Thursday, April 29, 2010


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:01:15 PM

Subject: Right

I wonder if this is where that guy painting the picture was standing?

156 4th Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Wed, May 10, 2006 2:45:01 PM

Subject: Re: Finally

the worst time is seeing the plane flying over and waiting..........

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess

To: Kerry Burgess

Sent: Saturday, April 1, 2006 9:32:54 PM

Subject: Sleep journal 4/1/06

I wish I had written down these dreams shortly after I awoke. I don't remember as much detail now. But I think that illustrates how I am sensing the difference between these foreign or manipulated dreams and what would be normal dreams. I think the foreign dreams stay with me longer. I remember more of their detail. I can visualize the details in those dreams longer than I can the dreams I think of as normal. I still don't know if they are reading information to me or if they are simply reciting words that I construct into something that makes sense to me. When I had a recent dream with my so-called imaginary girlfriend the other day, I can still almost hear her voice. I don't know if that means she was literally talking while I was asleep, or that I just have heard her talking enough to be able to assign her voice to any suggestion that the dream manipulator attributes to her.

This morning I dreamed I was traveling down a four-lane road towards Shelton. I was on a bicycle but I was effortlessly traveling at 75 mph. I thought to myself that I should be wearing a helmet. Then I was on a dirt road. There was a turn I needed to make to go up to the mountains I wanted to go to, but I was traveling at 58 mph and wouldn't be able to make the turn so I kept going until I slowed down enough to turn.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM

A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty. The detail become very vague at the point where the dreams ends and I vaguely aware of something about how I could get help in fighting off those other three Cows of The Apocalypse if I said I "believed" and so I did say I believed and then I saw something that I can only describe now vaguely and one of those wagonwheeled-transports, that I think had names such as Conestoga, come traveling by me out in the direction of the other Cows and the wagon seemed to be covered in fire. I think I had stopped running at that point and there are other details about the surroundings that I can still visualize but not well enough to describe and I am left to ponder where I was. As I was writing all this, I remembered there was another series of scenes before the series of scenes about American football and I am left only with the sense of being compelled to remember those scenes and while I can visualize certain details, such as being in a supermarket, I cannot remember enough detail to articulate. I am not certain if those first scenes are connected to the next scenes about the football.


JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/02/09 9:33 AM
I dreamed just now of what seems to be the flight of the Stargazer aircraft on 6/27/1994 but the visualizations I assume are mostly just the product of a dream. As usual, there seem to be details that happened before the part I can remember enough to write about that I can not now remember. In the dream, I was onboard that aircraft and we were traveling along towards the point where we would deploy the rocket as it fired and traveled towards space. All I can really visualize though is that the aircraft seemed to be invisible. To me at least. I have the sense that other people could see it. We also were no high over the ground but we were very close to the ground and we were traveling at a rate of motion that did not seem very fast. This all was taking a long time too. I kept expecting the rocket to depart from the aircraft but it did not. I can see the terrain very well. There seemed to be people on the ground looking up and to watch us fly over. We were at another point so close the ground above a highway that I saw a woman in a police car looking up at the sky and I think she was watching us fly over. I think it was before that we were flying over new terrain and I was marveling at the color of the foliage of the trees and it might have seemed that I could even touch the trees with my feet. I remember that very well. But that part is disorienting. It is as though I was standing very close to a wall but then that wall was not actually there and what I saw in front of me was the sky and terrain and everything associated with flying in that aircraft above the ground. It seemed I was talking to the other two men on the aircraft flight deck just then and I become slightly aware as I think about the dream of equipment and instruments around me although that could be the last part. I do have the sense they are wearing uniforms and I think I am too. I am in the middle and I seem to be talking to the guy on my right. Then the part with the woman in the police car seems to happen and then we travel over an area where the terrain drops suddenly and I am marveling at that because I can clearly see everything directly below us. Just because the drop I commented to the guy on my left, who might have actually been me, that there was a stop sign on the road below us at what seemed to be a T-intersection. We seemed to have been following the highway and the highway ended at that intersection with the other highway running perpendicular to it but we continued on a straight line and that was when I saw the terrain drop sharply below us. I commented to the guy to my left who I guess was the pilot about that stop sign below and I cannot now remember our exact words but he responded to me with something about how that was my name on that stop sign and I wish I could remember better that scene from the dream although that was basically the important part. So I think this part is when the rocket was supposed to transfer to space but that is not really clear anymore. What I do remember is that now I am clinging to the side of a mountain and I have no idea where I am although I still have an association in my mind that I was on that aircraft I have been writing about. It is as though I was on the side of that mountain because I had been attached to a rope that was attached to that aircraft and the aircraft had been traveling along with me on that rope. I don't really understand enough to explain what I feel was going on in this part. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't matter. I remember the ground was very steep and I remember there was snow and I seemed to be examining the snow-covered foliage and I am aware of how steep the ground is and I am concerned because I no longer am connected to that aircraft by the rope. I am stuck there on the ground and I have no idea where I am or how to get back to anywhere. I can see what seems to be a level portion of the ground and I guess it is a trail. I can also see a window of a building and it really seems out of place because a consistent thought is that I might as well be on Mount Everest right now but that doesn't really make any sense because I remember seeing all those signs of civilization we flew over. So anyway, I am still lying on or clinging to the mountain in the same position but I am looking at the window and I can visualize it well and I can see the various details of the configuration and I am wondering if I can slide through that window or if it is too small for me to get through. There seems to be no other place to go than through that window where it looks warm and cozy


Breaking The Ice
Mission date: Unknown
Original Airdate: Nov 07, 2001


HOSHI: Captain, you should take a look at this. (an image of the comet rotating)

[Comet surface]

(the drilling rig is set up and busy)

ARCHER [OC]: Archer to Lieutenant Reed.

REED: Go ahead, sir.

ARCHER [OC]: How's it going?

REED: We hit a layer of magnesite and cracked a drill bit, but we've replaced it.

ARCHER [OC]: You may want to pick up the pace a little bit.

REED: Sir?

ARCHER [OC]: The comet's rotational axis shifted when you set off those charges. In about two hours the shuttlepod will be facing the star.


ARCHER: The temperature's going to shoot up by a couple of hundred degrees. I want you out of there before then.

[Comet surface]

REED: We'll be done with time to spare, sir.

ARCHER [OC]: Be sure you are. Archer out.

[T'Pol's quarters]

T'POL: (sitting on the floor, meditating) Come in.

TUCKER: You decide to tell me what Vanik said?

T'POL: Please, sit down.

TUCKER: I've never seen your quarters before. Cozy. (sits on floor) You know you're not supposed to have an open flame on the ship.

T'POL: I was given permission from the Captain. They're for meditation.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Thursday, September 15, 2005

I had that dream again about the house I bought in South Carolina back in the early '90s. I loved that place, it was quiet and relaxing. That house is always the central element in dreams I have sometime. There are usually variations to the situation, but the house is always there. And there is usually another element to the dream. In the dream, I discover that I still own the house and I can go back there any time I want, even at the very moment I realize it is still there. It is a great feeling to know I can sleep there that very night if I want to.

In this dream last night though, there is something about my nieces. One of them has bought the house and will live there now. This is one of ten houses that one of ten nieces is getting. Not sure what that means, I only have two nieces. So anyway, I have two cars parked outside. One is that Mazda RX-7, and just like re-discovering the house in the prior dreams, this car is suddenly mine again and I am very happy to see it. I faced a dilemma though about how to get two cars back to my place, whereever that was. There is a lot of food in one car and I am transferring it from one to the RX-7. It was dark. Then I found myself at what seemed to be my own place in the country, the grass was very high. Never seen this place before, but there seems to be something slightly familiar about it. Next image I remember is my Jeep blocking the entrace of my driveway. But the postman has driven around it and is delivering the mail. He has a lot to deliver. At one point, he walks up to the house, or the garage, but I do not talk with him. Before this, I had been walking around the property and there are a lot of other buildings with purposes I don't know but they have a lot of objects, tools and such, cluttered around. I am standing on the porch about to go in and a woman throws open a hatch on the porch and starts climbing up from under the porch. She is carrying a fishing tackle box and something else I don't recognize. She is a scientist or something. She is on some kind of expedition



anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose: Education is a tool for success.

Something regarded as necessary to the carrying out of one's occupation or profession: Words are the tools of our trade.


A grimoire is a textbook of magic. Such books typically include instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination and also how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons. In many cases the books themselves are also believed to be imbued with magical powers, though in many cultures other sacred texts that are not grimoires, such as the Bible and Qur'an, have also been believed to intrinsically have magical properties; in this manner whilst all books on magic could be thought of as grimoires, not all magical books could.

Whilst the term grimoire is originally European, and many Europeans throughout history, particularly ceremonial magicians and cunning folk, have made use of grimoires, the historian Owen Davies noted that similar such books can be found all across the world, ranging from Jamaica to Sumatra, and he also noted that the first such grimoires could be found not in Europe but in the Ancient Near East.

It is most commonly believed that the term grimoire originated from the Old French word grammaire, which had initially been used to refer to all books written in Latin. By the 18th century, the term had gained its now commonly used usage in France, and had begun to be used to refer purely to books of magic, which Owen Davies presumed was because "many of them continued to circulate in Latin manuscripts." However, the term grimoire also later developed into a figure of speech indicating something that was hard or even impossible to understand amongst the French. It was only in the 19th century, with the increasing interest in occultism amongst the British following the publication of Francis Barrett's The Magus (1801), that the term entered the English language in reference to books of magic.

2008 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD movie:


United States National Security Agency Task Force FISA warrant surveillance of police radio communications: "Nine One One. What's your emergency?"... "The escaped convict they showed on the news, I just saw the guy at the gas station"... "Can you describe him?"... "He was in a little car"... "Nine One One. What is your emergency"... "I just saw that wanted man over by the McDonalds"... "Can you give me a description of the car?"... "A silver four-door with a woman and a kid"... "I need three units to look for a silver Honda near Ochada orchard"... "Unit One responding"...

Och (spirit)

Och is believed to be an Olympian spirit in the Grimoire Arbatel de magia veterum, ruling over the Sun.

“ Solar interests are administered by OCH, who prolongs life to six hundred years, with perfect health therein. He imparts great wisdom, gives excellent (familiar) spirits, composes perfect medicines, converts any substance into the purest of metals, or into precious stones; he also bestows gold and a purse, quaintly described by the English translator of the Arbatel as "springing with gold."


to fasten or secure within a cover, as a book

Ada Lovelace

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron, was an English writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine; as such she is often regarded as the world's first computer programmer.

Ada (programming language)

Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages. It was originally designed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah of CII Honeywell Bull under contract to the United States Department of Defense (DoD) from 1977 to 1983 to supersede the hundreds of programming languages then used by the DoD. Ada is strongly typed and compilers are validated for reliability in mission-critical applications, such as avionics software.

Ada was named after Ada Lovelace (1815–1852), who is often credited as being the first computer programmer.

Ada supports run-time checks to protect against access to unallocated memory, buffer overflow errors, off-by-one errors, array access errors, and other detectable bugs. These checks can be disabled in the interest of runtime efficiency, but can often be compiled efficiently. It also includes facilities to help program verification. For these reasons, Ada is widely used in critical systems, where any anomaly might lead to very serious consequences, i.e., accidental death or injury. Examples of systems where Ada is used include avionics, weapon systems (including thermonuclear weapons), and spacecraft.

2008 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD movie:


Jacob Benson: This is it. This is where we're supposed to meet her. Come on! Hurry up. It's this way. You can do this just like with the Trooper.


a pattern consisting of adjoining vertical rows of slanting lines, any two contiguous lines forming either a V or an inverted V