Friday, May 27, 2011

Reasons. To kill all China men in the United States.

Spy Game

74 casualties,|an entire apartment block leveled... dead terrorist. Yeah, happy.
We have some fucked-up barometer|for success, don't we?
Let's take a walk.
I'm not going with you.
I hooked up with another op.
Probably for the best.
Is this about her?
Make sure you're doing it|for the right reasons, Tom.

Spy Game

- Good morning. Thomas Quinn.|- Mitch Alford, please.
{y:i}- Nathan Muir.|- One moment, please.
Mitch, I got Nathan Muir on the line.|Do you want to take it? Thanks.
Hey, Nathan, what can I do for you?
Who's this?
- She was his wife.|- This guy and his [wives.]