This Is What I Think.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Listening to the tracks from that music CD I purchased years ago I have thought in the past few hours, specifically for the first time, that I have also been compelled in my mind to avoid those works. I reference Symphony #40 here for no reason other than I am listening to it now and because it is familiar and because I feel sort of angry about it all. When I quit Microsoft in 2004 and I moved across the state I recall at one point I was in a bookstore near where I lived in Spokane Valley and I found a package deal on some Mozart CD's and I can still recall how much I enjoyed those Mozart tracks in the summer of 2004 and the reason I feel a sort of anger is because I feel that is was something else that was taken away from me. Only tonight in, really, the past hour of so from when I write this paragraph have I really started to feel I could articulate that notion. In the past hour or so the thoughts have formed that this music produces bad thoughts in my mind, or some notion to that effect, whatever that means.

I have been compelled more in recent days to listen to music CD's I purchased and then transferred to my personal computer because the radio stations I usually listen to in local Seattle are just really bad. I usually listen to Classic Rock stations because all music that was created in the past ten years or so just really aggravates and agitates me to no end. So Classic Rock seemed to be the answer. But the Classic Rock stations in Seattle are unbelievably lame. KZOK is Seattle's Stupid Rock station. I swear, they only have thirty stupid songs and they play those constantly. And then there is the suspicious banter by the people who announce the songs that really makes me believe al-Qaida is in control of that mass communication media outlet, as al-Qaida is in control of most mainstream media mass communications in the United States right now and I strongly believe that is true.


Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote his Symphony No. 40 in G minor, KV. 550, in 1788. It is sometimes referred to as the "Great G minor symphony," to distinguish it from the "Little G minor symphony," No. 25.