Thursday, May 31, 2007

"in captivity"

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: Journal June 12, 2006
I do remember participating in Freedom Of Navigation exercises. As the world gets smaller, those kinds of international agreements become especially important. But, as America, we have to also remember what I think of as the Survivor principle. I've never actually watched that series, but I remember reading something about how the weak contestants joined together to vote off the most likely winner. It is sort of like reverse-Darwinism. Darwinism, of course, doesn't really take into account man's thinking and planning capacity. I believe that as humans, we are still evolving, but, while I have no idea what sort of education I have on this topic, Darwinism, as defined in popular culture, doesn't really apply to human's progress. Or maybe it does, I don't know, if you applied it religiously, it is malleable enough to fit with almost any theory.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: in captivity

Sun, 4/2/06 12:53 PM


"During my last night in captivity, my captors forced me to participate in a propaganda video. They told me I would be released if I cooperated. I was living in a threatening environment, under their control, and wanted to go home alive. So I agreed," she said in a statement.

[I can't blame her. I probably would have done the same thing in that kind of situation.

Hopefully they didn't constantly lead her on, playing mind games with her all that time.

I think I would have much rather spent years in that type of captivity than in this form of captivity. I personally would have found it actually easier to cope with people holding me with guns. I have been in situations even as kid when people were using weapons to threaten me personally or people I cared about. I was never a hostage like this, but I think it would have been easier on me mentally than all this deception I have endured all these years. I find it easier to cope with physical pain than I do with mental anquish. I wonder who I am making that revelation to.]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Sleep journal 3/26/06

Not enough of it. Need sleep. Lousy inconsiderate bastards yelling and jumping around. How can anyone sleep with all this goddamned snoring.

I don't know, maybe there isn't a hidden camera in that fire detector in the ceiling. Two guys got kicked out yesterday because they were smoking crack cocaine in the cubicle next to me. Don't know if someone saw them on the camera or just by walking by. Seems like they would have known a camera was there too.

Need sleep.

keep it up you goddamned pyscos. keep playing your goddamned games you fucking losers.

goddamned noisy motherfuckers. sounds like goddamned dogs digging through goddamned trashbags.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Re: whendoes this goddamned end??????????????????????????????

Sat, 3/25/06 7:12 PM

when does this goddamned end so I cna get sme goddamned sleep??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? goddamn rat bastard motherfucjers

lowsyutys trath bastard gmotherfuckers badstarsgfjkl;'sv [awer't[bop rypaweog,pgh3490tui0rgjubsmkv'SD;OKRDBL;;lm,b;'etklha'xcbm dwpkoet ]tjok][ra][awerty0i[0hbkt4-e4=q3tyjgirv-4y6ji4[5q-3r5io-0afkodfg'pETH][MN,.JI,DFLAkhkry][w=3o4t=rhj,y60jolnkotrsd]r]-5ia]m b]=jo

when do i get some goddamned sleep??????????????????????????????????????