I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Call this number.
Dirty Harry (1971)
Harry Callahan: I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?
The American Presidency Project
Ronald Reagan
XL President of the United States: 1981 - 1989
Remarks at a White House Meeting With Members of the American Business Conference
March 13, 1985
Thank you very much, and good afternoon, and welcome to the White House.
It's good to be meeting with you again. In the last 4 years, the American Business Conference has been a staunch and much appreciated ally in the battle to liberate our economy from the old ideas of overtaxation, overspending, and government control. But as we've been seeing recently in Congress, old habits die hard, very hard.
I've been thinking of starting a new counseling group up in Congress along the lines of Overeaters Anonymous. [Laughter] We'd call it Big-Spenders Anonymous. It could meet every week or so, and the members would get together and talk about how, try as they might, they just can't stop squandering the people's money. [Laughter]
The scene in the Senate Budget Committee this past week was a disappointing one, I think, for the American people. They seem to be in full-scale retreat from spending cuts and are talking about raising people's taxes again. When push comes to shove, I guess it's always easier to let the taxpayer take the fall. Well, let them be forewarned: No matter how well intentioned they might be, no matter what their illusions might be, I have my veto pen drawn and ready for any tax increase that Congress might even think of sending up. And I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers: Go ahead, make my day. [Laughter]
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 10:12 PM Pacific Time somewhere near Seattle Washington USA Tuesday 01 April 2014