I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Gravity (2013)
A few hours ago when I first noticed the listing for this broadcast tonight my first thought was that I was glad I wouldn't have to pay anything extra to watch this for the first time.
I was aware of the film during the theatre premiere but I wasn't paying to watch it because it looked too stupid.
One detail I did not know until tonight was the details about their original Earth-orbit space mission
The first few minutes was pretty intense as I was sitting here trying to eat dinner and almost choking up from the intensity of the initial catastrophe. For a brief moment I thought I was going to start crying.
The visuals were beautiful. Some ( well, not really that many ) of the more dramatic plot elements were largely predictable. Remembering vital details in her sleep was neat.
excite tv
Gravity (2013)
665 FXPHD: Wednesday, March 16 7:00 PM [ 8:00 PM Wednesday 16 March 2016 Pacific Time USA ]
2013, PG-13, ***1/2, 01:31, Color, English, USA/GBR,
The destruction of their shuttle leaves two astronauts (Sandra Bullock, George Clooney) stranded in space with no hope of rescue.
Cast: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris, Orto Ignatiussen, Phaldut Sharma, Amy Warren, Basher Savage Director(s): Alfonso Cuarýn Producer(s): Alfonso Cuarýn, David Heyman Executive Producer(s): David Heyman, Chris DeFaria, Nikki Penny, Stephen Jones
Gravity (2013)
Release Info
Italy 28 August 2013 (Venice Film Festival)
USA 31 August 2013 (Telluride Film Festival)
USA 4 October 2013
Springfield! Springfield!
Gravity (2013)
[ Matt Kowalski: ] See? Where you go, I go.
031616_a_svwlf_ (1326).jpg
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: January 13, 008
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 3:39 AM
I had a dream that seemed to be just a few minutes before I just now woke up. In the dream, I was flying a jet aircraft and I think it was an F/A-18 Hornet and there were at least 2 other Hornet's flying with me. There were a lot of very clear details about the dream that I cannot articulate very well. The dream overall seemed unimportant, or at least, I cannot figure out what it was all supposed to be about. At one point, I was very certain that the date was 10/9/2004, but that might have changed. I find myself thinking that I also visualized an '11' but I don't know what that means. In the dream, there were people watching me somehow and that had something to do with my flying. Something about another persons brother, which was me, and that I was flying a jet aircraft. I can distinctly visualize sitting in the jet aircraft and operating the controls and reading the instruments. I clearly remember that I stomped on the left foot pedal for a snap roll and that I was disappointed with my lack of precision in that manuever. At some point in the dream, I seemed to have the objective of flying over someone that was on a highway somewhere. I think that person I was supposed to fly over was Lily Jang. I don't know why that was supposed to happen. She was on a highway somewhere and I was supposed to fly by her. It was dark for most, if not all, of the dream. There were other details in the dream that seem unimportant and that I cannot figure out how to articulate.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 3:59 AM
The date 10/11/2004 was when Duran Duran "Astronaut" released. I felt certain after waking up that I had seen the date 10/9/2004 but I wondered also why the '11' was lingering in my mind. I don't know.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:01 AM
There was also an element in that dream, I think at the point where I was supposed to do the fly-by of Lily Jang, that I realized I had let myself gain too much altitude. I think I was having trouble by that time with reading the instrument panel, because it all had become sort of blurry, and I didn't realize I had been drifting upwards for too long. I am not certain what I did after that point but I can recall vaguely that I was still flying.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:04 AM
I can still sort of visualize the lights on the highway and other reference points I used to navigate my way along to the point I was supposed to fly over.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:05 AM
I didn't seem to gain a tremendous amount of altitude, so I don't know what that means. I would say that I might have gained 100 feet of altitude, which seems unimportant for that kind of fly-by so I don't understand that element of the dream.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:09 AM
I stomped on the left foot pedal, but I seemed to roll to the right. I am not certain if that is correct or not. I want to say that if I stomped on the left pedal, then I would have done a snap-roll to the left.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:10 AM
Or maybe that is correct.
The left foot pedal would raise - I think it would raise - the left aileron, which I think is on the tail, or maybe it would raise the flap on the trailing edge of the left wing. When that control surface is raised, it seems....now that I think it though, I think the aircraft would roll in that direction. The control surface catches the air and creates a drag on that side of the aircraft, which causes it to change attitude on that side. Something like that. I feel slightly confused.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:14 AM
The part about the longitudinal axis sounds correct, in terms of what I am trying to describe.
Ailerons are hinged control surfaces attached to the trailing edge of the wing of a fixed-wing aircraft. The ailerons are used to control the aircraft in roll. The two ailerons are typically interconnected so that one goes down when the other goes up: the downgoing aileron increases the lift on its wing while the upgoing aileron reduces the lift on the other wing, producing a rolling moment about the aircraft's longitudinal axis.
Modern military aircraft may have no ailerons on the wings at all, and combine roll control with an all-moving tailplane. This is a taileron or a rolling tail.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:19 AM
In a roll, slower than a snap roll, which I think of as a very quick roll, the rudder would be used to keep the aircraft centered on its original heading. The roll would cause the aircraft to drift to one side or the other, which I think is known as yaw.
Longitudinal axis
The longitudinal axis passes through the plane from nose to tail. Rotation about this axis is called bank or roll. Bank changes the orientation of the aircraft's wings with respect to the downward force of gravity. The pilot changes bank angle by increasing the lift on one wing and decreasing it on the other. This differential lift causes bank rotation around the longitudinal axis. The ailerons are the primary control of bank. The rudder also has a secondary effect on bank.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 01/13/08 4:25 AM
With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 13 January 2008 excerpt ends]
The Seattle Times
Sunday, February 16, 1997
Shuttle Takes Hubble Higher Up To Avoid Orbiting Space Junk
By Marcia Dunn
SPACE CENTER, Houston - Space shuttle Discovery fled to a safer, higher orbit with the Hubble Telescope yesterday to avoid a piece of space junk the size of a book.
The fragment of an exploded rocket would have come dangerously close to Discovery, its seven astronauts and the telescope anchored in the cargo bay had the crew not steered out of the way.
Astronauts making the mission's second spacewalk Friday night discovered a surprising number of cracks and tears in Hubble's thin, outer insulation, as well as holes punched into the solar panels by micrometeorites.
A few hours after Discovery's pilots steered the shuttle and the moored Hubble into a 2-mile-higher orbit to extend the lifetime of the telescope, they were ordered to go up an additional half-mile.
A fragment of an exploded Pegasus rocket was due to pass within a half-mile of the shuttle and telescope, officials said, and Mission Control did not want to take any chances.
The Pegasus was launched in 1994 with a military-research satellite, which ended up in the wrong orbit. The rocket fragment was one of 8,014 orbiting objects being tracked by the U.S. Space Command yesterday, most of it junk.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 08/02/09 9:33 AM
I dreamed just now of what seems to be the flight of the Stargazer aircraft on 6/27/1994 but the visualizations I assume are mostly just the product of a dream. As usual, there seem to be details that happened before the part I can remember enough to write about that I can not now remember. In the dream, I was onboard that aircraft and we were traveling along towards the point where we would deploy the rocket as it fired and traveled towards space. All I can really visualize though is that the aircraft seemed to be invisible. To me at least. I have the sense that other people could see it. We also were no high over the ground but we were very close to the ground and we were traveling at a rate of motion that did not seem very fast. This all was taking a long time too. I kept expecting the rocket to depart from the aircraft but it did not. I can see the terrain very well. There seemed to be people on the ground looking up and to watch us fly over. We were at another point so close the ground above a highway that I saw a woman in a police car looking up at the sky and I think she was watching us fly over. I think it was before that we were flying over new terrain and I was marveling at the color of the foliage of the trees and it might have seemed that I could even touch the trees with my feet. I remember that very well. But that part is disorienting. It is as though I was standing very close to a wall but then that wall was not actually there and what I saw in front of me was the sky and terrain and everything associated with flying in that aircraft above the ground. It seemed I was talking to the other two men on the aircraft flight deck just then and I become slightly aware as I think about the dream of equipment and instruments around me although that could be the last part. I do have the sense they are wearing uniforms and I think I am too. I am in the middle and I seem to be talking to the guy on my right. Then the part with the woman in the police car seems to happen and then we travel over an area where the terrain drops suddenly and I am marveling at that because I can clearly see everything directly below us. Just because the drop I commented to the guy on my left, who might have actually been me, that there was a stop sign on the road below us at what seemed to be a T-intersection. We seemed to have been following the highway and the highway ended at that intersection with the other highway running perpendicular to it but we continued on a straight line and that was when I saw the terrain drop sharply below us. I commented to the guy to my left who I guess was the pilot about that stop sign below and I cannot now remember our exact words but he responded to me with something about how that was my name on that stop sign and I wish I could remember better that scene from the dream although that was basically the important part. So I think this part is when the rocket was supposed to transfer to space but that is not really clear anymore. What I do remember is that now I am clinging to the side of a mountain and I have no idea where I am although I still have an association in my mind that I was on that aircraft I have been writing about. It is as though I was on the side of that mountain because I had been attached to a rope that was attached to that aircraft and the aircraft had been traveling along with me on that rope. I don't really understand enough to explain what I feel was going on in this part. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't matter. I remember the ground was very steep and I remember there was snow and I seemed to be examining the snow-covered foliage and I am aware of how steep the ground is and I am concerned because I no longer am connected to that aircraft by the rope. I am stuck there on the ground and I have no idea where I am or how to get back to anywhere. I can see what seems to be a level portion of the ground and I guess it is a trail. I can also see a window of a building and it really seems out of place because a consistent thought is that I might as well be on Mount Everest right now but that doesn't really make any sense because I remember seeing all those signs of civilization we flew over. So anyway, I am still lying on or clinging to the mountain in the same position but I am looking at the window and I can visualize it well and I can see the various details of the configuration and I am wondering if I can slide through that window or if it is too small for me to get through. There seems to be no other place to go than through that window where it looks warm and cozy and I see no other signs of civilization other than that window. Then I seem to have made it through the window and I am vaguely aware of being inside the business that runs there and I vaguely recall talking to someone but I cannot remember enough about that conversation to articulate. What seems to happened was that I explained that I was lost from that flight and what they seemed to have done is to put me on a shuttle bus for a hotel and they sent me to a hotel where I can stay. I am aware that I have access to my funds but that is only a notion. I have only the clothes on my back and I am still confused about where I am. I am aware of another person on the bus and I can visualize the we got to the hotel while riding that bus and I can visualize walking through some parts of that hotel and I see that I walked into the registration lobby but then I turned around and walked back out without registering and I am not certain what I was going to do. I still have no idea where I am. I am thinking that the people I was with will probably look for me and I think that if I use my bank card they will know where I am on the ground. I think that was the end. I think the dream ended after I walked back outside the hotel and I was standing outside looking around. I can vaguely visualize the surroundings but I have no idea where it was.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 02 August 2009 excerpt ends]
From 3/2/1962 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Twilight Zone"::To Serve Man" ) To 6/14/1993 ( Bill Clinton - Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Be a Supreme Court Associate Justice ) is 11427 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/14/1997 is 11427 days
From 6/28/1884 ( Chester Arthur - Special Message ) To 10/12/1915 ( Robert Innes announced the discovery of Proxima Centauri ) is 11427 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/14/1997 is 11427 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 2/14/1997 is 2162 days
2162 = 1081 + 1081
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/18/1968 ( Lyndon Johnson - Remarks Upon Signing the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968 ) is 1081 days
STS-82 Day 4 Highlights
Back to STS-82 Flight Day 03 Highlights:
On Friday, February 14, 1997, 6:00 a.m. CST, STS-82 MCC Status Report # 7 reports:
Astronauts Mark Lee and Steve Smith worked throughout the night in the cargo bay of the Shuttle Discovery, conducting a spacewalk lasting six hours and 42 minutes to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope, which now contains new science instruments for an expanded view of the universe.
The first spacewalk of the second servicing mission of the Telescope began at 10:34 p.m. Central time Thursday night when Lee and Smith switched their spacesuits over to battery power. The spacewalk was slightly delayed to enable ground controllers to assess the unexpected movement of one of Hubble's solar arrays, which slewed from a horizontal to a vertical position as Discovery's airlock was depressurized. The motion was created by an apparent gust of air from the airlock, but caused no damage to the array which was repositioned horizontally.
Once outside, Lee and Smith went right to work, opening the aft shroud doors on Hubble to remove the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph and the Faint Object Spectrograph. The telephone-booth sized instruments slid out of their compartments and were replaced by two brand new instruments, the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer. STIS was installed in Hubble shortly before 1 a.m. Central time, followed almost two hours later by the NICMOS. Payload controllers send commands to check the health of the two instruments, which were declared alive and well and ready for calibration over the next several weeks. The aft shroud doors were finally closed as Lee and Smith stowed the old science gear in protective containers for the trip back to Earth. With their work successfully completed, Lee and Smith returned to Discovery's airlock at 5:17 this morning
The Twilight Zone Season 3 Episode 24
To Serve Man
Aired Unknown Mar 02, 1962 on CBS
AIRED: 3/2/62
Springfield! Springfield!
The Twilight Zone
To Serve Man
I showed this to every man on our staff.
I've had a dozen people working on it since late last night.
We've tried pretty much everything- single transposition, double transposition.
We've tried every known method of cryptography there is, and i don't know whether we're even close or a million miles away.
Are you saying it's indecipherable? No, we've just got to keep trying, that's all.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 2:09 PM
To: 'Kerry Burgess'
Subject: RE: Vault
Ghosts Of Mars
So this is Shining Canyon? God, what a dump.
- First time in the boonies, rookie? - Standard layout.
Just another shitty boomtown like all the others.
Seen one, you can go home.
You're always cold, you can't get a decent shower...
and they don't tell you that a one-year contract here...
equals two years' Earth time.
You gotta read the fine print.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 01 March 2013 excerpt ends]
Los Angeles Times
2nd Spacewalk Aids Hubble's Cosmic Vision
February 15, 1997 From Associated Press
HOUSTON — Another pair of astronauts stepped out into the vacuum of space Friday night to give the Hubble Space Telescope a sharper aim to go with its new, stronger eyes.
Gregory Harbaugh and Joe Tanner, eager to get started with their mechanics' chores, floated into shuttle Discovery's open cargo bay nearly an hour ahead of schedule for the second spacewalk of the Hubble servicing mission.
Their job while circling Earth at 5 miles a second: to install a guidance sensor needed to lock on to astronomical targets, an electronic package for the sensor and a data recorder.
Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the pilots planned to boost the shuttle into a slightly higher orbit in which Hubble will be released early next week.
During the first spacewalk the night before, Mark Lee and Steven Smith plugged two new science instruments into Hubble to expand its vision of the cosmos.
Lee and Smith turned in a by-the-book performance 370 miles above Earth to modernize the $2-billion Hubble, which was launched in 1990.
Lee and Smith will go back out tonight to install more Hubble parts.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/17/08 8:50 PM
I just woke up a few minutes ago from I guess about 5 or 6 hours of sleep. I still feel exhausted. I am now wondering of the series of scenes and images in one dream was actually a representation of my flight into space as the commander of the first space shuttle launch.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 03/17/08 8:54 PM
There dream, though, seemed to be set on the USS Oliver Hazard Perry FFG-7. I am not certain how I linked that setting to FFG-7 but I am certain I was on a FFG-7 class ship and the notion lingers in my mind that it was the FFG-7.
In a somewhat confusing part, I walked out of a room with two people in it, where a junior person was getting a medal, for someone reason, as I was looking on, onto the weatherdeck. The person who had got the medal, which was a medal I can visualize but that I do not recognize, followed out onto the deck, I think. I can still visualize the calm blue water and also looking out onto the shore and the sky line of some city we were near but that I cannot recognize either after waking up. I do remember that I commented to the other person that I enjoyed being back out to sea, and I feel compelled to note that I might have said to him that I enjoyed especially being out to sea when we we just floating around, as we were then. Then, for some strange reason, I was over the edge of the deck and I was hanging onto the low railing, trying to keep myself from falling over into the water. But the gravity was strange and that might be why that part seems weird, in retrospect of the dream. I almost want to say that my feet were drifting upwards instead of downwards towards the ocean. I cannot remember what happened next. On one hand, it seems understand that I was hanging onto that railing but I am also somewhat baffled, as I ponder the dream after waking up, why I was even hanging from that railing in the first place.
I also remember something, vaguely, about Iceland, maybe. Something related to flying aircraft. Perhaps I was stationed at some point as a pilot in Iceland. I remember hearing some comments about someone's skills as an aircraft pilot. I remember something about looking at an aircraft runway and seeing the remains of the de-icer material they use. This all seemed to happen as I was sitting on the boat and I could actually see those other locations, such as the runway and the office, while I was in another far away location. That might be the result of remembering a past experience while having a dream. Something like that. A memory within a memory. I also remember sitting there in that boat that I was holding some kind of award plaque but I cannot remember what was writting on that award plaque. I think the award plaque had been given to Jim Lovell but I am not certain what that means. I can still visualize certain words on it but I cannot remember enough to describe those words. I remember that some letters were missing in the words.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 17 March 2008 excerpt ends]
Gravity (2013)
Ryan Stone: C'mon Matt, talk to me. Tell me where you are, give me your position. Where are you? Give me a visual, tell me what you see. C'mon, you've been yammering since we left Cape Canaveral, *now* you decide to shut up? Talk to me! Just say something, say anything, I don't care!
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- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:25 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 16 March 2016