This Is What I Think.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Time to wake up.


The Internet Movie Database

Biography for

Jennifer Aniston

Date of Birth

11 February 1969, Sherman Oaks, California, USA

Posted by H.V.O.M at 4:10 PM Thursday, July 28, 2011


At the risk of giving away too many personally identifying details, I cannot help but make this following observation. During the 10 AM hour this morning here in Pacific time in Washington State, I was at the grocery store. I had the thought to pick up a bag of Lifesavers candy. I rarely if ever purchase candy but I was thinking about it as I walked to the grocery store and I had thought before, as I was then, about that scene from the 2002 film "Windtalkers." I had no specific reason for purchasing that item in relation to that film "Windtalkers" but I did think about it a great deal among the thousands of details that circulate around in my conscious mind during the day. I would not even note that detail about that Lifesavers candy here in my web log except for one other detail. Somehow, the total bill for the groceries I took to the self-checkout line totaled *precisely* $33.59. That was after tax. I thought about that, especially in the context of observations I have made lately in my web log in the internet, as I left the store and walked back to my apartment and I wondered, as I always wonder about the suspicious behavior of people in that grocery store, if someone in the back office had automatically adjusted the prices on my items so that such a total would be reached. Perhaps. But that becomes less likely the more I think about it. I wasn't consciously calculating a running total of the items I was selecting as I already had decided in my mind before I went in there as to what I would buy. Looking at the receipt, the prices are consistent with what I remember from the shelves where I got the items. I wondered why did that happen today. That happened today and that first time in years and decades since I bought Lifesavers candy.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 July 2011 excerpt ends]

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 7:55 PM Thursday, December 08, 2011

Also, despite how I tell myself often that I am ready and mentally prepared to take the big step into that great big empty world where I can finally get some privacy today was a wake up call. The reality of non-reality is something that the human mind, at least my own human mind, cannot understand until actually in the presence of such new wisdom. Sometimes I think that only someone as dumb as myself can be. Something. I don't know.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 December 2011 excerpt ends]

[ Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi the cowardly International Terrorist Organization violently against the United States of America actively instigate insurrection and subversive activity against the United States of America with all Bill Gates-Microsoft-Corbis-Nazi staff partners contributors employees contractors lawyers managers of any capacity as severely treasonous criminal accomplices and that are active unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States that actively make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in the United States and in the Severely Treasonous and Criminally Rebellious State of Washington by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings ]

1994 television miniseries "The Stand" Disc 2 DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Mother Abagail: Behold a pale horse, and him who rode upon it was Death. You must see what's coming, Stuart. And take back such news as will never be forgotten. Now wake up. Wake up.

Stu Redman: I can't. I can't, Mother. I can't, Mother.

Mother Abagail: Wake up!

Stu Redman: I can't. I - I got to get up there. I got - I got to get up there. I got to get -

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

“Tom, Stu’s got an infection now.”

“No… no, don’t say that, Nick… you’re scaring Tom Cullen, laws, yes, you are!”

“I know I am, Tom, and I’m sorry. But you have to know. He has pneumonia in both lungs. He’s been sleeping outside for nearly two weeks. There are things you have to do for him. And still, he’ll almost certainly die. You have to be prepared for that.”

“No, don’t—”

“Tom.” Nick put his hand on Tom’s shoulder, but Tom felt nothing… it was as if Nick’s hand was nothing but smoke. “If he dies, you and Kojak have to go on. You have to get back to Boulder and tell them that you saw the hand of God in the desert. If it’s God’s will, Stu will go with you… in time. If it’s God’s will that Stu should die, then he will. Like me.”

“Nick,” Tom begged. “Please—”

“I showed you my leg for a reason. There are pills for infections. In places like this.”

Tom looked around and was surprised to see that they were no longer on the street. They were in a dark store. A drugstore. A wheelchair was suspended on piano wire from the ceiling like a ghostly mechanical corpse. A sign on Tom’s right advertised: CONTINENCE SUPPLIES.

“Yes, sir? May I help you?”

Tom whirled around. Nick was behind the counter, in a white coat.


“Yes, sir.” Nick began to put small bottles of pills in front of Tom. “This is penicillin. Very good for pneumonia. This is ampicillin, and this one’s amoxicillin. Also good stuff. And this is V-cillin, most commonly given to children, and it may work if the others don’t. He’s to drink lots of water, and he should have juices, but that may not be possible. So give him these. They’re vitamin C tablets. Also, he must be walked—”

“I can’t remember all of that! ” Tom wailed.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to. Because there is no one else. You’re on your own.”

Tom began to cry.

Nick leaned forward. His arm swung. There was no slap—again there was only that feeling that Nick was smoke which had passed around him and possibly through him—but Tom felt his head rock back all the same. Something in his head seemed to snap.

“Stop that! You can’t be a baby now, Tom! Be a man! For God’s sake, be a man!”

Tom stared at Nick, his hand on his cheek, his eyes wide.

“Walk him,” Nick said. “Get him on his good leg. Drag him, if you have to. But get him off his back or he’ll drown.”

“He isn’t himself,” Tom said. “He shouts… he shouts to people who aren’t there.”

“He’s delirious. Walk him anyway. All you can. Make him take the penicillin, one pill at a time. Give him aspirin. Keep him warm. Pray. Those are all the things you can do.”

“All right, Nick. All right, I’ll try to be a man. I’ll try to remember. But I wish you was here, laws, yes, I do!”

“You do your best, Tom. That’s all.”

Nick was gone. Tom woke up and found himself standing in the deserted drugstore by the prescription counter. Standing on the glass were four bottles of pills. Tom stared at them for a long time and then gathered them up.

Tom came back at four in the morning, his shoulders frosted with sleet. Outside, it was letting up, and there was a thin clean line of dawn in the east. Kojak barked an ecstatic welcome, and Stu moaned and woke up. Tom knelt beside him. “Stu?”

“Tom? Hard to breathe.”

“I’ve got medicine, Stu. Nick showed me. You take it and get rid of that infection. You have to take one right now.” From the bag he had brought in, Tom produced the four bottles of pills and a tall bottle of Gatorade. Nick had been wrong about the juice. There was plenty of bottled juice in the Green River Superette.

Stu looked at the pills, holding them closely to his eyes. “Tom, where did you get these?”

“In the drugstore. Nick gave them to me.”

“No, really.”

1996 film "Star Trek: First Contact" DVD video:


Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: Tell me, are you using a polymer-based neuro-relay to transmit the organic nerve impulses to the central processor of my positronic net? If that is the case, how have you solved the problem of increased signal degradation inherent to organo-synthetic transmission -

Borg Queen: Do you always talk this much?

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: Not always, but often.

Borg Queen: Why do you insist on utilizing this primitive linguistic communication? Your android brain is capable of so much more.

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: Have you forgotten? I am endeavoring to become more human.

Borg Queen: Human. We used to be exactly like them. Flawed, weak, organic. But we evolved to include the synthetic. Now we use both to attain perfection. Your goal should be the same as ours.

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.

Borg Queen: Small words from a small being trying to attack what he doesn't understand.

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: I understand that you have no real interest in me, that your goal is to obtain the encryption codes for the Enterprise computer.

Borg Queen: That is one of our goals, one of many. But in order to reach it, I am willing to help you reach yours.

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: [ beats the crap out of a group of Borg and tries to escape ]

Starfleet lieutenant commander Data: Ow!

Borg Queen: Is it becoming clear to you yet?


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Dark City (1998)

Inspector Frank Bumstead: You saw something, didn't you, Eddie? Something to do with the case.

Walenski: There is no case! There never was! It's all just a big joke! It's a joke!

1994 television miniseries "The Stand" Disc 2 DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Title card: November 2

Tom Cullen: [ sobbing ]

Stu Redman: Tom? Hey. Tommy, what's wrong?

Tom Cullen: Can't remember what Nick looked like anymore. He was the best friend I ever had. Gave me a bike, was always good to me. I can't remember him anymore. I'm so stupid. Can't remember nothing.

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

They reached Grand Junction at noon on November 2, with not much more than three hours to spare, as it turned out. The skies had been lead-gray all the forenoon, and as they turned down the main street, the first spits of snow began to skate across the Plymouth’s hood. They had seen brief flurries half a dozen times en route, but this was not going to be a flurry. The sky promised serious snow.

“Pick your spot,” Stu said. “We may be here for a while.”

Tom pointed. “There! The motel with the star on it!”

The motel with the star on it was the Grand Junction Holiday Inn. Below the sign and the beckoning star was a marquee, and written on it in large red letters was: ELCOME TO GR ND JUNC ON’S SUMMERF ST ‘90! JUNE 12 – JU Y 4TH!

“Okay,” Stu said. “Holiday Inn it is.”

Stephen King

The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]

That night he dreamed that both Frannie and her terrible wolf-child had died in childbirth. He heard George Richardson saying from a great distance: It’s the flu. No more babies because of the flu. Pregnancy is death because of the flu. A chicken in every pot and a wolf in every womb. Because of the flu. We’re all done. Mankind is done. Because of the flu.

And from somewhere nearer, closing in, came the dark man’s howling laughter.

On Christmas Eve they began a run of good traveling that would last almost until the New Year. The surface of the snow had crusted up in the cold. The wind blew swirling clouds of ice-crystals over it to pile up in powdery herring-bone dunes that the John Deere snowmobile cut through easily. They wore sunglasses to guard against snow blindness.

They camped, that Christmas Eve, on top of the crust twenty-four miles east of Avon, not far from Silverthorne. They were in the throat of Loveland Pass now, the choked and buried Eisenhower Tunnel somewhere below and to the east of them. While they were waiting for dinner to warm up, Stu discovered an amazing thing. Idly using an axe to chop through the crust and his hand to dig out the loose powder beneath, he had discovered blue metal only an arm’s length below where they sat. He almost called Tom’s attention to his find, and then thought better of it. The thought that they were sitting less than two feet above a traffic jam, less than two feet above God only knew how many dead bodies, was an unsettling one.

When Tom woke up on the morning of the twenty-fifth at quarter of seven, he found Stu already up and cooking breakfast, which was something of an oddity; Tom was almost always up before Stu. There was a pot of Campbell’s vegetable soup hanging over the fire, just coming to a simmer. Kojak was watching it with great enthusiasm.

“Morning, Stu,” Tom said, zipping his jacket and crawling out of his sleeping bag and his shelter half. He had to whiz something terrible.

“Morning,” Stu answered casually. “And a merry Christmas.”

“Christmas?” Tom looked at him and forgot all about how badly he had to whiz. “Christmas? ” he said again.

“Christmas morning.” He hooked a thumb to Tom’s left. “Best I could do.”

Stuck into the snowcrust was a spruce-top about two feet high. It was decorated with a package of silver icicles Stu had found in the back room of the Avon Five-and-Ten.

“A tree,” Tom whispered, awed. “And presents. Those are presents, aren’t they, Stu?”

There were three packages on the snow under the tree, all of them wrapped in light blue tissue paper with silver wedding bells on it—there had been no Christmas paper at the five-and-ten, not even in the back room.

“They’re presents, all right,” Stu said. “For you. From Santa Claus, I guess.”

Tom looked indignantly at Stu. “Tom Cullen knows there’s no Santa Claus! Laws, no! They’re from you!” He began to look distressed. “And I never got you one thing! I forgot… I didn’t know it was Christmas… I’m stupid! Stupid!” He balled up his fist and struck himself in the center of the forehead. He was on the verge of tears.

Stu squatted on the snowcrust beside him. “Tom,” he said. “You gave me my Christmas present early.”

“No, sir, I never did. I forgot. Tom Cullen’s nothing but a dummy, M-O-O-N, that spells dummy.”

“But you did, you know. The best one of all. I’m still alive. I wouldn’t be, if it wasn’t for you.”

Tom looked at him uncomprehendingly.

“If you hadn’t come along when you did, I would have died in that washout west of Green River.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for

Duke of the Navy (1942)

Country Date

USA 23 January 1942


The Internet Movie Database

Plot Summary for

Duke of the Navy (1942)

While on furlough, U. S. Navy sailors "Breezy" Duke and his pal, "Cookie" are offered the use of the Duke suite, belonging to a wealthy candy magnate, at an expensive hotel

2008 TV miniseries "The Andromeda Strain" Part 1 DVD video: [ RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS US Title 18 ]


Jack Nash: [ telephone ] Nash.

Dr. Jeremy Stone: [ telephone ] Jeremy Stone.

Jack Nash: [ telephone ] Stone! I've been trying to reach you, man. Where the hell are you? You sound like you're at the bottom of a well.

Dr. Jeremy Stone: [ telephone ] You can say that.