Monday, April 30, 2007

"Worf is reunited with an old flame"

From 7/16/1963 to 6/29/1989 is: 9480 days
From 7/16/1963 to 12/15/1978 is: 5631 days
5631 / 9480 = 0.593

The Emissary

Worf is reunited with an old flame.

Air Date: 06.29.1989
Stardate: 42901.3

Superman (1978 film)
Release date(s) December 15, 1978

Played by Suzie Plakson
Episode: TNG 146 - The Emissary

As a Klingon much affected by her human mother's cynical upbringing of all things related to her father's people, special emissary K'Ehleyr was killed by Duras in 2367 as she nearly exposed the cover-up of his family's true treachery at Khitomer. Having once mated with Worf when he forswear a marriage two years earlier, she stunned him just before her murder by revealing Alexander, the son she'd bore by him in 2359 during their first encounter. A non-conformist career woman, she never told Worf because he would demand they take the traditional oath of union.

Their later encounters came during her special diplomatic missions, during Duras' poisoning death of Chancellor K'mpec and while diffusing the emergence of a Klingon pre-Alliance sleeper ship in 2365 that threatened to attack unsuspecting Federation outposts. Inheriting a scathing sense of humor, she had kept her Klingon side's monstrous temper under tight control.

After K'Ehleyr's murder in his arms, with Alexander watching, Worf did not easily acknowledged the guilt about the anger he felt toward his onetime mate because she had not told him about their son until he arrived; the boy was affected by his mother's oft-voiced view that 'Klingons had a lot of dumb ideas about honor.'

I assume there is a logical reason I "remember" starting boot camp on 5/15/1984 and that date has some specific symbolism, and I hope, to Phoebe Cates.

Ah - yes. I have noted several times that I "remember" Tracie's birthday was the same day I got out of boot camp in 1984: July 16th. That is Phoebe Cate's birthday. That was her 21st birthday. I can still "remember" when I went back to Rhonda. I drove over to her house in my red 1986.5 Nissan XP pickup. Nobody was home, so I sat there until I "remember" Rhonda driving up with somebody, who she sent away and then tapped on my window to wake me up. I'm not sure if it was that night or a later night and I was over there again but I "remember" having her calling up her boyfriend and breaking up with him. Michael drove by her house and some point and saw I was there and came in. I kept trying to get him to leave until he finally did leave. I can still "remember" the first time I saw Rhonda when I was home on leave and I was running around town at night with Billy Parker. He set me up with Lea-somebody and I was sitting in the back seat of his Mustang with her as he drove around. I "remember" we stopped one time and Rhonda pulled up with somebody. I think she was angry about seeing me with somebody although I had broken up with her when I was in boot camp. I "remember" thinking how good she was looking though and I thought many time later why I didn't try to get back together with her. I actually sent an email to her through a few years back but I never heard back from her. Rhonda's dad was Max and Karen was her mother. They were very nice to me. I thought it was cool that Rhonda's parents were still married.

Rhonda Rochelle Ramsey. I guess she is some composite character about TriStar Pictures and Phoebe Cates. I met Rhonda during my last year working at Mills Store in my artificial and symbolic memories. The symbolism about that store is probably connected to my attendance at the U.S. Naval Academy. Mills - Military. Rhonda worked there at the store too, but I think that she was actually attending some kind of regular college at the time.

Memorable quotes for
Superman Returns (2006)
Lex Luthor: [notices Jason flinching away from kryptonite] Who is that boy's father?
Lois Lane: Richard.
Lex Luthor: Are you sure?