I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Behind enemy lines
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: From: Kerry Burgess
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:13 PM
To: Kerry Burgess
Subject: Re: Journal June 8, 2006, Supplemental
Kerry Burgess wrote:
When was it I had that physical with the doctor in Bellevue and he commented that the objects on my back, which turned out to be some kind of fibrous objects, were suspicious?
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 08 June 2006 excerpt ends]
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:33 PM Monday, March 26, 2012
I used the health insurance provided by Microsoft to obtain a prescription of sleeping pills from a doctor in Bellevue Washington because I was having a really hard time sleeping at night. Many nights I could not sleep at all and I would stay awake all night. That was well after I had started going to his office. I first went there to his office, after finding a medical doctor close to where I lived, for routine physical and I used the health insurance Microsoft provided to me to pay for the doctor's visit. That was the time the medical doctor told me I should have something checked on my back, which was actually on my shoulder and on the skin over the shoulderblade. I went back later and he had a biopsy done on it, all paid for by Microsoft health insurance. Part of that was from a penetrating gunfire wound that hit me in the front first and then exited from my back. Other parts are from a explosion that hit behind me and that drove shrapnel under my skin.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 26 March 2012 excerpt ends]
From: Chris Plante
In: Washington
Posted 12-5-97
Subject: Air Force doctors 'rule out the possibility of a gunshot wound' to Brown's head
The U.S. Air Force Friday slapped back allegations that Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who was killed in an April 3, 1996, plane crash in Croatia, suffered a gunshot wound to the head.
Some press reports have quoted a military medical examiner, Lt. Col. Steve Cogswell (USAF), as saying that he believed Brown had been shot in the head with what appeared to be a .45 caliber handgun.
An Air Force spokesman told CNN that Cogswell did not personally examine Ron Brown's body and formed his opinion only from x-rays and exam records.
An Air Force statement released at the Pentagon rebuts that assertion:
"Recent reports suggest that Brown could have been shot prior to the accident and that an autopsy should have been performed," the release said.
"The reports also said an x-ray of Brown's skull contains metal fragments consistent with a gunshot wound." The release goes on to say that "forensic evidence" and physical examination "rule out the possibility of a gun shot wound."
The same statement quoted the military doctor that actually examined Brown's body. Col. William T. Gormley (M.D.), is quoted as saying in the statement, "Due to the initial appearance of Brown's injuries, we carefully considered the possibility of a gunshot wound. However, scientific data, including x-rays, ruled out that possibility."
The Air Force says that "the alleged 'bullet fragments' were actually caused by a defect in the reusable x-ray film cassette," adding, "medical examiners took multiple x-rays using multiple cassettes and confirmed this finding."
Spokesmen have told CNN that no bullet or bullet fragments were found in Brown's body and that there was nothing comparable to an exit wound.
"Gormley confirmed there was no gunshot wound, and therefore concluded there was no need for further examination," the statement read. "Had there been suspicion regarding the nature of Brown's death -- or the death of any other person on that aircraft -- medical examiners would have pursued permission to perform a full internal examination," or autopsy.
A senior Pentagon official called the recent allegation "ludicrous."
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: Posted by H.V.O.M at 2:00 AM Tuesday, June 21, 2011
That would explain the pain in my shoulder.
I think I found the bullet exit wound on my shoulder. I can see what appears to be an exit scar from a bullet wound on my back and around where the shoulder blade is located. That makes sense that it was not removed through the laser surgical procedure to hide the entry wound on the front of my chest. The exit scar of the gunfire injury I sustained in 1993 is something I had never even noticed before until I just now started looking for it but I can now definitely see it there. The doctor I went to in Bellevue in about 2002 or 2003 must have seen it too.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 21 June 2011 excerpt ends]
Doctors Care
HIPAA Policy & Privacy Practices
Operation: We may ask you to complete a sign-in sheet or staff members may ask you the reason for your visit so we can better care for you. Despite safeguards, it is always possible in a doctor’s office that you may learn information regarding other patients or they may inadvertently learn something about you. In all cases, we expect and request that our patients maintain strict confidentiality of PHI.
We may use and disclose your PHI to perform various routine functions (e.g. quality evaluations or records analysis, training students, other health care providers or ancillary staff such as billing personnel, to assist in resolving problems or complaints within the practice). We may use your PHI to contact you to provide information about referrals, for follow-up with lab results, to inquire about your health or for other reasons. We may share your PHI with Business Associates who assist us in performing routine operational functions, but we will always obtain assurances from them to protect your PHI the same as we do.
Special Situations that DO NOT require your permission: We may be required by law to report gunshot wounds
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Murdock: What are you talking about?
Trautman: That camp... was supposed to be empty. Rambo goes in, a decorated vet, he finds no POWs, the Congress buys it - case closed! And if he happens to get caught, nobody knows he's alive except you and your computers... and you can reprogram that can't you?
Murdock: Who the hell do you think you're talking to, Trautman?
Trautman: A stinkin' bureaucrat who's tryin to cover his ass!
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 11:26 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Saturday 07 February 2015