Tuesday, May 29, 2007


There is also something that has puzzled me about the similarity of the U.S. Navy AQD code and the Al Qaeda terrrorist group.

I sense that is part of the Microsoft-Corbis terrorist set up. I'm not sure about the letter 'D' though. But it could be because the 'D' is the 4th letter of the alphabet. The terrorist group is a real concern for those of us faithfully serving in the U.S. government, unlike George W. Bush and his terrorist accomplices. I believe he and his accomplices have only been helping the Al Qaeda terrorists by promoting their cause. There are probably a lot of extremists who had not heard of Al Qaeda until George W. Bush started preaching about them and then those extremists took up their cause. And George W. Bush was doing all that to deflect attention away from the terrorists in control of Microsoft-Corbis.

In the social security number for my official federal undercover identity, the middle number sequence is '17' which is the number of "Q" in the alphabet. In the primary speciality field of the DD-214 for my official federal undercover identity, subtracting 59 produces the billet code 1130. That means I am a regular commissioned U.S. Navy officer with U.S. Navy SEAL qualification.

In other words, I am a official federal undercover agent with the rank of U.S. Navy Captain (O-6), my billet number is 1130, and my AQD code is QE1 or QF1.


First Character: Q

AQD codes having the first character "Q" are used to modify 1130 billets and 113X officer designators when the billet requirements/officer qualifications pertain to the special warfare specialty.

These AQD codes are assigned to personnel by PERS-4.
