File:F-14-Reagan Library.jpg
Description F-14 on display at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Bart, the Mother
Original Airdate on FOX: 27-Sep-1998
% In the backyard, Nelson tests his gun by shooting a bottle. Then, he
% fires at a broken down old car sitting in the yard. He shatters a few
% panes of glass on it, and then his own reflection in the rear-view
% mirror. With pride, he notes that with just three more payments, the
% car will finally be theirs.
% Bart asks for his turn at the gun, but Nelson isn't ready to part
% with it just yet. He suggests a couple more stunts -- like shooting a
% pair of glasses off Bart's head -- but Bart doesn't go for these.
% Then, the two boys notice a bird singing in a tree.
Nelson: Bet you can't hit that bird from here.
Bart: Are you crazy? I don't want to shoot a stupid bird.
Nelson: That's 'cause you know you can't. You're not a super-stud like me!
Bart: Am too!
Nelson: Are not! You're an octo-wussy. [mockingly] Whoa, look at me, I'm Bart Simpson! I'm scared to use a gun! I wanna marry Milhouse! I walk around like this: [singing] La, la la, la, la la ...
Bart: Hey, quit it!
-- "Bart, the Mother"
Gulf of Sidra incident (1981)
In the first Gulf of Sidra incident, August 19, 1981, two Libyan Sukhoi Su-22 Fitter attack aircraft were shot down by two American F-14 Tomcats off of the Libyan coast.
On the morning of August 19, two VF-41 "Black Aces" F-14As, "Fast Eagle 102" (CDR Henry Kleeman/LT David Venlet) and "Fast Eagle 107" (LT Lawrence Muczynski/LTJG James Anderson), were flying combat air patrol to cover aircraft engaged in a missile exercise. An E-2B Hawkeye from VAW-124 made radar contact with two Sukhoi Su-22 Fitters which had left Okba Ben Nafi Air Base near Tripoli.
The two F-14s were ordered to intercept. Only a few seconds before the crossing, at an estimated distance of 300 m, one of the Libyans fired an AA-2 "Atoll" at one of the F-14s, which missed. Then the two Sukhois flew past the Americans and tried to escape. The Tomcats evaded and were cleared to return fire by their "rules of engagement", which mandated self defense on the initiation of hostile action. The F-14s turned hard port and came behind the Libyan jets. The Americans fired AIM-9L Sidewinders; the first kill is credited to Fast Eagle 102