This Is What I Think.

Sunday, March 06, 2011


I wrote about this from the context of the space shuttle but it also seems to be, considering the time frame, associated with my time travel jump to the past day of 3 March 2003. I have been thinking that my mind was synchronized, of a sorts, with something that happened in the past relative to the natural order of the universe, but for my personal life, in terms of absolute days I have lived and relative to my present day this day, has not yet happened to me.

For instance, if 1 January 2080, for example, is the day I time travel jump back to the past day of 3 March 2003, then on the day 1 January 2080 the day 3 March 2003 is *tomorrow* for me, but for the rest of the universe, relative to the natural order of the progress of time, the day tomorrow is 2 January 2080.

Also, I had a very vivid dream just before I woke up this morning and where I was on a US Navy Ticonderoga-class cruiser. The scenery was definitely similar to a US Navy ship and that was understood in the dream but I don't think the configuration of the deck was the same as a Ticonderoga-class.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 14:28:21 -0800 (PST)
From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Sleep journal 3/19/06
To: "Kerry Burgess"

Yesterday was some kind of foreign dream that was more of an emotion than a visualization. I couldn't remember any of the details although I felt like I had been seeing details. All I remembered was feeling like it was something intense, there was some intensity to the communication, almost overwhelming like a very strong and clear signal on a radio. After I woke up, I could only characterize the message as positive.

Today the first foreign dream wasn't too clear either. It had something to do with me, someother characters, and something about the stars. We were under the stars, or we were talking to the stars. I can visualize the sky with the stars but they may have also been a metaphor for people. Then I left somewhere and there was something about a goose, not sure what that meant, maybe something to do with staying meant something about a cooked goose.

The second foreign dream had a lot of detail. I was sitting on a bus with someone that I knew but I don't know who it was. It may have been Britney Spears but that makes no sense. I was sitting next to her and she was someone that I had lived with before, someone I had a relationship with, like a girlfriend. I was getting off the bus to a place I was staying that I don't recognize from anyplace I've been in real life. She asked me if I was really staying there, she may have commented that it was amazing I was staying there, or someone else said that. Apparently, it was the same place she and I had lived during our relationship. It was some kind of little travel trailer. A young woman was letting me stay there. I was taking up a little open seat or bench in a hallway of the trailer. I had a little storage bin to put my stuff in.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 19 March 2006 excerpt ends]

Space Shuttle

Catching a Ride to Destiny

The sight of the Astrovan's shiny silver exterior and bold NASA emblem evokes pride and excitement in those who watch it wind its way toward the launch pad at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Before each space shuttle launch, astronauts smile and wave as they board the van that will carry them to meet their fully fueled ride to space.

Since 1984, each shuttle crew has travelled those nine miles, from their crew quarters to the launch pad, aboard the same vehicle. A modified Airstream motor home, the "Astrovan" as it is called has only racked up 24,000 miles in its 24 years of service. That's because it's used solely to transport the astronauts on three occasions: to the launch pad for launch dress rehearsal, on launch day and after landing.

The earlier shuttle flights had fewer crew members, so they used the Apollo-era astronaut transport van that now can be seen by tourists at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex's Apollo/Saturn V Center.

Suited up for the first space shuttle launch in 1981, Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen head for the Apollo-era astronaut transport van, which is now on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex's Apollo/Saturn V Center. Photo credit: NASA

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: ----- Original Message ----
From: Kerry Burgess
To: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 1:38:07 PM
Subject: Re: Journal May 20, 2006

I also thought more about that sci-fi series from a few years back, Back Step. And I realized that I am a chrononaut. There is a literary vehicle for time travel.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 May 2006 excerpt ends]

Top Gun

You're the top one percent
of all naval aviators.

The elite. The best of the best.
We'll make you better.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Kerry Burgess"

Subject: Re: Sleep journal 4/6/06

To: "Kerry Burgess"

Kerry Burgess wrote:
It drives me crazy how I can still hear people around here speaking when I have on my headphones. It sounds like someone standing outside the room murmuring. It's driving me crazy.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 6 April 2006 excerpt ends]