Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm pleased that Harry Potter fans are helping to round up those JK Rowlings racketeers. Hang them all US federal court.


The Menagerie, part 1


Original Airdate: Nov 17, 1966

CHIEF: Sir, this is a security area. What are you doing here?

SPOCK: I have security clearance, Chief.

CHIEF: Who gave you clearance? I haven't been notified. You're cross-circuiting the. (struggle) Whose tapes are these?

UHURA [OC]: Repeat, Enterprise to Starbase. Orders received. We need operating confirmation from the ship's Captain. (Spock pinches the Chief unconscious)


UHURA: Come in, Starbase. Come in, Captain Kirk.

[Starbase Computer Centre]

(Spock inserts data chip)

KIRK [OC]: This is Captain Kirk. You have confirmation, Miss Uhura.


HANSEN: Hansen here, Captain.

[Starbase Computer Centre]

HANSEN [OC]: Our destination has been scramble-fed into ship's computers. Er, how can I handle the helm if I don't know where we're going?

KIRK [OC]: (another chip) Mister Spock is with me here. He'll answer all questions. Kirk out.

SPOCK: This is Mister Spock.


SPOCK [OC]: The ship's computers will handle the helm on this voyage, Mister Hansen. Course will be computed and set automatically.

[Starbase Computer Centre]

SPOCK: You will not discuss this with ship's crew or starbase personnel. Do you read?


HANSEN: Acknowledged, sir.

[Starbase Computer Centre]

SPOCK: Stand by. We'll warp out of orbit in one hour.

[Mendez' office]

KIRK: (watching Pike on monitor) He keeps blinking no. No to what?



Release dates for

Time Bomb (1953)

Country Date

UK 5 February 1953 (London)




2000: New Harry Potter most magical yet

The latest story about boy wizard Harry Potter has broken all publishing records.

The fourth instalment of JK Rowling's series has been released simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic


Siouxland Chamber of Commerce

Things To Do & See > Local Attractions > Flight 232 Memorial

Flight 232 Memorial

Commemorating the heroic rescue efforts shown by the Sioux City community after the crash of United Flight 232 in 1989, this statue depicts Colonel Dennis Nielsen carrying a young child to safety. The memorial is part of Sioux City's riverfront development located near the Anderson Dance Pavilion.

The memorial features contemplative areas and a tree-lined approach with plaques narrating the tragic event.


The Menagerie, part 1


Original Airdate: Nov 17, 1966


MENDEZ: We coast.

KIRK: Blast you any way. You had no right to come along.

MENDEZ: RHIP, Captain. Rank hath its privileges.

KIRK: Two hours of oxygen left.

MENDEZ: Wonderful.

KIRK: Part of me is hoping the Enterprise won't come back for us. We step on that deck, Spock is finished. Court-martialed, disgraced.

MENDEZ: He's dead if he makes it to Talos Four. Why would he want to get Pike there? The command reports stated Talos contained absolutely no practical benefits to mankind.

KIRK: Spock would have some logical reason for going there.

MENDEZ: Maybe. Maybe he's just gone mad.


MCCOY: I keep wondering who might be after us in a shuttlecraft and I keep coming up with the same answers, but I can't be right, can l, Mister Spock.

SPOCK: Computer control. Lock on to shuttlecraft following us.

COMPUTER: Locked on. Tractor beam ready.

SPOCK: Go to tape Abel Seven Baker. Execute instructions.

MCCOY: Is it the captain, Mister Spock?


The Menagerie, part 1


Original Airdate: Nov 17, 1966

UHURA [OC]: Captain Kirk is here by relieved. You are ordered to assume command of the Enterprise. Disable vessel if necessary to prevent further contact. Message signed ComSol, Starfleet Command.

MENDEZ: Mister Spock, you're aware of the orders regarding any contact with Talos Four. You have deliberately invited the death penalty. You've not only finished yourself, Spock, but you've finished your Captain as well.

SPOCK: The Commodore must be aware that Captain Kirk knew nothing of this.

MENDEZ: And you're aware a Captain is responsible for everything that occurs on his ship. I order you to return this vessel back to manual control.

SPOCK: Sir, I respectfully decline.

MENDEZ: Very well. You've earned the consequences. This court is in recess.

(Mendez and yeoman leave, Scott and McCoy wheel Pike out after him)

KIRK: Do you know what you're doing? Have you lost your mind?

SPOCK: Captain, Jim, please don't stop me. Don't let him stop me. It's your career and Captain Pike's life. You must see the rest of the transmission.

KIRK: Lock him up.


The Menagerie, part 2


Original Airdate: Nov 24, 1966

[Pike's cage]

(Pike discovers there is a transparent wall blocking his escape, and tests it's strength. A group of aliens arrive)

PIKE: Can you hear me? My name is Christopher Pike, commander of the space vehicle Enterprise from a stellar group at the other end of this galaxy. Our intentions are peaceful. Can you understand me?

(the aliens communicate with their minds, not voices)

TALOSIAN: It appears, Magistrate, that the intelligence of the specimen is shockingly limited.

MAGISTRATE: This is no surprise since his vessel was baited here so easily with a simulated message. As you can read in its thoughts, it is only now beginning to suspect that the survivors and encampment were a simple illusion we placed in their minds.

PIKE: You're not speaking, yet I hear you.

MAGISTRATE: You will note the confusion as it reads our thought transmissions.

PIKE: All right, then, telepathy. You can read my mind. I can read yours. Now, unless you want my ship to consider capturing me an unfriendly act

MAGISTRATE: You now see the primitive fear/threat reaction. The specimen is about to boast of his strength, the weaponry of his vessel, and so on. Next, frustrated into a need to display physical prowess, the creature will throw himself against the transparency.

PIKE: If you were in here, wouldn't you test the strength of these walls, too? There's a way out of any cage, and I'll find it.

MAGISTRATE: Despite its frustration, the creature appears more adaptable than our specimens from other planets. We can soon begin the experiment.

[Briefing room]

SPOCK: The inhabitants of this planet must live deep underground, probably manufacture food and other needs down there. Our tests indicate the planet surface, without considerably more vegetation or some animals, simply too barren to support life.

NUMBER ONE: So we just thought we saw survivors there.

SPOCK: Exactly. An illusion placed in our minds by this planet's inhabitants.

BOYCE: It was a perfect illusion. They had us seeing just what we wanted to see, human beings who'd survived with dignity and bravery, everything entirely logical, right down to the building of the camp, the tattered clothing, everything. Now let's be sure we understand the danger of this. The inhabitants of this planet can read our minds, they can create illusions out of a person's own thoughts, memories, and experiences, even out of a person's own desires. Illusions just as real and solid as this table top and just as impossible to ignore.

TYLER: It's Captain Pike they've got. He needs help.

SPOCK: If we start buzzing about down there, we're liable to find their mental power's so great they could reach out and swat this ship as though it were a fly.

TYLER: Now that entry may have stood up against hand lasers but we can transmit the ship's power against it, enough to blast half a continent.

NUMBER ONE: Engineering deck will rig to transmit ship's power. We'll try blasting through that metal.

[Talosian monitoring room]

TALOSIAN: Thousands of us are already probing the creature's thoughts, Magistrate. We find excellent memory capacity.

MAGISTRATE: I read most strongly a recent death struggle in which it fought to protect its life. We will begin with this, giving the specimen something more interesting to protect.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 03:24 AM Pacific Time USA Tuesday 24 July 2012