Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bat*21 (1988)

For most of the morning earlier today and through the afternoon I had been thinking about something that I was thinking happened in the year 1995. These are new thoughts that only started happening earlier today. The line of thought is that I, as Kerry Burgess, was in court of law of the United States and I was there in my capacity at the time as a Chief Deputy United States Marshal. I tripped up the scumbag defense lawyer right from the start and, to make a long story short, after we returned from a private meeting with the judge, who called us in for the private meeting, and remembering how that scumbag lawyer always stood at a certain place near where the witness left the stand, I left the witness stand after we had returned to court and I walked towards him and then with a full shoulder throw I threw my fist and I knocked him out right there in the court. The judge had earlier warned me of being in contempt and then he ordered me taken out of court and then he ordered me confined in a cell in that building. My brother came in later that night and he was able to take me out of jail on his recognizance but I had to stay with him during the 3 days I was supposed to be confined in jail. My brother also told me I was fired from the United States Marshals Service. I hated to even have to set that up but that was the plan. In 1994 I was given orders that went to my capacity as a United States Marine Corps officer. I was never fired from the United States Marshals Service but for that weak judge and for that scumbag lawyer that seemed that way.

I decided to make this report only just in the past few minutes because I decided to watch again this evening the 1988 film "Bat*21" on DVD.

1988 film "Bat*21" DVD video:

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: I think I broke the code, Bat 21.

1988 film "Bat*21" DVD video:

Ross Carver: You want to tell me about it?

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: Hambleton's moving on me.

Ross Carver: Where's he going?

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: I don't know. He gave me some kind of goddamn code after I decided it was too hot to pick him up.

Ross Carver: Yeah, I heard you brought in the flyboys.

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: Uh-uh. That was his idea. That's some kind of tough bastard. Shit. I mean, he must realize they aren't always that accurate.

Ross Carver: No shit. I've seen frags drop thirty feet in front of my windscreen.

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: Mmmm.

Ross Carver: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? Sit down and finish your beer. Sit down.

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: I've got to go up again. I've got to find him.

Ross Carver: Jeez, you're spending more time in the air than on Mother Earth. You look like hell.

US Air Force Captain Bartholomew "Bird-Dog" Clark: Well, I need the overtime.

Ross Carver: Jesus, you are going for a "D.F.F.C.," aren't you? A "Distinquished Fucking Flying Cross." Man, I must have vapor locked or something. "F.A.C. pilot saves colonel." You're gearing up for the ceremony - a full dress parade, a nice shiny medal to show the folks back home and a newfound respect in the military community. Shit. Clarkey, stick around. Come on.

Motive (law)

In law, especially criminal law, a motive is the cause that moves people to induce a certain action. Motive in itself is seldom an element of any given crime; however, the legal system typically allows motive to be proven in order to make plausible the accused's reasons for committing a crime, at least when those motives may be obscure or hard to identify with.

The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent. "Intent" in criminal law is synonymous with mens rea, which means no more than the specific mental purpose to perform a deed that is forbidden by a criminal statute, or the reckless disregard of whether the law will be violated.[citation needed] "Motive" describes instead the reasons in the accused's background and station in life that are supposed to have induced the crime.

Motive is particularly important in prosecutions for homicide. First, murder is so drastic a crime that most people recoil from the thought of being able to do it; proof of motive explains why the accused did so desperate an act.

George W. Bush military service controversy

The military service of George W. Bush was an issue in the 2000 presidential campaign and again in the 2004 presidential campaign. The controversy centers on the questions of how George W. Bush, now the President of the United States, came to be a member of the Texas Air National Guard, why he lost his [ GEORGE WALKER BUSH WAS NEVER A PILOT QUALIFIED TO FLY ANY JET AIRCRAFT WITH ANY BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ]flight status, and whether he fulfilled the requirements of his military service contract during the Vietnam War.

Bush enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968

By regulation, National Guard pilots were required to take and pass an annual physical in order to remain in flight status, in the three months prior to a [ GEORGE WALKER BUSH WAS NEVER A PILOT QUALIFIED TO FLY ANY JET AIRCRAFT WITH ANY BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ]pilot's birthday (in Bush's case, July 6). For reasons that are unclear, Bush apparently chose not to take this mandatory physical examination in mid-1972, thus ending his [ GEORGE WALKER BUSH WAS NEVER A PILOT QUALIFIED TO FLY ANY JET AIRCRAFT WITH ANY BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ]pilot's career.


a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex

George W. Bush military service controversy

Bush apparently chose not to take this mandatory physical examination in mid-1972, thus ending his [ GEORGE WALKER BUSH WAS NEVER A PILOT QUALIFIED TO FLY ANY JET AIRCRAFT WITH ANY BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ]pilot's career.


To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.

Crime in Mexico

Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.



Pegasus Mission History

Flight # Launch Date Vehicle Payload Result

6 June 27, 1994 Pegasus XL STEP-1 Failure


any underhand interference with production, work, etc., in a plant, factory, etc., as by enemy agents during wartime or by employees during a trade dispute.

any undermining of a cause.

to injure or attack by sabotage.

Destruction of property or obstruction of normal operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in time of war.

Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion.


The Internet Movie Database

Full cast and crew for

Bat*21 (1988)

Jerry Reed .... executive producer

Smokey and the Bandit

Goddamn. That's a Texas mountie. What the hell's he doin' in Arkansas?
Well, let's just see what he's got under the hood.
Bye-bye, babyl
You smoke much?
I just started.
- Cledus, you got your ears on, son? - Oh, bring it on, you lucky devil.
- Comin' around you. - Be careful.
You're gonna have to make your own lane, 'cause you definitely got oncoming traffic
Be careful. Be careful.
Oh, my... Oh, my Godl
I'm about to be killed in this... in this moving CB radio show,
and I... I don't even have a handlel
You want a handle? OK, I'll think one up for ya. Let's see.
- Oh, I got one for yal - What?
Just give me a minute here.
He done good, didn't he, Fred?