This Is What I Think.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

But not the full moon.

From 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) To 12/11/2011 ( --- ) is 10712 days

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/2/1995 ( the launch into orbit of the planet Earth of the United States space shuttle Endeavour orbiter vehicle mission STS-67 ) is 10712 days

From 5/22/1978 ( Aubrey Fitch - United States Navy admiral - deceased ) To 12/11/2011 ( --- ) is 12256 days

12256 = 6128 + 6128

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 6128 days

From 4/28/1967 ( the McDonnell Douglas Corporation is formed by the merger of the McDonnell and Douglas aircraft manufacturing companies of which my biological brother Thomas Reagan was a founding member ) To 12/11/2011 ( --- ) is 16298 days

16298 = 8149 + 8149

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/24/1988 ( premiere US TV series episode "Highway to Heaven"::"The Correspondent" ) is 8149 days

From 11/8/1949 ( premiere US film "All the King's Men" ) To 12/11/2011 ( --- ) is 22678 days

22678 = 11339 + 11339

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 11/18/1996 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US film "Star Trek: First Contact" ) is 11339 days

From 7/27/1997 ( RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 - premiere US TV series "Stargate SG-1"::series premiere episode "Children of the Gods" ) To 12/11/2011 ( --- ) is 5250 days

5250 = 2625 + 2625

From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/9/1973 ( premiere US TV series episode "Marcus Welby, M.D."::"A Necessary End" ) is 2625 days

1996 film "Star Trek: First Contact" DVD video:

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: Only got an hour to go, Doc. How are you feeling?

Dr. Zefram Cochrane: I got a four alarm hangover, either from the whisky or your laser beam, or both, but I'm ready to make history.

Starfleet Commander Deanna Troi: Troi to Commander Riker.

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: Riker here.

Starfleet Commander Deanna Troi: We're ready to open the launch door.

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: Go ahead.

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: Look at that.

Dr. Zefram Cochrane: What, you don't have a moon in the 24th century?

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: Sure we do. It just looks a lot different. There are fifty million people living on the Moon in my time. You can see Tycho City, New Berlin, even Lake Armstrong on a day like this.

Dr. Zefram Cochrane: Uh huh.

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: And you know, Doctor -

Dr. Zefram Cochrane: Please! Don't tell me it's all thanks to me. I've heard enough about the great Zefram Cochrane. I don't know who writes your history books or where you get your information from, but you people got some pretty funny ideas about me. You all look at me as if I'm some kind of a saint or visionary or something.

Starfleet Commander William T. Riker: I don't think you're a saint, Doc, but you did have a vision. And now we're sitting in it.

Dr. Zefram Cochrane: You want to know what my vision is? Dollar signs. Money. I didn't build this ship to usher in a new era for humanity.

Friends (1994) | TV Series [ The One with the Secret Closet (2002) ]

So how's the inappropriate crush on Rachel coming?
Really good. I should be ready to kill myself any day now.
Well, you sure found that quick.
I wish I didn't feel this way about Rachel. I wish things could be normal.
I love living with her, and helping out with the baby is amazing.
But now I think Ross feels left out.
When I took Rachel to the hospital, the doctor thought I was the father.
You should have seen the look on Ross' face.
I have no idea what I'm doing. For all I know, I'm locking it more.



STS-67 was a human spaceflight mission using Space Shuttle Endeavour that launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida on 2 March 1995.


McDonnell Douglas

Founded 28 April 1967

McDonnell Douglas was a major American aerospace manufacturer and defense contractor, producing a number of famous commercial and military aircraft. It formed from a merger of McDonnell Aircraft and Douglas Aircraft in 1967. McDonnell Douglas was based at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport near St. Louis, Missouri. The McDonnell Douglas Technical Services Company (MDTSC), a subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas, was headquartered in unincorporated St. Louis County, Missouri, United States. McDonnell Douglas merged with its rival, Boeing, in 1997.


Grumman E-1 Tracer

The E-1 Tracer was the first purpose built airborne early warning aircraft used by the United States Navy. It was a derivative of the Grumman C-1 Trader and first entered service in 1958. It was replaced by the more modern E-2 Hawkeye in the early 1970s.


Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye

The Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is an American all-weather, aircraft carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. This twin-turboprop aircraft was designed and developed during the late 1950s and early 1960s by the Grumman Aircraft Company for the United States Navy as a replacement for the earlier E-1 Tracer, which was rapidly becoming obsolete. E-2 performance has been upgraded with the E-2B, and E-2C versions, where most of the changes were made to the radar and radio communications due to advances in electronic integrated circuits and other electronics.


The E-2 is a high-wing airplane, with one turboprop engine in each wing, and tricycle landing gear. As with all carrier-borne airplanes, the E-2 is equipped with a tail hook for landings, and it is capable of using the aircraft carrier's catapults for take-off. A distinguishing feature of the Hawkeye is its 24-foot (7.3 m) diameter rotating dome that is mounted above its fuselage and wings. This carries the E-2's primary antennas for its long-range radars. No other carrier-borne aircraft possesses one of these, and among land-based aircraft, they are mostly seen atop the Boeing's E-3 Sentry, a larger AEW airplane operated by the U.S. Air Force and NATO air forces in large numbers.

The aircraft is operated by a crew of five, with the pilot and co-pilot on the flight deck and the combat information center officer, air control officer and radar operator stations located in the rear fuselage directly beneath the rotodome.

In U.S. service, the E-2 Hawkeye provides all-weather airborne early warning and command and control capabilities for all aircraft-carrier battle groups. In addition, its other purposes include sea and land surveillance, the control of the aircraft carrier's fighter planes for air defense, the control of strike aircraft on offensive missions, the control of search and rescue missions for naval aviators and sailors lost at sea, and for the relay of radio communications, air-to-air and ship-to-air.

The E-2C and E-2D Hawkeyes use advanced electronic sensors combined with digital computerized signal processing especially its radars for early warning of enemy aircraft attacks and anti-ship missile attacks, and the control of the carrier's combat air patrol (CAP) fighters, and secondarily for surveillance of the surrounding sea and land for enemy warships and guided-missile launchers, and any other electronic surveillance missions as directed.


Aubrey Fitch

Aubrey Wray Fitch (June 11, 1883 – May 22, 1978) was an admiral of the United States Navy during World War II. A naval aviator, he held important aviation-related commands both at sea and on shore from the 1920s onward. He also served as Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy.


He reported for aviation instruction at the Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, in June 1929 and there won his wings as a naval aviator on February 4, 1930. Following brief duty at NAS San Diego, California, Fitch assumed command of Wright in the spring of 1930. Relieved in that billet a little over a year later (July 1931), he then began a year as commanding officer of the Navy's first aircraft carrier, Langley.

After commanding NAS Hampton Roads, Virginia, until June 1935 Fitch reported as chief of staff to Commander, Aircraft, Battle Force, and remained in that billet until assuming command of Lexington (CV-2) in April 1936. Subsequently attending the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, from June 1937 to May 1938, Fitch completed the senior course there before assuming command of NAS Pensacola, in June 1938. In the spring of 1940, he took over the reins of Patrol Wing 2, based at Pearl Harbor, and seven months later, broke his flag in Saratoga as Commander, Carrier Division 1. The outbreak of hostilities in the Pacific in December 1941 thus found Fitch one of the most experienced carrier commanders afloat.

World War II

Fitch's flagship, Saratoga, figured prominently in the abortive attempt to reinforce Wake Island in December 1941 and was later torpedoed off Oahu in late January 1942, seriously cutting American carrier strength in the Pacific at a critical period.

Rear Admiral Fitch relieved Vice Admiral Wilson Brown on April 3, 1942, breaking his flag in Lexington, his former command. During the Battle of the Coral Sea, Fitch served as Commander Task Group 17.5, consisting of "Lady Lex" and Yorktown (CV-5), and was named Officer in Tactical Command (O.T.C.) by Task Force commander Admiral Frank J. Fletcher. That engagement, the first in history where neither side came within surface gun range of the other, effectively stopped the Japanese thrust at strategic Port Moresby, but resulted in the first loss of an American aircraft carrier in the war—Lexington, sunk on May 8, 1942.

The admiral then shifted his flag to Minneapolis, which was also flagship of Task Force 17 (TF 17). Fitch together with Captain Sherman and Lexington's executive officer Commander Morton T. Seligman, visited "Lady Lex"'s wounded in Minneapolis' sickbay—an action that "contributed in no small measure to the patients' well-being." For the leadership he exhibited during the Battle of the Coral Sea, Fitch was awarded his first Distinguished Service Medal.

He again broke his flag in his former flagship, Saratoga, but the task group formed around that ship arrived too late to take part in the pivotal Battle of Midway.

On September 20, 1942, six weeks after the first American amphibious operation of the war got underway at Guadalcanal, Fitch assumed command of Aircraft, South Pacific Force. Not a desk-bound admiral, he carried out numerous, hazardous flights into the combat zones, inspecting air activities incident to the selection of bases for projected operations. For these, he received a Distinguished Flying Cross.

Under Fitch's command, AirSoPac—ultimately encompassing not only Navy but Army, Marine Corps, and Royal New Zealand air units—achieved great success in aiding the Allied campaign in the South Pacific. Fitch's planes protected Allied shipping, providing vital air cover that strongly assisted the Allies in challenging, and ultimately defeating, the Japanese in the Solomons. In addition, his aircraft performed essential reconnaissance missions, spotting enemy warships prior to the Battle of Santa Cruz Islands in October 1942 and during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal in November 1942.

Later, Fitch oversaw the early experiments in conducting night bombing utilizing radar (a concept which paid great dividends in interdicting Japanese shipping) and encouraged the use of specially modified aircraft to obtain photographic intelligence.


December 2011 lunar eclipse

A total lunar eclipse took place on December 10, 2011. It was the second of two total lunar eclipses in 2011, the first having occurred on June 15. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is positioned just right in its orbit to pass through Earth's shadow.


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Borg Queen: Watch your future's end.