Thursday, January 27, 2011

Light speed

Am I trying to determine the date in the past that I jump back to?

Was it the day that guy shoulder'd me on the bike trail in 2003? He was some kind of anti-American insurgent and King County employee sent out there by other anti-American insurgents that infest King County Washington State to attack me that day because I am superior United States of America federal authority.

That would make better sense if I had jumped back before that date and he was sent there to attack me because I had already jumped back into the past, although he attacked my other self; my self that was there in the natural order of that present time. As for the attack, it was something about that scarecrow in the 1985 film "Back to the Future" and of how "Marty" hits it with the time machine car, which, I just now think as I wrote this sentence, was metallic silver color similar to that titanium Litespeed bicycle I was riding back then and at the time of that premeditated act of violence against my person by the anti-American insurgents that infest King County Washington State, including that violent anti-American person who attacked me at a secluded area of that bicycle trail.

In the 3/30/2003 episode of "The Simpsons" titled "'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky" does not "Professor Frink" invent a time machine? He travels back to the past, in some kind of tricycle-powered machine that "Carl" later takes off on and he is shown appearing and then disappearing on it later in the episode.