Sunday, March 25, 2012

I mean, WHY! are they trying so hard!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

The Stand is a post-apocalyptic horror/fantasy novel by American author Stephen King.

The novel was originally published in 1978 and was later re-released in 1990 as The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition; King restored some text originally cut for brevity, added and revised sections, changed the setting of the story from 1980 (which in turn was changed to 1985 for the original paperback release in 1980) to 1990, and updated a few pop culture references accordingly.

"Captain Trips"

The novel is divided into three parts, or books. The first is titled "Captain Trips" and takes place over nineteen days, with the escape and spread of a human-made superflu (influenza) virus known formally as "Project Blue", but most commonly as "Captain Trips". The virus is developed at a U.S. Army base, where it is accidentally released. While the base tries to shut down before any infected person can escape, a security malfunction allows a guard and his family to sneak out. Unfortunately, they are already infected, and set off a pandemic that kills an estimated 99.4% of the world's human population, as well as that of domesticated animals, such as horses and dogs.

King outlines the total breakdown and destruction of society through widespread violence, the failure of martial law to contain the outbreak, and eventually the death of virtually the entire population. The human toll is also dealt with, as the few survivors must care for their families and friends, dealing with confusion and grief as their loved ones succumb to the flu.

The expanded edition opens with a prologue titled "The Circle Opens"

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Stephen King

Page xxiv

"Was there an accident?" she whispered. "Oh Jesus Mary and Joseph, there was, wasn't there? An accident. Out there."

"I was playing solitaire," he said. "I looked up and saw the clock had gone from green to red. I turned on the monitor. Sally, they're all -"

He paused, looked at Baby LaVon's eyes, wide and, although still rimmed with tears, curious.

"They're all D-E-A-D down there," he said. "All but one or two, and they're probably gone now."

"What's D-E-D, Daddy?" Baby LaVon asked.

"Never mind, honey," Sally said. Her voice seemed to come to her from down a very long canyon.

Charlie swallowed. Something clicked in his throat. "Everything's supposed to mag-lock if the clock goes red. They got a Chubb computer that runs the whole place and it's supposed to be fail-safe. I saw what was on the monitor, and I jumped out the door. I thought the goddam thing would cut me in half. It should have shut the second the clock went red, and I don't know how long it was red before I looked up and noticed it. But I was almost to the parking lot before I heard it thump shut behind me. Still, if I'd looked up even thirty seconds later, I'd be shut up in that tower control room right now, like a bug in a bottle."

"What is it?" What -"

"I dunno. I don't want to know. All I know is that it ki - that it K-I-L-L-E-D them quick. If they want me, they'll have to catch me. I was gettin hazard pay, but they ain't payin me enough to hang around here. Wind's blowing west. We're driving east. Come on, now"

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Intent on dealing with cranky Mr. Sullivan, she attached no significance to her sneezes. It was probably a touch of hay fever. The directive in the nurses’ station which said in big red letters, REPORT ANY COLD SYMPTOMS NO MATTER HOW MINOR TO YOUR SUPERVISOR AT ONCE , never even crossed her mind. They were worried that whatever those poor people from Texas had might spread outside the sealed rooms, but she also knew it was impossible for even a tiny virus to get inside the self-contained environment of the white-suits. Nevertheless, on her way down to the white room she infected an orderly, a doctor who was just getting ready to leave, and another nurse on her way to do her midnight rounds.

A new day had begun.

Chapter 16

A day later, on June 23, a big white Connie was roaring north on US 180, in another part of the country. It was doing somewhere between ninety and one hundred, its Corinthian white paint job glittering in the sun, the chrome winking. The opera windows in the rear also gave back the sun, heliographing it viciously.

The trail that Connie had left behind itself since Poke and Lloyd killed its owner and stole it somewhere just south of Hachita was wandering and pretty much senseless. Up 81 to US 80, the turnpike, until Poke and Lloyd began to feel nervous. They had killed six people in the last six days, including the owner of the Continental, his wife, and his smarmy daughter. But it was not the six murders that made them feel antsy about being on the interstate. It was the dope and the guns. Five grams of hash, a little tin snuffbox filled with God knew how much coke, and sixteen pounds of marijuana. Also two .38s, three .45s, a .357 Mag that Poke called his Pokerizer, six shotguns—two of them sawed-off pumps—and a Schmeisser submachine gun. Murder was a trifle beyond their intellectual reach, but they both understood the trouble they were going to be in if the Arizona State Police picked them up in a stolen car full of blow and shootin irons. On top of everything else, they were interstate fugitives. Had been ever since they crossed the Nevada border.

Interstate fugitives. Lloyd Henreid liked the sound of that. Gangbusters. Take that, you dirty rat. Have a lead sandwich, ya lousy copper.

So they had turned north at Deming, now on 180; had gone through Hurley and Bayard and the slightly larger town of Silver City, where Lloyd had bought a bag of burgers and eight milkshakes (why in the name of Christ had he bought eight of the motherfuckers? they would soon be pissing chocolate), grinning at the waitress in an empty yet hilarious way that made her nervous for hours afterward. I believe that man would just as soon killed me as looked at me, she told her boss that afternoon.

Past Silver City and roaring through Cliff, the road now bending west again, just the direction they didn’t want to go. Through Buckhorn and then they were back in the country God forgot, two-lane blacktop running through sagebrush and sand, buttes and mesas in the background, all that same old same old made you want to just rare back and puke at it.

“We’re gettin low on gas,” Poke said.

“Wouldn’t be if you didn’t drive so fuckin fast,” Lloyd said. He took a sip of his third milkshake, gagged on it, powered down the window, and threw out all the leftover crap, including the three milkshakes neither of them had touched.

“Whoop! Whoop!” Poke cried. He began to goose the gas pedal. The Connie lurched forward, dropped back, lurched forward.

“Ride em cowboy!” Lloyd yelled.

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

“Okay. Got to get some cash, too. We’ve thrown off enough fuckin pursuit for a while. We got to get some money and shag ass north. This desert shit makes no sense to me.”

“Okay,” Lloyd said. He didn’t know if it was the dope working on him or what, but all of a sudden he felt paranoid as hell, even worse than when they had been on the turnpike. Poke was right. Stop outside this Burrack and pull a score like they had outside of Sheldon. Get some money and some gas station maps, ditch this fuckin Connie for something that would blend into the scenery, then head north and east by the secondary roads. Get the fuck out of Arizona.

“I’ll tell you the truth, man,” Poke said. “All of a sudden I feel as nervous as a longtail cat in a room fulla rockin chairs.”

“I know what you mean, jellybean,” Lloyd said gravely, and then it hit them both funny and they broke up.

Burrack was a wide place in the road. They shot through it and on the other side was a combination café, store, and gas station. There was an old Ford wagon and a dust-streaked Olds with a horse trailer behind it in the dirt parking lot. The horse stared out at them as Poke wheeled the Connie in.

“This looks like just the ticket,” Lloyd said.

Poke agreed. He reached into the back for the .357 and checked the loads. “You ready?”

“I guess so,” Lloyd said, and took hold of the Schmeisser.

They walked across the baked parking lot. The police had known who they were for four days now; they had left their fingerprints all over Gorgeous George’s house, and in the store where the old man with the mail-order dentures had been pokerized. The old man’s pickup had been found within fifty feet of the bodies of the three people who belonged with the Continental, and it seemed reasonable to assume that the men who had killed Gorgeous George and the store owner had also killed these three. If they had been listening to the Connie’s radio instead of the tape-player, they would have known that Arizona and New Mexico police were coordinating the largest manhunt in forty years, all for a couple of small-time grifters who could not quite comprehend what they might have done to start such a fuss.

The gas was self-service; the clerk had to turn on the pump. So they went up the steps and inside. Three aisles of canned goods went up the room toward the counter. At the counter a man in cowboy clothes was paying for a pack of smokes and half a dozen Slim Jims. Halfway down the middle aisle a tired-looking woman with coarse black hair was trying to decide between two brands of spaghetti sauce. The place smelled of stale licorice and sun and tobacco and age. The proprietor was a freckled man in a gray shirt. He was wearing a company cap that said SHELL in red letters against a white field. He looked up as the screen door slapped shut and his eyes widened.

Lloyd put the wire stock of the Schmeisser against his shoulder and fired a burst at the ceiling. The two hanging lightbulbs shattered like bombs. The man in the cowboy clothes began to turn around.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Cowboy (1983) (TV)

Country Date

USA 30 April 1983


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


The Plague (1994)

Country Date

USA 8 May 1994
UK 10 August 1996


The Internet Movie Database

The Stand (TV mini-series 1994)

The Plague (#1.1)

Gary Sinise ... Stu Redman

When a deadly virus escapes from a government research facility, few prove to be immune to its effects. With symptoms similar to the flu, those who come into contact with it quickly die. One survivor is Stu Redmond, a gas station attendant from Texas, who suffers no ill effects whatsoever. Kept in a medical research facility in Vermont, doctors try to determine why he is still alive. Others that also survive include Frannie Goldsmith who lives with her dad; Nick Andros, a deaf-mute; a rock musician, Larry Underwood; and Lloyd Henreid, in jail for murder. Survivors begin to have dreams, either about an old Afican-American woman, Mother Abigail, or a much scarier evil man.

Release Date: 8 May 1994 (USA)

Stephen King's The Stand

Season 1, Episode 1

The Plague

Air Date

Sunday May 8, 1994

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

Chapter 43

There was a dead man lying in the middle of Main Street in May, Oklahoma.

Nick wasn’t surprised. He had seen a lot of corpses since leaving Shoyo, and he suspected he hadn’t seen a thousandth of all the dead people he must have passed. In places, the rich smell of death on the air was enough to make you feel like swooning. One more dead man, more or less, wasn’t going to make any difference.

But when the dead man sat up, such an explosion of terror rose in him that he again lost control of his bike. It wavered, then wobbled, then crashed, spilling Nick violently onto the pavement of Oklahoma Route 3. He cut his hands and scraped his forehead.

“Holy gee, mister, but you took a tumble,” the corpse said, coming toward Nick at a pace best described as an amiable stagger. “Didn’t you just? My laws!”

Nick got none of this. He was looking at a spot on the pavement between his hands where drops of blood from his cut forehead were falling, and wondering how badly he had been cut. When the hand touched him on the shoulder he remembered the corpse and scrambled away on the palms of his hands and the soles of his shoes, the eye not covered with the patch bright with terror.

“Don’t you take on so,” the corpse said, and Nick saw he wasn’t a corpse at all but a young man who was looking happily at him. He had most of a bottle of whiskey in one hand, and now Nick understood. Not a corpse but a man who had gotten drunk and had passed out in the middle of the road.

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

He stepped out into the courtyard of the building without a backward glance. The moon was so bright that he cast a shadow on the cracked cement where the would-be high rollers had once parked their cars with the out-of-state plates.

He looked up at the ghostly coin that floated in the sky.

“M-O-O-N, that spells moon,” he whispered. “Laws, yes. Tom Cullen knows what that means.”


Originally published July 19, 2009 at 12:00 AM | Page modified July 29, 2009 at 12:13 PM

20 years ago, pilot's heroic efforts saved 185 people as plane crashed

By Dominic Gates

Seattle Times aerospace reporter

Twenty years ago today, passengers and crew aboard United Airlines flight 232 from Denver to Chicago heard a loud midair blast at the rear of the plane. The engine mounted in the tail of the DC-10 had exploded at 37,000 feet.

With two good engines still operating on the wings, Capt. Al Haynes, of Seattle, wasn't unduly worried as he shut down the fuel flow to the dead engine.

But shrapnel from the exploding engine had severed all the hydraulic lines.

From that moment on, Haynes couldn't budge any of the flight-control surfaces on the wings and the tail. It was as if, when driving a car, the steering wheel would no longer turn the wheels.

Haynes was flying a wide-body jet with almost 300 people on board. That included 52 children, an unusually large number because of a marketing promotion that offered a one-cent kids fare.

Speaking in his modest SeaTac home Saturday after he'd umpired a Little League championship game, Haynes said he wasn't scared.

"We were too busy" to be scared, Haynes said. "You must maintain your composure in the airplane or you will die. You learn that from your first day flying."

The terrible drama that followed turned Haynes, now 77, into the Capt. Sully of his day. Yet Haynes' story is not so easy as that of Chesley Sullenberger, who in January landed a US Airways plane safely in the Hudson River after a bird strike.

Sully had considerable control of his crash landing, and all his passengers walked off the airplane.

On July 19, 1989, by varying the power to the engines on either wing of the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, Haynes and his crew managed to roughly guide this almost-unflyable airplane to a crash landing 44 minutes later at the nearest airport, in Sioux City, Iowa.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

"Virgin of the Secret Service"

Dark Deeds on the Northwest Frontier (1968)

Country Date

UK 28 March 1968


The Internet Movie Database

Virgin of the Secret Service: Season 1, Episode 1

Dark Deeds on the Northwest Frontier (28 Mar. 1968)

Clinton Greyn ... Capt. Robert Virgin

Release Date: 28 March 1968 (UK)

Stephen King


“I am praying, sir,” the Brit said, “that the pilot’s cap I noticed in one of the first-class seats belongs to you.”

Brian was standing in front of the locked door, head down, thinking furiously. When the Brit spoke up behind him, he jerked in surprise and whirled on his heels.

“Didn’t mean to Put Your wind up,” the Brit said mildly. “I’m Nick Hopewell.” He stuck out his hand.

Brian shook it. As he did so, performing his half of the ancient ritual, it occurred to him that this must be a dream. The scary flight from Tokyo and finding out that Anne was dead had brought it on.

Part of his mind knew this was not so, just as part of his mind had known the little girl’s scream had had nothing to do with the deserted first-class section, but he seized on this idea just as he had seized on that one. It helped, so why not? Everything else was nuts — so nutty that even attempting to think about it made his mind feel sick and feverish. Besides, there was really no time to think, simply no time, and he found that this was also something of relief.

“Brian Engle,” he said. “I’m pleased to meet you, although the circumstances are—” He shrugged helplessly. What were the circumstances, exactly? He could not think of an adjective which would adequately describe them.

“Bit bizarre, aren’t they?” Hopewell agreed. “Best not to think of them right now, I suppose. Does the crew answer?”

“No,” Brian said, and abruptly struck his fist against the door in frustration.

“Easy, easy,” Hopewell soothed. — “Tell me about the cap, Mr Engle. You have no idea what satisfaction and relief it would give me to address you as Captain Engle.”


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969)

Country Date

USA 31 December 1969

Stephen King


“I said not fifteen minutes ago that it felt like lunchtime. It now feels much later than that to me. Three in the afternoon, perhaps four. It isn’t breakfast my stomach is grumbling for right now; it wants high tea. I have a terrible feeling that it may start to get dark outside before our watches tell us it’s quarter to ten in the morning.”

“Get to it, mate,” Nick said.

“I think it’s about time,” Bob said quietly. “Not about dimension, as Albert suggested, but time. Suppose that, every now and then, a hole appears in the time stream? Not a time-warp, but a time-rip. A rip in the temporal fabric.”

“That’s the craziest shit I ever heard!” Don Gaffney exclaimed.

“Amen!” Craig Toomy seconded from the floor.

“No,” Bob replied sharply. “If you want crazy shit, think about how Albert’s violin sounded when you were standing six feet away from it. Or look around you, Mr Gaffney, just look around you. What’s happening to us... what we’re in... that’s crazy shit.”



Episode number: 1x1

Airdate: Sunday May 14th, 1995


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


Country Date

USA 14 May 1995


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Big Town After Dark (1947)

Country Date

USA 12 December 1947

United Airlines Flight 232

United Airlines Flight 232 was a scheduled flight from Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado


Apollo: You understand the mission?

Starbuck: Put my head outside the storm, look around. Listen for wireless traffic. Come home.

Apollo: No heroics, this is strictly recon. Look, listen, return.

Starbuck: You don't have to worry about me. My taste for heroics vanished about the time I engaged that first Cylon fighter. (He nods and turns away.) Lee? Zack failed basic flight.

Apollo: What?

1991 television series DVD "Golden Years" Disc 1 video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


General Louis Crewes: So, what do you want? Permission to kidnap a woman and a man who may prove that there really is a Fountain of Youth?

Terry Spann: Well, since you put it like that, yes.



Mar 4, 1966:

John Lennon sparks his first major controversy

In England, no one took much notice of the John Lennon quotation that later set off a media frenzy in America. Chalk it up to a fundamental difference in religious outlook between Britain and America, or to a fundamental difference in sense of humor. Whatever the reason, it was only after the American press got hold of his words some five months later that the John Lennon comment that first appeared in the London Evening Standard on March 4, 1966, erupted into the "Bigger than Jesus" scandal that brought a semi-official end to the giddy phenomenon known as Beatlemania.

In their original context, Lennon's remarks were clearly meant not as a boast, but as a sardonic commentary on the waning importance of religion. "Christianity will go," Lennon said. "It will vanish and shrink....We're more popular than Jesus now." It was only one comment in an interview that covered such wide-ranging topics as gorilla suits and car phones, but it was this comment alone that made its way into the American teenybopper magazine DATEbook several months later, boiled down to the straightforward line, "We're more popular than Jesus."


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


Time and Time Again (1991)

Country Date

USA 16 July 1991


The Internet Movie Database

Golden Years (TV series 1991)

Time and Time Again (#1.1)

Keith Szarabajka ... Harlan Williams

Release Date: 16 July 1991 (USA)

1991 television series DVD "Golden Years" Disc 2 video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: But I thought, no, it's not impossible at all. Of course, after all, it's exactly along the lines of what we were trying to do with the guinea pigs, isn't it?

Jude Andrews: I believe they were mice.

Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: Mice. Yes, mice. But a guinea pig is a guinea pig, Mr. Andrews, speaking in the generic sense. But, if this Williams received only a light dusting, and we were barely into production one, that means that the effects are much more powerful than we had thought. Much more powerful.

Jude Andrews: Would you like to see this janitor? Interview him? Examine him?

Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: Yes, at once. Of course. Are you joking? There must be tests. There must be extensive testing. We'll start tomorrow. No, tonight, tonight. I want him admitted to the infirmary. I want to do the premim myself.

Jude Andrews: There's a slight problem.

Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: Problem? What problem?

Jude Andrews: The janitor has split. Taken a powder. On the lam.

Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: He's run away?

Jude Andrews: Yeah. Now we've reached an understanding.

Dr. Richard X. Toddhunter: He can't do that. He's government property.

Jude Andrews: I'm aware of that. But Mr. Williams is not. There's certain people in Washington who need to be convinced.