Monday, April 12, 2010

Modest Mouse "This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About" (1996)

1978 film "Capricorn One" DVD movie:


Robert Caulfield: This coffee is horrible.

Judy: It's not that bad.

Robert Caulfield: It is. It's that bad.

Judy: Don't drink it.

Robert Caulfield: I'm always unwrapping things. I wake up and take the cellophane off the drinking glass. The soap's in a Holiday Inn wrapper. Even the toilet has a paper band on it with a nice little note from the hotel saying they put the band on the toilet for my protection. I'm always afraid that if I stay in bed too long the maid is going to walk in and put a paper band around me and the bedspread.

Judy: I don't mind.

Robert Caulfield: You wait. After a while, you won't know what city you're in. I defy anyone to tell me the difference between a Holiday Inn in Houston and the Holiday Inn in Cincinnati. The room's are the same. The music in the elevators is the same. Even the ladies with too much makeup in the coffee shop are the same. You never know where you are until after breakfast when you read the paper.

Judy: I don't mind it.

Robert Caulfield: Well, I don't mind it that much either, it's just that I would like it all to be with someone I cared for. Someone I could share it with.

Judy: Bullshit.

Robert Caulfield: You're so damn cynical.

Judy: I'm not cynical. It's just that your act could use a little polish.

Robert Caulfield: What do you mean by that?

Judy: Well, Liz Haller, for starters. Was it is the California primary? I believe you used the one about both of you being witnesses to the unfolding of history. You have to admit that is a little better than soap wrappers.

Robert Caulfield: You think all I want to do is jump you?

Judy: Yes.

Robert Caulfield: You wouldn't know sincerity if it ran over you.

Judy: Not if you were driving it.

}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 13:18:17 -0800 (PST)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 2/13/06

To: "Kerry Burgess"

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Also, it is obvious that I am a control subject in a behavior patterns experiment. I do not appreciate being forced to stand up like some E-5 to a figurative H-bomb test so I can soak up the radiation and smile for the camera. I am an indepedant person with a great deal of initiative and I have a lot of important objectives to meet. So get out of my way and let me get back to work.

Kerry Burgess wrote:
Not sure about this dream from when I finally got back to sleep this morning. I wanted to stay awake to watch the morning news but I was feeling the urge to watch my favorite anchorperson. If I watch her, I am going to talk and who knows how many sociopaths out there are listening to all this. How can this continue??? In this latest dream, there is a recurring theme, lately it always seems to involve sand. Today I was driving a pickup along a road on a sandy hill. I was trying to stop to talk to someone that was walking along. But then I was traveling backwards, down the hill I think. I put on the brakes but I still keep traveling down the hill and away from the person I wanted to talk to. Then I put the transmission in Drive and pressed the accelerator, but all the wheels did was spin and I kept moving fast backwards, I felt frustrated. I eventually stopped and the person I wanted to talk to caught up with me but I don't remember anything after that. There was some other stuff going on, possibly it was dream manipulation to respond to my metaphor about being in an H-bomb experiment. But the recurring theme has something to do with traveling backwards and not being able to stop where I want to.



"A Great Day For Freedom"

On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrived
On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally ran aground
Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight

I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth, not even pride remained
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you

Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbors turn away
And there's a change that, even with regret, cannot be undone
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of grey

I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitter residues slipped away...slipped away

}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06

To: "Kerry Burgess"

Kerry Burgess wrote:

Details about my recent sleep are very fuzzy today. Can't remember for sure when I woke up. 3 am maybe. Or maybe shortly after midnight, can't really remember as I usually can. Remember dreaming something about driving my Jeep. Then I returned to it where it was parked in a parking lot after I was traveling through some passageways, hallways in a transit facility maybe. The only part I remember clearly is where a woman, I assume was my imaginary girlfriend asked me out for drinks or something. I told her we needed to keep it really casual though because all I had to wear was sweatpants. Kind of the downside to dating a homeless person I reflect now as I write this. She told me she would wear something with holes in it. I hope that was her in my dream, although the woman in the dream seemed to be someone unfamilar though. But I have noticed that happening with other people I know. They are represented, somehow, by a different person, but I think of them as someone specific. I feel like that is part of the manipulation. I have noticed something similar in real dreams, but I don't think it is the same here. I think they are disquising themselves in my dream for some reason. Anyway, if it really was her, she actually doesn't have to worry about dressing down if we were to go out. Of course, if I have my way, it would be a moot point because why would I want to go out with her when I am in such an ugly situation? At the minimum, I would want to be back to work so that I have regained some independence.



Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred.

Literature Network>The Holy Bible>Revelation



11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 10:21:01 PM

Subject: Re: Journal May 19, 2006

Kerry Burgess wrote:

I wonder where the divergence point is in history? When did I become Kerry Burgess and who am I really?