Saturday, January 22, 2011

Timecop (1994)


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Timecop (1994)

Max Walker: I'm blown away.

Sarah Fielding: I read the Atwood file.

Max Walker: You didn't mention you could read.

1978 film "Superman" DVD video:

Perry White: I want the name of this flying whatchamacallit to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs, franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption.

Clark Kent: I - I don't think that he would lend himself to any cheap promotion schemes, though, Mr. White.

2007 film "I Am Legend" DVD video:

US Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville: I just need - I need a minute. Okay? Just - I just - I was saving that bacon.

1994 film "Star Trek Generations" DVD video:

Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Captain, I'm wondering, do you realize -

Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk: Hold on a minute. Do you smell something burning?

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: July 27, 2006

In June, the first launch of an advanced Pegasus XL from the L-1011 Stargazer carrier plane ended in failure; the cause has been identified as aerodynamic problems due to faulty hydro simulations (no wind tunnel testing was done).

"*Stargazer* is a specially modified Lockheed Martin L-1011 TriStar jumbo jet that's based at Meadows Field in Bakersfield," stated Jim Spellman, executive director for the National Space Society's Western Spaceport Chapter in Kern, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo county.

"It was named by OSC team members in honor of the first 'starship' commanded by fictional character Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the *Star Trek: The Next Generation* television series," Spellman added. The aircraft serves as the "first stage" by carrying the Pegasus XL rocket up to its 40,000 foot release point over the Pacific Ocean near Vandenberg AFB in Santa Barbara county.

"Upon release from *Stargazer* and a five-second freefall, the Pegasus XL's solid propellant rocket ignites

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 27 July 2006 excerpt ends]


The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

"Star Trek: The Next Generation"

Clues (1991)

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Perhaps we've got a tempest in a test tube after all.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Journal May 22, 2006

It is also the historical peak of the Atlantic hurricane season. It reminds me of The Tempest, as in born of a.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 May 2006 excerpt ends]


Was I your only friend?
A launch is not|a one-man operation.
Yeah, I know.
If I'm off on velocity or trajectory,|you're gonna be an omelette.
- You trying to scare me?|- Yeah.
- Just hit the right year.|- I'll see ya.
I've had your wife's goulash