Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am simply imitating the behavior of humans.

I am a clone. I am an artifically created human. I am an artificially created lifeform. I am imitating Kerry Burgess the first artificial human lifeform. I am imitating Kerry Burgess the first artificial human that I created to fulfill the destiny of being the first human to discover how to travel faster than light. The reason for the discovery is to protect the people I care about.

JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 04/07/07 6:05 PM
Did I run 100 miles straight my first day after escaping the Libyans?

That hip injury must have been later. I doubt it was the Libyans that were going to chop me up with that cleaver. That did cut me up some, but it was a few months later I got hit in the hip with the cleaver knife.

[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 7 April 2007 excerpts ends]


Star Trek: First Contact

Do you always talk this much?

Not always, but often.

Why do you insist
on using this primitive language?

Your android brain
is capable of much more.

I am trying to become more human.

We used to be just like them.
Flawed, weak, organic.

We evolved to include the synthetic.
We use both to attain perfection.

Your goal
should be the same as ours.

Believing oneself to be perfect is
often the sign of a delusional mind.

A small being, trying to attack
what he doesn't understand.

You have no real interest in me.

Your goal is to obtain
the codes for the computer.

That is one of our goals,
one of many.

And to reach it,
I'm willing to help you reach yours.

Is it becoming clear to you yet?

Look at you, standing there cradling
the new flesh I've given you.

If it means nothing to you,
why protect it?


Star Trek: First Contact

If it means nothing to you,
why protect it?

I am simply imitating
the behaviour of humans.

You're becoming more human all the
time. Now you're learning how to lie.



The Internet Movie Database

Memorable quotes for

Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)

Trautman: What are you doing? Do you know what the hell you've done?

Murdock: Don't act so innocent, Colonel. You had your suspicions, and if you suspected then you're sort of an accessory aren't ya?

Trautman: Don't ever count me with you and your scum! It was a lie wasn't it? Just like the whole damn war, it was a lie!

Murdock: What are you talking about?

Trautman: That camp... was supposed to be empty. Rambo goes in, a decorated vet, he finds no POWs, the Congress buys it - case closed! And if he happens to get caught, nobody knows he's alive except you and your computers... and you can reprogram that can't you?

Murdock: Who the hell do you think you're talking to, Trautman?

Trautman: A stinkin' bureaucrat who's tryin to cover his ass!