Thursday, November 11, 2010

"And most of the time you're drunk off your ass." and five definitely makes conspiracy and illegal combination as expressed in this tangible medium.

Snake Eyes

We're waiting here outside
of the Atlanta County Superior Court...

for Richard Santoro
who's just been indicted...

on charges stemming
from incidents that have been--

Where you going ? Hey, hey,
hey, Rick ! Could you-- Mr Santoro !

Mr Santoro, could you comment
on this indictment, sir ? Mr Santoro !

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Posted by H.V.O.M at 6:25 AM

He just walked right into it.

As I was being discharged from the VA hospital in 2005 the doctor at the VA hospital told me he would keep me there inpatient at the VA hospital if he could. That was the day Patty Murray was outside the VA hospital giving a speech to the press while the social workers at the hospital snuck me out the other entrance as they dropped me off at the Theodora senior citizens home where I stayed for a while, all drugged up by the VA hospital, until they let me move into the homeless shelter for veterans in Shoreline Washington.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 10 November 2010 excerpt ends]

Memorable quotes for

"The Simpsons"

Simpson Tide (1998)

[Homer is watching a television ad for the Naval Reserve]

TV Announcer: Daybreak, Jakarta. The proud men and women of the Navy are protecting America's interests overseas, but you're in Lubbock, Texas hosing down a statue, because your in the Naval Reserve. Once you complete basic training, you only work one weekend a month, and most of that time your drunk of your ass. The Naval Reserve: America's 17th line of defense, between the Mississippi National Guard, and the American League of Women Voters.

2007 film "I Am Legend" DVD video:


Sam the dog: [ barks ]

US Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville: Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing out here, Fred?! What the - ? What the hell are you - ? No! No! No! No. What the hell are you doing out here, Fred?! How did you get out here?! Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now! If you're real, you better tell me right now! Damn it, Fred! Damn it!