I am Kerry Burgess. This is what I think.
If this is the first blog-post by me you're reading then you are galactically uninformed.
This Is What I Think.
Friday, February 06, 2015
In Defense of Fainting
June 24, 2001 --
It's happened any number of times and in any number of unfortunate places, but the one that comes first to mind was during my freshman year at a small college in upstate New York, in October 1971. We all had a science requirement to fulfill, and because I had heard it was easy, I enrolled in a class called Microbes and Man. It met at 10:00 a.m. in a huge lecture hall not far from my dorm.
I was then at the stage-one from which I have still not entirely emerged-when I desperately wanted to fit into the world in which I found myself. I wore desert boots, bell-bottom jeans, and Oxford shirts with tails fluttering out. I wanted to be smooth, smart, and vaguely athletic. I wanted to take life in stride. I wanted to talk casually with sophisticated girls from Long Island and Bronxville who, beneath their white peasant blouses, didn't bother to wear bras.
So there I sat with my cool, nervy dorm mates in Microbes and Man. Two aisles with stairs divided the lecture hall, which must have held two hundred other freshmen, and I was smack in the middle of them, maybe thirty feet from each aisle. I was writing away in a spiral notebook. Amazingly, I still have it. When I recently exhumed it from a box in our basement, I was struck by the neatness of my youthful handwriting and perplexed that at no point did it falter, go haywire, or fade. I can't find a hint of the moment of dissolution that still looms so large in my mind.
The lecture was well under way, I'm sure of that, though I don't remember what it was about. Maybe typhus, trichinosis, dysentery, yellow fever, or syphilis, all of which had earned the course its unofficial title of Worms, Germs, and Sperms. At any rate, and for no reason that I can figure out, the professor began to describe how cattle were killed in slaughterhouses in the days before the invention of those fancy, high-voltage electric zappers. He said that men would stand on the rungs of livestock pens. One by one, using sledgehammers, they'd strike the cattle between the eyes.
It was probably only a brief digression, but I couldn't get it out of my head. As I kept seeing the burly men swinging their hammers like Reggie Jackson, and saw the wide, dumb eyes of the cattle, each going cross-eyed as the sledge approached its mark . . . as I kept seeing all this, over and over and over, my heart leaped like a squirrel in a sack; I was cold but sweating; my throat was dry; the lecture hall was gray and spinning; and this, considering my immediate surroundings, seemed like the very worst thing: I felt the upwelling of my sausage breakfast and what doctors call, in their peculiar language, "an acute urinary urgency."
But I didn't succumb. Not yet. Not there. I don't usually succumb on the spot. For a moment, something deeply courageous or cowardly kicked in, like adrenaline or turbocharging. I was with my new dormmates. Those girls from Bronxville were somewhere in the hall. Before I'd do something awfully uncool, I had to get out of there.
Still seeing and hearing the bellowing cattle, I scrambled over shins, backpacks, notebooks, and laps, clawing toward the aisle. I got there and staggered up the stairs, falling down while clambering up. I careened out of the hall and bounced off a wall in the lobby, upsetting a plastic potted plant and a framed print of Louis Pasteur. Then I plowed through the doors to the world outside, where all the light went black.
Among doctors, it's called "vasovagal syncope," the most common form of what the rest of us call "fainting." Extreme fatigue, pain, injury, fear, or (my specialty) emotional stress gets the crazy process going. The heart revs briefly; the blood pressure soars. Then the vagus nerve leaps into the fray. That's the long nerve that, in my Gray's Anatomy, snakes down from the head and branches out to the larynx, throat, windpipe, lungs, heart, stomach, and pancreas, and, through tiny "efferent fibers," reaches all the way down (significantly, as we shall see) to the lowly sexual organs. It's one of the body's main trunk lines, and its job, like a teacher on playground duty, is to keep things from getting out of hand. When overstimulated, however, like that frazzled teacher, it clamps down hard on all the action. The heart slows to a crawl. Vessels dilate. Pressure plummets. Blood, unpumped, goes where gravity takes it-to your legs and bum if you're standing or seated, and away from your brain. All this can be exacerbated if you're feeling hungry, nervous, or stuck in a crowded, stuffy place. Within seconds, your face turns the color of ash, your stomach quakes, your legs go wimbly, and everything sways and fades.
Never a favored form of expression among men, fainting once enjoyed a currency among certain women as a badge of patrician sensitivity. My grandmother, for example, would fall into a swoon, or at least stagger toward the tufted divan, upon hearing bad news or what she called "crude language." But alas, my grandmother is long gone. So too the languid wrist to the forehead; the embroidered handkerchief stuffed up the sleeve; the hand fan whipped out, fast as a switchblade; the smelling salts (in that mysterious little glass phial!) at the ready in the purse. With the women's movement, fainting lost its charisma, its distinction, its charm. Imagine fainting flat out in the boardroom or at a committee meeting. Then imagine being proud of it! It's embarrassing, undignified, and terribly unprofessional, your legs all funny like that.
So who will be the standard-bearer for fainting? Who will celebrate such losses of power and control? Who will stand tall for falling down? Who will even acknowledge it?
The authors of medical studies inform us that about 30 percent of us-equally divided between women and men-have at least felt faint without any underlying illness, and 10 percent of us, at one time or another, have actually hit the deck. Fainting accounts for 1.5 million doctor visits and 160,000 hospitalizations annually. So, in fact, people are still passing out all over the place, though no one seems to want to admit it or to band together in common cause. Where I live, there are hundreds of self-help groups for people with almost any condition or concern, from chocolate addicts to Chihuahua breeders. But not a one for fainters.
By far the most dramatic high-level faint in recent history was performed on January 8, 1992, by President George H. W. Bush. You might remember this one because Japanese television recorded the august event, and it was rebroadcast around the world. Before the toast at a state dinner at the home of Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, President Bush, with his wife, Barbara, at his side, suddenly turned white and vomited toward a floral centerpiece. Unconscious, he slithered off his chair and came to rest under the table. Security officers sprang to his aid, as did Miyazawa. On the film clip, you can see the Prime Minister crouching with Bush's head lolling in his lap, as Barbara, standing with a napkin or towel in hand, appears ready to tidy up. Ten months later, in a not unrelated event, the country voted George Bush out of office. Compared with the lusty, faint-free Bill Clinton, the guy with regurgitated food on his tie just didn't have a chance. He was, in a word, a "wimp."
Indeed, just look at the words we associate with fainting. My desk dictio- nary equates "faint" with "lacking in courage and spirit: cowardly." In the Oxford English Dictionary, to faint is "to lose heart or courage, be afraid, become depressed, give way, flag"; to "grow weak or feeble, decline"; "to fall short"; "to droop, sink into." Other synonyms include "sluggish," "timid," "shirking," "lazy." To these my thesaurus adds "fail," "fade," and "impotent." Not a kind word in the lot.
So no wonder fainting has been stigmatized, shunned, and forced underground. No wonder no one will admit to it. But hold on just a second. Something doesn't compute. Wasn't this teetering Janet Reno the same one who served longer than any other attorney general in history? And wasn't this the same Princess Di who would mobilize world opinion for the prohibition of land mines? Wasn't this waxen-faced George Bush the same one who, confronted with Iraq's aggression in 1990, rallied us to victory in the Gulf War?
Apr 22, 2004:
Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: - posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 05:17 AM Pacific Time Seattle USA Friday 22 February 2013 - http://hvom.blogspot.com/2013/02/chain-reaction.html
I mailed the letter to the Chief of Operations United States Navy and told them I should have received the Silver Star.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 22 February 2013 excerpt ends]
By CBSNEWS CBS/AP March 24, 2008, 6:17 PM
CBS News Video Contradicts Clinton's Story
It was supposed to be an example of Hillary Rodham Clinton's battle-tested experience:
"I remember landing under sniper fire," Clinton said at a recent campaign event.
It started when, in a recent speech, Clinton spoke of her visit to Tuzla, Bosnia, in 1996 as first lady.
The brutal war was over, but hostilities continued. And though the trip was exactly 12 years ago Tuesday, the memories seemed etched in Clinton's mind.
"There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base," she said.
Problem is: that's not how it happened at all. And we should know: CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson and a CBS News crew accompanied the First Lady on that Bosnia trip.
A photograph shows Clinton talking to Attkisson on the military flight into Tuzla.
And pictures CBS News recorded show the greeting ceremony when the plane landed.
Compare that to Clinton's account...
"I remember landing under sniper fire," she said. "There was no greeting ceremony and we were basically told to run to our cars. That is what happened."
But there was no sniper fire either when Clinton visited two army outposts, where she posed for photos. And no sniper fire back at the base, where she sang in a USO show starring Sinbad and Sheryl Crowe.
Asked about the issue during a meeting with the Philadelphia Daily News' editorial board on Monday, Clinton said she "misspoke."
"I went to 80 countries, you know. I gave contemporaneous accounts, I wrote about a lot of this in my book. You know, I think that, a minor blip, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things - millions of words a day - so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement," she said.
A spokesman for rival Barack Obama's campaign questioned whether Clinton misspoke, saying her comments came in what appeared to be prepared remarks for the Iraq speech. His campaign's statement included a link to the speech on Clinton's campaign Web site with her account of running to the cars.
Clinton's campaign said what is on the Web site is not the prepared text, but a transcript of her remarks, including comments before the speech in which she talked about the trip to Bosnia.
Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a written statement that Clinton's Bosnia story "joins a growing list of instances in which Senator Clinton has exaggerated her role in foreign and domestic policymaking."
Referring to the CBS News video, Clinton aides said Monday, it "was not quite as dramatic as Clinton put it."
"She meant that there was fire on the hillside around the area when we landed, which was the case," said Clinton campaign aide Lissa Muscatine.
Mike Allen of Politico.com said: "Who knows if she misremembered, misspoke, exaggerated, whatever. It makes the case for Sen. Obama that all this experience that she's been talking about is at least partly in her imagination."
Hundreds of thousands have viewed the video online in just the past few days.
There's a saying: Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.
When you're running for president, maybe it should be: never let your memories be greater than the video.
Stephen King
The Stand - The Complete & Uncut Edition
Chapter 48
“You dig The Boss?”
“Sure,” Trash said. He hadn’t the slightest idea who The Boss was or had been.
“Fuckin better dig The Boss. Listen, you know what I’m gonna do?”
“Go west?” Trashcan Man hazarded. It seemed safe.
The Kid looked impatient. “After I get there, I mean. After. You know what I’m gonna do after?”
“No. What?”
“I’m gonna lay low for a while. Check out the situation. Can you dig that happy crappy?”
“Sure,” Trash said.
JOURNAL ARCHIVE: 10/28/2006 4:13 PM
Some dumbass at Microsoft even said something like that to me at work one day. We were in some training class, I can’t remember the name of it, the instructor had used me to demonstrate something about not giving in to a salesperson or something where I was the person who was non-committal. Then we broke up into groups of three to practice and this one guy said something about making breakfast in bed for me. Earlier, another guy was telling me that he had been an Apache helicopter pilot.
[JOURNAL ARCHIVE 28 October 2006 excerpt ends]
From 2/12/1938 ( premiere US film "The Lone Ranger" ) To 4/22/2004 is 24176 days
24176 = 12088 + 12088
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/7/1998 ( my first day working at Microsoft Corporation as the known official Chief Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and the active duty United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel circa 1998 ) is 12088 days
From 1/19/1993 ( in Asheville North Carolina as Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess I was seriously wounded by gunfire when I returned fatal gunfire to a fugitive from United States federal justice who was another criminal sent by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal in another attempt to kill me the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 4111 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 2/3/1977 ( premiere US TV series episode "The Waltons"::"The Hero" ) is 4111 days
From 11/22/1953 ( premiere US TV series episode "G.E. True Theater"::"Atomic Love" ) To 4/22/2004 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the date of record of my United States Navy Medal of Honor as Kerry Wayne Burgess chief warrant officer United States Marine Corps circa 1991 also known as Matthew Kline for official duty and also known as Wayne Newman for official duty ) is 9207 days
From 11/22/1953 ( premiere US TV series episode "G.E. True Theater"::"Atomic Love" ) To 4/22/2004 is 18414 days
18414 = 9207 + 9207
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 1/17/1991 ( the Persian Gulf War begins as scheduled severe criminal activity against the United States of America ) is 9207 days
From 12/20/1956 ( premiere US film "Westward Ho the Wagons!" ) To 4/22/2004 is 17290 days
17290 = 8645 + 8645
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/4/1989 ( the unmanned Soviet Union MiG-23 crash in Belgium ) is 8645 days
From 12/20/1956 ( premiere US film "Disneyland, U.S.A." ) To 4/22/2004 is 17290 days
17290 = 8645 + 8645
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/4/1989 ( the unmanned Soviet Union MiG-23 crash in Belgium ) is 8645 days
From 12/5/1951 ( premiere US film "The Wild Blue Yonder" ) To 5/25/1990 ( premiere US film "Fire Birds" ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 9/25/1952 ( premiere US film "Apache War Smoke" ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 9/25/1952 ( Christopher Reeve ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) To 4/22/2004 is 4786 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/10/1978 ( premiere US film "Superman" ) is 4786 days
From 7/29/1953 ( premiere US film "The War of the Worlds" ) To 4/22/2004 is 18530 days
18530 = 9265 + 9265
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/16/1991 ( my first successful major test of my ultraspace matter transportation device as Kerry Wayne Burgess the successful Ph.D. graduate Columbia South Carolina ) is 9265 days
From 8/2/1937 ( the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 ) To 1/21/1976 ( my biological brother Thomas Reagan the civilian and privately financed astronaut bound for deep space in his privately financed atom-pulse propulsion spaceship this day was his first landing the planet Mars and his documented and lawful exclusive claim to the territory of the planet Mars ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 4/6/1953 ( premiere US film "Abbott and Costello Go to Mars" ) To 4/22/2004 is 18644 days
18644 = 9322 + 9322
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) is 9322 days
From 5/12/1991 ( I was the winning race driver at the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix ) To 4/22/2004 is 4729 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/14/1978 ( premiere US TV movie "Rescue from Gilligan's Island" ) is 4729 days
From 7/6/1953 ( premiere US TV series "Atom Squad" ) To 12/25/1991 ( as United States Marine Corps chief warrant officer Kerry Wayne Burgess I was prisoner of war in Croatia ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) To 4/22/2004 is 3411 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/6/1975 ( premiere US TV series "The Bob Crane Show" ) is 3411 days
From 7/1/1956 ( premiere US TV series "Man Against Crime" ) To 12/20/1994 ( in Bosnia as Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps captain this day is my United States Navy Cross medal date of record ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 6/29/1995 ( the Mir space station docking of the United States space shuttle Atlantis orbiter vehicle mission STS-71 includes my biological brother United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the spacecraft and mission commander and me Kerry Wayne Burgess the United States Marine Corps officer and United States STS-71 pilot astronaut ) To 4/22/2004 is 3220 days
3220 = 1610 + 1610
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 3/31/1970 ( Explorer 1 - the first United States satellite successfully launched by the United States into orbit of the planet Earth - reenters the Earths atmosphere ) is 1610 days
From 1/4/1947 ( Harry Truman - Letter Accepting Resignation of Bernard M. Baruch as U.S. Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission ) To 4/22/2004 is 20928 days
20928 = 10464 + 10464
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/27/1994 ( United States Navy Fleet Admiral Thomas Reagan the pilot and plane crash survivor along with me Kerry Wayne Burgess - circa 1990 also known for official duty as Wayne Newman the Deputy United States Marshal and then as Chief Deputy United States Marshal and the active duty commissioned officer of the United States Marine Corps - and the other Lockheed L-1011 aircraft passengers and crew murdered in a scheduled terrorism-sabotage attack by Bill Gates-Nazi-Microsoft-Corbis-NASA-George Bush the cowardly violent criminal by causing the external mounted Orbital Sciences Pegasus space satellite booster rocket to explode and fatally disable our aircraft ) is 10464 days
From 6/1/1984 ( premiere US film "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" ) To 4/22/2004 is 7265 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/23/1985 ( the United States Space Command formed ) is 7265 days
From 2/24/1967 ( Hilliard Wilbanks killed in action ) To 4/22/2004 is 13572 days
13572 = 6786 + 6786
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 6/1/1984 ( premiere US film "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" ) is 6786 days
From 6/19/1968 ( the 1st United States Navy Medal of Honor date of record of my biological brother Thomas Reagan the United States Navy officer and Thomas Reagan is the only United States of America military fighter jet ace-in-single-day during the Vietnam War ) To 4/22/2004 is 13091 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 9/5/2001 ( premiere US TV series "The Amazing Race" ) is 13091 days
From 11/20/1956 ( Bo Derek ) To 4/22/2004 is 17320 days
17320 = 8660 + 8660
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 7/19/1989 ( Bill Gates-Microsoft-George Bush kills 111 passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 232 and destroys the United Airlines Flight 232 aircraft because I was a passenger of United Airlines Flight 232 as United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Kerry Wayne Burgess and I was assigned to maintain custody of a non-violent offender military prisoner of the United States ) is 8660 days
From 6/11/1963 ( John Kennedy - Radio and Television Report to the American People on Civil Rights ) To 4/22/2004 is 14926 days
14926 = 7463 + 7463
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/9/1986 ( --- ) is 7463 days
From 2/23/1944 ( premiere US film "The Purple Heart" ) To 8/13/1982 ( premiere US film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 9/4/1976 ( the unpublished true birthdate of Destiny's Child singer Beyonce Knowles ) To 4/22/2004 is 10092 days
10092 = 5046 + 5046
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/27/1979 ( Louis Mountbatten killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army ) is 5046 days
From 9/4/1976 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States arrested again by police in the United States ) To 4/22/2004 is 10092 days
10092 = 5046 + 5046
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/27/1979 ( Louis Mountbatten killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army ) is 5046 days
From 10/22/1938 ( Christopher Lloyd ) To 4/22/2004 is 23924 days
23924 = 11962 + 11962
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 8/3/1998 ( Tom Clancy "Rainbow Six" ) is 11962 days
From 5/9/1946 ( premiere US film "Rainbow Over Texas" ) To 4/22/2004 is 21168 days
21168 = 10584 + 10584
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 10/25/1994 ( Susan Smith kills her two children and dumps them in her car in the John D. Long Lake near Union South Carolina ) is 10584 days
From 3/26/1964 ( premiere US film "The Fall of the Roman Empire" ) To 9/14/2002 ( at Overlake hospital in Bellevue Washington State the announced birth of Phoebe Gates the daughter of Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 10/28/1955 ( Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and 100% female gender as born ) To 4/17/1994 ( Bill Clinton - Remarks on Bosnia and an Exchange With Reporters in Newport News, Virginia ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 10/28/1955 ( Microsoft Bill Gates the transvestite and 100% female gender as born ) To 4/17/1994 ( Roger Wolcott Sperry dead ) is 14051 days
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 4/22/2004 is 14051 days
From 1/8/1992 ( George Bush vomits on the Japanese prime minister ) To 4/22/2004 is 4488 days
4488 = 2244 + 2244
From 11/2/1965 ( my birth date in Antlers Oklahoma USA and my birthdate as the known official Deputy United States Marshal Kerry Wayne Burgess and active duty United States Marine Corps officer ) To 12/25/1971 ( George Walker Bush the purveyor of illegal drugs strictly for his personal profit including the trafficking of massive amounts of cocaine into the United States confined to federal prison in Mexico for illegally smuggling narcotics in Mexico ) is 2244 days
Pat Tillman
Date of Birth 6 November 1976, San Jose, California, USA
Date of Death 22 April 2004, Afghanistan (killed in combat)
Birth Name Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr.
Arizona Cardinals player who made headlines by foregoing his career to enlist in the United States Army in May 2002. The Pentagon disclosed to his family over a month after his death that he died as a result of friendly fire and not from an enemy attack, as originally reported. Tillman was the first football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu of the Buffalo Bills in 1970. Tillman was posthumously promoted from Specialist to Corporal, and received the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.
The Purple Heart (1944)
Release Info
USA 23 February 1944
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Release Info
USA 13 August 1982
The Internet Movie Database
Beyonce Knowles Sighting In New York City
6 photos
The Internet Movie Database
Beyonce Knowles Sighting In New York City
Photo 4 of 6
15 June 2006
Names: Beyoncé Knowles
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Russ Cargill: I was tricked by an idiot!
Cletus: Hey, I know how you feel; I was beat in tic-tac-toe by a chicken.
The Seattle Times
Saturday, September 15, 2001
Bush cheers rescue workers
By David Jackson and Christopher Lee
Dallas Morning News
When he climbed onto the wreckage of a fire truck to speak through the bullhorn, the workers began complaining: "George, we can't hear you!"
"I can hear you," Bush responded. "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you.
"And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!"
Encyclopædia Britannica
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten, original name Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, prince of Battenberg (born June 25, 1900, Frogmore House, Windsor, Eng.—died Aug. 27, 1979, Donegal Bay, off Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ire.), British statesman, naval leader, and the last viceroy of India. He had international royal-family background; his career involved extensive naval commands, the diplomatic negotiation of independence for India and Pakistan, and the highest military defense leaderships.
He was the fourth child of Prince Louis of Battenberg, afterward Marquess of Milford Haven, and his wife, Princess Victoria of Hesse-Darmstadt, granddaughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria. He entered the Royal Navy in 1913 and had various naval assignments before becoming aide-de-camp to the Prince of Wales (1921). In 1922 he married Edwina Ashley (who died in 1960 in North Borneo while on tour as superintendent-in-chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade). In 1932 he was promoted to captain and the next year qualified as an interpreter in French and German. In command of the destroyer Kelly and the 5th destroyer flotilla at the outbreak of World War II, he was appointed commander of an aircraft carrier in 1941. In April 1942 he was named chief of combined operations and became acting vice admiral and a de facto member of the chiefs of staff. From this position he was appointed supreme allied commander for Southeast Asia (1943–46), prompting complaints of nepotism against his cousin the king. He successfully conducted the campaign against Japan that led to the recapture of Burma (Myanmar). As viceroy of India (March–August 1947) he administered the transfer of power from Britain to the newly independent nations of India and Pakistan at the partition of the subcontinent that took effect at midnight Aug. 14–15, 1947. As governor-general of India (August 1947–June 1948) he then helped persuade the Indian princes to merge their states into either India or Pakistan. He was created viscount in 1946 and earl in 1947.
Mountbatten was fourth sea lord in 1950–52, commander in chief of the Mediterranean fleet in 1952–54, and first sea lord in 1955–59. He became an admiral of the fleet in 1956 and served as chief of the United Kingdom Defense Staff and chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee in 1959–65. He became governor (1965) and then lord lieutenant (1974) of the Isle of Wight. Mountbatten was assassinated in 1979 by Provisional Irish Republican Army terrorists who planted a bomb in his boat.
January 8, 1992: President Bush becomes ill on a visit to Japan and vomits on Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa Kiichi.
While the footage was widely seen of Bush recovering from having emptied his stomach contents on the leader of his host nation, the actual moment of puke was only shown once on US television, on ABCNews.
Springfield! Springfield!
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
LINDA: I wrote him a letter.
Tell me what you think.
"Dear Doug.
"I received your message
that you weren't coming
to my graduation.
The American Presidency Project
John F. Kennedy
XXXV President of the United States: 1961 - 1963
237 - Radio and Television Report to the American People on Civil Rights
June 11, 1963
The Lone Ranger (1938)
Release Info
USA 12 February 1938
General Electric Theater Season 2 Episode 11
Atomic Love
Aired Unknown Nov 22, 1953 on CBS
AIRED: 11/22/53
The Waltons Season 5 Episode 19
The Hero
Aired Thursday 8:00 PM Feb 03, 1977 on CBS
At Grandma's suggestion, John-Boy plans a salute to the Jefferson County Doughboys of WWI, but the community, including decorated hero Sheriff Bridges, has less interest than he expected.
AIRED: 2/3/77
The Waltons (TV Series)
The Hero (1977)
Plot Summary
The Waltons find out Sheriff Ep is a decorated war hero and John-Boy wants to write about it. Ep wants to keep it quiet.
The Waltons Season 5 Episode 19
The Hero
Aired Thursday 8:00 PM Feb 03, 1977 on CBS
Opening Narration: It had been my grandmother's idea to bring out the first commemorative issue of The Blue Ridge Chronicle, but she was still in the hospital, and the job of organizing the event came to rest on my shoulders. If I had expected wholehearted support from the community and my family, how wrong I was!
The Waltons Season 5 Episode 19
The Hero
Aired Thursday 8:00 PM Feb 03, 1977 on CBS
Closing Narration: We were all grateful for the success of Honor Day, and to Grandma for suggesting that first commemorative issue of the Chronicle. But my brother Ben, and his memorial bench, will always be best remembered. The bench is still there, for all the Waltons and all the others who came to remember those who gave the best they had.
The New York Times
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton greeted U.S. soldiers as they arrived at Tuzla military airport, Bosnia, March 25, 1996.
Special Report: Journey to Mars (1996 TV Movie)
Release Info
USA 25 March 1996
The American Presidency Project
William J. Clinton
XLII President of the United States: 1993 - 2001
Remarks on Bosnia and an Exchange With Reporters in Newport News, Virginia
April 17, 1994
The President. Ladies and gentlemen, I've received a number of reports today on the situation in Bosnia. I've also been in touch today with President Yeltsin.
We don't have any definitive reports on the status of Gorazde, but I can tell you that there has been some progress in the negotiations between the United Nations and the Serbs. Mr. Akashi has been working on it, Ambassador Redman and Mr. Churkin, and they may have something to announce shortly.
I also—I don't know that this has been made public or not, but the Serbs released 16 Canadian soldiers, and we're working on the release of the other UNPROFOR forces today. So the situation is still tense around Gorazde. There is still some degree of uncertainty there, but there has been, as of my latest report, which was just about 10 minutes ago, some progress in the negotiations between the U.N. and the Serbs on getting back to the negotiations and reducing the tensions.
Q. What's the U.S. role been?
The President, Well, essentially, we've been— Ambassador Redman has been there. He's been working very hard, especially for the last 7 hours, trying to hammer out an agreement that everybody could live with, along with the U.N. and Mr. Churkin.
Secondly, we've worked very closely with the Russians trying to think about what the end game might be, how we can work this out to a successful conclusion over the long run. And of course, we're still a very important part of the NATO alliance, and we're committed to doing whatever we're asked to do by General Rose. But keep in mind, except for the safe area around Sarajevo, our role in NATO has been to provide close air support, or, if necessary, to protect the UNPROFOR troops, the U.N.
troops, and where it's possible to do that. So we have the role, but we also have this diplomatic role, and we're doing our best to fulfill it.
Have there been any violations of the new truce since the 3-mile zone was agreed to?
The President. I don't want to comment on anything definitively with regard to Gorazde, because we have been getting reports over the last 4 and 5 hours, kind of mixed reports. But on balance, the last report I got was encouraging in terms of an agreement impending between the U.N. and the Serbs.
Q. Were the next reports reports of tank incursions into that zone?
The President. There's one, I think. I think there was a news report that there was at least one tank sighted. But I want to say that we have no reports at the moment that the status of Gorazde has changed.
Thank you.
Q. Is military action still possible?
The President. It depends on NATO. It depends on what the U.N. commander on the ground, General Rose wants. But their conclusions were twofold. One is that with regard to Gorazde itself, it wouldn't necessarily be possible now for close air support to have the desired military effect. And secondly, that they're trying to get a negotiated agreement here that can serve as the basis not only for relieving Gorazde but for getting these peace talks back on track. So that's what we hope we're doing.
Q. Are you considering actually easing the economic sanctions on the Serbs?
The President. No, not based on anything that's happened so far. We have said to the Russians that if they want to discuss that with us, that of course we would be willing to discuss it if certain conditions on the ground were met. But continued Serb aggression on the ground, not only in Gorazde but everywhere else, is hardly an encouragement to discuss that. That's not even—we can't even begin discussions in the environment which has existed for the last few days there.
NOTE: The President spoke at 10:25 a.m. at the Newport News
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981
Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel
Roger W. Sperry
Born: 20 August 1913, Hartford, CT, USA
Died: 17 April 1994, Pasadena, CA, USA
Affiliation at the time of the award: California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, USA
Prize motivation: "for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres"
Field: neurophysiology
The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981
Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel
Roger Wolcott Sperry
by Norman H. Horowitz
Sperry's first major scientific work - one which occupied him for over a decade - was to disprove a widely accepted theory that had been advanced by his professor at the University of Chicago, Paul Weiss. According to this theory, the vast neural network that connects the sense organs and muscles to the brain originates as an undifferentiated and unspecified mesh of randomly connected nerve fibers which is later transformed, under the influence of experience and learning, into the highly coordinated, purposeful system that is actually seen in animals. Plasticity and interchangeability of function were the key ideas. This theory did not come out of the blue, of course, but was based on careful experimental work that Weiss had performed, but misinterpreted.
In a series of experiments that have become famous, Sperry showed that the actual state of affairs is precisely the opposite of that imagined in Weiss' theory. Instead of being composed of interchangeable parts, the circuits of the brain are largely hardwired, in the sense that each nerve cell is tagged with its own chemical individuality early in embryonic development; once this happens, the function of the cell is fixed and is not modifiable thereafter.
The Seattle Times
Originally published June 8, 2007 at 12:00 AM Page modified June 8, 2007 at 1:31 PM
Gates has been concentrating on philanthropy, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation he began with his wife.
"It's revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not," Gates said.
Westward Ho, the Wagons! (1956)
Release Info
USA 20 December 1956
Westward Ho, the Wagons! (1956)
Walt Disney tells the real story of the fighting families who won the West !
Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956)
Release Info
USA 20 December 1956
The American Presidency Project
Harry S. Truman
XXXIII President of the United States: 1945 - 1953
1 - Letter Accepting Resignation of Bernard M. Baruch as U.S. Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission.
January 4, 1947
Dear Mr. Baruch:
The Secretary of State has handed me your letter of resignation as the Representative of the United States on the Atomic Energy Commission.
At first I was reluctant to accept the resignation. However, upon reflection, I have to agree with the correctness of the conclusions stated in your letter. The recent action of the General Assembly of the United Nations placed the responsibility for the consideration of disarmament proposals primarily upon the Security Council, where Senator Austin will represent the United States. I am impressed by the fact that, with one exception, the governments represented on the Security Council have the same representatives on the Atomic Energy Commission.
I know how tremendously interested you have been in the accomplishment of the task assigned you, and when you tell me that you believe your task is completed and that the work should now be taken over by Senator Austin, I accept your decision.
I wish to congratulate you most heartily on having secured the acceptance by the Commission of the United States proposal. It is inevitable that members of the Commission representing many governments should have differences of opinion as to the best approach to a solution of this problem. That our proposal should finally be accepted by a vote of ten to nothing, with two states abstaining, is a tribute to the fairness of our proposal. At the same time, it is convincing evidence of your skill and patience in presenting the proposal.
I wish you would extend to those who have been associated with you in this most important service my sincere appreciation of their efforts. Your own efforts in this matter only furnish additional evidence of your unselfish devotion to your country.
Very sincerely yours,
Note: Mr. Baruch served as U.S. Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission from April 6, 1946, to January 4, 1947.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
Release Info
USA 1 June 1984
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
[Vulcan temple]
PRIESTESS: (in Vulcan) Kal-tor kal-if-fah.
PRIESTESS: Sarek, ...child of Skon, ...child of Solkar, the body of your son breathes still. What is your wish?
SAREK: I ask for fal-tor-pan, the refusion.
PRIESTESS: What you seek has not been done since ages past, and then, only in legend. Your request is not logical.
SAREK: Forgive me, T'Lar. My logic is uncertain where my son is concerned.
PRIESTESS: Who is the Keeper of the katra?
McCOY: I am ...McCoy, ...Leonard H., ...Son of David.
PRIESTESS: McCoy, son of David, since thou art human, we cannot expect thee to understand fully what Sarek has requested. Spock's body lives. ...With your approval, we shall use all our powers to return to his body that which you possess. But McCoy, ...you must now be warned! The danger to thyself is as grave as the danger to Spock. ...You must make the choice.
McCOY: I choose the danger. ...Hell of time to ask.
U.S. Strategic Command History
U.S. Strategic Command is one of ten U.S. unified commands under the Department of Defense.
Headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., USSTRATCOM is a global integrator charged with the missions of full-spectrum global strike, space operations, computer network operations, Department of Defense information operations, strategic warning, integrated missile defense, global C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), combating weapons of mass destruction, and specialized expertise to the joint warfighter.
During the 1960s and 1970s, the Army, Navy and Air Force advanced and expanded space technologies in the areas of communication, meteorology, geodesy, navigation and reconnaissance. Space continued to support strategic deterrence by providing arms control and treaty verification, and by offering unambiguous, early warning of any missile attack on North America.
On Sept. 23, 1985, the Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the ever-increasing value of military space systems by creating a new unified command — U.S. Space Command — to help institutionalize the use of space in U.S. deterrence efforts.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
[Grissom bridge]
ESTEBAN: Yes, Saavik, go ahead.
[Genesis planet surface - arctic]
SAAVIK: We have found the life sign. It is a Vulcan child, perhaps eight to ten Earth years of age.
The Amazing Race Season 1 Episode 1
The Race Begins
Aired Sunday 8:00 PM Sep 05, 2001 on CBS
AIRED: 9/5/01
Hilliard A. Wilbanks
Hilliard Almond Wilbanks (July 26, 1933 – February 24, 1967) was a career officer and pilot in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. He posthumously received the Medal of Honor for sacrificing his life on February 24, 1967, while supporting a unit of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) at Di Linh, near Da Lat, South Vietnam.
Late in the afternoon of the 24th, Wilbanks was in the air above the Central Highlands, about 100 miles north of Saigon, flying reconnaissance for a South Vietnamese Ranger Battalion. He discovered hostile units concealed on two hilltops. The Rangers were on foot, making their way through a tea plantation that gave them little or no cover. They were walking into a trap.
As Wilbanks flew his O-1E on a low-level sweep of the area, he radioed a warning to the Rangers. The enemy troops, seeing his plane, knew their ambush was being compromised, so they reacted with a barrage from mortars, machine guns and automatic weapons. Wilbanks flew through the heavy fire as he marked the area with white phosphorus rockets. The Viet Cong, knowing that fighters would soon be coming, charged down the slopes toward the outnumbered Rangers.
Wilbanks watched the drama from above and realized the fighters wouldn't arrive in time to save Ranger lives. The enemy force needed to be delayed a little longer. Diving toward the advancing troops, Wilbanks fired his remaining phosphorus rockets. The line momentarily stopped, but the Viet Cong were old hands at this and knew he had no more rockets. They began their advance again. Still, the fighters hadn't arrived. Wilbanks had one more weapon, an M-16 automatic rifle. Grabbing his rifle, he began a series of strafing runs at about 100 feet, firing the through the side window and reloading between passes. He managed to distract the enemy troops and momentarily slowed their advance. The Viet Cong diverted their fire against the low-flying O-1E. On his third pass, Wilbanks was severely wounded and crashed in the battle area. An Army Ranger ran to his plane and pulled the unconscious Wilbanks from the wreckage. A flight of F-4s roared in to strafe the enemy while a chopper picked up the wounded Wilbanks. He died while being evacuated to a hospital.
On January 24, 1968, Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown presented the Medal of Honor to Wilbanks' widow in the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. Wilbanks is a member of the Georgia Aviation Hall of Fame. A six-foot tall, two-sided black granite memorial was erected in his home town, about 400 yards from where he was born, commemorating the country boy who, without hesitation, flew a Cessna into battle and into history.
Center of Military History
United States Army
Medal of Honor Recipients
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Air Force, 21st. Tactical Air Support Squadron, Nha Trang AFB, RVN. Place and date: Near Dalat, Republic of Vietnam, 24 February 1967. Entered service at: Atlanta, Ga. Born: 26 July 1933, Cornelia, Ga. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. As a forward air controller Capt. Wilbanks was pilot of an unarmed, light aircraft flying visual reconnaissance ahead of a South Vietnam Army Ranger Battalion. His intensive search revealed a well-concealed and numerically superior hostile force poised to ambush the advancing rangers. The Viet Cong, realizing that Capt. Wilbanks' discovery had compromised their position and ability to launch a surprise attack, immediately fired on the small aircraft with all available firepower. The enemy then began advancing against the exposed forward elements of the ranger force which were pinned down by devastating fire. Capt. Wilbanks recognized that close support aircraft could not arrive in time to enable the rangers to withstand the advancing enemy, onslaught. With full knowledge of the limitations of his unarmed, unarmored, light reconnaissance aircraft, and the great danger imposed by the enemy's vast firepower, he unhesitatingly assumed a covering, close support role. Flying through a hail of withering fire at treetop level, Capt. Wilbanks passed directly over the advancing enemy and inflicted many casualties by firing his rifle out of the side window of his aircraft. Despite increasingly intense antiaircraft fire, Capt. Wilbanks continued to completely disregard his own safety and made repeated low passes over the enemy to divert their fire away from the rangers. His daring tactics successfully interrupted the enemy advance, allowing the rangers to withdraw to safety from their perilous position. During his final courageous attack to protect the withdrawing forces, Capt. Wilbanks was mortally wounded and his bullet-riddled aircraft crashed between the opposing forces. Capt. Wilbanks' magnificent action saved numerous friendly personnel from certain injury or death. His unparalleled concern for his fellow man and his extraordinary heroism were in the highest traditions of the military service, and have reflected great credit upon himself and the U.S. Air Force.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
KRUGE: Say the wrong thing, Torg...
TORG: There are life signs on the planet. Perhaps the very scientists you seek.
Atom Squad (TV Series)
The Man Who Stopped the Moon (1953)
Release Info
USA 6 July 1953
Atom Squad: Season 1, Episode 1
The Man Who Stopped the Moon (6 Jul. 1953)
TV Episode
Release Date: 6 July 1953 (USA)
The War of the Worlds (1953)
Release Info
USA 29 July 1953 (Atlantic City, New Jersey) (premiere)
Abbott and Costello Go to Mars (1953)
Release Info
USA 6 April 1953
People v. Van Alstyne
[Crim. No. 25231. Court of Appeals of California, Second Appellate District, Division Three. April 8, 1975.]
The language of the 1932 uniform act was adopted in a 1937 amendment to the federal Harrison Act (Act of Dec. 17, 1914, ch. 1, 38 Stat. 785), which until that time had regulated only opium and cocoa leaves. The 1937 amendment (Marihuana Tax Act of 1937) included marijuana among those drugs taxed and regulated by the federal government, and adopted the following definition of marijuana, which has survived virtually unchanged to the present date: "The term 'marihuana' means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin; but shall not include the mature stalks of such plant, fiber produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination." (Act of Aug. 2, 1937, ch. 553, § 1(b), 50 Stat. 551.)
Cornell University Law School
Legal Information Institute
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
Aug. 2, 1937, ch. 553, 50 Stat. 551
Apache War Smoke (1952)
Release Info
USA 25 September 1952
World news on NBCNEWS.com
Ex-NFL star Tillman makes ‘ultimate sacrifice’
Safety, who gave up big salary to join Army, killed in Afghanistan
NBC, msnbc.com and news services
updated 4/26/2004 3:39:32 AM ET
WASHINGTON — Pat Tillman, who gave up the glamorous life of a professional football star to join the Army Rangers, was remembered as a role model of courage and patriotism Friday after military officials said he had been killed in action in Afghanistan.
“Pat Tillman was an inspiration on and off the football field, as with all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror. His family is in the thoughts and prayers of President and Mrs. Bush,” Taylor Gross, a spokesman for the White House, said in a statement.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the author of a recent book about courage, said he was “heartbroken” and raised the prospect that “the tragic loss of this extraordinary young man” could be a “heavy blow to our nation’s morale, as it is surely a grievous injury to his loved ones.”
Tillman, 27, was a member of the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based at Fort Lewis, Wash. The battalion was involved in Operation Mountain Storm in southeastern Afghanistan, part of the U.S. campaign against fighters of the al-Qaida terror network and the former Taliban government along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, military officials told NBC News.
U.S. military spokesman Lt. Col. Matthew Beevers said Saturday that Tillman was killed Thursday night in a firefight at about 7 p.m. on a road near Sperah, about 25 miles southwest of a U.S. base at Khost.
After coming under fire, Tillman’s patrol got out of their vehicles and gave chase, moving toward the spot of the ambush. Beevers said the fighting was “sustained” and lasted 15-20 minutes.
Beevers said Tillman was killed by enemy fire, but he had no information about what type of weapons were involved in the assault, or whether he died instantly.
An Afghan militiaman fighting alongside Tillman also was killed, and two other U.S. soldiers were wounded.
A local Afghan commander, Gen. Khial Bas, told The Associated Press that nine enemy fighters were killed in the confrontation.
Bas said six other enemy fighters were believed to have escaped. Beevers said he had no information about any enemy fighters killed.
Overall, 110 U.S. soldiers have died, 39 of them in combat, during Operation Enduring Freedom, which began in Afghanistan in late 2001.
Spokesmen at the Defense Department and the Army would not comment Friday, in keeping with a policy that no U.S. casualties of war be identified for at least 24 hours. But Tillman’s death was confirmed by the House Armed Services Committee, whose members were notified by the Defense Department, The Arizona Republic reported on its Web site.
‘Pat knew his purpose in life’
Tillman turned down a three-year, $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League to enlist in the Army in May 2002 in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Pat Tillman to Canton? It isn't necessary
The intent is certainly good, but the debate about his worthiness is uncomfortable
Originally Published: July 8, 2011
By Johnette Howard ESPN.com
The re-energized campaign to get Pat Tillman into the Pro Football Hall of Fame undoubtedly springs from a well-intentioned place. Tillman's heroic life choices and tragic death symbolize a lot of things to a lot of people. His character and motives were unimpeachable.
Talk about getting Tillman into Canton crops up every now and then, and it's been a topic in the blogosphere again lately. (The College Football Hall of Fame inducted him in December and will honor him in its annual Enshrinement Festival in South Bend, Ind., next weekend.) But after the U.S. government subverted the real story of how Tillman died on a battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004, and after Tillman's family had to doggedly push until it got the truth, part of me looks at this current inside-football debate about his "worthiness" for the NFL's Hall and thinks this: If this is how "remembering" Pat Tillman is going to be, can we please leave him alone already? Before what he stood for gets hijacked again?
Pat Tillman was a very good football player and, by all accounts, a great person. Perhaps that's the way he should be remembered.
The last thing Tillman's story needs is another phony narrative about his life. A story such as his should need no embellishing. He enlisted because he wanted to help fight Osama bin Laden and terrorism. He was a hero, pure and simple, a millionaire
The New York Times
Facing Up to the Tragedy of War
Published: May 24, 2005
One of the euphemisms of war is "friendly fire," reflecting the sad truth that in the frenzy of combat, a soldier can be killed by his comrades in arms. But there is an even sadder truth about the death of Cpl. Pat Tillman, the young patriot who after 9/11 renounced a millionaire's career
The Topeka Capital-Journal
Pat Tillman -- Poster hero
Pat Tillman paid a higher price than most for sticking to his principles
Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Wouldn't it be nice to see young people tearing down posters of rock stars, movie stars and even other millionaire athletes and putting up posters of Pat Tillman.
In a way, Tillman, who was killed in Afghanistan last Thursday, might not have approved of such adulation. In giving up a multimillion dollar career
Springfield! Springfield!
The Americans
You don't want to attract attention by being silent.
If people are talking about the wife of a Pentagon official gone missing, don't pretend you haven't heard about it.
http://datab.us/4M0lEA9B_i8#NBC Special with Brian Williams featuring the Tillman Family
NBC Special with Brian Williams featuring the Tillman Family
- posted by H.V.O.M - Kerry Wayne Burgess 8:41 PM Pacific Time Spokane Valley Washington USA Friday 06 February 2015