I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Catholics: The greatest idiotic humans in the history of this planet Earth.
There are truly no greater idiots alive than the modern day Catholics.
Catholics are the greatest morons that have ever existed on this world.
Facts. That is really hilarious - and sad - to hear associated with mainstream religion and Catholics.
That is just another noise word for them, such as "faith".
Just hollow words thrown around by some bible-thumping Jesus-salesman to get you to buy his drugs.
You are terrified of reality.
Your crutch is some stupid old book that some grifters invented so you would give them your money.
You are terrified and the fiction of that book shields you from reality.
Doesn't mean any of it is true.
All that is true is you are terrified of reality and those scam artists get your money by giving you something to numb your terror.
Those are truly con-artists at work there.
Huffington Post
The Wall Street Journal, Climate Change Denial, and the Galileo Gambit
03/28/2016 09:28 am ET Updated 1 day ago
Michael E. Mann
Director of Penn State Earth System Science Center; Author of ‘Dire Predictions’ and ‘The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars’
So let’s be clear about the facts: Galileo had the courage to speak truth to the powerful interests of his day in the Roman Catholic Church, just as two generations of scientists have tried to speak truth about climate change to executives and lobbyists in the fossil fuel industry.
The Catholic Church declared Galileo a heretic and placed him under house arrest. Oil industry lobbyists don’t have that kind of power, thankfully, so they merely suppressed internal climate research and started funding groups like CEI to publicly attack independent climate researchers, instead.
If he were alive today, Galileo would be appalled to witness industry shills attempt to wrap themselves in his legacy. He would not be on the side of powerful fossil fuel interests who fund attacks on scientific research; perhaps this time, ironically, he would be on the side of his Pope and the scientists whose council he regularly seeks, who respect facts and evidence and recognize the reality we live in for what it is.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 7:14 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 29 March 2016