I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
"It really is a waste of time," Barbara Archer said at her seat in the conference room. "F4 is dead, just her heart's still beating. We've tried everything. Nothing stops Shiva. Not a damned thing."
"Except the -B vaccine antibodies," Killgore noted.
"Except them," Archer agreed. "But nothing else works, does it?"
There was agreement around the table. They had literally tried every treatment modality known to medicine, including things merely speculated upon at CDC, USAMRIID, and the Pasteur Institute in Paris. They'd even tried every antibiotic in the arsenal from penicillin to Keflex, and two new synthetics under experimentation by Merck and Horizon. The use of the antibiotics had merely been t-crossing and i-dotting, since not one of them helped viral infections, but in desperate times people tried desperate measures, and perhaps something new and unexpected might have happened-but not with Shiva. This new and improved version of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, genetically engineered to be hardier than the naturally produced version that still haunted the Congo River Valley, was as close to 100 percent fatal and 100 percent resistant to treatment as anything known to medical science, and absent a landmark breakthrough in infectious-disease treatment, nothing would help those exposed to it. Many would suffer exposure from the initial release, and the rest would get it from the -A vaccine Steve Berg had developed, and through both modalities, Shiva would sweep across the world like a slow-developing storm. Inside of six months, the people left alive would fall into three categories. First, those who hadn't been exposed in any way. There would be few of them, since every nation on earth would gobble up supplies of the -A vaccine and inject their citizens with it, because the first Shiva victims would horrify human with access to a television.
Thomas Eric Duncan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Eric Duncan (May 2, 1969 – October 8, 2014) was a Liberian who became the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States on September 30, 2014.
Duncan was from Monrovia, Liberia, to date the country hit hardest by the Ebola virus epidemic. Duncan worked as a personal driver for the general manager of Safeway Cargo, a FedEx contractor in Liberia. According to manager Henry Brunson, Duncan had abruptly quit his job on September 4, 2014, giving no reason.
Ensign Pulver (1964)
Captain Morton: I don't want a crew of whining sissies with table manners. I want MEN!
Doc: You've GOT men! That's your problem! If we were in combat it would be different. These men left their homes to FIGHT, but they never got into the war! They're in limbo, Captain, trapped between heaven and hell on a floating 10-cent store!
Captain Morton: You "college" officers make me PUKE!
Los Angeles Times
President Obama calls slave site in Senegal 'powerful'
June 27, 2013 By Kathleen Hennessey
GOREE ISLAND, Senegal – President Obama stared pensively out the “door of no return,” described in Senegal as the last exit for those boarding ships bound for the Americas, in a house where children, women and men were separated and shackled on their way to slavery.
Obama, whose father was Kenyan and whose Kansan mother is believed to have had at least one slave among her ancestors, spent about a half hour in the two-story salmon-colored house filled with cramped cells that held slaves before their passage to America.
“Obviously for an African American, and an African American president to be able to visit this site I think gives me even greater motivation in terms of the defense of human rights around the world,” Obama said in brief comments after his tour.
“I think more than anything what it reminds us of is that we have to remain vigilant when it comes to the defense of people’s human rights – because I’m a firm believer that humanity is fundamentally good, but it’s only good when good people stand up for what’s right," he said.
Obama was accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama, whose great-great-grandfather was freed from a South Carolina plantation, his mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, and his daughter Malia.
“Obviously, it’s a very powerful moment whenever I can travel with my family,” the president said, “but especially for Michelle and Malia and my mother-in-law to be able to come here and to fully appreciate the magnitude of the slave trade, to get a sense in a very intimate way of the incredible inhumanity and hardship that people faced before they made the Middle Passage and that crossing.”
The president, who typically travels by motorcade or helicopter, motored out to the island in a "floatercade" of six vessels, including a blue-and-white launch festooned with Senegal’s flag and a "Welcome President Obama" banner that transported him.
Drummers, some wearing T-shirts with Obama's likeness on them, greeted the president coming and going, while a crowd stood behind a barricade and cheered. After the tour, the president crossed over a rope line, shook hands and posed for pictures. Then he walked up behind the drummers, grooving just a little to the rhythm.
The slave house on Goree Island is a frequent destination for celebrities and world leaders wanting to acknowledge the horrors of the international slave trade. The walls of the small, crowded gift shop are covered with faded images and yellowing newspaper clippings of past visitors: Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, as well as former South African President Nelson Mandela and entertainers Harry Belafonte and Stevie Wonder.
Historians have debated whether the slave house at Goree Island was actually a major slave trading post. Recent research suggested the dusty island was largely a shipping stop, and the slave house, built in 1776 by the Dutch, may have primarily served as a merchant’s home.
Still, the symbolic significance remains a powerful draw. For the equivalent of a dollar, Goree Island tour guides tell stories of slaves to visitors, describing the moment Africans may have passed through the door for the last time before, as one put it, “Bye-bye Africa.”
Eloi Coly, the curator of the slave house who led the president’s tour, said the weight of that moment hits visitors of all races.
“It is impossible not to feel – it is a question of being a human being," Coly said. "It is very difficult for everybody. No matter the position of who is visiting the slave house."
Los Angeles Times
Obama doesn't want Snowden hunt to damage ties with Russia, China
President Obama tones down the volume on Snowden extradition, saying he won't be 'scrambling jets' to capture the NSA leaker.
June 27, 2013 By Paul Richter
WASHINGTON — President Obama's declaration Thursday that he wouldn't be "scrambling jets" to capture Edward Snowden provided the clearest public signal of how much the administration wants to shield key diplomatic relationships from damage over the case of the fugitive national security leaker.
The administration's efforts at downplaying may also stem, in part, from a desire to manage expectations, since Snowden may continue to elude U.S. custody. But it's clear that in the last several days, the administration has sought to de-escalate confrontations over his flight.
Snowden fled Hong Kong on Sunday to avoid a U.S. extradition request and landed in Russia. Since then, he has apparently been in a transit lounge at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport while seeking asylum in Ecuador.
At the beginning of the week, administration officials, including Secretary of State John F. Kerry, were condemning Russia, China and Ecuador as repressive governments, comments that provoked pique, especially in Moscow.
Now, even as American officials continue their effort to get Snowden, Obama has made it clear that the administration wants to limit damage to its relationship with China, its largest trading partner, and Russia, which has leverage over Washington on the Syrian civil war, nuclear arms talks, the Iranian nuclear program and other matters.
U.S. officials also indicated that they would move carefully in trying to dissuade Ecuador from granting Snowden's asylum request.
The Chinese and Russians appear to be of a similar mind. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants a scheduled September meeting of the Group of 20 nations to underscore Russia's importance in global affairs, has been eager to wind down the controversy. He made that clear Tuesday, saying the Snowden issue was "like shearing a pig — lots of screeching but little wool."
The Chinese showed their desire to put the issue behind them by signaling to Hong Kong authorities their wish that Snowden be allowed to leave for Moscow.
"China took a strategic approach … by getting rid of the problem," said Yukon Huang, a China specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
The U.S. move to shift the issue onto a legal track and further away from big-power politics is consistent with the way Washington tries to handle spy cases — with minimal publicity and private diplomacy — experts noted.
Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, made disclosures about large-scale surveillance programs directed both at foreigners and American citizens that have embarrassed the administration. The surveillance of telephone records and the Internet have drawn condemnations from governments, including China's and Russia's, that Washington frequently criticizes for authoritarian tactics and human rights abuses.
Obama said he would like to see Snowden, who faces three felony counts in the United States, in custody. But at a news conference in Senegal, where the president began a three-nation Africa visit
Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY 8:42 a.m. EDT October 3, 2014
Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.
The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.
On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.
"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.
From 7/11/1973 ( premiere US film "Cahill U.S. Marshal" ) To 6/28/2013 is 14597 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/20/2005 ( premiere US film "Left Behind: World at War" ) is 14597 days
From 7/31/1964 ( premiere US film "Ensign Pulver" ) To 6/28/2013 is 17864 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/30/2014 is 17864 days
From 8/26/1976 ( the first known human case of Ebola ) To 6/28/2013 is 13455 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/4/2002 ( George Bush - Remarks on Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ) is 13455 days
From 11/11/1991 ( George Bush - Remarks at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ) To 6/28/2013 is 7900 days
7900 = 3950 + 3950
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/26/1976 ( the first known human case of Ebola ) is 3950 days
From 8/3/1998 ( Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) To 6/28/2013 is 5443 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/27/1980 ( premiere US TV series episode "In Search of..."::"Faith Healing" ) is 5443 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/28/2013 is 7465 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/11/1986 ( premiere US film "Critters" ) is 7465 days
The American Presidency Project
Barack Obama
XLIV President of the United States: 2009 - present
473 - Remarks Following a Tour of the Food Security Expo in Dakar, Senegal
June 28, 2013
Well, as all of you saw, I just had a wonderful opportunity to visit this expo and meet some remarkable men and women who are helping us to meet an urgent challenge that affects nearly 900 million people around the world: chronic hunger and the need for long-term food security.
Here in Africa, thanks to the economic progress across the continent, incomes are rising, poverty rates are declining, there's a growing middle class. At the same time, far too many Africans still endure the daily injustice of extreme poverty and hunger. And we're here today because improvements in agriculture can make an enormous difference. Here in Senegal and across Africa, most people are employed in agriculture. And we know that, compared to other sectors, growth in agriculture is far more effective in reducing poverty, including among women.
Part of why this work is so important is because, if you want broad-based economic growth in a country like Senegal, starting with these small-scale farmers, putting more income into their pockets ensures that it's not just a few who are benefiting from development, but everybody is benefiting, and it makes an enormous difference.
So that's why when I took office, we took—at new ways that we could provide assistance and partner with countries, and we decided to make food security a priority. We helped mobilize the leading economies around the world on this mission. So this was one of our top priorities at the G-8 meetings that I attended very early on in my Presidency. In the United States, we launched our new initiative called Feed the Future, which works in partnership with 12 African countries. At the G-8 last year, we launched the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. We kicked it off with Ghana, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. It's already grown by six more countries: Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Benin, Malawi, Mozambique, and Burkina Faso. And I'm very pleased about the next step: Senegal will be joining next year.
And rather than the old models of simply delivering food aid, the New Alliance takes an innovative approach. African countries are in the lead—identifying their priorities, devising their own plans—because they know their countries best. It also means that these programs are far more likely to be sustainable. Companies large and small—from Africa, but also from around the world—have pledged to invest in these plans. And there are companies here today making new commitments, bringing total investments in these efforts to $3.7 billion. So what we're doing is we're taking the private funds that are being leveraged and combining those with the aid funds that are being provided not just by the United States, but some of our other partner countries, and as a consequence, we're getting a much bigger bang for the buck.
We know this works. Today we're going to be releasing a report that shows progress so far under Feed the Future. We've already helped 7 million small farmers harness new techniques. We've boosted the value of their goods that they sell by more than $100 million, and that means higher incomes for farmers and more opportunities for farmers. And you met some of the farmers here today who are directly benefiting from this program. Not only are they able to improve their own situation, but now they're starting to hire people, and you're suddenly starting to see growth in these rural communities that makes all the difference for a country like Senegal.
In a place like Ethiopia, we've been hearing about farmers who are getting new loans, sometimes for small, mechanized products like this that can make all the difference. One farmer said this salary changed his life because he was able now to send his child to school. So this is making a profound difference in the lives of farmers; it's making a profound difference in communities all across the continent.
And here at this expo, we're seeing some of these new technologies that will unleash even more progress. That includes how farmers here in Senegal are using their cell phones to share data so they get the best price when they bring their products to market.
We've set a goal of lifting 50 million people from poverty within a decade, which is ambitious, but achievable. And given the millions of people that we're already reaching and the enthusiasm that we've seen today, I'm confident we're on our way. So as I said before, I think this is a moral imperative. I believe that Africa is rising and it wants to partner with us, not to be dependent, but to be self-sufficient. And what we're seeing here today are businesspeople, farmers, academics, researchers, scientists, all combining some of the best practices that have been developed over the course now of decades and leveraging it into concrete improvements in people's lives.
And I want to just say thank you to Raj Shah, the head of USAID, because Raj is an example of the kind of incredible work that's being done by our Government, helping to coordinate and facilitate this tremendous progress. And I want to thank all the farmers and researchers and workers who have been helping to make this possible here in Senegal and throughout this region.
So when people ask what's happening to their taxpayer dollars and foreign aid, I want people to know this money is not being wasted. It's helping feed families. It's helping people to become more self-sufficient. And it's creating new markets for U.S. companies and U.S. goods. It's a win-win situation. And I know that millet and maize and fertilizer doesn't always make for sexy copy, but I very much hope that all the press who were in attendance today generate a story about this, because I think if the American people knew the kind of work that was being done as a consequence of their generosity and their efforts, I think they'd be really proud.
So thank you very much, Raj, for the great work.
United States Agency for International Development Administrator Rajij J. Shah. Thank you, Mr. President.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:52 a.m. at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Dakar.
Ensign Pulver (1964)
Release Info
USA 31 July 1964
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
Progress was going well. Back at his corporate headquarters the fictional documentation for -A was already fully formulated. It had been supposedly tested on over a thousand monkeys who were then exposed to Shiva, and only two of them had become symptomatic, and only one of those had died over the nineteen month trial that existed only on paper and computer memories. They hadn't yet approached the FDA for human trials, because that wasn't necessary-but when Shiva started appearing all over the world, Horizon Corporation would announce that it had been working quietly on hemorrhagic fever vaccines ever since the Iranian attack on America, and faced with a global emergency and a fully documented treatment modality, the FDA would have no choice but to approve human use, and so officially bless the Project's goal of global human extermination. Not so much the elimination, John Brightling thought more precisely, as the culling back of the most dangerous species on the planet
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
Starting in about four weeks, people would think themselves mildly ill. Some would see their personal physicians, and be diagnosed as flu victims, told to take aspirin, drink fluids, and rest in front of the TV. They would do this, and feel better-because seeing a doctor usually did that to people-for a day or so. But they would not be getting better. Sooner or later, they'd develop the internal bleeds that Shiva ultimately caused, and then, about five weeks after the initial release of the nano-capsules, some doctor would run an antibody test and be aghast to learn that something like the famous and feared Ebola fever was back. A good epidemiology program might identify the Sydney Olympics as the focal center, but tens of thousands people would have come and gone. This was a perfect avenue for distributing Shiva, something the Project's senior members had determined years before-even before the attempted plague launched by Iran against America, which had predictably failed because the virus hadn't been the right one, and the method of delivery too haphazard. No, this plan was perfection itself. Every nation on earth sent athletes and judges to the Olympic games, and all of them would walk through the cooling fog in this hot stadium, lingering there to shed excess body heat, breathe deeply, and relax in this cool place. Then they'd all return to their homes, from America to Argentina, from Russia to Rwanda, there to spread the Shiva and start the initial panic.
Then came Phase Two. Horizon Corporation would manufacture and distribute the "A" vaccine, turn it out III thousand-liter lots, and send it all over the world by express flights to nations whose public-health-service physicians and nurses would be sure to inject every citizen they could find. Phase Two would finish the job begun with the global panic that was sure to result from Phase One. Four to six weeks after being injected, the "A" recipients would start to become ill. So, three weeks from today, Gearing thought, plus six weeks or so, plus two weeks, plus another six, plus a final two. A total of nineteen weeks, not even half a year, not even a full baseball season, and well over ninety-nine percent of the people on the earth would be dead.
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
"Well, you see, in case people figure this out, I'm one of the guys who helped set up the perimeter security System here. So, they told me why the Project needs perimeter security. It's pretty serious shit, man. If anyone were to find out about what was done, hell, they might even nuke us, y'know?" Foster pointed out with a grin. "Not many people really understand about saving the planet. I mean, we do this now, or in about twenty years, hell, everything and everybody dies. Not just the people. The animals, too. We can't let that happen, can we?"
"I see your point. Yes, that does make sense," Dmitriy Arkadeyevich agreed, without choking on his words.
Hunnicutt nodded with some satisfaction. "I figured you'd get it, man. So, those terrorist things you got started, well, they were very pretty important. Without getting everybody all hot and bothered about international terrorism, Bill Hendriksen might not have got his people in place to do their little job. So," Hunnicutt said as he fished a cigar out of his pocket, "thanks, Dmitriy. You were really an important part for this here Project."
"Thank you, Foster," Popov responded. Is this possible? he wondered. "How certain are you that this will work?"
"It oughta work. I asked that question, too. They let me in on some of the planning, 'cuz I'm a scientist-I was a pretty good geologist once, trust me. I know a lot of stuff. The disease is a real mother. The real key to that was the genetic engineering done on the original Ebola. Hell, you remember how scary that was a year and a half ago, right?"Popov nodded. "Oh, yes. I was in Russia then, and it was very frightening indeed." Even more frightening had been the response American president, he reminded himself.
"Well, they-the real Project scientists-learned a lot from that. The key to this is the `A' vaccine. The original outbreak may kill a few million people, but that's mainly psychological. The vaccine that Horizon's going to market is a live-virus vaccine, like the Sabin polio vaccine. But they've tuned it, like. It doesn't stop Shiva, man. It spreads Shiva. Takes a month to six weeks for the symptoms to show. They proved that in the lab."
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
But set against that small personal consideration was the Project. The White House job had merely fortified her beliefs. She'd seen it all here, Carol Brightling reminded herself, from the specifications for new nuclear weapons to bio-war reports. The Iranian attempt at a national plague, which had predated her government job, had both frightened and encouraged her. Frightened, because it had been a real threat to the country, and one that could have begun a massive effort to counter a future attack. Encouraged, because she'd learned in short order that a really effective defense was difficult at best, because vaccines had to be tailored for specific bugs. And, when one got down to it, the Iranian plague had merely heightened the public's appreciation of the threat, and that would make distribution ofthe "A" vaccine the easier to sell to the public… and to the government bureaucrats here and around the world who would leap at the offered cure.
Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six
The race started on time. The fans cheered the marathon runners as they took their first lap around the stadium, then disappeared out the tunnel onto the streets of Sydney, to return in two and a half hours or so. In the meantime, their progress would be followed on the Jumbotron for those who sat in the stadium seats, or on the numerous televisions that hung in the ramp and concourse areas. Trucks with remote TV transmitters rolled in front of the lead runners, and the Kenyan, Jomo Nyreiry, held the lead, closely followed by Edward Fulmer, the American, and Willem terHoost, the Dutchman, the leading trio not two steps apart, and a good ten meters ahead of the next group of runners as they passed the first milepost.
Like most people, Wil Gearing saw this on his hotel room TV as he packed. He'd be renting diving gear tomorrow, the former Army colonel told himself, and he'd treat himself to the best diving area in the world, in the knowledge that the oceanic pollution that was harming that most lovely of environments would soon be ending. He got all of his clothing organized in a pair of Tumi wheeled suitcases and set them by the door of the room. He'd be diving while all the ignorant plague victims flew off to their homes across the world, not knowing what they had and what they'd be spreading. He wondered how many would be lost to Phase One of the Project. Computer projections predicted anywhere from six to thirty million, but Gearing thought those numbers conservative. The higher the better, obviously, because the "A" vaccine had to be something that people all over the globe would cry out for, thus hastening their own deaths. The real cleverness of it was that if medical tests on the vaccine recipients showed Shiva antibodies, they'd be explained away by the vaccine-"A" was a live virus vaccine, as everyone would know. Just a little more live than anyone would realize until it was a little too late.
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 12:18 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Tuesday 26 May 2015