Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Here's a fresh load of bullshit I just dug up in Asheville North Carolina.



The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Gauntlet (1920)

Country Date

USA 23 July 1920



The Internet Movie Database

Filming locations for

The Gauntlet (1920)

Asheville, North Carolina, USA


The Gauntlet

What if he gets through?

He can't get through.

He's gotten this far, hasn't he?

Sir, how many units have you deployed?

Four dozen? Five dozen?

And those marksmen
are the finest on the force.

I know. But what happens if--

I mean, there's going to be
hell to pay if something. . .

. . .goes wrong.

The only thing that can
go wrong is if your disciples. . .

. . .decide they can't shoot down
one of their own officers.