I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Great Lakes
I grew so disgusted with Facebook, not because of the people I knew personally, but because of United States Americans I do not know personally, that I stopped using it. For the brief period I was using it. As I wrote to certain people I was using it to research Facebook itself.
I hate Facebook and I prefer Blogger.com and their Blogspot.com, and although I don't hate Blogger.com, I have been weighing the limitations of Blogspot after this past decade of using it as my primary delivery mechanism of The Truth.
So anyway, a recent greeting from the person I remember from my youth as my sister got me thinking about Facebook again and so I logged back on.
One convenient factor is that the content is still the same after all this time.
Blogger.com is great for text but lousy for multimedia.
Anyway, apparently just after I abandoned Facebook a couple years ago my CG-28 buddy sent me a photo that I never in a million years would have remembered.
But there it was. That is definitely me. And the date 04 November 1986 is consistent.
And the people. I remember those people. I have seen this photo for only about the past hour and I am still in disbelief.
I recall a photo from my next school, in Dam Neck Virginia, but not this one.
And the thought occurs to me that most likely is that I never saw the photo. That conflicts with the notion that I never recall posing for the photo. Well, that's a trivial detail that happened 30 years ago.
I have no recollection of any kind of context about that photo.
But that is definitely me.
I am in the middle row and the fourth person from the right-side of the photo.
I cannot recall names now but those people are definitely familiar to me.
The person to my right-side might be Doug Wiese.
Doug was the former Operations Specialist who attended Univac school with me in Dam Neck. That makes more sense because the blurry photo seems to be when he was still wearing the OS rating symbol which indicates this photo was taken before graduation. I'm pretty sure the two guys to his right were in FC-C school with us too.
There are so many FC3's in the photo I have to wonder. And the FCSN's, that makes no sense to me.
Uniforms with rating symbols were rare to non-existent at Great Lakes as all I ever recall wearing was dungarees, except for an occasional inspection. I recall a PO3 once seemed to think I was a Push-Button 3rd Class.
At the previous school in Orlando we had to wear dress uniform on Friday's. At C-School, following FC-A School, we wore the working dress uniform every day. All the Push-Buttons now wore the same uniform as I.
Solaris (2002)
Chris Kelvin: What about your visitor, the one you're so ready to destroy without hesitation? Who is it? What is it? Does it feel? Can it touch? Does it speak?
Gordon: We are in a situation that is beyond morality.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 04:02 AM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 09 November 2016