You're just second-rate mimics of a higher organism. That's right, higher organisms. We're your superiors in our capacity to love. Without compassion you're a doomed species.
Mara Chaffee: Emotion is irrelevant. It is not our nature.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: [looks back at David] Well, I'm not so sure you're right about that, Mara.
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
WEIR: Major. A word.
(She leads Sheppard away from the others. As they approach a glass wall, to their surprise it automatically slides open. They walk out onto a balcony. There's a gentle breeze.)
WEIR: Wow!
(They walk to the edge of the balcony and look down at the ocean. After a moment, Sheppard remembers why they came out there.)
SHEPPARD: Let me guess: you're not gonna let me rescue my people.
WEIR: Major, you don't even know if they're alive.
SHEPPARD: You don't leave people in the hands of the enemy. And the fact that we are having this conversation in private lets me know that you know damn well that it's wrong, and it will totally undermine your leadership. So as ranking military officer I ...
WEIR: Alright, just shut up and listen to me for a moment, alright? Come on, what do we know about the Wraith? One of the few things we do know is that they are the enemy that defeated the Ancients. When we first began to use the Stargate we found on Earth, we got ourselves into serious trouble -- why?
SHEPPARD: I don't need a history lesson ...
WEIR: Because the people in charge didn't consider the ramifications before they reacted.
SHEPPARD: They took our people -- how am I supposed to react?
WEIR: And we're defenceless -- you said so yourself. How do you know going off on some half-assed rescue mission isn't gonna to bring them all right back here to our doorstep?
SHEPPARD: Maybe it will. But it's the right thing to do. Why? Because it is!
WEIR: John ...
SHEPPARD: If we're not gonna do this -- and I mean right now -- let's just turn tail and pack up, because they're coming.
WEIR: You don't know that.
SHEPPARD: Our people are in the hands of the enemy, Doctor. Do you know what that means? It is just a matter of time before the Wraith figure out that this is the base of our operations.
WEIR: I just need more information. I mean, who knows, maybe we could negotiate a peaceful ...
SHEPPARD: Peaceful? Are you kidding?! We weren't there for more than a few hours before they showed up.
WEIR: Is it possible they came because of you, and that one of these people you brought back here with you tipped them off?
SHEPPARD: It's possible.
WEIR: See, that is exactly the kind of snap decision I'm referring to!
SHEPPARD: They're not all bad people, and, you know, if we're gonna stick around here, we need friends.
WEIR: OK. I see your point. Now you see mine: I will not authorise a rescue mission unless I am sure there is at least a remote chance of success. I'm not sending more good people, including you, to their deaths.
(He walks away back into the base. Weir leans on the balcony and looks out over the ocean.)
Colony Season 1 Episode 2
A Brave New World
Aired Thursday 10:00 PM Jan 21, 2016 on USA
AIRED: 1/21/16
Springfield! Springfield!
Brave New World
How do you live with this job?
By focusing on the big picture. Have people already forgotten The Arrival? Every defense mechanism in this city was wiped out within eight hours.
Springfield! Springfield!
Brave New World
I thought you were in charge.
Yeah. Snyder lied, of course. There's a woman running the unit.
Who's she?
I don't know, but I've seen her type before when I was deployed. Ex-CIA if I had to guess.
I thought the RAPs killed all those people.
Yeah, I thought so too. She's the real deal.
This wasn't precisely what I wanted to reference but after searching over an hour I could not find the dialog for this issue I saw recently on television and I don't want to waste more time on it.
Republican elders ask 'who's worse' for the GOP brand: Trump or Cruz
Maeve Reston
By Maeve Reston, CNN
Updated 12:02 AM ET, Fri January 22, 2016
"It's one thing to be like a very tough guy -- we're all tough people -- but you've got to be able to get along a little bit with people. You can't be so strident," Trump told the crowd at two raucous events in Las Vegas. "He can debate, but he can't talk."
From 7/16/1963 ( Phoebe Cates the United States Army veteran and the Harvard University graduate medical doctor and the world-famous actress and the wife of my biological brother Thomas Reagan ) To 8/4/2007 is 16090 days
16090 = 8045 + 8045
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/12/1987 ( the first Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant opened in Beijing China ) is 8045 days
[ See also: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/10/now-why-didnt-i-think-of-that-ill-do-it.html ]
The American Presidency Project
George W. Bush
XLIII President of the United States: 2001 - 2009
Statement on House of Representatives Passage of Intelligence Reform Legislation
August 4, 2007
Tonight the House joined the Senate in passing legislation that will close a critical gap in our intelligence collection, and I appreciate their efforts to complete the legislation before the August recess. The Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, has assured me that this bill gives him what he needs to continue to protect the country, and therefore, I will sign this legislation as soon as it gets to my desk.
I also want to remind Congress that our work on reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is not complete. When Congress returns in September, we need to work together on additional reforms, including the important issue of providing meaningful liability protection to those who are alleged to have assisted our Nation following the attacks of September 11, 2001.
NOTE: The statement referred to S. 1927.
Original Airdate (SciFi): 01-DEC-2006
Starbuck: I missed you.
Apollo, thickly: I missed you too. I missed you too.
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
SHEPPARD: Let me guess: you're not gonna let me rescue my people.
WEIR: Major, you don't even know if they're alive.
SHEPPARD: You don't leave people in the hands of the enemy.
Springfield! Springfield!
Brave New World
They sent Carlos, my CI, to The Factory.
I told you that I need him.
Close the door.
You have a chance to do well here, don't be naive.
We're talking about someone's life.
Lots of decisions will always be made above our heads.
That's just how it is.
How do you live with this job? By focusing on the big picture.
Have people already forgotten The Arrival? Every defense mechanism in this city was wiped out within eight hours.
Do you really think a handful of guerrillas is gonna make a difference against them? All they're gonna do is take more innocent lives and ensure that conditions in this block get much worse.
DVD DISC - Season 1, Disc 1
SHEPPARD: Someone's been busy, you know?
TEYLA: The drawings in the caves are extensive. Many must date back thousands of years -- or more.
(Sheppard makes his way around the walls, looking at the drawings. He points to one.)
SHEPPARD: Does this represent the destruction of your city?
TEYLA: This drawing far predates that.
From 5/8/1789 to 1/22/2016 is 226 years 8 months 2 weeks
The American Presidency Project
George Washington
I President of the United States: 1789 - 1797
Message in Reply to the House of Representatives
May 8, 1789
Address of the House of Representatives to George Washington, President of the United States.
SIR: The Representatives of the people of the United States present their congratulations on the event by which your fellow-citizens have attested the preeminence of your merit. You have long held the first place in their esteem. You have often received tokens of their affection. You now possess the only proof that remained of their gratitude for your services, of their reverence for your wisdom, and of their confidence in your virtues. You enjoy the highest, because the truest, honor of being the first Magistrate by the unanimous choice of the freest people on the face of the earth.
We well know the anxieties with which you must have obeyed a summons from the repose reserved for your declining years into public scenes, of which you had taken your leave forever. But the obedience was due to the occasion. It is already applauded by the universal joy which welcomes you to your station. And we can not doubt that it will be rewarded with all the satisfaction with which an ardent love for your fellow-citizens must review successful efforts to promote their happiness.
This anticipation is not justified merely by the past experience of your signal services. It is particularly suggested by the pious impressions under which you commence your Administration and the enlightened maxims by which you mean to conduct it. We feel with you the strongest obligations to adore the Invisible Hand which has led the American people through so many difficulties, to cherish a conscious responsibility for the destiny of republican liberty, and to seek the only sure means of preserving and recommending the precious deposit in a system of legislation founded on the principles of an honest policy and directed by the spirit of a diffusive patriotism.
The question arising out of the fifth article of the Constitution will receive all the attention demanded by its importance, and will, we trust, be decided under the influence of all the considerations to which you allude.
In forming the pecuniary provisions for the executive department we shall not lose sight of a wish resulting from motives which give it a peculiar claim to our regard. Your resolution, in a moment critical to the liberties of your country, to renounce all personal emolument, was among the many presages of your patriotic services which have been amply fulfilled; and your scrupulous adherence now to the law then imposed on yourself can not fail to demonstrate the purity, whilst it increases the luster, of a character which has so many titles to admiration.
Such are the sentiments which we have thought fit to address to you. They flow from our own hearts, and we verily believe that among the millions we represent there is not a virtuous citizen whose heart will disown them.
All that remains is that we join in our fervent supplications for the blessings of Heaven on our country, and that we add our own for the choicest of these blessings on the most beloved of her citizens.
May 5, 1789.
Reply of the President:
GENTLEMEN: Your very affectionate address produces emotions which I know not how to express. I feel that my past endeavors in the service of my country are far overpaid by its goodness, and I fear much that my future ones may not fulfill your kind anticipation. All that I can promise is that they will be invariably directed by an honest and an ardent zeal. Of this resource my heart assures me. For all beyond I rely on the wisdom and patriotism of those with whom I am to cooperate and a continuance of the blessings of Heaven on our beloved country.
May 8, 1789.
Springfield! Springfield!
Brave New World
Strip. Get your clothes off now! [air hissing] [coughs] [machinery whirring] [shrill electronic trilling]
Bird of prey
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Birds of prey, also known as raptors, hunt and feed on other animals. The term "raptor" is derived from the Latin word rapere (meaning to seize or take by force). These birds are characterized by keen vision that allows them to detect prey during flight and powerful talons and beaks.
Raptor Hunting
One of the most spectacular sights in the world of birds is a kill of another bird by a stooping Peregrine Falcon. The falcon plunges steeply downward, wings partially closed, at speeds that can exceed 150 miles an hour. It was long thought that falcons and other raptors struck with their feet clenched like a fist. High-speed cinematographic studies, however, have shown that they strike their prey from above with all four toes fully extended. The Peregrine's victim is often ripped by the falcon's talons, producing a shower of feathers. Usually the prey is picked up off the ground afterward, although occasionally the falcon will stoop again and gather the tumbling bird before it falls to the ground.
Peregrines use other modes of hunting as well, sometimes diving past their prey and then zooming up from beneath to snatch it from behind and below, or simply catching a small bird from above with their talons. Sometimes they will patrol low over the ground like a harrier, attempting to flush game birds. The hunting success of Peregrines can vary widely with location, season, and even sex, as Cornell ornithologist Tom Cade showed with an interesting comparison. One breeding male in the eastern United States, hunting Blue jays almost exclusively, caught 93 percent of his targets one season. A breeding female in Australia was successful only 31 percent of the time, but she captured mostly coots which were more than five times as heavy as the Blue jays. Considering that the female probably weighed half again as much as the male, and analyzing the energy costs and benefits of both hunting patterns, Cade concluded that it took the male 49 kilocalories (kcal, what dieters normally just call a "calorie") to deliver 1,000 kcal of prey to the eyrie, while the female expended just 43 kcal to get the same job done. The female is more efficient, but is limited in the amount of time she can hunt because of her nest guarding duties. The somewhat less-efficient male probably delivered more nourishment to the young because he could spend more time hunting.
As a group, raptors exhibit an extraordinary variety of hunting techniques. Aside from owls (which are sometimes considered raptors) almost all are diurnal hunters, but a few like the European Hobby (a smaller relative of the Peregrine) will pounce on mice in the moonlight. Some are like the Peregrine in that they hunt at high speed. The Sharp-shinned Hawk, for example, often flashes through relatively thick woodland, maneuvering skillfully and often snatching passerines right from their perches. Others, like American Kestrels, Black-shouldered Kites, and the young of the very successful Red-tailed Hawk, often hover when hunting, and then drop steeply down on their targets. And still others, including adult Red-tails, soar as they watch for prey on the ground. But most hunting by raptors probably is done from perches with a commanding view from which the bird can scan the surrounding terrain with its telescope-like vision, where it can glide rapidly to gather in its prey. Interestingly, whether an American Kestrel hovers or perch-hunts depends in large part on whether there is a good breeze to hover in. Whichever technique is used, most prey of raptors are killed by the talons of the contracting foot being driven into their bodies; if required, the hooked bill is used to give a coup-de-grace. The exceptions are falcons, which ordinarily kill by biting into the necks of victims not dispatched in mid-air. (Owls also bite the necks of their prey.)
Of course, there are some birds of prey (in addition to falcons) that employ rather specialized hunting techniques.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:50 PM
To: 'Chad Trammell'
Subject: Croatia
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:47 PM
Subject: RE: Croatia
Have you ever heard coyotes in the woods howling at night? I heard them a lot back when I lived in Ashdown. We would often go out in the woods at night and let the hunting dogs my step-father raised run around the woods chasing other animals. Sometimes they would chase a coyote and they told me the sound of the dogs barking was different when chasing a coyote.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 January 2013 except ends]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:45 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 22 January 2016