Saturday, July 21, 2012

Glory (1989)

When did I last watch on television that racketeering production the 1989 film "Glory"?

I might have referenced it here on my blog the last time I watched it on television, if I ever did, and I keep thinking I last watched it a few years ago, perhaps back in the year 2007, if that even happened and I haven't tried to look it up in my archived journal. I had noticed it on but I had completely forgot about it and I was trying to think of something to watch after I made my last post and I thought of but I had forgot it was listed there until I saw it again a few minutes.

Recently I found that website and they have a meager selection of films that can be viewed for free. There are a lot of titles on there but only a few I found interesting enough to want to watch. I think this is the first one I have actually watch on their website, although I might have watched one other, either film or television.

To any racketeering participant, I'm looking to you in non-Navy Arkansas, the fact that Matthew Broderick is the starring character is an important prosecutorial detail about that racketeering production.

People in the United States are easily impressed. That is just another example. The star of "WarGames" (no Hungarian goulash in there although they were worried about uncooked corn and electrocution) in this December 1989 would impress 98% of the population in the United States if they knew what it meant for that severe racketeering production.

I have it paused at almost the three minute point to make this official statement and I still wonder when I last saw it. Some of the dialog is familiar but the visual imagery seems completely unfamiliar. The only point I really remember, in the opening scenes, is him waking up in the field. I feel that I am familiar with that film, though, as though I have seen it several times, although I doubt I saw it in the theatre when it premiere back in 1989. The only film I can recall seeing premiere in 1989 was "Batman" and I am not really certain when I actually saw it. The premiere date is listed as 19 June 1989 but I don't know if I actually saw it on that day.


Stephen Crane

The Red Badge of Courage


Stephen Crane

The Red Badge of Courage

Literature Network » Stephen Crane » The Red Badge of Courage » Chapter 19

Chapter 19

The moment the regiment ceased its advance the protesting splutter of musketry became a steadied roar. Long and accurate fringes of smoke spread out. From the top of a small hill came level belchings of yellow flame that caused an inhuman whistling in the air.

The men, halted, had opportunity to see some of their comrades dropping with moans and shrieks. A few lay under foot, still or wailing. And now for an instant the men stood, their rifles slack in their hands, and watched the regiment dwindle. They appeared dazed and stupid. This spectacle seemed to paralyze them, overcome them with a fatal fascination. They stared woodenly at the sights, and, lowering their eyes, looked from face to face. It was a strange pause, and a strange silence.

Then, above the sounds of the outside commotion, arose the roar of the lieutenant. He strode suddenly forth, his infantile features black with rage.

"Come on, yeh fools!" he bellowed. "Come on! Yeh can't stay here. Yeh must come on." He said more, but much of it could not be understood.


The Internet Movie Database

Release dates for


Country Date

USA 15 December 1989


Memorable quotes for

WarGames (1983)

Joshua: Shall we play a game?

David Lightman: Oh!

Jennifer: I think it missed him.

David Lightman: Yeah. Weird isn't it?

Jennifer: Yeah.


You all right there, Captain?

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:04 PM Pacific Time USA Saturday 21 July 2012