Friday, July 13, 2012

Gotta nuke something.

Now I remember one of the other dreams I had during the last time I was asleep sometime a long time ago yesterday. The difference with that dream, I must have thought about during the dozen times, it seemed while trying to sleep, or more, that I woke up exhausted, is the zero body count. I didn't shoot by gunfire any person during that particular dream.

The dream has faded but many relevant details recur to me now and that I thought of several times since waking up. The dream seemed to start at a familiar place to me in the downtown Seattle area. I was delivering bottled water to a place I used to live. Seems to be a normal dream, I think in the past few minutes I started composing this note. Normal because of how the bits and pieces are consistent with work I have been doing in the daytime in other reports I have been creating here on this blog where I publish information that is in the public interest. I have noted several times before that I sometimes seem to dream of work that I do during waking hours.

There are details now about that bottled water that have faded from my mind. I gave it a moderate amount of concentrated thought during the dream. What was it? The type of container for the bottled water? I can't recall. I remember looking through the window of the office for the manager, as I stood outside the building, and I saw a water pitcher and glasses on her desk and I thought about those details during the dream but I cannot now recall the specifics I thought about during the dream.

So anyway, I had left that area of that building, not certain if I ever actually went inside, and I am aware of a group of people, now vaguely aware, standing there on the sidewalk as I am walking away. I know for certain a relevant detail is that I looked down at my belt and I noted that I was aware that I was wearing the Microsoft identification badge that I used to wear when I worked at Microsoft from 1998 to 2004 and I became aware in the dream that I should not be wearing that identification badge and so I took it off and I am now vaguely aware that the group of people there on the sidewalk had noticed I was wearing that identification card when I should not have been. During the dream I might have been able to name one of the people there on the sidewalk but now I have no idea if I ever did know the name of that person there in that group of people or if I knew the names of any of them.

The details have been vague but the visualizations are still very clear in my mind but I just have a hard time articulating what I was seeing *during* the dream. All I can articulate now is some basic details about the visualizations.

There are two scenes that are basic in certain details. The reason I decided to make this note is because of the details about those two scenes. There was a field and there was a narrow passage, it seemed, between vegetation that was tall. Someone referred to it as "the bowling alley." I decided to make this note, when I remembered that detail, sometime after my last note about the thunder, specifically because of that detail.

I cannot recall anything else about that but I think a lot now about another scene in the dream. In that scene, I was in an urban setting. I was walking through a narrow passageway, an alley perhaps, but not really, between two buildings. By means I cannot now recall, there was something about how during that scene I was on 'Wall Street,' and the context I was aware of was the actual place called Wall Street in New York City, which is someplace I have no knowledge of ever actually being in real life.

I was walking through a narrow walkway between buildings and the area was well-maintained. I arrived at the end and there was a person there at the end and he was trying to talk to me and that has become vague and I think I ignored him at first.

There seemed to be rain falling. I was aware, vaguely, that, I think, I was going to walk up a short flight of steps there outside on that walkway but that is vague. What I do remember clearly, perhaps one of the first details I noted about that person, was the shoes he was wearing. His shoes seemed to be sneakers and the sides of the shoes had a logo that I have seen before for Channel 7 in some place in the United States. It was the logo of a television station, I knew in the dream, and it was the numeral seven.

So it seems to be a normal dream. The six hundred dollar leather pants and all that. That notion about the normal dream, I have been thinking since pausing the DVD at the 00:59:59 point to make this note, is consistent with the dialog of that guy who was standing there and that I seemed to have been ignoring at first. I didn't recognize the guy from any where before and I was looking right at him as he walked along to keep up with me as I continued walking towards where it was I was walking towards in the dream and he told me his name was 'Tom.' He said he was from Finland. And I thought, sure, makes sense, "Fin Land." I remember noticing in the dream and then wondering about several times after waking up, that he had a bruise under one eye. The typical description is that he had a black eye, as though he had been hit in the eye, by a fist or something. I don't remember anything else after that. I still had the sense of being in a urban area and I am left with a sense I was in downtown Seattle as I sometimes dream about walking around in that setting.

1970 film "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" DVD video:


John Brent: [ spoken dialog to underground-dwelling telepathic humans: ] Who are you? Brent. Who are you? I see. "The only reality in the universe." Well, that's nice to know. I got here by accident. How did you get here? Wait a minute, you got it all wrong! Why would I want to spy on you? I'm not even sure you exist. Of course I know who I am. I'm an astronaut. I was sent here on a rescue mission. To find a fellow astronaut. Taylor. Well, from this planet, but from another time, two thousand years ago. I know. I know it sounds insane. And it's my insanity. No. No, I don't know how to get back. We came through a defect. A slippage in time. That's what must have happened to Taylor. I'm sure he tried to get back. Yes, my skipper's dead. I'm alone. Who? "Nova"? What's that? What's that, some star in a galaxy? What's "Nova"? All right, all right! Yes, I know her. I know her! No, no. She's harmless. Let her alone. Ow! All right. Just tell me what you want to know. Tell me! She helped me. To break out of Ape City. No, wait. Wait a minute! Stop it! I can't understand if you're all screaming at me at the same time. I can't separate it!

Mendez: He's right. He has only limited intelligence. We should speak aloud, and one at a time.

Albina: Are we to understand that you were in the City of Apes?

John Brent: Yes. Yes, two days ago.

Fat Man: What sites did you see?

John Brent: You're talking.

Caspay: Certainly we can talk. It's a rather primitive accomplishment. We use it when we must.

Fat Man: When we pray.

Ongaro: When we sing to our God.

John Brent: You mean that - that thing out there, an atomic bomb, your god?

Mendez: You don't understand, Mr. Brent. The Bomb is a holy weapon of peace.

John Brent: Holy weapon of peace! [ laughing ] Holy weapon of peace. Ah! Ahh!

Ongaro: Mr. Brent, we're a patient people but we are determined to know what the apes want - war or peace.

Caspay: Try to understand. The only weapons we have are purely illusion.

Albina: You just imagined that he hurt you. Traumatic hypnosis is a weapon of peace.

Caspay: Like the visual deterrent - or the sonic deterrent -

John Brent: Oh!

Caspay: Let me make a last appeal to your reason before we inflict more of this on you. These are weapons of peace, Mr. Brent.

Albina: Like all our weapons.

Ongaro: Mere illusions.

John Brent: Mere illusions? Damn your hypocrisy! Is that bomb out there, is that an illusion? It's operational, isn't it? The firing mechanism - it's intact, isn't it?

Caspay: We very much need you help, Mr. Brent.

John Brent: Why?

Mendez: We are the keepers of the Divine Bomb. It is our only reason for survival.

Caspay: And yet, as you see, we are defenseless, defenseless against the slaughtering, monstrous, materialistic apes.

John Brent: I'll help nobody. So go ahead and annihilate each other.

Caspay: I forgive you your language. There are times I know when your sanity is about to give way. I hope that does not happen. I hope you can tell us -

Fat Man: Exactly what the apes are planning.

Albina: We've caught some of their scouts. They're hideous creatures. And we've had them here, standing precisely where you are now. Either their skulls were too thick, or they really knew nothing at all.

John Brent: Neither do I. Can't you understand that? I don't know anything!

Caspay: You make us very sad, Mr. Brent.

[ Nova is thrown in with him ]

John Brent: She can't help you. She can't even talk. Don't harm her.

Albina: We never harm anyone, Mr. Brent. *You're* going to harm her.

John Brent: The apes sent me out to you.

Fat Man: You're lying.

John Brent: How do you know? How do you always know? Nova.

Mendez: Now -

Fat Man: Tell us of the apes.

John Brent: The apes - are marching on your city.

General Gorilla: Bugler, sound the advance.

- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 1:47 PM Pacific Time USA Friday 13 July 2012