Friday, May 25, 2007

The House of Burgesses

This episode was 3 months, 17 days, after 11/26/1976, the day I landed on the Jupiter moon Callisto after I completed my mission to divert the comet. 30 * 0.59 = 17.7, meaning that it appears to be a 3.59 month clue. The notion could be that I would someday be found on Callisto, hopefully alive, as I didn't have enough oxygen to make it back to Earth and we thought that Callisto would be where I ran out of oxygen. I discovered water ice, though and was able to convert it to oxygen.


Robertson Crusoe
Episode Number: 43
Season Num: 4
First Aired: Tuesday March 15, 1977

The Hero discovers an occupant on a remote island that was considered uninhabited.

I had a dream I was in a room with some people watching "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." I didn't want to watch it and was dreading the scenes with Phoebe because that just made me miss her more. It is one thing to see a photo of a person you miss but watching video of them, with every little movement and every sound of their voice, reminding you of how much you miss them.

I must have scheduled the duration of that mission to the comet just for this clue:

From 11/2/1975 to 5/9/1976 is: 189 days
From 11/2/1975 to 4/14/1977 is: 529 days

529 * 0.359 = 189

She probably had no idea what I was working on with all that. It is quite humorous. I'm not sure what the outcome was though, other than to just show her how special she is to me.

Princess Caraboo (1994)

Tagline: She was everything they dreamed of... And nothing they expected.

"Gremlins 2" premiered 334 days after my wife's 26th birthday.

From 7/16/1989 to 6/15/1990 is: 334 days

Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)

Release Date: 15 June 1990 (USA)

The House of Burgesses was the first elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619. Over time, the name came to represent the entire official legislative body of the Colony of Virginia, and later, after the American Revolution, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

In Britain, the term "burgess" had referred to a Parliamentary representative, as of a borough.

The English settlement of the Virginia Colony which was established at Jamestown in 1607 was a big proprietary venture authorized by King James I. The colony struggled to survive for its first few years. Finally, a strain of tobacco was introduced by sailor John Rolfe around 1612, and as a profitable export commodity, it led to increasing expansion, primarily along the James River.

Fearful of losing their investment, in 1619, the officers of the Virginia Company in London embarked upon a series of reforms designed to attract more people to the troubled settlement. They began by ending the company monopoly on land ownership, believing that the colonists would display greater initiative if they had an ownership position in the venture. The changes encouraged private investment from the colony's settlers which allowed them to own their own land rather than simply being sharecroppers. Four large corporations, termed citties (sic), were designated to encompass the developed portion of the colony. Company officials also made justice in Virginia more predictable by adopting English Common Law as the basis of their system, which replaced the whims of the governor as the final voice on legal matters. In 1620, in an effort to create a more stable society, the company dispatched a boatload of marriageable women to the colony; the going rate was 120 pounds of tobacco for each bride.

The changes in 1619 also created a legislative body to be selected by the colonists called the House of Burgesses, similar to the British Parliament, that would meet once annually.

Prompted by the Virginia Company, colonial governor Sir George Yeardley helped facilitate elections of representatives, called "burgesses", to this new legislative body that would come from eleven Virginia boroughs adjacent to the James River, along with eleven additional burgesses.

The first meeting of the House of Burgesses occurred on July 30, 1619 at Jamestown. It was the first such assembly in the Americas. The initial session accomplished little, however; it was cut short by an outbreak of malaria. The assembly comprised 22 members who represented the following constituencies:

The governor, who was appointed to his position by the company officials in London

The governor’s council, six prominent citizens selected by the governor

The burgesses (representatives) from various locales, initially the larger plantations and later in Virginia history from the counties.