This Is What I Think.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

One of these days. There are people out there right now who know that precise day. Because I tell them after I time travel from today's future.

Dawn Of The Dead

Not tomorrow. The day after. Right.
You, me, Gary, Brad. We'll be teeing off at...
- I like Gary. - Doctor, I'm in a hurry...
We'll tee off at 7:30. If you're not there because of Gary, come on. I gotta go.
Am I missing something?
Why a head X-ray when the man was bitten on the hand?
The patient was in a barfight. He was admitted at six
That's 6:00am. That's when I started my shift.
Where is he now? I'd like to see him.
- They moved him. A night nurse... - Page me when you find him.