I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Real people with real reasons.
Watching again now this scene for arguably the second time only this is a puzzle for me.
The episode premiere date is listed as 26 August 2005.
I have maintained that I did not watch any episodes of that television series from about the end of May 2005. As I write this note I have not gone back to determine what I think would be the final episode I watched before I became homeless. The precise date of the last episode I watched is predictable.
However, this episode I am watching again now on DVD is a psychotic moment for me.
And it seems to only be a psychotic moment for me if it happened during the year 2005.
Sometime a few years ago I ordered through amazon.com the entire DVD collection for that television series "Battlestar Galactica."
Without going back to review my past blog postings, which are conclusive, I do not recall off-hand when I first started watching those DVD's. As I best recall now I got the DVDs in the mail and I watched every single episode of that DVD collection and I watched the episodes I had seen before when first premiered and the episodes I did not get to watch.
What strikes me most, as it does in that psychotic moment when I am thinking I was psychotically watching that episode for the first time is how she is dressed. She dressed just as I did every day back then. Back then, back in the good old days of the year 2005 I was still optimistic about Ironman triathlons. I had completed the Ironman triathlon in Coeur d'Alene on 27 June 2004 and I intended to participate and complete an Ironman triathlon in Coeur d'Alene for the rest of my life for as many years as I could. I used to love Sports Authority. I didn't buy much from there but I loved their sportswear. The Nike running shoes, the sweatshirts, sweatpants.
Watching her in that episode my sane ordered world became a lot more confusing, watching it again now on DVD makes me think as I sit here now, making another blog post I really didn't want to waste time to make. That was when insanity seemed a lot more tangible to me, dolled up as she was and me thinking that only weird people take so personally such observations about something they see in the mainstream media.
So I wonder when I first watched that episode from September 2005. That episode makes me psychotic and I don't think it would make me feel psychotic if I had seen it in the year 2010. A brief scan of my blog suggests I might have watched back in the year 2011. I really doubt I went back through and watched the collection a second time because the episodes are so damned boring. Only now after many years have I been able to watch some of them again and even now I could not watch all of them over again. I started with maybe one or two from towards the ending of season one and then the first few episodes of season two have been interesting enough that I have so far watched them all contiguously. Even now I really don't know what to expect from any of the episodes as I watch them although some parts are familiar and I recognize that I have watched them before.
I sit here now and I really have no idea. Going back through my journal I might be able to piece it all together and figure out when I first watched that episode but I really doubt it. What concerns me is that I did watch it back in the year 2005, a viewing sporadic of episodes of that television series, and my brain was so screwed up by that psychotic medication the Veterans Affairs hospital - because I am a United States military veteran - forced upon me, because I complained to the police, that I cannot recall details accurately from the haze of my mind the second half of the year 2005 and later.
I would say they could have got the same results simply by taking me out to a bar and buying me a lot of alcohol. But no that's not true. There is no accountability. There is no accountability there about being secretly drugged against my consent.
I don't think I was back then recording anything in my journal about my believable prescient dreams. Some where in my journal is the timeframe of when I did start recording, presumably, when I began to understand I was having sleeping dreams that are prescient but I don't know when that was and I have wanted to go back and discover that precise timeframe I became aware but I never remember to do it and I don't feel like doing it now. I really don't want to have to stop and waste more time on another one of these blog posts.
2X07 - HOME (2)
Original Airdate (SciFi): 26-AUG-05
Baltar: This is a depressing place. Part of me is glad poor Sharon never made it in here. (He sees a naked #6 sitting on a chair in the room) You decided to brighten up the place a little, did you?
#6: Our child will be born here. In this room. You're not listening.
Baltar: Oh, you noticed? [Scoffs] No, I've had enough. Do you seriously expect me to listen to you while you sit around stark naked, prattle on about this mythical baby of ours?
#6: Mythical?
Baltar: Yes, mythical. It-- do you have any notion of how ridiculous you've become? The whole turn of our conversation completely shot to pieces. I'm the father of a baby who will be born to me, uh, from my fantasy woman who I see solely in my head. My fantasy woman, by the way, who stopped being my fantasy. You're not my fantasy anymore. No, sadly, no. You're nothing more than a common tease.
#6: I never said I would bear the child.
Baltar: Oh, wonderful. More doubletalk, more mind games. All right then, who's it going to be? Who's going to bear our secret love child? It's not starbuck is it?
#6: Careful, Gaius, you're in dangerous territory now.
Baltar: Then I guess I'm really scared. So what's it gonna be this week? What is it? Don't tell me, I'll guess. Um... the ship's gonna blow up! No, damn, damn. Done that one. Done that one. So it's gotta be someone else. Somebo--me! Yes, of course, me! I'm gonna explode! Good! God is gonna make me spontaneously combust in a great big ball of flame, and then the whole crew of Galactica can celebrate on ambrosia. Get really drunk.
#6 now appears clothed in a sweat suit and hair in a pony tail.
#6: [Laughs] Okay. Enough. I can't do this anymore. You're right. Game's over. You win.
Baltar: Win? Ah, um... what did I win?
#6: You don't get it? [Chuckles] Come on, gaius. Wake up and smell the psychosis already.
Baltar: I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
#6: Okay, look. There is no cylon chip implanted in your brain. I'm not real. You're not really getting secret messages from the Cylons. You're just crazy.
Baltar: Very funny. Hysterical. Do you, um, do you write your own material?
#6: You don't believe me, do you?
Baltar: No, I don't.
#6: [Laughter] That's great. I love it.
Baltar: Is it? Good. I've had enough of this. All right? So can we just stop playing this stupid game?
#6: Oh, I'm sorry.But it's the truth. There is no chip.
Baltar: If there is no chip, then who... or what... are you, exactly?
#6: I'm you. I'm your subconscious frakking with your mind. Okay. Check it out. You helped the cylons commit genocide against your own people, and your fragile little mind couldn't handle it. So poof, I appear and start telling you how special you are. How god has chosen you. Yeah... right.
Baltar: Well, I don't know what game you're playing anymore. But I don't like playing these stupid games. So, uh, now you've had your fun.
#6: Why don't you get yourself checked out, hmm? Go down to sick bay and get a brain scan. That would settle it, wouldn't it? Go ahead. I dare you.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:44 AM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Monday 13 January 2014