I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
The Occupant
The Last Man (2018)
Release Info
USA 18 January 2019
Full Cast & Crew
Hayden Christensen ... Kurt
From 8/7/1942 ( US Congress revises the Navy Cross medal award criteria ) To 11/10/2000 is 21280 days
21280 = 10640 + 10640
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 12/20/1994 ( in non-aviator related duties boots on the ground in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 10640 days
Other post by me on this topic: http://hvom.blogspot.com/2015/04/depends-on-what-meaning-of-f-u-is.html
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Proclamation 7375 - Veterans Day, 2000
November 10, 2000
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
On this day, in ceremonies across our Nation and around the world, Americans gather to pay tribute to our veterans. In community centers and church halls, at VFW posts and U.S. embassies, in quiet cemeteries and on battlefields fallen silent, we pause to honor the brave men and women of our Armed Forces whose devotion to duty and willingness to serve have sustained our country for more than two centuries.
Over the course of our history, some 41 million Americans have served--and more than a million have died--so that we might live in freedom. We are the beneficiaries of their courage, their sacrifice, and their vigilance; and so are countless freedom-loving people around the world.
In the past century alone, through two world wars and the long, tense struggle of the Cold War; on the front lines in Korea, Vietnam, Beirut, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Haiti, the Persian Gulf, and the Balkans, our brave men and women in uniform have risked their lives to protect U.S. interests, assist our allies, promote peace, and advance our ideals. Thanks to their extraordinary record of service, more people now live under democratic rule than at any other time in history. And today, America is a stronger Nation in a more secure world because of our veterans.
President Kennedy once said, "Democracy is never a final achievement. It is a call to untiring effort, to continual sacrifice and to the willingness, if necessary, to die in its defense." Today we give thanks to the veterans of our Armed Forces for showing that willingness. Whether serving on bases and in ports at home or deployed across the globe, they have endured hardship and danger to protect our Nation and assist our allies. The story of America has been written, in large part, by the deeds of our veterans--deeds that bind us to our past, inspire us in the present, and strengthen us to meet the challenges of the future.
In honor of those who have served in our Armed Forces, the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C. 6103 (a)) that November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor America's veterans. On Veterans Day, we pay tribute to all those who have served in our Armed Forces, and we remember with deep respect those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. America's veterans have answered the highest calling of citizenship, and they continue to inspire us with the depth of their patriotism and the generosity of their service.
Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Saturday, November 11, 2000, as Veterans Day. I urge all Americans to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of our veterans through appropriate public ceremonies and private prayers. I call upon Federal, State, and local officials to display the flag of the United States and to encourage and participate in patriotic activities in their communities. I invite civic and fraternal organizations, places of worship, schools, businesses, unions, and the media to support this national observance with suitable commemorative expressions and programs.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-fifth.
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA as Kerry Wayne Burgess ) To 11/10/2000 ( premiere US film "Red Planet" ) is 12792 days
- posted by Kerry Burgess 1:58 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Wednesday 09/04/2019