Saturday, March 31, 2012

My mind.

A fairly new development are the mental images I have started to visualize.

I mean, sure, everyone, as is my understanding, most every human being has that capability.

The new development is comparable to when my so-called "foreign dreams" were plaguing my mind back in early 2006 and before that.

The clarity is the image is what's striking. And there doesn't seem to be any explanation. The sense is not unlike, I think as I sit here at my desk and write this sentence, my sleeping mind.

I feel that I have a very strong grip on reality. I think that some kind of ultranormal power of mind would require a strong sense of reality before it could develop in my mind.

I don't like fantasy, so that would probably explain why. I like the idea of getting to take a vacation and escape somewhere but the fact is, and I think this notion applies to most human beings, paradise gets boring after a while.