I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Monday, January 06, 2014
The Day the Earth Stood Still
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
Preacher: Are you a sinner? Do you wish to be saved?
Dr. James Xavier: Saved? No. I've come to tell you what I see.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 July 2008 exceprt ends]
Fury (1936)
District Attorney: [after several witnesses had lied on the stand] I wonder if I haven't been calling the defense witnesses by mistake.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/22/09 1:18 PM
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty. The detail become very vague at the point where the dreams ends and I vaguely aware of something about how I could get help in fighting off those other three Cows of The Apocalypse if I said I "believed" and so I did say I believed and then I saw something that I can only describe now vaguely and one of those wagonwheeled-transports, that I think had names such as Conestoga, come traveling by me out in the direction of the other Cows and the wagon seemed to be covered in fire. I think I had stopped running at that point and there are other details about the surroundings that I can still visualize but not well enough to describe and I am left to ponder where I was. As I was writing all this, I remembered there was another series of scenes before the series of scenes about American football and I am left only with the sense of being compelled to remember those scenes and while I can visualize certain details, such as being in a supermarket, I cannot remember enough detail to articulate. I am not certain if those first scenes are connected to the next scenes about the football.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is a term used to describe four horsemen that appear in the Christian Bible in chapter six of the Book of Revelation. As the verses traditionally describe, the four horsemen are named after what they bring – Conquest, Violence, Famine, and Diseases – all four contributing to death in the Book.
October 27, 1964
As for the peace that we would preserve, I wonder who among us would like to approach the wife or mother whose husband or son has died in South Vietnam and ask them if they think this is a peace that should be maintained indefinitely. Do they mean peace, or do they mean we just want to be left in peace? There can be no real peace while one American is dying some place in the world for the rest of us. We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it has been said if we lose that war, and in doing so lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well, I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.
Not too long ago two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are! I had someplace to escape to." In that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 February 2009 exceprt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 3:10 PM Friday, February 26, 2010
Earth sheltering
Earth sheltering is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature. Earth sheltering is popular in modern times among advocates of passive solar and sustainable architecture, but has been around for nearly as long as humans have been constructing their own shelter.
}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty. The detail become very vague at the point where the dreams ends and I vaguely aware of something about how I could get help in fighting off those other three Cows of The Apocalypse if I said I "believed" and so I did say I believed and then I saw something that I can only describe now vaguely and one of those wagonwheeled-transports, that I think had names such as Conestoga, come traveling by me out in the direction of the other Cows and the wagon seemed to be covered in fire. I think I had stopped running at that point and there are other details about the surroundings that I can still visualize but not well enough to describe and I am left to ponder where I was. As I was writing all this, I remembered there was another series of scenes before the series of scenes about American football and I am left only with the sense of being compelled to remember those scenes and while I can visualize certain details, such as being in a supermarket, I cannot remember enough detail to articulate. I am not certain if those first scenes are connected to the next scenes about the football.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is a term used to describe a concept from the New Testament of the Christian Bible, in chapter six of the Book of Revelation. Although scholars disagree as to what exactly each horseman represents, the four horsemen are often referred to as Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. They are part of an apocalyptic vision in which God summons and empowers them to wreak divine havoc on the world. Each is revealed, individually, when the first four of seven seals are broken/opened in Revelation.
}}}}} JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 05/13/08 3:15 PM
I had a dream similar to this one just before I woke up earlier. I can still visualize both of them and the only real similarity was that I found myself falling off a bridge towards the water below and that part about the roll, which reminds me of the space shuttle launching.
In the dream earlier, I seemed to have started by climbing onto a bridge, which I don't recognize, that later began to disintegrate for some reason that was not apparent in the dream. There are other details before that scene that I do not now remember. Then I was falling feet first to the water and I noted how green was the water. I had a tremendous amount of time to think as I was very high above the water and I was timing my breathing so that I would take a large breath just before I hit the water, in hopes of making it back up to the surface. I was also thinking of how I was going to pull my legs up to my chest after I went below the surface in hopes of slowing my descent through the water and so that I could return faster to the surface. I was also thinking of how I would point my feet down to the water so that the impact would not break my feet and ankles. In the dream I saw myself just about to impact the water surface and I can visualize to some extent the details about the water surface, which meant I was very close to it. I might also remember that scene because I was dreading hitting the water. The next part I remember is that I found myself on the bottom of the river and there was a lot of sediment around me and then I was trying to swim back up to the surface. I found myself thinking that the exertion of trying to swim was causing me to use more oxygen and I was not certain I was going to make it. I had no idea how far below the surface I was but I have been thinking since I woke up that I was probably more than 100 feet below the surface. I could see light above me, and it had been bright daylight when I was falling from the bridge, but the water around me was still dark as I was looking up towards the lighter section of water.
The notion I have pondered over the most since waking up is that the dream might actually be some kind of representation about the comet I diverted in 1976. The detail about finding myself on the river bed with the sediment around me actual represents that the comet would have blasted through the atmosphere in a matter of seconds and then hit the ocean floor, which would have then blasted all that material into the Earth's atmosphere and produced a blanket covering the Earth.
Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita ("Song of The Blessed Lord"), also more simply known as Gita, is a sacred Hindu scripture, considered among the most important texts in the history of literature and philosophy.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist and director of the Manhattan Project, learned Sanskrit in 1933 and read the Bhagavad Gita in the original, citing it later as one of the most influential books to shape his philosophy of life. Upon witnessing the world's first nuclear test in 1945, he later claimed to have thought of the quotation "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds", verse 32 from Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 February 2010 exceprt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 02/20/09 7:12 PM
Fort Apocalypse
>>>>>JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty. The detail become very vague at the point where the dreams ends and I vaguely aware of something about how I could get help in fighting off those other three Cows of The Apocalypse if I said I "believed" and so I did say I believed and then I saw something that I can only describe now vaguely and one of those wagonwheeled-transports, that I think had names such as Conestoga, come traveling by me out in the direction of the other Cows and the wagon seemed to be covered in fire. I think I had stopped running at that point and there are other details about the surroundings that I can still visualize but not well enough to describe and I am left to ponder where I was. As I was writing all this, I remembered there was another series of scenes before the series of scenes about American football and I am left only with the sense of being compelled to remember those scenes and while I can visualize certain details, such as being in a supermarket, I cannot remember enough detail to articulate. I am not certain if those first scenes are connected to the next scenes about the football.
02/20/09 7:12 PM
Flight of the Intruder
You want to bomb Hanoi.
[ Racketeering Mob Organization Leader and cowardly violent criminal and domestic terrorist against the U.S. federal government Barack Hussein Obama a.k.a. "Mr. Saddam Hitler" actively instigates coup d'etat and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government with all Barack Obama staff employees lawyers and managers of any capacity as criminal accomplices ]
From 10/28/1955 ( Bill Gates a.k.a. "The Ugly" is a cowardly violent criminal and actively instigates insurrection and subversive activity against the U.S. federal government and U.S.A. allies ) to 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force with F-16 Falcon fighter jets ) is: 9354 days
From 6/7/1981 ( my 3rd Medal of Honor hijacked from me and Osirak destroyed by Israeli Air Force with F-16 Falcon fighter jets ) to 1/16/2007 ( Illinois U.S. Senator Barack Obama actively instigates coup d’état and subversive activity against the U.S federal government ) is: 9354 days
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 20 February 2009 exceprt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/24/08 8:18 PM
Memorable quotes for
Cast Away (2000)
Chuck Noland: [reading from a birthday card] The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 24 November 2008 exceprt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/08 12:43 AM
From 7/2/1976 ( I intercepted Comet Lucifer in the outer solar system and set to work at diverting it
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 November 2008 exceprt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 11/07/08 12:43 AM
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 07/26/08 6:47 AM
A series of scenes in the dream just now about football. The notion of Princeton University was strongly present in those series of scenes where I seemed to be on a football team but I think something is askew to all that, in that my soccer team is mixed in to those scenes and I was confusing it with my actual participation on an American football team at U.S. Naval Academy. I did see a scene about a football kicker during an American football game. There was a lot of detail I can still visualize but I do not feel all that compelled to describe the scenes. In the next series of scenes though, I seemed to be walking through an open field and there is a paved road running off to my left and there is open field as far as I can see to the other side of it and I guess to my right side although most of the dream seems to visualize over to what was initially my left-side of visualization. Just after that visualization started, and I note that it seems to be chronologically after the series of football scenes, I saw the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse in that field on the other side of the paved road and to my minor annoyance, they started charging in my direction and I can visualize that lead Horsemen, but I am left with the vague sense that the Four of them were actually cows that had turned to charge at me. I did some fancy maneuvering and got them going in circles because I could maneuver better than they could but at some point I realized that I was not going to be able to keep that tactic up for very long. As I visualize that scene again now that I am awake, they seemed to have surrounded me. In the next scene though I seemed to have broke away from the Four Bovine of The Apocalypse and I was running flat out across the field at a 45 degree angle ahead of my original line-of-sight and direction of travel and I am vaguely aware of something ahead of me but I cannot visualize it well enough or remember it well enough to describe. I can remember that I turned around as I was running and threw something back at the lead Cow of The Apocalypse and I struck it squarely on the head and it dropped dead right there on the spot. At that point, I seemed to look back at a bale of hay in the middle of the field, which was the only one in sight, and I thought to myself that I should have stayed near that bale of hay because it was a piece of that bale that I killed the lead Cow of The Apocalypse. But I was still running in that same direction and I cannot really visualize the other Cows of The Apocalypse althought I guess they were back there somewhere in the dust the first Cow kicked up in a field that did not seem that dusty.
A comet is a small Solar System body that orbits the Sun and, when close enough to the Sun, exhibits a visible coma (atmosphere) or a tail — both primarily from the effects of solar radiation upon the comet's nucleus. Comet nuclei are themselves loose collections of ice, dust and small rocky particles, measuring a few kilometres or tens of kilometres across.
Comet nuclei are known to range from about 100 meters to 40+ kilometers across and are composed of rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. They are often popularly described as "dirty snowballs"
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 07 November 2008 exceprt ends]
The Omega Man (1971)
Matthias: And, oh, brothers and sisters, I ask you to look at him. Does he have the marks? Do you see them?
Followers: No.
Matthias: You see him as we were before the punishment. Before we gained grace. You see lying there the last of scientists, of bankers, of businessmen. The users of the wheel.
Followers: Yes.
Matthias: Do we use the tools of the wheel as he does?
Followers: No.
Matthias: Is he of the Family?
Zachary, Followers: No.
Matthias: Is he of the sacred society?
Followers: No.
Matthias: Then what is he?
Followers: Evil!
Matthias: [stands up] He is part of the dead. He has no place here. He has the stink of oil, maletrical circitry about him. He is obsolete.
[Neville comes to]
Matthias: [points to him] You are discarded. You are the refuse of the past!
Robert Neville: You're full of crap.
Matthias: How hard it is to admit the truth.
From 9/18/1963 ( premiere US film "X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes" ) To 12/2/1988 ( premiere US film "Tequila Sunrise" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 7/4/1938 ( premiere US film "Gold Mine in the Sky" ) To 9/18/1963 ( premiere US film "X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 6963 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/25/1984 ( premiere US TV movie "The Vegas Strip War" ) is 6963 days
From 10/4/1978 ( premiere US TV series pilot "B.J. and the Bear" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
From 9/4/1976 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States arrested again by police in the United States ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5248 days
5248 = 2624 + 2624
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/8/1973 ( premiere US TV movie "Set This Town on Fire" ) is 2624 days
From 12/11/1936 ( Edward VIII abdicates ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 19760 days
19760 = 9880 + 9880
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/20/1992 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the International War Criminal and the cowardly violent criminal to destroy Her Majesty's Windsor Castle London England ) is 9880 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 11/20/1992 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the International War Criminal and the cowardly violent criminal to destroy Her Majesty's Windsor Castle London England ) is 673 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/6/1967 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Beverly Hillbillies"::"Jed Inherits a Castle" ) is 673 days
From 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) To 11/20/1992 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the International War Criminal and the cowardly violent criminal to destroy Her Majesty's Windsor Castle London England ) is 673 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/6/1967 ( premiere US TV series "Custer" ) is 673 days
From 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 547 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/3/1967 ( premiere US film "Bikini Paradise" ) is 547 days
From 5/4/1964 ( the United States Congress recognizes Bourbon whiskey as a "distinctive product of the United States" ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 8/17/1943 ( Robert De Niro ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 8660 days
From 8/17/1943 ( the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission during World War 2 ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 8660 days
From 4/9/1986 ( --- ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 1744 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/12/1970 ( premiere US TV movie "Lost Flight" ) is 1744 days
From 1/23/1961 ( premiere US TV series "The Americans" ) To 4/9/1986 ( --- ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 5/18/1955 ( premiere US film "Kiss Me Deadly" ) To 8/1/1980 ( premiere US film "The Final Countdown" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 9/23/1953 ( premiere US film "The All American" ) To 12/8/1978 ( premiere US film "The Deer Hunter" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 8/17/1960 ( premiere US film "The Time Machine" ) To 11/1/1985 ( premiere US film "KGB: The Secret War" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 8/17/1960 ( the Soviet Union trial of the United States Central Intelligence Agency pilot Gary Powers begins in Moscow Russia Soviet Union ) To 11/1/1985 ( premiere US film "KGB: The Secret War" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 5/17/1946 ( premiere US film "She-Wolf of London" ) To 8/1/1971 ( premiere US film "The Omega Man" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 3/13/1981 ( premiere US film "The Howling" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 3597 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/8/1975 ( premiere US TV series "The Invisible Man" ) is 3597 days
From 5/29/1957 ( premiere US film "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 6/28/1957 ( premiere US film "Beginning of the End" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 12256 days
12256 = 6128 + 6128
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 6128 days
From 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 5337 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/13/1980 ( premiere US TV movie "The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything" ) is 5337 days
From 11/8/1969 ( premiere US TV series pilot "Night Gallery" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 7740 days
7740 = 3870 + 3870
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/7/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut in deep space of the solar system in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the Saturn moon Phoebe and the Saturn moon Phoebe territory belongs to my brother Thomas Reagan ) is 3870 days
From 9/18/1951 ( premiere US film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 14366 days
14366 = 7183 + 7183
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/3/1985 ( premiere US film "Back to the Future" ) is 7183 days
From 6/30/1966 ( Lesa Lynnette Jewell Withem ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 8967 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/22/1990 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - Microsoft Windows 3.0 ) is 8967 days
From 6/30/1966 ( Lesa Lynnette Jewell Withem ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 8967 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/22/1990 ( Rocky Graziano dead ) is 8967 days
From 2/16/1946 ( the first flight Sikorsky S-51 helicopter ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 16406 days
16406 = 8203 + 8203
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/18/1988 ( the United States Navy Operation Praying Mantis - my biological brother US Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan and I US Navy FC2 Kerry Wayne Burgess are both at the same time onboard the United States Navy warship USS Wainwright CG 28 when it evaded a Harpoon anti-ship missile from hostile Iran-Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush-Axis of Evil-Soviet Union-Communist forces but 2 United States Marine Corps aviators launched from USS Wainwright CG 28 killed this day ) is 8203 days
From 7/19/1953 ( Howard Schultz the known active participant of al Qaida violently against the United States of America ) To 10/3/1978 ( Stephen King "The Stand" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 3/18/1965 ( Aleksei Leonov becomes the first Soviet Union astronaut to conduct extravehicular activity while in orbit of the planet Earth ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9436 days
9436 = 4718 + 4718
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/3/1978 ( Stephen King "The Stand" ) is 4718 days
From 9/23/1963 ( premiere US TV series "East Side/West Side" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9978 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/26/1993 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal to destroy the World Trade Center New York and to murder all occupants resulting in extensive damage and several fatalities ) is 9978 days
From 5/29/1936 ( premiere US film "Fury" ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 19956 days
19956 = 9978 + 9978
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/26/1993 ( the scheduled terrorist attack by force of violence by Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal to destroy the World Trade Center New York and to murder all occupants resulting in extensive damage and several fatalities ) is 9978 days
From 2/27/1933 ( the Reichstag fire ) To 5/14/1958 ( premiere US film "The Toughest Gun in Tombstone" ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 2/27/1933 ( the Reichstag fire ) To 7/29/1983 ( premiere US film "Private School" ) is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
Persian Gulf War
Early on the morning of January 17, 1991, a massive U.S.-led air offensive hit Iraq's air defenses, moving swiftly on to its communications networks, weapons plants, oil refineries and more. The coalition effort, known as Operation Desert Storm, benefited from the latest military technology, including Stealth bombers, Cruise missiles, so-called "Smart" bombs with laser-guidance systems and infrared night-bombing equipment. The Iraqi air force was either destroyed early on or opted out of combat under the relentless attack, the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible.
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
Release Info
USA 18 September 1963
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
Full Cast & Crew
Ray Milland ... Dr. James Xavier
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Release Info
USA 2 December 1988
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Full Cast & Crew
Mel Gibson ... Dale 'Mac' McKussic
Air Force Magazine
October 1991
Apache Attack
By Richard Mackenzie
The helicopters would open the war. They had to take out Iraq's early warning net, and they had to get it all.
At ten seconds before 2:38 in a moonless sky over Iraq, eight US AH-64 Apache helicopters zeroed in on their targets. On their forward-looking infrared screens appeared the images of two Iraqi radar sites just north of Saudi Arabia, placed there to detect intruding fighters. They were linked to four Iraqi fighter bases and to the Intelligence Operations Center in Baghdad.
The unseen Apaches hovered low, four miles south of the radars. At the controls of Number 976, 1st Lt. Tom Drew broke radio silence. "Party in ten," he said. On cue, ten seconds later, the helicopters unleashed a salvo of laser-guided Hellfire missiles. "This one's for you, Saddam ," muttered CW03 Dave Jones, the pilot of another Apache.
The shots, fired in the predawn hours of January 17, 1991, marked the start of Operation Desert Storm and were among the most critical of the war, blinding Iraq's early warning net at a key moment. US Central Command relied entirely on the Apaches and USAF special operations helicopters to do the job. "If something had happened and we didn't do 100 percent [destruction]," said one gunner, CW04 Lou Hall, "a lot of people were going to get hurt."
The Apaches did achieve 100 percent destruction, or close to it. Eyewitnesses report that, when the Hellfires hit the targets, the radar bases evaporated in clouds of smoke and flame. In the four and a half minutes it took to complete the task, the Apaches had, in the words of Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, "plucked out the eyes" of Iraq's Soviet-supplied air defenses.
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Nick Frescia: Generally I recommend my men stay away from vodka, and stick with scotch and bourbon.
Jo Ann: Why is that?
Nick Frescia: So the brass will know they're drunk and not stupid.
Gold Mine in the Sky (1938)
Release Info
USA 4 July 1938
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Carlos: I think it's time for both of us to quit. I've seen it coming for some time now, cocaine is no goddamn good for anyone. The future, the future is grass... grass, buddy. I got sixty ton of Thai stick coming in... it's on the way.
The Vegas Strip War (1984 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 25 November 1984
The Vegas Strip War (1984 TV Movie)
Full Cast & Crew
Rock Hudson ... Neil Chaine
The Vegas Strip War (1984 TV Movie)
Plot Summary
Rock Hudson (in his last made-for-TV-movie role) plays Neil Chaine, a charming Las Vegas hotel/casino owner who tries to turn his decaying building into The Strip's top attraction to avenge his outting by his former partners
Los Angeles Times
Bush's 1976 Arrest in Maine Is Revealed
Responding to reports Thursday
Bush repeatedly questioned the timing of the Maine news reports. "I think that's an interesting question," he told reporters. "Why now? . . . I've got my suspicions."
Fury (1936)
Joe Wilson: The mob doesn't think. It has no mind of its own.
The Vegas Strip War (1984 TV Movie)
Jack Madrid: It's not about black power or white power, it's about green power! Money! M-O-N-E-Y! We're talking about geometric progression: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64!
Persian Gulf War
Early on the morning of January 17, 1991, a massive U.S.-led air offensive hit Iraq's air defenses, moving swiftly on to its communications networks, weapons plants, oil refineries and more. The coalition effort, known as Operation Desert Storm, benefited from the latest military technology, including Stealth bombers, Cruise missiles, so-called "Smart" bombs with laser-guidance systems and infrared night-bombing equipment. The Iraqi air force was either destroyed early on or opted out of combat under the relentless attack, the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible.
Release dates for
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything (1980) (TV)
Country Date
USA 13 June 1980
Solar System: Mon 1976 Jun 7
Distance (AU)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Velda: You want to avenge the death of your dear friend. How touching. How sweet. How nicely it justifies your quest for the great whatsit.
The Toughest Gun in Tombstone (1958)
Release Info
USA 14 May 1958
Encyclopædia Britannica
Reichstag fire
Reichstag fire, burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building in Berlin, on the night of Feb. 27, 1933, a key event in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship and widely believed to have been contrived by the newly formed Nazi government itself to turn public opinion against its opponents and to assume emergency powers. Adolf Hitler had secured the chancellorship after the elections of November 1932, but his Nazi Party had not won an overall majority. He therefore obtained Cabinet consent to hold new elections on March 5, 1933. Meanwhile, his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, is supposed to have devised the scheme whereby 10 agents led by Karl Ernst were to gain access to the Reichstag through a tunnel leading from the official residence of Hermann Göring, Reichstag president and Hitler’s chief minister, who was then to conduct an official investigation, which would fix responsibility for the fire on the communists. The supposed arsonist was a Dutchman, Marinus van der Lubbe, whom some have claimed was brought to the scene of the crime by Nazi agents. Others have contended that there was no proof of Nazi complicity in the crime, but that Hitler merely capitalized on van der Lubbe’s independent act. The fire is the subject of continued debate and research.
On Feb. 28, 1933, the day after the fire, Hitler’s dictatorship began with the enactment of a decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” which dispensed with all constitutional protection of political, personal, and property rights.
The Time Machine (1960)
Release Info
USA 17 August 1960
The Time Machine (1960)
Full Cast & Crew
Rod Taylor ... H. George Wells
Khrushchev announced that he had withheld information that the pilot and aircraft were in Soviet hands, “because had we told everything at once, the Americans would have invented another version
Bart Star
Original Airdate on FOX: 09-Nov-97
Bart: Its gonna take a miracle for me to become a good quarterback!
Joe Namath: Excuse me, son.
Bart: Wow! Joe Namath!
Joe Namath: Thats right. My car broke down in front of your house.
Bart: I cannot believe you are here! Do you think maybe you could give me some pointers?
Joe Namath: Sure! Theres only one thing you need to know to be a great quarterback.
Mrs Namath: Joe, hunny, I fixed it! It was just vapor lock!
Joe Namath: OK, look, I've gotta run. Remember what I told you!
KGB: The Secret War (1985)
Release Info
USA 1 November 1985
She-Wolf of London (1946)
Release Info
USA 17 May 1946
The Omega Man (1971)
Release Info
USA 1 August 1971
The Omega Man (1971)
Full Cast & Crew
Charlton Heston ... Neville
The Omega Man (1971)
[first lines]
[the last man on earth wrecks his car]
Robert Neville: There's never a cop around when you need one.
The Howling (1981)
Release Info
USA 13 March 1981 (New York City, New York)
The Invisible Man (1975) Season 1 Episode 1
The Klae Resource
Aired Monday 8:00 PM Sep 08, 1975 on NBC
AIRED: 9/8/75
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957)
Release Info
USA 29 May 1957 (New York City, New York)
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957)
Wyatt Earp: All gunfighters are lonely. They live in fear. They die without a dime, a woman or a friend.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Release Info
USA 13 August 1982
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
At Ridgemont High Only the Rules get Busted!
Beginning of the End (1957)
Release Info
USA 28 June 1957
A80 Sikorsky S51
The Sikorsky S51 commercial helicopter first flew on 16 February 1946
1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" DVD video:
Jake Grafton: Have, uh, you ever been up north?
Virgil 'Tiger' Cole: Sure. In the old days, that's where the war was.
Beginning of the End (1957)
Col. Tom Sturgeon: Where do I get off asking the Regular Army for help with a bunch of oversize grasshoppers?
1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" DVD video:
Jake Grafton: Commander Cole.
Virgil 'Tiger' Cole: Mister Grafton. Have you recovered yet?
Jake Grafton: Oh, yeah. Uh, I saw the duty roster out here, and they've got us paired up. Looks like you're going to be my new BN. I thought we may have a chance to visit for a minute.
Virgil 'Tiger' Cole: What do you got on your mind?
Jake Grafton: Well, actually, sir, I got the word that this is your third tour, and I was - I was curious. What makes a man come back for the third time?
Virgil 'Tiger' Cole: I like to fight.
Beginning of the End (1957)
Gen. John T. Short: Dr. Wainright, you're a scientist, you know what grasshoppers can do. I'm a soldier, I know what guns can do.
1991 film "Flight of the Intruder" DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Title Card: Off the coast of North Vietnam after 7 years of war.
Title Card: September 10, 1972.
Grafton: Hey, Morg. Did you ever notice how - how some nights you could see more stars than other nights? Huh? You ever notice that?
Morgan McPherson: Hmm?
Grafton: The stars.
Morgan McPherson: Oh, yeah. I've got an update. I'm cycling to the coast-in point.
Grafton: You're getting in a rut. You're getting in a rut. I mean, did you ever stop to think you're taking your job just a little bit too seriously? Look at me - I enjoy my work.
Morgan McPherson: [laughing] Yeah, I'll bet.
Grafton: See, I'm happy. See? Look.
Beginning of the End (1957)
Dr. Ed Wainwright: You can't drop an atom bomb on Chicago!
The Simpsons Season 12 Episode 14
New Kids on the Blecch
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Feb 25, 2001 on FOX
Bart: Dad, L.T.'s gone crazy!
Homer: Yeah, that's the look!
Air Date: January 28, 1997
NARRATOR: Before the planes could attack, Task Force Normandy would fire the first shots of the war. Its Apache gunships had been training for months. Their mission was vital: to destroy at all costs two Iraqi radar sites that would otherwise give Baghdad an early warning of what was to come.
[1:00 A.M., January 17, 1991] It was a moonless night. Eight Apaches armed with Hellfire missiles took off towards Iraq.
The Internet Movie Database
Release dates for
The Final Countdown (1980)
Country Date
USA 1 August 1980
Release dates for
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Country Date
USA 18 May 1955
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Plot Summary
Tough L.A. private eye Mike Hammer gives a ride to Christina, a frightened young woman he finds running along the road one night. His car is run off the road by unseen thugs. Hammer is knocked out and Christina is tortured in an unsuccessful attempt to get information from her. They are put back into Hammer's car which then is forced off a cliff. Hammer wakes up in the hospital. Velda, his trusty secretary, informs him that Christina is dead. Pat Chambers, Mike's policeman friend, tells him to stay off the case, but Mike thinks it might be a big story--meaning big money for him--because the FBI is interested. He, Velda, and Nick, his garage mechanic friend, start investigating in hopes of finding out why Christina was killed.
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
[Lily is hiding in Mike's apartment]
Mike Hammer: *They* tried to get her last night.
Velda: They? A wonderful word. And who are they? They're the nameless ones who kill people for the great whatsit. Does it exist? Who cares? Everyone everywhere is so involved in the fruitless search for what? Why don't you turn her over to Pat? It's his job to protect her, if she needs protection. Or to question her if that's what's needed. Why are you always tryin' to make a noise like a cop?
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Mike Hammer: An ordinary little girl gets killed and it rings bells all the way to Washington. There's gotta be a pitch... I picked up a girl. If she hadn't gotten in my way, I wouldn't have stopped. She must be connected with somethin' big.
The All American (1953)
Release Info
USA 23 September 1953 (Detroit, Michigan) (premiere)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Release Info
USA 8 December 1978 (Los Angeles, California)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Full Cast & Crew
Robert De Niro ... Michael
Nation & World: Wednesday, November 08, 2006
By The Associated Press
Bush seemed stoic about the election, proclaiming: "This isn't my first rodeo."
B.J. and the Bear Season 1 Episode 1
The Foundlings part 1 (a.k.a The White Slavers)
Aired Saturday 9:00 PM Oct 04, 1978 on NBC
AIRED: 10/4/78
Lt. George W. Bush 1972-'73
Texas Air National Guard flight status
Memo ordering Bush's suspension from the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron "due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered."
August 10, 1972
Source: The White House and CBS News
To forsake one's duty or post, especially to be absent without leave from the armed forces with no intention of returning.
Crime in Mexico
Crime is among the most urgent concerns facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana transiting between Latin America and the United States.
Blow (2001)
Diego Delgado: George! How are you, my brother?
George: No more brothers, Diego.
Diego Delgado: What do you mean? Of course we are brothers, George.
George: You fucked me.
THURSDAY, SEP 9, 2004 04:45 PM PDT
A swarm of new media stories on young George W. Bush's dereliction of duty pops his heroic-leadership bubble.
Desert News
Bush back on track after DUI flap
By Peter Nicholas
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Published: Sunday, Nov. 5 2000 12:00 a.m. MST
PHILADELPHIA — The Bush campaign's 757 was grounded briefly in St. Louis as mechanics fixed one of the plane's eight brakes. "There's no stopping us now," joked Bush's communications director, Karen Hughes.
In the span of a few hours, the campaign would snag on something far more serious: Thursday's disclosure of a drunken-driving conviction in Bush's past.
By Saturday, the campaign was back on track. Bush aides believed they had patched the problem quickly and neutralized the damage by aggressively raising questions about Democratic "dirty tricks."
Set This Town on Fire (1973 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 8 January 1973
Set This Town on Fire (1973 TV Movie)
Plot Summary
After serving seven years in prison for manslaughter, a man returns to his hometown to find that the eyewitness whose testimony convicted him has second thoughts, and the town drunk has confessed to the crime.
The Beverly Hillbillies Season 6 Episode 1
Jed Inherits a Castle
Aired Unknown Sep 06, 1967 on CBS
AIRED: 9/6/67
Custer Season 1 Episode 1
Sabers in the Sun
Aired Wednesday 7:30 PM Sep 06, 1967 on ABC
Custer comes to Fort Hays to command the 7th. The recruits of the 7th struggle to become soldiers, they are only allowed to do work detail, garrison detail and drills. Custer and the 7th comes to the rescue of General Terry and the 5th Cavalry against Crazy Horse and a group of Kiowas who possess double barreled shotguns sold to them by a renegade white trader in exchange for gold.
AIRED: 9/6/67
Custer Season 1 Episode 1
Sabers in the Sun
Aired Wednesday 7:30 PM Sep 06, 1967 on ABC
Custer (to Anne): Without the sound of the guns to ride to, I'm lost. Can you understand that?
Chicago Tribune
Survivor: `It Really Hit You -an Utter Mess Of Bodies`
July 20, 1989 By Rogers Worthington, Chicago Tribune. Tribune reporters Jean Latz Griffin in Chicago and Jessica Seigel in Denver and Sioux City Journal reporter Harvey Sanford contributed to this report.
SIOUX CITY, IA. — Robert Manz walked dazed through smoke and fire into a cornfield, then turned around.
``We didn`t realize how bad the loss of life was until we walked to the open area, and that`s when it really hit you-an utter mess of bodies and debris,`` said Manz, of Tiffin, Ohio, one of the passengers who survived the crash of the crippled United Airlines DC-10 jetliner here.
Manz and others aboard the plane sat stunned at a dormitory at Briar Cliff College and talked about the final terrifying minutes of the flight and the destruction they saw when they realized they were on the ground, alive.
Tom Postle, a credit manager from Newark, Ohio, said the first sign of trouble was a huge explosion 45 minutes out of Denver.
``We took a dive,`` he said. ``Then the captain came on and told us the No. 2 engine was gone and we`d be about a half hour late getting into Chicago.``
But 15 minutes later, Postle said, the captain spoke to the passengers again on the intercom, saying that flight attendants would instruct them about bracing for a crash.
As the plane headed for ground, Postle said the aircraft was weaving horizontally, and the wings were rolling.
``I knew if we got on the ground, chances were good that he would touch down on a wing tip,`` he said.
Suddenly, the captain yelled over the intercom, ``Brace! Brace! Brace!``
Postle said.
``We hit the ground very hard. We expected it to bounce back up, but it didn`t. Then we felt air and dust, and we couldn`t see. We were stopped before I realized we were upside down.``
Manz said he ``felt a really severe jolt. We came out of the ankle grab position, then there was a second jolt, and we lost all concept of direction. We didn`t know if we were end over end or sideways or what.``
Through fire, Postle said, he saw daylight at both ends of the fuselage. He helped two women outside before he realized he was bleeding profusely from a head wound, for which he received 27 stitches.
Martha Vazquez, of Elida, Ohio, who was with Manz on the aircraft returning from a business trip to Denver, said: ``You knew you had to get out of there fast. You just knew you had to keep running before something exploded.``
Another passenger, Charles Martz, of Denver, remembers saying to himself: ``This was going to be the one that bought the ranch.``
But Martz, who also is a pilot, said: ``That pilot did a hell of a job. He saved my life. He did a super job of controlling the plane as best he could.``
After the plane crashed and broke into three pieces, Martz said, he was upside down, and he unfastened his seat belt.
``I dropped a little way and discovered bodies all over the place,``
Martz said.
In Chicago, the plane`s destination, relatives and friends kept vigils and waited for word of the safety of loved ones. The first survivors arrived at O`Hare International Airport at about 12:45 a.m. Thursday.
Nine survivors from the crash arrived on a Boeing 727. One was a boy in a Pony League baseball uniform from west suburban Naperville.
None of them would speak to the press, except for one man who said: ``We really don`t want to talk. We`ve been through a lot today.``
These survivors appeared unscathed. Police escorted them past a large crowd of reporters and camera crews.
In north suburban Prairie View Wednesday evening, Linda Lasik rushed across the street to her neighbor`s home as soon as she heard about the crash. She knew 8-year-old Ben Radtke, her son`s best friend, was on the plane.
She had comforted Ben`s grandmother, Rosemary Radtke, who had left with a neighbor to be with her daughter, Pam, who was waiting at O`Hare for Ben to return from a trip to visit his father. Lasik walked back in her own home and the phone rang.
``I couldn`t believe it,`` she said. ``I thought maybe we had been wrong and it had been another plane.
``He said, `Hello, it`s Ben,` just like he always does when he calls. He called me when he couldn`t get his mother because there was nobody home at his house.
``He sounded so close that it was like he was right across the street. He said, `I`m fine.` ``
At Denver`s Stapleton Airport, where the flight originated, family and friends of passengers gathered in a room but hardly nibbled at the food which United provided.
Holly Burmham, 17, from Littleton, outside Denver, said her father, a pilot for United, was confirmed as a commuter on the flight. They didn`t tell her if he was alive, and when she left she said: ``There`s a lot of depressed people up there. They don`t want to think about it, but they think they are dead.``
The room was silent as people were told that their relatives had died, according to Lonne and Julie Lintner, from Greeley, Colo. Lonne said it was
``calm and then all of a sudden there`s an emotional outburst.``
Bikini Paradise (1967)
Release Info
USA 3 May 1967
Bikini Paradise (1967)
Plot Summary
Two U.S. Navy officers, Lt. Fraser and Lt. Crane, are sent to a remote South Pacific island to look for an American teacher, named Miss Harriet Pembroke, whom has gone missing for 20 years. They are captured by eight-woman tribe whom are led by Miss Pembroke herself gone native. When the two men learn they are to used and discarded for marriage and mating purposes, they try to escape with the help from their two sympathetic "wifes" Rachel and Maya.
May 1964
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
May 4, 1964 (Monday)
The United States Congress recognizes Bourbon whiskey as a "distinctive product of the United States".
page 1208
Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that the recognition of Bourbon whiskey as a distinctive product of the United States be brought to the attention of the apppropriate agencies of the United States Government toward the end that such agencies will take appropriate action to prohibit the importation into the United States of whisky designated as "Bourbon whiskey."
Agreed to May 4, 1964
Robert De Niro
Date of Birth 17 August 1943 , New York City, New York, USA
Birth Name Robert Anthony De Niro Jr.
August 1943
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
August 17, 1943 (Tuesday)
The US 7th Army, commanded by General George S. Patton, met the British 8th Army led by General Bernard Montgomery in Messina, completing the Allied invasion of Sicily.
Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission: The U.S. Army Air Force conducted its first strategic air raid on German war production, attacking the ball-bearing factory at Schweinfurt, and the Messerschmitt airplane manufacturing at Regensburg. General Ira C. Eaker, who commanded the Eighth U.S. Army Bomber force, made what Nazi official Albert Speer would later call "a crucial mistake", dividing the 376 American B-17 bombers into two groups, rather than concentrating on destroying the Schweinfurt factory, where production was cut by one-third, but continued. Sixty of the bombers were shot down, and 550 flyers were killed or captured.
Document created: 5 November 2003
Air University Review, September-October 1974
Balaklava Redeemed
Major General Haywood S. Hansell, Jr., USAF (Ret)
The German Minister of Armaments and Production is perhaps the best authority on the subject. In his book, Inside the Third Reich, Albert Speer says:
We barely escaped a further catastrophic blow on August 17, 1943, only two weeks after the Hamburg bombings. The American Air Force launched its first strategic raid. It was directed against Schweinfurt, where large factories of the ball-bearing industry were concentrated. The next day I informed Milch’s colleagues, “We are approaching collapse in our supply industry. Soon we will have airplanes, tanks, and trucks lacking certain key parts.”
To the German Minister of Armaments and Production, the attacks on Schweinfurt were frightening. He later stated that there was no alternative but to repair the facilities as rapidly as possible since to move the factories would hold up production for several months. Efforts to meet urgent requirements through increased imports from Sweden and Switzerland met with only slight success. “What really saved us,” he wrote, “was the fact that from this time on [after the second attack in October] the enemy, to our astonishment, ceased his attacks on the ball-bearing industry.”
Speer was asked after the war what would have happened if there had been concerted and continuous attacks on the ball-bearing industry—or if the Schweinfurt industry had been thoroughly demolished the first time. He replied:
Armaments production would have been crucially weakened after two months and after four months would have been brought completely to a standstill. In those days we anxiously asked ourselves how soon the enemy would realize that he could paralyze the production of thousands of armaments plants merely by destroying five or six relatively small targets.
This, of course, was the basic strategic concept behind the American operation. This was “carotid bombardment.”
The sentimental briefing officer who predicted victory by Christmas may not have been too far from right. Still, the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey would report, “The Germans were able to survive the initial shock, take successful counter measures, and thus boast, ‘No equipment was ever delayed because bearings were lacking.’” But the margin was very small in the fall of 1943. For months bearings were delivered by motorcycle messengers carrying small numbers in knapsacks to production lines that were gasping for life.
Where, then, lay the fault, and what was learned?
There were two tactical faults: one pertaining to timing, one pertaining to bombs.
Our anxiety lest the target be moved or dispersed led to premature attack, before we were ready in strength. The plan for the Combined Bomber Offensive was based on the concept that losses in bomber aircraft increased with depth of penetration into Germany but decreased in percentage as the bomber forces grew larger. Phase I, with relatively small forces, called for shallow penetrations. As the size of the forces increased and escort fighters extended their range, the depth of penetration increased until Phase IV included all of Germany. One exception was made: Schweinfurt. Because of its importance and the fear that the opportunity would be lost, Schweinfurt was put in Phase I, in spite of the deep penetration into Germany and the limited range of the fighters. Hindsight shows that this was a mistake. Schweinfurt should probably have been put in Phase III, when we had much larger forces and escort fighters that could go all the way.
As indicated earlier, the bombs should have been much heavier, and both bombardment divisions should have been concentrated on ball bearings. The combat losses would have been no greater, and Schweinfurt would have been completely destroyed as a source of antifriction bearings, with the result so feared by Albert Speer.
The purpose was sound. The performance was splendid. As so often happens in war, the attainment of full success eluded the combat command because of faulty timing and an erroneous operational decision: survey of the damage after the war showed that the bombs were too small. The mission would have been more effective if both divisions had been directed against Schweinfurt, but it must be remembered that Regensburg (German fighters) ranked ahead of Schweinfurt (ball bearings) in strategic priority.
The mission produced powerful but not mortal blows. That they were not mortal seems almost an accident.
As an act of strategic air warfare, the mission was magnificent. It was strategic air warfare with a sound purpose; it was air combat at the height of valor; it was unrelenting perseverance throughout a long and bitter fight against an able foe.
As Mr. Jablonski points out, the mission against Schweinfurt was originally planned as a combined operation with RAF Bomber Command. In a regrettable change the RAF follow-up was eliminated.
Edward Jablonski’s book should be widely read, and Regensburg/Schweinfurt should be remembered wherever airmen meet as an example to the Air Force of what its men can do in a cause to which they are committed.
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Lt. Pat Murphy: Now listen, Mike. Listen carefully. I'm going to pronounce a few words. They're harmless words. Just a bunch of letters scrambled together. But their meaning is very important. Try to understand what they mean. "Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, Trinity."
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Release Info
USA 18 September 1951 (New York City, New York)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Full Cast & Crew
Lock Martin ... Gort
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Mr. Harley: Your impatience is quite understandable.
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity.
The Seattle Times
Sunday, December 8, 1991
Schwarzkopf Storms On In His New Civilian Career -- Retired Gulf War Commander Jealous Of Privacy
By Robert Dvorchak
Battlefield fame is fleeting, H. Norman Schwarzkopf tells his audiences.
"I used to be able to make a single command and 541,000 people would listen," the retired general says. "Now I can't get a plumber to do what I want."
A year ago, when the U.N. Security Council voted to authorize the use of force to oust Iraq from Kuwait, Schwarzkopf was a warrior at work, converting Desert Shield into Desert Storm.
Life is a bit quieter now but weep not for the general, whose four-star charm and right-stuff charisma remain robust among armies of civilian admirers, even after he traded in his camouflage fatigues for size 49 suits.
With the incentive of a multimillion-dollar advance, he's writing his memoirs. He earns a reported minimum of $50,000 per speech.
Back to the Future (1985)
Release Info
USA 3 July 1985
ON THIS DAY 17 January
1991: 'Mother of all Battles' begins
The Gulf War Allies have sent hundreds of planes on bombing raids into Iraq, at the start of Operation Desert Storm.
Dec 11, 1936:
Edward VIII abdicates
After ruling for less than one year, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch to voluntarily abdicate the throne. He chose to abdicate after the British government, public, and the Church of England condemned his decision to marry the American divorcée Wallis Warfield Simpson. On the evening of December 11, he gave a radio address in which he explained, "I have found it impossible to carry on the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge the duties of king, as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love."
Los Angeles Times
Windsor Castle Badly Damaged by Stubborn Fire
LONDON — Windsor Castle, the home of Britain's Royal Family for more than eight centuries, suffered "enormous" damage from a tenacious fire that raged for hours Friday.
Each time firefighters reported that the blaze was under control, it appeared to erupt again--as it did at 7 p.m., almost eight hours after it began.
From 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) To 3/10/1997 ( Dave Reichert gains office by fraud in King County Washington State ) is 9207 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
[ See also: To Be Continued later on this blog as another public service warning ]
Wednesday, March 5, 1997
Sims Names Reichert Sheriff -- 25-Year Veteran To Take Command Monday
By Dee Norton, Lily Eng
Seattle Times Staff Reporters
King County Executive Ron Sims today named Police Maj. Dave Reichert sheriff
Fury (1936)
Release Info
USA 29 May 1936
Fury (1936)
Full Cast & Crew
Spencer Tracy ... Joe Wilson
Fury (1936)
When a wrongly accused prisoner barely survives a lynch mob attack and is presumed dead, he vindictively decides to frame the mob for his murder.
War Chronology: January 1991
17 Jan
DOD announces that over 100 TOMAHAWK cruise missiles were launched at pre-programmed targets by 9 U.S. Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea. USS SAN JACINTO (CG 56) fired the first TOMAHAWK missile from the Red Sea between 0100-0200 Gulf Time; moments later, USS BUNKER HILL (CG-52) fired the first TOMAHAWK missile from the Arabian Gulf.
Then, over 1,000 aircraft sorties (E2- Cs/AWACs-controlled) were flown by A-6s, A-7s, AV-8s, A-10s, B-52s, EA-6Bs, EF111s, F-4s, F-14s, F-15s, F-16s, F/A-18s, F-111s, F-117As, AH- 64s, Saudi/British Tornados, French Jaguars, Kuwaiti A-4s. The Navy launched 228 combat sorties on the first day of OPERATIQN DESERT STORM from six aircraft carriers in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. CJCS GENERAL Colin Powell
ON THIS DAY 17 January
1991: 'Mother of all Battles' begins
The Gulf War Allies have sent hundreds of planes on bombing raids into Iraq, at the start of Operation Desert Storm.
The British Prime Minister, John Major, came out of Number Ten shortly before 0800 GMT to make a statement to reporters.
"No-one wanted this conflict. No-one can be pleased about the fact this conflict has been necessary," he said.
"I hope now it is clear to Iraq that the scale of the Allied operation is such that they cannot win.
Air Date: January 28, 1997
NARRATOR: Before the planes could attack, Task Force Normandy would fire the first shots of the war. Its Apache gunships had been training for months. Their mission was vital: to destroy at all costs two Iraqi radar sites that would otherwise give Baghdad an early warning of what was to come.
[1:00 A.M., January 17, 1991] It was a moonless night. Eight Apaches armed with Hellfire missiles took off towards Iraq. This is a pilot's eye view, videotape from one helicopter's night vision camera. The gunships flew just a few feet off the desert until they were eight miles from the radar dishes.
Lt. TOM DREW, Task Force Normandy: We slowed our air speed to about 40 knots, came up on line, all abreast, so we're all the same distance from the target. And at this point, I'm not looking through my goggles. I'm looking at a T.V. screen right in front of me. Watched the clock tick to zero and I gave the code word "Get some." At that point, everybody fired their Hellfires.
Get some!
1st HELICOPTER PILOT: Second missile.
NARRATOR: From a range of four miles, each crew aimed a laser beam that guided their missiles. The Iraqis had anti-aircraft guns, but could not see or hear the helicopters. This was a new kind of war.
The Gulf War from Tel Aviv
This Scud's for you
The Gulf War From Tel Aviv
Sheryl Robinson
0 kay, 1 should have known better.
The Persian Gulf war began the night of 17 January 1991.
Online NewsHour
During the early morning hours of January 17, 1991, an American-led strike began in the skies over Baghdad that damaged Iraqi air bases, missile sites and chemical and nuclear plants. Hundreds of aircraft from the U.S., Britain and other allies participated in the massive raid on the Iraqi capital.
The strike represented the moment that the allies' "Operation Desert Shield" — aimed at protecting other nations from Iraq's alleged aggression — became "Operation Desert Storm"
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Chapter 1
As Vic and Hap chewed it out, there was still a little dusk left in the sky, but the land was in shadow. Cars didn’t go by on 93 much now, which was one reason that Hap had so many unpaid bills. But there was a car coming now, Stu saw.
It was still a quarter of a mile distant, the day’s last light putting a dusty shine on what little chrome was left to it. Stu’s eyes were sharp, and he made it as a very old Chevrolet, maybe a ‘75. A Chevy, no lights on, doing no more than fifteen miles an hour, weaving all over the road. No one had seen it yet but him.
“Now let’s say you got a mortgage payment on this station,” Vic was saying, “and let’s say it’s fifty dollars a month.”
“It’s a hell of a lot more than that.”
“Well, for the sake of the argument, let’s say fifty. And let’s say the Federals went ahead and printed you a whole carload of money. Well then those bank people would turn round and want a hundred and fifty. You’d be just as poorly off.”
“That’s right,” Henry Carmichael added. Hap looked at him, irritated. He happened to know that Hank had gotten in the habit of taking Cokes out of the machine without paying the deposit, and furthermore, Hank knew he knew, and if Hank wanted to come in on any side it ought to be his.
“That ain’t necessarily how it would be,” Hap said weightily from the depths of his ninth-grade education. He went on to explain why.
Stu, who only understood that they were in a hell of a pinch, tuned Hap’s voice down to a meaningless drone and watched the Chevy pitch and yaw its way on up the road. The way it was going Stu didn’t think it was going to make it much farther. It crossed the white line and its lefthand tires spurned up dust from the left shoulder. Now it lurched back, held its own lane briefly, then nearly pitched off into the ditch. Then, as if the driver had picked out the big lighted Texaco station sign as a beacon, it arrowed toward the tarmac like a projectile whose velocity is very nearly spent. Stu could hear the worn-out thump of its engine now, the steady gurgle-and-wheeze of a dying carb and a loose set of valves. It missed the lower entrance and bumped up over the curb. The fluorescent bars over the pumps were reflecting off the Chevy’s dirt-streaked windshield so it was hard to see what was inside, but Stu saw the vague shape of the driver roll loosely with the bump. The car showed no sign of slowing from its relentless fifteen.
“So I say with more money in circulation you’d be—”
“Better turn off your pumps, Hap,” Stu said mildly.
“The pumps? What?”
Encyclopædia Britannica
Howard Schultz
Howard Schultz, (born July 19, 1953
1985 film "Back to the Future" DVD video:
Marty McFly: Do you know where 1640 Riverside -
Lou Carruthers: Are you going to order, kid?
1985 film "Back to the Future" DVD video:
Marty McFly: Just give me something without any sugar in it, okay?
Lou Carruthers: Something without sugar.
The Stand Hardcover – October 3, 1978
by Stephen King (Author)
Product Details
Hardcover: 823 pages
Publisher: Doubleday; 1st edition (October 3, 1978)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385121687
ISBN-13: 978-0385121682
The Stand
by Stephen King (Goodreads Author)
This is the way the world ends: with a nanosecond of computer error in a Defense Department laboratory and a million casual contacts that form the links in a chain letter of death.
And here is the bleak new world of the day after: a world stripped of its institutions and emptied of 99 percent of its people. A world in which a handful of panicky survivors choose sides
Hardcover, 1st Edition, 823 pages
Published October 3rd 1978 by Doubleday & Company, Inc. (first published 1978)
original title The Stand
ISBN 0385121687 (ISBN13: 9780385121682)
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Chapter 23
Randall Flagg, the dark man, strode south on US 51, listening to the nightsounds that pressed close on both sides of this narrow road that would take him sooner or later out of Idaho and into Nevada. From Nevada he might go anywhere. From New Orleans to Nogales, from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine, it was his country, and none knew or loved it better. He knew where the roads went, and he walked them at night. Now, an hour before dawn, he was somewhere between Grasmere and Riddle, west of Twin Falls, still north of the Duck Valley Reservation that spreads across two states. And wasn’t it fine?
He walked rapidly, rundown bootheels clocking against the paved surface of the road, and if car lights showed on the horizon he faded back and back, down over the soft shoulder to the high grass where the night bugs made their homes… and the car would pass him, the driver perhaps feeling a slight chill as if he had driven through an air pocket, his sleeping wife and children stirring uneasily, as if all had been touched with a bad dream at the same instant.
He walked south, south on US 51, the worn heels of his sharp-toed cowboy boots clocking on the pavement; a tall man of no age in faded, pegged jeans and a denim jacket. His pockets were stuffed with fifty different kinds of conflicting literature—pamphlets for all seasons, rhetoric for all reasons. When this man handed you a tract you took it no matter what the subject: the dangers of atomic power plants, the role played by the International Jewish Cartel in the overthrow of friendly governments, the CIA-Contra-cocaine connection, the farm workers’ unions, the Jehovah’s Witnesses (If You Can Answer These Ten Questions “Yes,” You Have Been SAVED!), the Blacks for Militant Equality, the Kode of the Klan. He had them all, and more, too. There was a button on each breast of his denim jacket. On the right, a yellow smile-face. On the left, a pig wearing a policeman’s cap. The legend was written beneath in red letters which dripped to simulate blood: HOW’S YOUR PORK?
What Is a Spacewalk?
Anytime an astronaut gets out of a space vehicle, it is called an extravehicular activity, or EVA. This is also called a spacewalk.
Russian astronaut Alexei Leonov performed the first spacewalk on March 18, 1965.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]
Chapter 3
Vic squinted. “It’s the State Patrol,” he said. “Looks like your cousin, there. Joe Bob.”
Hap came out from beneath the Scout, wiping his hands on a ball of waste. On his way through the office he sneezed heavily. He hated summer colds. They were the worst.
Joe Bob Brentwood, who was almost six and a half feet tall, was standing by the back of his cruiser, filling up. Beyond him, the three pumps Campion had driven over the night before were neatly lined up like dead soldiers.
“Hey Joe Bob!” Hap said, coming out.
“Hap, you sumbitch,” Joe Bob said, putting the pump handle on automatic and stepping over the hose. “You lucky this place still standin this morning.”
“Shit, Stu Redman saw the guy coming and switched off the pumps. There was a load of sparks, though.”
“Still damn lucky. Listen, Hap, I come over for somethin besides a fill-up.”
Joe Bob’s eyes went to Vic, who was standing in the station door. “Was that old geezer here last night?”
“Who? Vic? Yeah, he comes over most every night.”
“Can he keep his mouth shut?”
“Sure, I reckon. He’s a good enough old boy.”
The automatic feed kicked off. Hap squeezed off another twenty cents worth, then put the nozzle back on the pump and switched it off. He walked back to Joe Bob.
“So? What’s the story?”
“Well, let’s go inside. I guess the old fella ought to hear, too. And if you get a chance, you can phone the rest of them that was here.”
They walked across the tarmac and into the office.
“A good mornin to you, Officer,” Vic said.
Joe Bob nodded.
“Coffee, Joe Bob?” Hap asked.
“I guess not.” He looked at them heavily. “Thing is, I don’t know how my superiors would like me bein here at all. I don’t think they would. So when those guys come here, you don’t let them know I tipped you, right?”
“What guys, Officer?” Vic asked.
“Health Department guys,” Joe Bob said.
Vic said, “Oh Jesus, it was cholera. I knowed it was.”
Hap looked from one to the other. “Joe Bob?”
“I don’t know nothing,” Joe Bob said, sitting down in one of the plastic Woolco chairs. His bony knees came nearly up to his neck. He took a pack of Chesterfields from his blouse pocket and lit up. “Finnegan, there, the coroner—”
“That was a smartass,” Hap said fiercely. “You should have seen him struttin around in here, Joe Bob. Just like a pea turkey that got its first hardon. Shushin people and all that.”
“He’s a big turd in a little bowl, all right,” Joe Bob agreed. “Well, he got Dr. James to look at this Campion, and the two of them called in another doctor that I don’t know. Then they got on the phone to Houston. And around three this mornin they come into that little airport outside of Braintree.”
“Who did?”
“Pathologists. Three of them. They were in there with the bodies until about eight o’clock. Cuttin on em is my guess, although I dunno for sure. Then they got on the phone to the Plague Center in Atlanta, and those guys are going to be here this afternoon. But they said in the meantime that the State Health Department was to send some fellas out here and see all the guys that were in the station last night, and the guys that drove the rescue unit to Braintree. I dunno, but it sounds to me like they want you quarantined.”
“Moses in the bulrushes,” Hap said, frightened.
“The Atlanta Plague Center’s federal,” Vic said. “Would they send out a planeload of federal men just for cholera?”
“Search me,” Joe Bob said. “But I thought you guys had a right to know. From all I heard, you just tried to lend a hand.”
“It’s appreciated, Joe Bob,” Hap said slowly. “What did James and this other doctor say?”
“Not much. But they looked scared. I never seen doctors look scared like that. I didn’t much care for it.”
A heavy silence fell. Joe Bob went to the drink machine and got a bottle of Fresca. The faint hissing sound of carbonation was audible as he popped the cap. As Joe Bob sat down again, Hap took a Kleenex from the box next to the cash register, wiped his runny nose, and folded it into the pocket of his greasy overall.
“What have you found out about Campion?” Vic asked. “Anything?”
“We’re still checking,” Joe Bob said with a trace of importance. “His ID says he was from San Diego, but a lot of the stuff in his wallet was two and three years out of date. His driver’s license was expired. He had a BankAmericard that was issued in 1986 and that was expired, too. He had an army card so we’re checking with them. The captain has a hunch that Campion hadn’t lived in San Diego for maybe four years.”
“AWOL?” Vic asked. He produced a big red bandanna, hawked, and spat into it.
“Dunno yet. But his army card said he was in until 1997, and he was in civvies, and he was with his family, and he was a fuck of a long way from California, and listen to my mouth run.”
“Well, I’ll get in touch with the others and tell em what you said, anyway,” Hap said. “Much obliged.”
Joe Bob stood up. “Sure. Just keep my name out of it. I sure wouldn’t want to lose my job. Your buddies don’t need to know who tipped you, do they?”
“No,” Hap said, and Vic echoed it.
As Joe Bob went to the door, Hap said a little apologetically: “That’s five even for gas, Joe Bob. I hate to charge you, but with things the way they are—”
“That’s okay.” Joe Bob handed him a credit card. “State’s payin. And I got my credit slip to show why I was here.”
While Hap was filling out the slip he sneezed twice.
“You want to watch that,” Joe Bob said. “Nothin any worse than a summer cold.”
“Don’t I know it.”
Suddenly, from behind them, Vic said: “Maybe it ain’t a cold.”
They turned to him. Vic looked frightened.
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Milo: Hey, motherfucker.
Joe Hallenbeck: Hey, Milo. Where ya callin' from, the bottom of the pool?
"Riders On The Storm"
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah
Girl ya gotta love your man
Girl ya gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 2:36 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Monday 06 January 2014